Supreme God King

Chapter 2262: Undead king

Wanyu, the ninth peak, Taigu Peak, which suppressed a dragon vein, collapsed.

Among the countless rubble, a tiny figure stood up, it was Meng Niuniu wearing a red gauze, with a touch of blood flowing out of the corner of her mouth.

Just a trick.

Meng Niuniu was bombarded by a huge force over a distance of a million miles, and directly destroyed the ninth peak of Wanyu!

In the distance, the pink girl had a cold expression, swept into the void, and gently shook her wrist. It was obvious that she was also shocked, but compared to Meng Niuniu, she was much more stable.

A slight crack appeared in the long sword in Meng Niuniu's hand.

"The sword's intent is through the sky, and the harmony is true. It is a fight with the ruling hall, but the fire is too far." The girl said, she kept stepping, and each step was a distance of 100,000 miles. "I'm the undead king, I can go wherever I want in the years of 200,000 years. No one has ever dared to stop it. What are you doing? A little girl who sucks!"

By the last syllable, the girl was already standing only ten miles away from Meng Niuniu, which was equal to close at hand, condescending, looking at Meng Niuniu with indifference and contempt.

"The Ten Thousand Domains are nothing more than a chaotic field. Your dark alliance is just a new force that has only emerged in these years. It claims to be the overlord of the Ten Thousand Domains. How does it have our background?"

"Hehe." Meng Niuniu smiled, and she stretched out her palm to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth.

The girl frowned: "Are you laughing at me?"

Meng Niuniu nodded: "Yeah, I'm laughing at you, the origin is unknown, the export is not bad, the strength is average, and the tone is not small."

The undead king's gaze turned hideous for an instant: "Little girl, dare to humiliate the Purple Light Empire Wars Temple in charge!"

After that, take a picture!

Huh! Meng Niuniu turned into a sword light directly, traversed it, stepped on her feet for seven consecutive steps, and then came to a wasteland, waving her palm, and the sharp long sword directly shattered, turning into the strongest sword intent, and hit the girl directly.

This blow was the most powerful assassination of Meng Niuniu. The sword intent of the whole body was injected into it, and the surging vitality consumed 60% in an instant.

Sword intent attacked and killed, teleportation technique, but it did not break quickly, the moment she let go, the sword intent had reached the girl's forehead!

This sword completely got the true meaning of Meng Fan's Beidou Sword, and arrived quietly in the blink of an eye.

Even a girl, this old **** king who has lived for 200,000 years, an ancient giant, did not dodge.


Straight into the eyebrows!

All the laws in the emptiness of the heavens shook for a moment, and they were inspired by this lore-killing sword intent.

The dazzling blood spurted out, and the girl's petite body, like a leaf in the wind, fell backwards and then fell.

Meng Niuniu frowned and stared at the girl.

There was a loud noise, the girl fell, and the dust rolled.

Meng Niuniu wiped off the blood from the corners of her mouth and condensed her eyebrows: "How is it possible?"

Before the voice fell, the girl walked out among the rolling sand.

But he didn't suffer any injuries at all, strolling leisurely!

Meng Niuniu was completely taken aback. She clearly saw that the lore of sword intent penetrated her head, blood splattered, and it was impossible to miss a move that consumed 60% of her vitality. It was an unpredictable move. , How could you miss it?

But this girl is indeed unscathed. Could it be that she recovered in an instant? How can there be such a method, in the head, the soul dwells, once it is broken, the spirit is damaged, and the origin will be shaken, how can it be restored immediately by using the method!

All these were out of the scope of Meng Niuniu's understanding. Although she was a **** king, she had only become a **** king for half a year. Many things were completely incomprehensible, and she could only watch the girl get closer and closer.

"The little girl's sword intent does reach the sky." Suddenly, another evil voice came.

Immediately afterwards, a handsome young man appeared in the air, looking at Meng Niuniu with some appreciation, and then at the girl in disgust: "The Lord of War, the undead king, the ruling emperor did not say that he must act quietly and penetrate the entire ten thousand Domain, the entire dark alliance, make a clear investigation before planning, how did you expose it?"

The girl said coldly: "Justice, you talk too much nonsense. I should know that what I hate the most is tricks, conspiracy and tricks, I don't like it, warrior, only war, I haven't played enough, you go far it is good."

The young Junyi sneered: "I have confronted your Temple of War for tens of thousands of years, because your Temple of War has never abided by the judgment of my Temple of War, and has not abided by the laws. Slaughter, too arrogant!"

"The eight pavilions of the Purple Light Empire are equal. Why should I listen to your instructions?" The girl said, her figure shook, and she pulled out a trail of afterimages penetrating the space, came to Meng Niuniu in the blink of an eye, and struck out with a palm. !

Meng Niuniu, who had just displayed the lore of sword intent and consumed 60% of her vitality, was aware of it, but couldn't dodge it for a while!

Brilliance flickers.

The girl rushed into the air, slightly stunned, and then coldly said: "The dark alliance's control of the ten thousand domains is also improvised. It turned out to be a large shuttle." She said that she was motionless, but she was in the wasteland, but suddenly collapsed and shattered, hidden in it. Her countless arrays were destroyed by her power.

At this moment, Meng Niuniu was already standing a long distance away, in a dark league branch, looking at the girl and the young man, gritted her teeth and said, "What a great character."

"It's very powerful."

Next to Meng Niuniu, a little girl who was only fourteen or five years old suddenly appeared, her face was red, she was a mother and son.

"I don't know how it came." Wan mother and son Qi Ding scratched his head: "However, when I sensed their existence, I had already awakened several great kings. You consumed too much and suffered a little bit of injury. Fix you."

"Dare to hide?" At this moment, the girl appeared over the branch in a blink of an eye, and immediately shot to destroy the fortress. However, the force suppressed, but it was not defeated. There was a powerful dark alliance formation in the fortress. Hundreds of thousands of Dark Alliance fighters were stationed, responsible for maintaining the formation. Under one palm, the formation was only broken, and failed to break.

A fragrant wind blew.

The girl stopped her movements and turned to look to her side.

In the air, stood two extremely charming women with similar appearances, one wearing a verdant green gauze and the other wearing a white dress.

"In the Lower Dark Alliance, the Jade Immortal Venerable."

"In the Lower Dark League, the ethereal Immortal Venerable."

The two women said something at the same time.

The girl condensed her eyebrows: "Why are there **** kings who are not on the roster? And in the roster, the dark alliance only has two **** kings, one Meng Fan, one female emperor... Grandma's Hundred Saint Dean, the intelligence is really bad."

"It's a gift." The ethereal Immortal Venerable and the Emerald Immortal Venerable said at the same time, with a humble tone, but boldly shot without hesitation!

The two powerful demon kings joined forces to attack, blocking the heavens in the blink of an eye, and all retreats were blocked. At the same time, thousands of mysterious methods agitated in this blocked space.

"Two seniors, this person is definitely not a good person, so you should kill with all your strength!"

In the branch, Meng Niuniu's voice came out.


The two great demon kings suddenly aroused vitality, and immediately a mysterious imprint of the demon race turned into spherical laws, some emerald green, some pale, connected into one piece, and then the vitality was detonated by the two great kings. The spherical law shattered suddenly, causing an astonishing law explosion in the space!

The two demon kings do not have the grandeur of the great minds, but they are still talented kings. These tens of thousands of laws of the sphere are their very powerful one-handed killer moves. A magical artifact condensed by the law, the only use is to explode.

Among these spheres, the usage is to make bones, and use vitality to make qi and blood. They are completely created by imitating their own body structure. Once they explode, they are equivalent to exploding, but it is much weaker than the real self-explosion, but it is tens of thousands. One part of the power.

But here thousands of spheres exploded together, and the damage caused in a blocked space was still amazing!

For a time, the law of vitality was turbulent everywhere in the confined space.

The two big monster kings showed different colors.

Because in the turbulent flow of law, the girl's whole body was wounded and blood flowed into a river, but then her figure swayed, she was inexplicably healed!

Is completely restored as before!

Just a moment of shaking the body.

"Destroy my body again." The girl gritted her teeth, her body trembled fiercely, and shattered the confined space severely. Then she opened her mouth and moved her tongue. A few syllables were issued, which seemed to be some kind of command, the two monster gods. Wang, as well as Meng Niuniu, felt that there was a certain power surging in the heavens, gathering towards the girl, and then the girl's body began to change.

From her petite appearance, she suddenly became huge.

Originally, the girl was like a little girl in her tenth year, that is, the girl's height. At this moment, her physical body swelled, and her size increased two or three times.

The physical change is not worthy of surprise. What really surprised the Three God Kings of the Dark Alliance was the young girl's aura, which became more and more vigorous. The original domineering vitality suddenly became fierce, with extremely heavy aura and bare skin. There are strange lines on the forehead and arms, which are all a rule! Surprisingly, it is the condensing of own laws and the laws of heaven and earth!

The law of heaven and earth is different from the law of the **** king himself. The law of the **** king himself is cultivated after comprehending the laws of the heavens and is hidden in the martial art and origin. At this moment, the girl is equivalent to her own law being exposed and absorbed. The surrounding laws of heaven and earth are attached to form a strong protective shell.

It is equivalent to being a person, with skin and flesh growing inside, and bones growing outside.

At this moment, the girl seemed to have changed her body, her vitality and aura suddenly changed!

In the void not far away, the evil charm young man sneered: "Break twice in a row, and it was forced to be replaced by the body of the Ancient Sage King. I thought the journey of the ten thousand domains was very boring, but I didn’t expect it to be a bit interesting. The alliance is stronger than I thought."

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