Supreme God King

Chapter 2264: Break the flesh again

Change the body!

The three gods, Meng Niuniu, Misty Xianzun and Jade Xianzun, trembled.

What means?

Even in the vast ocean-like library of the Dark Alliance, there is no such record. The closest thing is the external incarnation technique of the **** hidden giant Taiyi, but it is also much different.

The girl who claimed to be the God of War of the Purple Light Empire reached more than two feet tall at this moment, with a powerful and terrifying aura. After shattering the barriers of the two great monster kings, she fell with a punch, and completely smashed the dark alliance under her feet. Formation!

Then there was another punch.

The dark alliance branch without the formation defense could not bear her second punch at all.

Meng Niuniu pushed away the ten thousand mother and son Qi Ding, went up against the wind, blasted out a punch, facing the girl.

Double fist collision!

The terrifying air wave rolled over, forming a storm of hundreds of meters, sweeping the area of ​​thousands of miles.

The girl looked at Meng Niuniu coldly.

Meng Niuniu, whose vitality was consumed violently, blocked this punch!

Stand still and stand still.

Beside him, tens of thousands of dark alliance core elites, expressionless, looked up at the girl.

Just now, the girl's blow was resisted by these tens of thousands of dark alliance elites, with Meng Niuniu as the core!

In the distance, the evil charm youth's mouth raised: "Interesting."

"What a dark alliance." A girl with a pattern of laws sneered, revealing two rows of sharp teeth in her mouth. This mouth is not like a human mouth at all, but like some kind of wild beast. "In the records, there are only two of the Dark Alliance God Kings, one is the young man Meng Fan who has risen in the limelight these years, and the other is his concubine female emperor, but I did not expect that there will be three **** kings. Just a little bit, the Dark Alliance female emperor appears. , Meng Fan appeared, let me see the full strength of the Dark Alliance!"

"The Purple Light Empire? I have never heard of it, but it's crazy."

A cold, hoarse voice came. He was a very simple man with an ordinary appearance and wearing a gray short shirt.

"Senior Qixuan." In the branch, Meng Niuniu shouted.

The person who came was the former leader of the Qixuanzong in the Great Universe World, and the old man Qixuan, an eternal giant!

"President Baisheng." The girl gritted her teeth coldly: "The fourth **** king who is not on the roster, but that's okay!" She immediately attacked, first shot, and slammed the ethereal and emerald fairy.

"This body is not her real body, just a shell!" The old man Qixuan suddenly said, leaping three steps and teaming up with the two monster **** kings of the ethereal and emerald fairy, and hit the girl with a blow, unexpectedly, no Win or lose!

The girl stepped back a few steps, and the old man Qixuan and the two immortals also stepped back a few steps!

If you say that among the three **** kings, the Jade Immortal and the Misty Immortal are actually young **** kings that are only a few thousand years old, and the **** kings born from the bloodline are far inferior to those who have cultivated themselves. Vigorous, so often rely on various skills to fight, his own strength is not enough, but the Seven Profound old man is definitely a **** king who has grown up very steadily by relying on his own strength.

Even if he lives in the Universe World, relatively peaceful, without so many turbulent waves in the Ten Thousand Realms, but he is still an old giant who has lived for many years, and among the many gods in the Universe World, he is considered a senior figure!

Teaming up with the two demon kings, they only drew a tie with the alienated girl in front of them.

Visible the fierceness of the girl.

"Senior Qixuan, what are you talking about?" The Jade Immortal Venerable had a quick exchange while consolidating his restless qi and blood.

"It's just a shell!" The old man Qixuan frowned, very vigilant: "If the leader is here, I should be able to see it clearly. I only see it dimly and very imperfectly, but I only see that her physical body is very weird and related to her origin. Martial arts, it seems that they are not completely connected, but there are some small connections. The vitality and law are condensed into a line, connecting her physical body and origin."

"It's quite insightful, the guess is good, but it's of no use!" The girl laughed, frantically, her body swelled a little again, she was ten percent tall, and then her figure flashed continuously in an instant, wandering in various spaces. .

The speed of shuttle is too fast!

As a result, the Qixuan old man contracted his pupils and became numb all over, because this young girl seemed to appear in every direction and every corner while she was constantly walking. She couldn’t really see it at all, and she didn’t know where to go. Place, launch an attack.

This speed, this kind of means of traversing space, this kind of majestic enough to support her movement, are too amazing!

The old man Qixuan raised his perception to the limit in an instant, even surpassing his limit. Under the instantaneous crisis, the divine soul had a certain change and he went to observe his surroundings.


Grab it with one hand.

The old man Qixuan also reacted in the shortest possible time. He suddenly turned around and spread his arms. Seven hundred-petal flowers bloomed in front of him crackling. It was the tool of the old man Qixuan, Qikong Xuanye!

Grab it with one palm.

The Seven Hole Profound Liquid hummed, and the hidden artifact spirit also let out a dull wailing.

The device of enlightenment is connected to the origin of the old man of Qixuan. This time, he was also affected, and blood was sprayed from his mouth and nostrils, and he was almost defeated. Seeing this, the Emerald Immortal Venerable and the ethereal Immortal Venerable immediately penetrated the rich vitality into the Qikong Xuan. In the liquid, the vitality of the three great kings was absorbed in an instant, and the Qi Kong Xuanye’s spirit aura rapidly expanded. With a "pop", ripples in the sky, the old man Qixuan and the two great monster kings retreated ten times. Step, the girl stepped back more than a hundred steps, obviously injured, and the body appeared ice crack.

The girl stopped and squeezed a cold snort from the corner of her mouth.

But then, her pupils became huge, and there was a glimmer of surprise in her eyes, but a thin, needle-like cold light appeared in front of her eyes.


The voice did not fall.

Hanmang pierced her forehead.


The evil young man in the void in the distance laughed and danced: "Hahahaha!"

There is a deep blood mark on the girl's brow. This time, it has not been penetrated through the head. Obviously, her body is much stronger, but it is still not lightly injured. After all, the blood pit at the center of the eyebrow is almost reaching the soul, which is very terrifying. .

She turned her head stiffly and looked at the Dark League branch.

Meng Niuniu said with a gloomy look: "It's actually not pierced. It's a solid body, and it's several times stronger than Senior Hong Xi."

"A **** king, consumes 60% vitality, how can it recover so quickly..." the girl said viciously.

Suddenly seeing Meng Niuniu's side, she suddenly realized.

This branch is a very important branch of the dark alliance, so Meng Niuniu moved here. The dark alliance has more than 100 million members, which is terrifying, but the true core elite, Jiucheng is the result of the battle in the original war. The people who killed the gods are slightly more than one million, but here, there are thirty thousand people.

At this moment, the aura of these 30,000 elites was obviously weaker.

It turns out that there is a certain powerful formation in this branch, which is a means of transferring flowers and trees. These 30,000 elites, all sitting in this formation, each consumed about 10% of their vitality, and they were completely injected into Meng Niuniu’s body. No matter how powerful this formation is, it is impossible to completely transport the consumed vitality to Meng Niuniu, and it will lose about half of it.

But even so, 30,000 people, and they are all elite, many of them are half-step divine, and they release 10% vitality at the same time. It is also terrifying. In just a short moment, Meng Niuniu condensed a second sword intent, and more than The first, but also sharp and swift!

The girl's body began to change, and in a few blinks, she returned to her pink and lovely appearance, and the blood on her brows disappeared!

The vitality that had been consumed violently before suddenly recovered completely.

In this scene, the four great kings of the dark alliance were terrified and completely unimaginable.

At this moment, there are several hidden **** kings among the ten thousand domains, all staring at the battlefield with slightly narrowed eyes, looking at the girl, they are very curious, and no one can see what is going on.

Another place.

With the ancient **** circling the dragon facing inward, Yu Han rose in the air, looking at the direction of the battlefield. At this moment, she actually approached the **** king with infinite aura!

Almost no one doubted that at this moment, as long as she was willing, she could set foot on the God King, but she didn't know why, she still stayed in this half-step God King state.

"Young Master." Several large, powerful ancient gods came to Yuhan's side, and they all used some mysterious formations of the ancient gods to observe the battlefield in the distance: "Do you want to wake up your majesty?"

"No." Yu Han frowned and waved his hand: "When Meng Fan was in retreat, his father was also in retreat. He was completely asleep. He didn't know what was happening outside. He also said that there are only two situations before going. To wake him up, one is for Meng Fan to leave the pass, and the other is for the source of the heavens to open."

"Then...are we going to do something?"

"Do nothing, just look at it." Yu Han bit his Zhu lip: "The dark alliance has an oath with my ancient gods, that the well water will not violate the river water, and the current ten thousand domains, except for the ancient gods, other areas are It’s from the Dark Alliance, we shouldn’t step into it at will. Besides, it’s a battle at the first level of the King of Gods. What can we do?"

"As long as the young master is willing, he will immediately become the **** king." An ancient **** whispered.

Yuhan's expression was unnatural, his eyes passed through the secret formation, and fell on Meng Niuniu's body in the dark league branch: "Meng Fan, father, thirteen hall masters, they are the same generation, no matter what the stand, I will I admit that they are the people who dominate the heavens. Now I am not qualified to compare with them, but with Meng Niuniu, we are the best of our generation, and we are the blood of my father and Meng Fan respectively. We always have to compare. For a while, although my father said that I was uncomfortable in my heart, but I must admit that Meng Niuniu was under tremendous pressure in the midst of a world-class war, without bending or bending, and becoming a godly king!

She is only young now, but she has a strong foundation and a momentum that is completely comparable to that of Meng Fan. The future is unlimited. If I want to compare with her, I must have a great strength to temper, and then I can step into the **** king. It's a force like the Great War. "

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