Supreme God King

Chapter 2247: Five feet

Tai A Daoist’s tool for enlightenment, Tai A Gu Sword, has actually changed and became a Taoist, and this Taoist is clearly a Taoist in the early days!

The three giants in the Zen Temple are not aware of the reasons, but they can't tolerate them to think too much. Tai A and Tai Chu, the two have stepped into the palace without warning.

"Don't enter yet!" The fat old monk shouted loudly.

The tall old monk pondered for a moment, his figure shook, and the three of them entered the palace.

When the five great gods of Shenyin appeared one after another and stepped into the palace, three people walked out of the hidden spaces in the tomb of the demon lord.

A young man, a heroic man, and an old man with gray hair.

The three of them were all in the realm of the **** king, and all of them released the same power of meditation as the palace, with the same expression and the same action, stepping into the palace in one step.

After a dozen breaths.

Another shadow appeared.

This beautiful figure, full of veil, wearing a mask, overlapped, like a mirage phantom, people can not see its appearance, the moment it appears, it does not hesitate to enter the palace.

All kinds of powerful figures, those who can interpret the true meaning of the avenue, entered the palace one after another.

However, it is far from over!

In the tomb of the Demon Lord, everyone, even the weakest monk, suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure, even the weakest monk, causing their vitality to become blocked, and the laws in their bodies seemed to freeze. Up general.

This kind of feeling, even the **** king, was shocked, and he quickly hid his breath, searching everywhere for the source of pressure.

In front of the palace, two figures slowly appeared.

A white gold, a pitch black like night.

These two characters, if Meng Fan were there, he would be surprised, he knew too much.

The younger brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan back then, the old man in black robe!

Another white-gold figure was the discipline **** who had collided with Meng Fan and caused Meng Fan to retreat completely!

Incarnation of Heaven.

The discipline of the gods is a wise creature derived from the power of punishment in the way of heaven. There is no one before and after that. Where he appears, it is equivalent to the arrival of the way of heaven. Therefore, the entire tomb of the devil, all the monks, feel the horror The coercion.

After the appearance of a heavenly incarnation, a heavenly puppet, there is no nonsense, and he stepped in directly.

Inside the palace, there is no light!

Not only is there no light, but also there is no sound. It seems that everything can be swallowed here, not only life, but also light and sound.

But for the **** king, there is no light and sound, in fact, it has little effect, and when the soul is released, it can see everything clearly.

Unlike various treasure houses, there are no treasures of heaven, material and earth, but there is a stone monument standing in the void.

"I have known for a long time that the immortal monument is not all true." Meng Fan's gaze was like a torch, staring at the stone monument in the distance, and he clearly felt that this stone monument is exactly the same as the stone monument in the earth!


It can't be wrong.

This is another meditation stone monument!

When he first came into contact with the underworld, he thought that a stone monument was the true meaning of the great avenue and was a kind of power. However, as time went by, he discovered that the underworld giants who did not fully penetrate the stone monument still had a powerful mind. As time goes by, the meditation in the body will continue to grow stronger, and I gradually understand that meditation is actually a kind of understanding, a kind of supreme law, and a power that can continuously cultivate and grow by itself.

And when he met the **** of good fortune, the **** of good fortune broke the power of his body with a big heart, and it was completely given to Meng Fan. Only then did Meng Fan discover that the true meaning of good fortune he mastered was compared with the quarter he had mastered. The meditation in the stone stele of the underworld is more powerful than that!

From this, he calculated an answer.

The immortal monument is the carrier of the true meaning of the Dao, and whether it is a meditative stone, a Zen stone or a divine stone, the true meaning of the Dao is only a part of the true meaning, not the whole.

At this moment, the stone stele in front of it is located there, and you can vaguely see the veins condensed from the true will, spreading out, filling the entire palace.

"Medical stele." Princess Yingyue looked confused, and almost got out of Meng Fan's void, went to grab the medicinal stele, but was held by Meng Fan.

"Don't move." Meng Fan looked at the palace: "This stone monument has taken root in this hall. You can't touch it easily. Otherwise, I don't know what the consequences will be. Maybe there is a great way in the hall that has evolved from the true meaning. Various powerful formations!"

Princess Yingyue bit her lip and resisted her inner impulse.

Meng Fan's fingertips had a ray of contemplation, released, and immediately merged into the stone tablet, and then wandered through the entire palace, constantly shuttled, and returned to his hands after a few breaths.

"It seems..." Meng Fanchang exhaled, "We have found the tomb of Jiuquan Demon Venerable." He stretched out his hand and pointed under the stele: "It was there when Jiuquan Demon Venerable!"

As soon as these words came out, the brilliance in Princess Yueyue's eyes became more intense, almost blooming!

"Devil Venerable's corpse..." Longlin Taibao murmured: "Who is Demon Venerable?"

"Oh? I got the bait, it's not a big fish, there are so many!" At this moment, Meng Fan's figure shook, and the whole person, with Princess Yueyue and Dragon Scale Taibao, completely merged into the void.

At this moment, the three of them are no longer in this space, but in another space. Even if it is a giant **** king level figure, it is too difficult to find them. Without the patience to search the sea, it is absolutely impossible. .

Control the meaning of the void, advance and retreat freely.

Meng Fan stared at the palace coldly.

In the darkness, there was a continuous explosion of sound, bursts of vitality, and the law shattered. There were superb characters colliding and fighting!

Meng Fan couldn't help but smile: "I wanted to attract the three bald heads and Mingtu Taichu Tai of the Zen Temple, but unexpectedly, it also attracted two other big figures and old friends-Taiyi, Linglong Xinzun!"

A thunder flashed by, and nine figures suddenly appeared in the palace.

The two giants of Mingtu, Taichu and Tai Ah.

The three giants of the Zen Temple, the tall old monk, the thin old monk, and the fat old monk.

Then, there are three people who look very similar, but one is a teenager, one is a mature man, and the other is an old man.

In the end, it was a graceful body whose whole body was wrapped in an infinite mirage phantom, making it impossible to see its true appearance.

Four groups of people stand in a corner of the palace. This is not a three-legged tripod, but a very fragile four-legged tripod. Moreover, each of them is a supreme **** king who has mastered the true meaning of a great way. It is extremely terrifying. The move, the four groups of supreme **** kings, giants, will fight!

Such nine people are fighting each other, if it happens in Ten Thousand Domains, most of the Ten Thousand Domains will be destroyed in the blink of an eye!

"Yeah, too, too early, I didn't expect you to really understand the stone stele of the mind and get the method of parasitic flesh and blood, but I don't understand why you are too parasitic on the wooden board of the ancient ship and reshape your body. It’s extremely strong, but in the beginning, it swallowed the spirit of your Tai'a tool of enlightenment, Tai'agu sword, and then the flesh and blood parasitized on the Tai'agu sword? Although the Tai'a ancient sword is extremely fierce and shocking, it is relatively ancient The boat planks are still a lot weaker."

Among the three people who looked similar, the old man spoke with a smile on his face.

"Tai Yi, I didn't expect you to find it here too!" Tai Ah's brows trembling Qingfeng, Tai Chu on the side also looked at Tai Yi coldly.

"The Big Three, get together again." The obese old monk laughed loudly: "I didn't expect that today, there will be so many supreme powerhouses who master the true meaning of the Great Dao!"

The young man Tai turned his head to look at the fat old monk, his eyes stopped for a moment at a wound on the old monk's neck, and then the old man Tai said hesitantly: "This is Meng Fan's technique. Your diamond body was broken by Meng Fan? So, That guy is here too?"

As soon as he said this, the fat old monk's smile immediately faded, and his face turned cold.

In the same way, the expression at the beginning has changed slightly.

With three avatars, mastering infinite changes, and unpredictable methods, too one person, seeing all of these in his eyes, Tai Yi said in his middle age: "The ancient ship planks in the underworld are enough for the two of you to be parasitic. Could it be... In the beginning, your body that was spawned from flesh and blood just before was shattered by Meng Fan?"

In the beginning, the expression of Taoist people was even more gloomy.

The one and three incarnations all laughed and laughed heartily!

Linglong Xinzun murmured in the mask: "Meng Fan..."

Taiyi boy looked at Linglong Xinzun, and curiously asked, "Why, does this monster leader who used countless masks to hide the face of the country's disaster also know Meng Fan?"

Linglong Xinzun had no words, because countless masks covered her, no one could see her expression.

The old man Tai Yi waved his palm: "Tai Chu, Tai Ah, and the three giants of Zen Temple, I can be absolutely sure that you, the hidden giants, were tricked by Meng Fan! At the beginning, I saw all the methods of his layout. Yes, I think his plan is to wait for you to come here, either to use you as a test object to trigger the meditation stone tablet that entangles the entire palace, or to wait for you to fight each other when you fight for the stone tablet, and then sit back. I admire Meng Fan for the benefit of the fisherman and for his bosom. I also have to say that this young man cannot be underestimated, and Meng Fan is by our side at this moment!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the five giants of the Underworld changed slightly, and they quickly raised their vigilance.

They all know that Meng Fan has the means to blend into the void.

Therefore, it is too difficult to keep Meng Fan.

Similarly, if Meng Fan wanted to suddenly appear and assassinate them, it would be very scary and impossible to prevent.

"Meng Fan, come out!"

Quietly, there was a void, originally empty, but the figure suddenly faded out, and then Meng Fan appeared.

He condensed his eyebrows: "Grandma's, too!"

The three incarnations of the same person laughed together.

"At the beginning, we joined forces because you and I had the same purpose. In the end, the stone tablet was handed. You and I almost fought each other for the sake of contention. It was only a temporary reconciliation. Now, you have succeeded in breaking through the body of the ancient ship and the fat old monk. The body of King Kong, although I know that you are not an ordinary person, your rising speed is too fast! Like today, various anomalies and ancient celestial phenomena have repeatedly appeared, and there are always people who want to take advantage of the situation, and you are obviously the one who took advantage of the situation. People, you and I are friends or enemies, not necessarily!"

In terms of deep scheming, overbearing and broad-minded, too early to be too arrogant, not as good as being too alone, you can see from these words.

"How good was it to stand on all four legs?" Meng Fan frowned tightly: "When you fight, my fifth leg reappears, and it scares you all. Your dog day too, unexpectedly broke. I!"

The four-legged tripod suddenly became a five-legged tripod.

The situation is more delicate.

Everyone was facing each other, and at the same time, all eyes were placed on the stone tablet.

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