Supreme God King

Chapter 2281: Different styles

What are you doing in Xia Mengfan?

The first time I left the customs after half a year of retreat, it was these eight words that opened my mouth. I couldn't see any emotions in my clear eyes, as if a distinguished guest came from afar, chatting with others.

His gaze swept across the sky of the Purple Light Empire army, especially on the sixty gods, and stopped for a while.

There is no momentum.

Even many of the Purple Light Empire God Kings are a little surprised. Who is the one who came here? If it weren’t for the light that penetrated ten thousand realms and reached the gods at the moment of exit, they might even think that this was just another Dark Alliance God King. .

However, the various trends in the Ten Thousand Realms let the kings of the Purple Light Empire understand that this person is by no means an ordinary Dark Alliance God King!

The moment Meng Fan appeared, the **** kings of the Ten Thousand Realms who were rushing into the sky stopped one after another, their eyes fell on him, the look... as if looking at one, the guide!

Nothing wrong, wizard.

A guide that guides everyone on the way forward, wherever it points is the direction.

A beautiful shadow fell, on the square of the Dark League headquarters, beside Meng Fan.

He turned his head and saw a coquettish face unparalleled in the world, it was Linglong Xinzun.

When he left the customs, Linglong Xinzun seemed to have felt something, and also left the customs.

"Thank you." Meng Fan said softly.

Linglong Xinzun lightly tapped his chin, smiled, without words, staring at the front with beautiful peachy eyes.

On that day, Meng Fan wrapped the divine soul with five great ways of true meaning, entered the world of Linglong Xinzun’s mind, and rescued her from the abyss of reincarnation and chaos. At that time, the two true divine kings put down all their defenses. The most sincere way to know each other, at that moment, Linglongxin respected Meng Fan’s forehead and saw all his experiences and memories. At that time, Linglongxin respected that she and Meng Fan spent his life together. , Is his childhood sweetheart.

Avenue Mind.

The actions of Linglong Xinzun left a trace in Meng Fan's heart.

It was also this silk mark that made Meng Fan, who was almost sinking into the sea, remembered his name and regained consciousness.

Kind of cause and effect.

"The three eye clubs I left at the time, and the third one is in your hand." Meng Fan in a blue shirt stepped forward slowly under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes. "Move it up."

Linglong Xinzun nodded: "Be careful."

"Yes." Meng Fan chuckled lightly.

Disappeared in place.

The kings of the Purple Empire are shocked!

When they reach their realm, the laws of space are in full control. Any movement of the **** king character, even if it tears the space and escapes for thousands of miles, will leave clues, but at this moment, Meng Fan just disappeared out of thin air!

There is no breath, no trace.

The brows of the two kings of Jueping jumped sharply, and the human emperor throne and the human emperor canopy returned to their places one after another. He sat on it and said coldly: "This person is Meng Fan. I don't know what strength, but this Yuan sword formation is arranged by him. , The dark league headquarters is completely hidden, it is also his method, the eye opened that day is also his eye, be careful."

"My Purple Light Empire army is here, and the one to be careful about is Wanyu!" The Immortal King shouted angrily: "The ruling emperor, are you careful or timid?"

At the exit of this sentence, the two kings of Luoping looked hideous, but did not say a word.

The Undead King snorted coldly, and then, without waiting for orders, he immediately rushed into the Ten Thousand Realms and went straight to the two monster **** kings, the ethereal Immortal Venerable and the Emerald Immortal Venerable.

In the fight a few days ago, it was these two people who finally stopped herself, causing her to lose another body. She was already unable to bear it!

Nowadays, she is the most jealous. The one yuan sword formation that broke her body at the beginning has fallen apart, and the manipulator has died away. She has no scruples, and directly takes action to kill the two.

"The flesh of the monster king is mine!"

The undead king laughed.

Suddenly her figure trembled, and another **** king was separated from the flesh of her pink girl!

Then, the second one!

When the undead king rushed forward, he split up and turned into three **** kings. Although they were all pink and tender girls, their auras were completely different. Obviously, it was what Meng Fan said, the mysterious puppet technique of a thousand abilities!

Last time the Undead King shot, none of the great kings of the dark alliance saw the mystery, but it was Meng Fan. With a single glance, the Undead King mastered a certain method of evolving the true meaning of the Dao, which was the big puppet technique, and captured a total of eight gods. After the death of the king’s flesh, refined into a supreme puppet, integrated into one body, fighting against others, it is equivalent to eight flesh bodies fighting against one's own flesh, a total of nine flesh bodies fighting one after another, which is the most powerful wheel warfare. Anyone fighting against her is equal to Is going to fight against the nine gods!

In Meng Fan's words, she has nine lives.

However, before stepping into the Ten Thousand Realms, many of her bodies were severely damaged, and some of them were completely destroyed. Afterwards, they seized the body of the former ruling emperor of the Purple Light Empire, plus her own body, and there were three available.

This time, she didn't use the method of wheel warfare anymore, but directly released all the puppets, and wanted to kill the Misty Immortal Venerable and the Emerald Immortal Venerable!


The face of the Undead King was completely distorted because of excitement.

A light and shadow passed by silently.

The Undead King crashed to the ground.

The kings were stunned. Everything happened so fast that no one could see exactly how it happened. It was just that the undead king, facing the sky, fell heavily on the earth, and in an instant it caused heavy cracks, and the plain was sunken. Great pit for thousands of miles!

Next, a shadow appeared in the eyes of all the gods.

Qingshan Meng Fan.

Stepping on the head of the Undead King, with his hands behind his back, ignoring the undead king struggling under his feet, he indifferently raised his head to look at the two puppets of the **** king in the sky, losing control, and slowly falling from the air.

"I have been walking around the world for many years."

Meng Fan seemed to say to himself: "I have never seen anyone daring to claim to be immortal."

"Dead!" The Undead King was stepped on her feet, and she was in a trance for a few breaths before she realized that she had never endured such an insult. Under her anger, she tried her best and her vitality exploded. Kill Meng Fan!


A rippling of the laws of heaven and earth spread out in all directions centered on Meng Fan’s feet. The mad Undead King was immediately suppressed, and the raised hands also made waves of broken bones. It was Meng Fan, showing absolute crushing. The power of pressure!

Under this kind of power, her eyes were almost bulging out, and blood was constantly flowing out of her mouth. The internal organs of the body were squeezed and shattered and emerged. The scene is extremely terrifying!

All the kings of the Purple Light Empire were shocked.

"Let me see, why on earth are you not dead?"


The undead king's body exploded, and the flesh and blood splashed out, forming a very regular pattern, like a huge butterfly printed in a big pit.

One foot, step on the undead king!

In the void, the Judgment King’s Adam’s apple was agitated because he saw this scene and his mouth was dry. Although he ruled that the temple was a law enforcement agency, the undead king of the **** of war was the most lawless. The relationship between the two is not good, but The Judge King said that in his life, no one can kill the Undead King, so in his heart, the Undead King is also the most powerful combat power of the Purple Light Empire.

This strength is not the strength of the strength, but the strength that cannot be killed in every possible way.

The Judgment King whispered: "My lord!"

The two kings of Jueping waved their hands: "Don't make a move, just watch the changes."

Meng Fan crushed the flesh of the Undead King with one foot, then raised his head and looked into the air. The two puppets fell out of control.

Suddenly, a puppet, who didn't have any mental aura before, suddenly moved, with a pair of eyes, looking at Meng Fan extremely hideously.

"The puppet method is really..." Meng Fan smacked: "Interesting, but I don't have time to play with you. There are too many people to kill today."

After speaking, his eyes turned around.

The two kings of Jueping who are sitting on the throne of the humane canopy on the head.

"The first person in the ten thousand domains, Meng Fan." The voice of the two kings Jueping was cold: "You finally appeared, do you have to ask, what is humanity?"

Meng Fan chuckles.

This smile made King Liang Jueping look gloomy.

It's completely mocking!

Meng Fan narrowed his smile, stretched out a finger, and the corner of his mouth curled up. If he didn't say a word, his fingertip flicked.


The sound of vibrating vitality resounded throughout the ten thousand domain.

As soon as this voice came out, the faces of all the gods present changed slightly, looking around, and many more, directly hiding their bodies and hiding in their own Middle Thousand Worlds.

Because the voice is so familiar.

One yuan sword formation!

Three consecutive waves of one-yuan sword formations smashed through more than one thousand worlds in the Purple Empire, and obliterated two gods. In the third wave, it was the two kings of Jueping who resisted them with the throne of the human emperor and the human emperor canada!

"Wuji Sect Master, born in accordance with the luck of the universe."

Meng Fan did not open his mouth, but his voice, in a way that the law of vitality fluctuates, spread throughout the entire universe. At this moment, not only the **** king, even a humble creature, can hear his voice. , Such a method, it can be said to be wonderful!

"In order to save the universe and humanity, he spent his life, only three thousand years left.

In order to continue the fire, he joined the dark alliance, although he only spent half a year, he worked hard for the dark alliance.

In the end, for the sake of faith, death disappeared. "

Meng Fan's gaze locked on the two kings of Jueping tightly, and the clarity in his eyes gradually disappeared, and the pure brilliance flashed in it.

It is the will of heaven, the true meaning of good fortune, the meaning of the emptiness, the will of the gods.

"This is his humanity, undifferentiated protection, fearless self-sacrifice, living up to his luck, and dying for faith. I respect such humanity. His death made me feel sad."

Meng Fan looked back at the Promise Sect Master on the square of the Dark League headquarters.

With a smile on his face, so peaceful.

"Our style is slightly different."

Meng Fan pointed his finger at the void.

The entire Ten Thousand Realm has fallen apart. It seems that the One Yuan Sword Formation that can no longer be urged is booming again. Twelve thousand and six hundred Beidou Sword Intents rise to the sky. This time, compared to the One Yuan Sword Formation urged by the Promise Master. , The power seems to be a bit stronger.

This Yuan Sword Formation was still Meng Fan's method after all.

Even if it is broken to such a situation, it can still be triggered again!

But this time, the kings of the Purple Light Empire and the two Kings of Jueping, although their faces were dignified, they did not have the panic they had before, and they dealt with three waves of sword formations in a row. Such a method was brilliant in their eyes, but no longer terrifying.

However, when the sword array soared into the sky.

Meng Fan's figure disappeared again.

The Promise Sect Master tried his best to urge the sword formation, and he could only sit still, without any extra power to make any movement.

But Meng Fan disappeared.

Then, a middle-thousand world suddenly exploded, and a **** king hiding in it was bitten by a giant dragon born of billowing black death air, and rose to the sky!

The two kings of Jueping and the other kings were all startled and looked there.

Then, a powerful pressure fell on the two kings of Jueping.

The two kings of Jueping retracted their eyes and looked forward.

The man in the green shirt stood only ten steps away from him behind his hands.

Good luck emperor fist, straight to the door!

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