Supreme God King

Chapter 2265: Empire layout

"Lord Liang Jueping, what about this?"

In an extremely secret void tunnel, it was extremely deep, even in a place that could not be detected by the big formation of the dark alliance, sitting two people, an old man, and a thick middle-aged man.

It was the former ruling emperor of the Ziguang Empire and the dean of Baisheng Academy.

At this moment, this middle-aged man, who is truly called Liang Jueping King, stared coldly at the young girl who was fighting against the four great kings of the Dark Alliance.

"Mr. Dean, according to the system practice of the Ziguang Empire, even after taking office, anyone will be called according to the highest position he once held. Therefore, I have resigned for many years, but I am still called the ruling emperor. You are no longer a hundred. The dean of the Holy Academy, only as the leader of the Hundred Saints school, has always been called the Dean of the Hundred Saints."

The middle-aged man said such a passage, it sounded a little headless and did not answer the question of the Dean Baisheng, but the old man's eyes brightened and he clearly understood something, and then said softly: "Master Ping, guess At this point?"

"List all the possibilities. Even if there is only a one-percent chance that things will happen, we must also think about countermeasures. The character of the Undead King, we all know that the possibility of this outcome is very small?"

The former ruling emperor and King Jueping squinted his eyes, revealing an infinite scheming City Mansion: "Mr. Dean, you and I are close friends. When I had not set foot in the ranks of the king of gods, you and I were close friends. In a flash, hundreds of thousands of years passed, The mutual understanding between you and me can be said to be thorough, so I have no idea whatsoever from you.

The Ziguang Empire is controlled by the Senate, but in the past tens of thousands of years, the Ziguang Empire has expanded too fast, and many powerful people have appeared. I have also been able to rise up after tens of thousands of years. Now the decayed and solidified Senate has no rights. The real rights are in the hands of the ruling emperor and the eight pavilions.

The ruling emperor has huge powers and can mobilize the eight pavilions at will. Therefore, the Senate is extremely afraid of being the ruling emperor. During my 100 years as the ruling emperor, various decrees cannot be issued at all, and the Senate will be subject to layers of review. There are also all kinds of difficulties. If according to my intentions, the Ziguang Empire is completely controlled by me, now, the scope of the domain will be at least doubled, and it will be much more prosperous than today!

Therefore, this has resulted in two results. First, the ruling emperor itself is the senator of the Senate, but once the ruling emperor, the Senate and the ruling emperor compete for power, suspicion, and hold each other, but they are the leaders of the eight pavilions. , No one is in charge, and the rights are becoming more and more consolidated.

The second result is that... the Senate, from the founder of the Purple Light Empire, has become a stumbling block on the path of the Purple Light Empire's unification of the universe!

So my goal, first, is to grasp the hearts of the people, second, to become the next ruling emperor, and third, to deeply grasp the Eight Pavilions, destroy the Senate, and become the true emperor of the Ziguang Empire, not a ruling emperor. ! After that, led the Ziguang Empire to unify the humanity, unify all the great worlds, and fight against the Emperor Chaos! "

The head of Baisheng’s eyes was full of surprises, and it took a long time to relieve himself, and whispered: "Master Ping, the Purple Light Empire has always been controlled by the Senate since its establishment. Such a practice is simply upset, but Lord Ping is right. The Great Tribulation of the Era is approaching, and various visions are emerging one after another. Ghosts have appeared sporadically in various places. It is not the previous era. A strong man is needed to lead the Purple Light Empire."

"Yeah." Two King Jueping looked at Dean Baisheng very pleasedly and nodded. "Now, you are no longer the dean of Hundred Saints Academy, but a nominal leader with no real power. So now, among the Eight Pavilions, we only have one ruling hall that is truly in our hands. Judgement Heavenly King, although young , But it is infinite means, talented, and I pulled it up with one hand, trusting me very much, and can speak and obey.

The two most important pavilions of the eight pavilions, one is the ruling hall that holds the ruling army and manages the law, and the other is the war hall that controls the entire imperial army. Now I have a ruling hall. If I can master the war hall, the other six pavilions, It's easy! "

Dean Baisheng nodded deeply: "I understand this naturally, but the Undead King has not been loyal to us. Why do you say that the Temple of War is not in our hands?"

"The Ziguang Empire, who is the most difficult person to deal with?" asked the two kings of Jueping.

"The Central Emperor?" Dean Baisheng answered tentatively.

"No." King Liang Jueping shook his head: "The central emperor was in charge of the entire Senate, and he was so powerful that he had been known as the world's number one powerhouse for so many years, but his eyes were still too narrow, unintentional and humane, unintentionally purple. In all the affairs of the empire, he has been in retreat for 100,000 years and no one has seen him. Some people even say that he is dead. Many new elites today don’t even know his existence."

Dean Baisheng's eyes lit up: "That is the Undead King."

"Yes! Let's not talk about the strength of the Undead King, but the most difficult thing to deal with in the world is her! I guess, even if the Central Emperor is still alive, he is still extremely powerful, and it will be difficult to match the Undead King. To deal with it, the nine bodies of God Kings, and one of them is extremely old, the ancient powerful body that crosses the epoch, how terrifying? Fighting against her is equivalent to fighting the wheels of the nine God Kings!

In those days, regardless of the order of the Senate, she stepped on the path of divine seclusion and encountered divine hidden giants, which caused headaches for the other party, but only cut her two flesh bodies, and those two flesh bodies had been completely repaired in these years.

She will never be truly loyal to me. She is an extremely arrogant and rampant character. In her eyes, there are only two things that can move her heart. One is the body of the **** king and the other is the countless resources that can improve her. Combat power, the reason she follows me now is only because I want to set off an expedition, set foot in the world, and the desire for the flesh and battle of the **** king, let her follow me temporarily. "

Dean Baisheng nodded: "So it is a good thing that she is gone, and the position of the God of War in the Temple of War is vacant, and you have a chance."

"Yes, this is the first reason she should leave, and the second reason is that she is so popular!"

A trace of hideousness flashed in the eyes of the two kings of Luoping!

"The Ziguang Empire has continued to expand over the years. How much credit does she have? Very little. She is a person who only desires to fight and has no vision of the overall situation. Not only has she never commanded the army of the Temple of War, but she also doesn't know how many times she will have Ziguang because of personal impulse. The imperial army introduced a passive situation, but the stupid Li Min did not know how to think, and only admired the war hero who opened up territory for the empire. Since she became the **** of war, she has been invincible. Every war, she will inevitably rush to the forefront. The fight against each other, these news will be passed back to the Ziguang Empire, and will always cause the ignorant people to scramble for praise!"

Dean Baisheng frowned, "Especially this war hero is still a lovely girl."

Two kings of Jueping were expressionless: "This time the four of us set foot in the ten thousand realms. It was a secret action. No one knew it. In my calculations, I wanted the Undead King to come here and then told her that there is a place in the world. Zhiyuan’s entry, with her character, will inevitably do everything possible to start a war, but in the Senate, there must be many people who disagree, especially the current weak ruling emperor. If I agree to fight, she will Use all the influence to support me to become the next ruling emperor. This is the first result.

My second calculation is that she can't help but make a move. This possibility is very high, so well, no matter how powerful a master in this ten thousand realm is, it is impossible to be the opponent of the immortal king, the wheel of the nine gods. , Even if it was the **** hidden giant at the beginning, I must be afraid. If the undead king was not the body that distressed the loss and fought to the death, the final victory or defeat should be her. Then, she helped me to see the king of the ten thousand realms clearly. Strength. "

Having said that, the two kings of Jueping stopped.

Dean Baisheng hesitated and said: "You said, even if there is a one-percent chance..."

"There is a third inference." Two Kings Jueping said directly: "There really is a master here, killing the Undead King, that is the best result! She died, the location will be automatically vacated, and at the same time, I can use Li Min loved her, promoted his anger, and then launched a war! During the war, the weak ruling emperor could not lead the Purple Light Empire, only I could lead it!"

Dean Baisheng stroked his beard: "This possibility is really very small."

"Yes, but in this dark alliance, there are four other **** kings, but I didn't expect that, I believe in your intelligence collection ability, that is the information collected many years ago, since these **** kings have not been collected The information shows that in the past few years, there have been great changes in Wanyu. However, there are four more gods, although they are worth noting, but they can not affect the overall situation. Although the four people destroyed the two bodies of the undead king, and The third body was scarred, but it was the limit."

"But that Meng Fan, the female emperor, the ancient emperor, and the thirteen hall masters did not appear." Dean Baisheng thought deeply.

"Meng Fan, the ancient emperor, and the thirteen hall masters are enemies of each other. They can never stand on the same front. Now the dark alliance is the strongest overlord of the ten thousand domains. I most hope that Meng Fan and the empress will appear and be immortal. After the Spirit King kills, there are two less enemies. After that, we will invade ten thousand domains more smoothly!

The two Kings of Jueping said, shaking their souls, and said a word with the evil youth, the Judgment King of the Purple Light Empire.

"Hide yourself. If Meng Fan and the female emperor appear and fight with the undead king, you can find the opportunity to use the Great Judgment Sword to kill him."

After a while, King Jueping thought for a while, and then said: "Although the possibility is very small, if the Undead King is dead, you will leave."

In the distance in the void, the evil charm young man curled up his mouth and smiled: "I hope so, but it's a fantasy. No one in my life can kill this guy."

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