Supreme God King

Chapter 2280: In Xia Mengfan

Slaughter, slaughter, annex, unscrupulous for the benefit.

Is this your humanity?

The voice of Qingming reached every corner of Wanyu, and also reached the ears of every sergeant in the Purple Light Empire.

Almost everyone was slightly startled, a little stunned.

Is this humanity?

The purple gas in the canopy above the two kings of Jueping suddenly flickered. This scene caused the faces of the surrounding gods to be different.

The Purple Light Empire holds a power, this power is humanity, and it was the most curious power when Meng Fan opened one eye before.

And this canopy was formed by the humane aura in the process of the Ziguang Empire's continuous expansion and annexation of humanity.

The purple gas comes from the east and is a symbol of humane auspiciousness.

Even the kings of the Purple Light Empire, in fact, up to now, it is impossible to say what kind of power is humanity, how it came from, and how it was derived. No one knows. It can be said that humanity power is the most powerful than the world. The supreme, the purest Dao’s true meaning requires the power of mystery. Although Dao’s true meaning is the power of the source of the heavens, even the king of gods cannot easily understand it. It requires luck, talent, and various conditions, but The power of the source of the heavens, after all, there are still many powerful giants in the hands, but this humanity, no one dares to say, is really mastered.

In the Purple Light Empire, no one dares to say that they have mastered the humanity, but because the Purple Light Empire does have humane power, many powerful kings, such as the Undead King, have learned some supreme methods from this power, like immortality. The great domineering way of the Spirit King is such a method.

Although it is too mysterious and vague, all **** kings know that the power of humanity is real. One of them, and more importantly, is the human emperor canada.

The two supreme treasures of the Ziguang Empire are the two treasures that each generation of ruling emperors have to symbolize their status and power. One is the throne of the human emperor and the other is the canopy of the human emperor.

In contrast, the human emperor throne, although very powerful, was artificially smelted, while the human emperor canopy was born by himself, and the purple gas in it was a symbol of humanity.

At this moment, the purple qi is vacant, it is a sight that has never appeared before, of course the kings have different colors!

"Humanity is domineering and mighty!" King Liang Jueping suddenly spoke, with an extremely majestic tone, shocking everyone's hearts: "Everything in the world, only power is the most real. My Purple Light Empire sweeps the heavens and is humane. Supreme, but your dark alliance lacks the ability to protect yourself. Do you dare to question my humanity? Then let me see what your humanity is!"

As he said, his palm moved.

Suddenly, the majestic vitality rolled frantically, and at the same time, behind him, there were phantoms.

Every phantom looks like an emperor, and it is precisely before him that many ruling emperors of the Ziguang Empire died for fighting.

Is a phantom of the emperor!

"Now you, forcibly urging the One Yuan Sword Formation, exhausted vitality, exhausted blood, fragile mess, and dare to speak up? At the beginning, you have seen the humane method of the undead king, the overbearing way, now, let you Let me see how you can protect the humanity in your heart!"

A flick of your finger.

Suddenly, a strong and powerful force, exuding the power of dominating all things, shot out and fell into the headquarters of the dark alliance!

He didn’t deliberately want to kill anyone. First, even if he knew where the Dark Alliance headquarters was, he still couldn’t see clearly. The space power around there was too powerful, completely distorting everything and distorting his vision, so With this hand, he didn't aim at anyone. Second, he wanted to kill someone in the dark alliance headquarters indiscriminately to question the humanity of the Promise Sect Master.

Great Domination Road!

In an instant, it penetrated various formations and defenses, tore through the fog barrier in the headquarters of the dark alliance, and completely exposed an area.

In this area, there are tens of thousands of Dark Alliance fighters, sitting in distress, all in the highest state of alert, ready to dispatch at any time.

But suddenly, the power of the Great Domination Dao penetrated everything and fell here, pointing straight at a dark alliance fighter!

This power, after penetrating the various defensive formations of the Dark Alliance headquarters, was obviously weaker, and its speed was much slower, but even so, the Dark Alliance fighters could see the approach of this power. But there is no time to dodge it, after all, this one is a powerful method displayed by a **** king!


The power penetrated the body, blood spattered.

All the characters staring at this scene, not only the kings of the Purple Light Empire, but also the **** kings of the dark alliance, as well as the many inner struggles of Wanyu, who don't know how to stay, are all taken aback.

Two King Jueping frowned tightly.

Among the tens of thousands of dark alliance fighters, the dark alliance fighter directly pointed by the Great Domination Dao was covered in cold sweat, but unscathed, looking forward in amazement, that withered, old, trembling voice, the blood on his chest continued to be red. White gown.

The Promise Master's mouth shed blood, and said with a chuckle: "This is my humanity."

Finish this sentence.

A generation of gods, a man in the universe, a character with an infinite future, fell forward in embarrassment, vitality, nothing.

Everyone, whether or not the **** king, whether or not the **** king of the dark alliance, saw this scene, they were speechless for a long time, just watching.

Even the two kings of Jueping, there was still silence in his heart. For a long time, he said coldly: "To die for a little Divine Origin Realm... Stupid man, **** it."

Among the ten thousand domains.

The Misty Xianzun and Linglong Xinzun who were beheading the Ziguang Emperor in a stronghold covered their mouths, but tears couldn't stop streaming.

They don’t know why they cry. They haven’t known the Wuji Sect Master for a long time, and they are monsters. In their history, they have always been controlled by the Great Chaos. The blood sacrifices from generation to generation, their sisters, are all Four people were killed by strange ghosts, and it stands to reason that their tears were already dry.

But they cried.

Because they thought of the four sisters, in order to let the monster race escape, they did not hesitate to stop the ghost and gave their lives.

They thought of Linglong Xinzun, carrying the eternal burden.

In another stronghold.

Renxiong looked at the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, his eyes drifting away, and a little tear flickered in the corner of his eyes.

"Zhuangzai?" Renxiong said to himself: "No, what is so great about this method of death? But why do I have tears..."

In the void, the God King Hong Xi, who joined the dark alliance at the beginning because of fighting alongside Meng Fan, looked at the headquarters of the dark alliance, lying on the ground, his whole body was stained red with blood, there was no vitality, but his face, The Promise Sect Master, who was still smiling, suddenly remembered something.

I remembered the words that the empress said before she left.

"If you really want to spare your life, you should not do it for Niuniu, but for the entire Ten Thousand Realm."

Hong Xi took a deep breath.

In the ten thousand domains, in various strongholds, many dark alliance fighters, whether they are the million elites of the killing **** level, and the hundreds of millions of members who joined afterwards, fell into silence at this moment.

Wan Yu, who had been fighting in a melee, seemed to have stopped time.

Inside the dark league headquarters.

Tens of thousands of warriors all looked at the corpse of the Promise Sect Master in front of them. For a long time, they raised their heads and shouted in unison, shouting that they were numb, like walking corpses, that they couldn’t think and could only fight. The most instinctive syllable.

One syllable.




Among the ten thousand domains, in countless dark alliance strongholds, the voices of hundreds of millions of dark alliance fighters burst out at the same time, which is almost heartbreaking, but it completely covers the drums and battle roars in the various mid-thousand worlds of the Purple Light Empire. In the huge waves, the trembling purple light sergeants buzzed in their ears, and their hearts trembled!

Suddenly! A figure volleyed up in the air, it was Taibao Longlin. He was fighting in a stronghold, but at this moment, he twisted his body and rolled in the air with weird movements. Then, two bulges on his eyebrows broke open, and two were stretched out. With only black and gold dragon horns, his body is constantly elongated, and his skin grows scales, which has faded away from the human appearance, and has truly returned to the blood of his dragon clan, transformed into a golden pure sky dragon, without a word. Xiang Liang Jueping King.

"Master Sect Master..." Jian Tongtian, Zhao Chuansheng, the highest elders of the two Promise Sects, and the right arms of the former Promise Sect Master, also came into the air one after another, closely behind Longlin Taibao.


The Misty Immortal Venerable, the Emerald Immortal Venerable, Hong Xi, Renxiong, the Heavenly God King, the Heavenly Remnant God King, and the Bai Xingyi all gave up their defenses in various strongholds and rushed towards the two kings of Jueping and the kings of the Ziguang Empire.

Loud bang!

A land in the corner of Wanyu was crushed to pieces, and it was a **** king, rising to the sky!

This **** king is not the **** king of the dark alliance. It was originally just an old **** king in the ten thousand domains. At this moment, for some reason, he follows behind the **** kings of the dark alliance, facing the Purple Light Empire in a suicidal posture.

Repeated loud noises, constant light and shadow flickering.

Among the ten thousand domains, there were a dozen or so **** kings who were still struggling in their hearts and were still waiting. At this moment, they gave up all the grievances in their hearts, all gaps, and stood on the same line with the dark alliance with a determined spirit.

This is no longer a fight between the forbidden area and the dark alliance, not a fight between the change of ownership, but whether the ten thousand domains can survive, whether the country can survive.

There are more than twenty gods and kings, heading straight for Xiao Han!

Among the ten thousand domains, killing sound shook the sky!

It is not just the roars of dark alliance fighters among the dark alliance strongholds, but also the roars of more than twenty **** kings. Regardless of their lack of power and comparison with the Purple Light Empire, they appear weak and even gave up. All defenses gave up everything.

Just kill.

But at this moment.

In the headquarters of the Dark Alliance, a dazzling brilliance suddenly penetrated the sky, broke through the boundaries of the ten thousand domains, and traversed the path of the gods. I don't know how far it emanated, and I don't know how many **** kings and giants.

Even in the dark, the laws of heaven and earth, and the will of heaven, all look here!

The thick coercion, against the aura of heaven and earth, permeated the entire ten thousand domains. In an instant, all laws and vitality between heaven and earth showed signs of being torn apart!

All the gods and kings were shocked, and even many **** kings backed back and hid them because they didn't know what had come.

The beam of light disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Everything was restored.

Nothing seems to have happened.

However, there was a man in a green shirt, slowly falling into the headquarters of the dark alliance, fell to the side of the Wuji Sect Master, raised him, and then stretched out **** to wipe off the blood flowing out of the mouth of the Wuji Sect Master.

The man turned his head and looked at the purple light empire army.

The eyes are clear, clean, without majesty, only indifferent. No one can see any horrible breath in these eyes, or the overbearing power that suppresses all things. They are just a pair of eyes that are as clear as the Wuzhen boy back then.

"In Xia Mengfan."

The man spoke, stood up, with his hands behind him, facing the infinite army of the Purple Light Empire, sixty gods, and whispered.

"What are you doing?"

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