Supreme God King

Chapter 2246: Tai Agu Sword

"It seems that there is a method of Zen-inspired Dutuo, which can refine a kind of supreme treasure, called the Eight Heavenly Dragon Buddha. It needs our dragon clan to refine it."

The teeth of the Dragon Scale Taibao rattled: "I'm afraid that the Dragon Blood Taibao has been killed."

Meng Fan said: "There are also many people who came to the tomb of the Demon Lord. They found here because they got a scale from the Dragon Blood Guardian. Regardless of whether the Dragon Blood Guardian is alive or dead, my advice is not to be easily affected by it. The breath is attracted so as not to be fooled again."

"Understood!" Longlin Taibao nodded: "I came here to find the first king of the dragon clan. The two bald donkeys in the Zen Temple are for our dragon clan. This demon cemetery, although I don't know what it means. What, but it has attracted a lot of powerful people, which is a mess."

During the conversation, I passed through a lot of demons' buildings. In these buildings, there are also many treasures of heaven and material. For people in the gods realm or lower realms, they are definitely greedy, and they have to get it desperately. The three gods are of little significance.

For characters like Meng Fan and Princess Yaoyue, only the tomb of the Demon Lord is truly meaningful here.


Longlin Taibao's expression changed drastically, and he stretched his hand to a huge Mozu palace.

"The Dragon Blood Guardian... must be there! I heard the Dragon Yin! If it weren't for a pure dragon clan, it would never be possible to imitate such a voice!"

Meng Fan immediately withdrew all kinds of messy sounds and listened carefully. In the palace pointed by Longlin Taibao, he heard bursts of very low, like the sound of the tide hitting the sea, and there were echoes. In fact, based on his perception , He had already heard some voices before Longlin Taibao, but he didn't care too much, because he couldn't hear anything mysterious.

But seeing Longlin Taibao's determined eyes, Meng Fan also took a closer look at this demonic building, and saw a huge palace, awe-inspiring. Although the formation restrictions were also very complicated and powerful, in Meng Fan’s eyes It's more ordinary, you don't need to shoot, just look at it, and you know how to unlock it, but the real horror is pure meditation!

That's right, mind!

The avenue is true.

Meng Fan's brows throbbed. Except for the Big Three in the Underworld, and himself, he has never seen anyone release the Underworld!

At this moment, the meditation faintly released in this palace, the smell of return, end, and dying, is particularly strong, and it is really a place that traps the gods.

In many true meanings, speaking of it, the meditation represents the end, and at the same time, it also has the taste of return. After birth, any creature will always return to the embrace of the meditation and cannot break free. It is one of the core true meanings of heaven.

"This is a forbidden place." Princess Yueyue said, her expression is a bit complicated. First, she has a natural yearning for Mingyi, and secondly, she also feels the horror of the palace. Once stepped in, she will sink forever. Horror.

Although Longlin Taibao was straightforward and impatient, he did not feel crooked, but he also felt the danger of this palace.

"A ray of contemplation." Meng Fan whispered: "I must get it, but before that, there is one more thing to do."

With a wave of his palm, without warning, he tore a scale from the dragon scale Taibao body.

"What?" Longlin Taibao asked strangely.

"The three giants of the Zen Palace are chasing us." With a flick of Meng Fan's finger, this scale suddenly flew out.

At that time, the thin old monk, the fat old monk, and the two giants fled, Meng Fan kept an eye on it. Although the two old monks, one of the vajra body was broken and the other was exhausted, in the Zen temple, this The strength of the two is not the most powerful, the really terrifying tall old monk, a figure comparable to the thirteen hall masters, has not yet appeared.

Meng Fan had guesses in his heart. He showed a powerful means to defeat the two Zen temple giants, but the two of them escaped. They will definitely go to see the tall old monk immediately. Then based on Meng Fan’s calculation, the tall old monk would not Hesitate and do everything possible to hunt down yourself.

Shenyin giants, how can there be a generation who is not a deep-hearted man? He has long been the thorn in the eyes of the Zen Temple. No matter what plan the Zen Temple has on the tomb of the Demon Sovereign or the path of the gods, Meng Fan is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous factors in their plan, an absolutely unstable factor. Below, the two giants of the Underworld, although they are also stumbling blocks, after all, they have faced each other for so many years on the path of the gods, even if they are enemies, they are also enemies who understand each other, and there is some tacit understanding, but Meng Fan?

If Meng Fan and the tall old monk exchange positions, he will try his best to obliterate his existence!

So after moving, Meng Fan kept an eye on him, and kept releasing his souls, staying in the tomb of Demon Lord, to observe if anyone was following him, just a few breaths ago, his thought, he saw the tall The old monk was then crushed.

Meng Fan took off one of the scales of Longlin Taibao, put a mark, and then ejected.

"Do you want revenge?" Meng Fan smiled.

Longlin Taibao looked at it for a long time, and touched his head some inexplicably: "What are you going to do? Why don't I understand?"

"Your dragon clan has all kinds of marks and mysteries that can only be seen by the same clan, so I imitated the scales of Dragon Blood Taibao and made a batch of new drifting bottles." Meng Fan kept tearing off the scales of Dragon Scale Taibao. One piece, the dragon scale Taibao grows one piece.

Longlin Taibao watched the scales flying everywhere, carefully inspected it, and couldn't help but say: "What a clever counterfeiting method! If I don't infiltrate the spirits and investigate carefully, there will be no difference!"

"If even you can lie, then everyone should be fooled." Meng Fan ejected his finger. During this period of time, he had no idea how much he had released. "The information I entered in it is all encrypted. Even if it is a **** king character, I can't see the content, because the information is written in meditation.

Therefore, only those who have mastered the true meaning of the Dao and have a certain understanding of the true meaning of the world can they understand it. As far as I know, the gods and kings who master the true meaning of the Dao in the cosmos are rare in the world. And in the tomb of the Demon Lord, there should now be five statues. It just so happens that these five statues are among the best in the world, and they are all my enemies.

The scales of the Dragon Blood Taibao given to me by Princess Yueyue, I have explored, your first dragon king, still has not grasped the true meaning of the Dao, but a **** king who is still exploring on the way of martial arts, but because he is a dragon, he has strength. Not bad. And the scales I released, not only completely imitated the Dragon Blood Taibao, but also written in Mingyi, what does this mean?

It means that Dragon Blood Taibao has mastered the mind!

A **** king who is still exploring on the road of martial arts, in the tomb of the demon zun, by chance, got the meditation, this information spread, Meng Fan believes that even the three giants of the Zen temple will come!

Now the three giants of Zen Temple have actually realized Zen and mastered the power of cause and effect. If they get a little more meditation, then it is conceivable that they will become the most powerful divine hidden giants and stabilize the world!

For a person who is greedy for money, how can he not look for the ten thousand taels of gold?

Use a million taels to seduce him.

He used a bigger bait to attract the three giants of Zen Temple who were staring at him to the bait.

Moreover, Meng Fan also extremely confirmed that the two giants of the Underworld, Tai'a and Taichu, are also in the tomb of the Demon Lord!

The tomb of the master of the ancient Mingyi is here, and the two giants of the underworld may not come?

Never possible!

And the two giants of the Underworld suddenly discovered the power of the Underworld, even if they were very careful, they would definitely arrive here.

Then they will watch the three giants of Zen Temple set foot in this palace to **** the meditation?

Even if the three giants of the Zen Palace and the Taichu Taiya suspect that things are fraudulent, when both parties arrive here, they are vigilant, suspicious, and all kinds of emotions will force them to weigh the pros and cons, and then they will definitely flood into this palace.

The core of the layout is not how clever the layout of a situation is. The more meticulous and more you do, the easier it is for various errors to appear. The real layout is to seize the hearts of the people and then complete it in just two or three strokes.

"The meditation in this palace is enough to trap a supreme-level **** king, but it doesn't mean much to me." Meng Fan said, stretching out two fingers, entwining two true meanings, one. Thousands of meanings of emptiness, one together, is impressive.

There is the meaning of emptiness that breaks through all the spaces and escapes, and there is the meditative meaning that is exactly the same as the power emanating from the palace. For Meng Fan, this palace is really free to come and go, and no one can stop it.

With a wave of his palm, a piece of small thousand world was made, and he wrapped him with Princess Yingyue and Dragon Scale Taibao, and then he shook his figure and entered the palace.

After the three of them stepped in, it took a short time, that is, half an hour.

Huh huh!

Before the three giants of Zen Temple came to the palace, each of them held a dragon scale in their hands.

"It's here!" The fat old monk looked very anxious: "The dragon bloodline, which can refine eight Tianlong Buddha Tus, is the supreme combination of my Zen and Tianlong divine will. It is extremely powerful! And there is the mystery of the mind!"

"Don't worry." The tall old monk calculated with his fingers, then released his soul and infiltrated it. As soon as he entered, his face became innocent: "It is swallowed, yes, it really is meditation, yes!"

"Mingyi has been controlled by Mingtu since ancient times, and it is also the basis for them to become giants of Shenyin." The thin old monk couldn't sit still. "Because they own the Mingyi stone stele, the only one in the world, but the ancient Jiuquan Demon Venerable is the real controller of the Mingyi..."

"Come in!" The fat old monk said. "Eight Heavenly Dragon Buddha Tu, there are still Mingyi, how can I let it go!"

"I'm afraid it's a trap." The thin old monk said softly.

"Whose trap?" The fat old monk became more anxious, and at the same time kept releasing his soul to look around.

"Mingtu Taichu and Tai'a's trap, or... Meng Fan's trap."

Before the three of them spoke, suddenly, a clear shadow fell!

The Big Three looked over, and saw the person standing tall and thin, with an extraordinary appearance. He was truly a Daoist!

The tall old monk and the great Daoist looked at each other, and there was light in their eyes.

"Taiah, I heard that you and Taichu have thoroughly understood the meaning of the mind, and obtained one of the methods, flesh and blood parasitism, turning the wooden planks of the ancient ship without sea into flesh, it is extremely strong, and it is true!" Said with a smile, but hid the knife in the smile.

Tai Ah's eyes narrowed slightly and his fingers flicked: "I heard that you have enlightened the Zen stone tablet and mastered the power of cause and effect, but you don't know whether it is true or not?"

"Of course it's fake." The tall old monk smiled kindly, his hands clasped together: "Where is such a great fortune."

"Yeah." Tai Ah smiled softly and moved his palm, suddenly an ancient sword appeared in his palm.

This ancient sword, dazzling, is actually a rare worldly supreme Taoist implement, the moment it appeared, the three giants of the Zen Palace flashed their eyes.

"Tai Agu Sword! Your tool of enlightenment! I heard that it was lost many years ago."

"It's not lost, it's just put away." The great Taoist loosened the sword. Suddenly, the sword began to change, and soon it turned into a Taoist.

At this moment, the three giants in the Zen Palace no longer brow, but trembled.

This Taoist is indeed a Taoist from the beginning!

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