Supreme God King

Chapter 2263: In charge of providence

The deepest part of the dark alliance is a secret realm that is completely isolated from the outside world. Between the voids, the true meaning of all kinds of avenues reverses the source of the heavens.

It can be said that although this secret realm is small, but a few hundred miles square, it is secretive, strong, and much beyond the restricted area.

And the vitality here is also extremely rich, it has condensed into a liquid, crystal clear, flowing slowly, and even converging into a lake and converging into a spring.

If this space is not nothing but vitality, but some rocks, some flowers and plants, it is conceivable that it will immediately transform into a powerful natural god.

A black shadow, in the middle of the secret realm, motionless, like an ancient stone carving, on which vitality condenses and turns into a thick film, like grease.

Suddenly the stone sculpture moved!

Layers of vitality lumps shattered.

Meng Fan opened his eyes.

For half a year, he dreamed of spring and autumn, constantly consolidating himself, and at the same time comprehending the true meaning of the Great Dao. Today, after seeing all kinds of secrets of gods and masters of various gods, his perception of heaven and earth has risen to a higher level. Even if he didn't grasp all the powers, as long as he saw it, he could guess the mystery. So in half a year of retreat, although it would be a long way to understand the true meaning of the five great avenues at the same time, he had a clear goal and kept making progress.

This time he woke up because he felt the true meaning of providence!

The palm of the hand stretched out, and the index finger and middle finger, as if peeling a cocoon, gradually separated a trace of light golden heaven.

God's will is the longest time he has mastered, and it is also the most insightful power beyond the true meaning of good fortune.

His eyes were like electricity, he stared at God’s will, and with a flick of his finger, the whole vitality in the secret realm was driven by God’s will, and instigated by Meng Fan’s heart, it gathered into a tiny golden node, and then it continued to evolve. Gradually a variety of powers are born, there is good fortune and vitality, there is the end of the meditation, the supreme divine intent, and the meaning of space. In the end, within this node,...laws are derived!

There is nothing wrong with it, it is the same as the source of the heavens, the same as all the laws of the primordial universe!

It’s not difficult for the **** king character to wave his hand to condense the law, but no matter how condensed the law, in the final analysis, it is the **** king figure who has comprehended the laws of the heavens, then incorporated it into himself, and then derived it, but at this moment, The law in this small golden node was completely condensed out of thin air by Meng Fan's vitality and his thoughts.

As his fingers punched various seals at the speed of thousands of times each moment, the laws in the nodes were also constantly changing. Gradually, a breath different from the source of the heavens emerged, a little bit with time. With the passage of time, a rule that is slenderer than hair and dark blue appears in the golden node. This rule is incompatible with the other heavenly rules in the node, and even repels each other. Finally, it is crushed and swallowed by other rules. .

Meng Fan's heart swayed violently.

In the scene just now, when other **** kings saw it, they would only be curious. They didn't understand what happened, and they didn't know, how earth-shattering and heaven-defying the scene just now!

That's right, only the word against the sky can be described!

"I have traversed the world for such a long time, no matter how overbearing, how unique the martial arts I walked, at this moment, I really did something that no one has done since ancient times. I ignored the heavens and created a law!"

Meng Fan's pupils continued to expand, and the golden nodes reflected in his eyes, with indescribable excitement.

The dark blue law has no meaning. It is not the law of space, time, or power. But that law is unique, created entirely with Meng Fan’s own thoughts, although it was created in an instant, because He was crushed by all kinds of intolerance and rejection by the heavens, but his rule made him gradually understand many ancient secrets!

"It turns out that this is the true meaning of God's will..."

The palm of Meng Fan's hand danced repeatedly, and the golden nodes began to swell, constantly absorbing the vitality released by Meng Fan. Gradually, with the law as the bone, the vitality as the flesh and blood, and the heavenly will as the core, it turned into a human form, and this Human shape, appearance and Meng Fan, generally the same, the breath released is also the breath of a god.

Then, this white-gold human figure slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes were not hollow, but flickering, as if some kind of sage was brewing in it.

He created a **** king empty-handed! Not a puppet, but a real, alive, **** king who possesses exactly the same martial arts as Meng Fan and is completely controlled by Meng Fan's mind.

Although at this moment, this "God King" is very weak, if the comparison is made, its power is only a few percent of Meng Fan's. It will take many years to continuously absorb Meng Fan's power, maybe a few years, It takes more than ten years to gradually evolve into a truly powerful **** king, but these methods, using the will of heaven as the core and vitality as the flesh and blood to make the **** king, are how similar to the source of the heavens?

Didn’t the source of the heavens use similar methods to create the discipline of punishment and vitality!

Meng Fan's spirit was moving, guessing many things.

The source of the heavens was originally a group of laws. I don’t know how many years have passed, perhaps hundreds of millions of years, or even longer. These laws have merged and evolved, and some supreme powers have gradually been born. True meaning.

Space, good fortune, meditation, divine will, and Zen cause and effect may all be born very early, but the will of heaven must be born very late, because the will of heaven is the will of the source of the heavens!

Meng Fan squinted his eyes and grabbed his palm in the air. The "God King" he had created was immediately broken, and one of the providences flew into his palm.

The source of the heavens has no thoughts, it is only working on its own. Therefore, the source of the heavens becomes the cruelest way of heaven, without fear, hatred, joy, etc., but at a certain moment, it may be the first The moment a **** king was born, or the moment when an ancient power had stolen the true meaning of the Great Dao of the Source of the Heavens for the first time, the Source of the Heavens felt threatened, and after that, the emotion of obliterating all threats appeared.

This is will.

The will of heaven!

This kind of will gave birth to the Great Tribulation of the Era, screened out the Heavenly Dao puppets, and created the Heavenly Dao incarnation to punish the gods and vitality gods.

This kind of will derived from all laws and all kinds of great will is the most powerful will in the world. Therefore, Meng Fan was able to rely on the will of heaven, ignoring the constraints of all the laws, shuttle back to the past, and be able to display the will of heaven and perform various calculations. You can also use the will of heaven to feel the various changes in the universe.

So why did he travel the path of the gods and hide, saw the gods, the land of the gods, and the temple of Zen, and also discovered the heart of Linglong Xinzun, and then he saw the meaning of space, the true meaning of good fortune, and in many places, you can see some of the true meaning of Dao The traces of, but only did not see the providence?

As soon as his eyes lit up, he calculated a result.

It is conceivable that in the ancient era, at a certain moment, some ancient powers suddenly discovered the true meaning of various great avenues, and there was also providence. They all tried to plunder, to comprehend and master. One of the ancient powers succeeded, he was not. Stepping into the source of the heavens, robbed a part of the true meaning of the Great Dao, but directly robbed a part of the source of the heavens. After that, for unknown reasons, this part of the source of the heavens remained in the ten thousand realms.

As a part of the source of the heavens, it also contains the will of the heavens. Although this part of the source of the heavens is separated from the body, it is still controlled by the heavens and blocked by the heavens. No one can find it, but after all, it is a divided part. , In millions of years, it will still open.

The two openings created the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters. Therefore, in the prehistoric universe, even if it is the extremely dangerous path of divine hiding, no one has the will of heaven, only among the ten thousand realms, there is the existence of heaven.

The thirteen hall masters also used the means of heavenly transformation to create the black death qi. This kind of power is completely unacceptable by the heavens, and is completely opposite to the vitality. It has also become the most powerful force of the thirteen hall masters.

"I initially speculated that the Great Chaos Emperor was born at the beginning of all things. It is very likely that he appeared in the same era as the source of the heavens. A heaven and a chaos have been opposed to each other since time began to flow, but at this moment, But that's not the case..."

The thirteen hall masters created the air of black death.

Meng Fan is now also the host of the black death air, the only master besides the thirteen hall masters. His understanding of the black death air is also very deep. At the beginning of the half-year retreat, he successfully reversed it. The breath of black death gave birth to the purest vitality.

Just now, he used his providence to create a law that had never appeared before.

He can do it, the thirteen hall masters can do it, then it can be imagined that Chaos Great Emperor can do it too!

However, the emperor Chaos Great Emperor did not create a useless law like Meng Fan, nor did he reversal of his vitality to create the Qi of Black Death, like Meng Fan, but created... The true meaning of the avenue!

Chaos, reincarnation.

Chaos means chaos, no rules, no form, everything is mixed together, this is completely contrary to the source of the heavens, and the will of the heavens.

The same is true of reincarnation. Heaven derives the meaning of meditation, which symbolizes the end of everything, but reincarnation gives all things the opportunity to regenerate. Compared with order and chaos, the mutual repulsion of these two forces is also obvious.

In an instant, Meng Fan’s eyes were no longer those of the God King. Suddenly, his gaze was infinitely high, as if he had opened the eyes of the sky, and he could see the surging of the law of all things. It seemed that there was a certain pattern, everything. , Have become so clear and clear!

In the body, beside the pillar of martial arts, that trace of vitality that was constantly wafting suddenly undergone a qualitative change and was directly printed on the pillar of martial arts.

At the same time, the flashing power of Heaven's Punishment suddenly swelled into a huge thunder like a dragon and a snake, imprinted into the pillar of martial arts!

A moment of enlightenment, Meng Fan completely mastered the power of heaven and punishment.

It was also at this moment that the entire universe was completely covered by shady. Some spots of light suddenly lit up where his sight could not be detected. He vaguely saw that in some spots of light, there was a great road really intended. Surging, recovering!

But after just one glance, he withdrew his gaze, instead, looking at Wanyu.

Before, he had just awakened, and his mind was focused on comprehending the true meaning of the Dao Dao, various secrets, without any distraction, but at this moment, he sensed the changes in the ten thousand realms, and then released his eyes. The first thing he saw, It was the girl who looked pink and tender, but was extremely fierce.

He dreamed of Spring and Autumn for half a year, his body and mind had not fully regained consciousness, and he had just fully realized the true meaning of the Second Great Dao, and needed to continue to consolidate. Have complete confidence and don’t have to do it yourself.

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