Supreme God King

Chapter 2284: Who lives long

The palm of Mingyi collided with the Great Sword of Judgment!

The sword intent rushed out, violently fluctuating, causing the Judgement King and Meng Fan to step back a few steps.

It seems that under the dual effects of Ziguang World’s blessing of Judgment Heaven and the suppression of Meng Fan, Judgment Heaven and Meng Fan had a confrontation and reached a tie!


The judgment sword in the hands of the Judge Heavenly King trembled and hummed, showing signs of breaking away. The Judgement Heavenly King looked ugly and his blood was surging.

And Meng Fan, stepped back four steps, slammed his feet, and stood still, as if he had fallen to the ground and took root, in contrast to the King of Judgment, his face remained unchanged, expressionless, and his fingers flicked.

Suddenly, a piece of vitality turned into a simple giant sword. Unlike the Beidou sword, the epee has no edge, and with a mighty momentum, it rushes straight to the judge of heaven.

The mountain splitting knife that Meng Fan displayed at this moment was completely different from the past.

Not only has it been tempered by the baptism of heaven, it has become more pure and vast, especially in it, there is a vague power, which is the same as the judgment in the judgment sword, and it is also the power of punishment, but it is very different.

The power of God's punishment!

At this moment, the King of Judgment is in a very embarrassing situation. His body retreats, his aura is attenuated, and the Great Sword of Judgment is buzzing and he is not under his control. The mountain splitting knife merged, his pupils shrank violently, and a strong sense of crisis descended on his mind. In anxiousness, he shook his hands and threw the judgment sword, hitting the mountain splitting knife, and he retreated extremely quickly.


The mountain chopper shattered unexpectedly.

The great sword of judgment froze in the air.

It is completely out of the control of the Judge King!

Then, Meng Fan held the trial sword with one hand, shook his hand to retrieve it, and looked up and down.

"The power of humane judgment, although I can understand it, is still not thorough." Meng Fan gently stroked the sword: "The power of humanity, in my opinion, is still a mountain and flowing water, but it is not incomprehensible!"

Suddenly exert force!

The Great Sword of Judgment was immediately shattered. The vitality, laws, and a trace of the martial will to judge the king of heaven were all taken in by Meng Fan and incorporated into him. At the same time, a vaguely humane judgment force was elusive. He fled quickly, but was still pinched by Meng Fan, no matter how much he could break free, he could not escape.

The King of Judgment looked ugly and escaped faster.

Meng Fan squinted his eyes and did not rush to judge the king, because he felt the vast breath coming.

A barrier filled.

At this moment, infinite vitality was rising around, all tumbling and evolving. After a while, the vitality dissipated and nine people appeared.

Six men and three women.

Nine gods.

Meng Fan swept his gaze over the nine gods, and calmly incorporated the humane judgment power drawn from the judgment sword into his body.

"The Ziguang Empire has a hundred **** kings, which can be called unparalleled, the most powerful force, but the difference between **** kings is also huge."

The tone was light and fluttering, not like he was about to face the Supreme God King of Heaven and Earth, but like an old man teaching knowledge to the younger generation.

"The road to martial arts, the true meaning of the great dao, the understanding of sentient beings, etc., are all differences. If the pillar of martial arts does not improve, no matter how many methods are used, it will be in vain to face the overwhelming power, just like your undead king. "

Meng Fan chuckled when he said this.

The nine gods originally came with great power, no matter when, where, even on the perilous path of divine hiding, the nine heaven and earth supreme **** kings are terrifying!

But when Meng Fan said this, the faces of the nine gods were stern.

The Undead King, known as the Purple Light Empire, is the most powerful God King without the Central Emperor. In the Purple Light Empire, there are many people who hate the Undead King. They are lawless, defiant, and extremely arrogant, but no one dares to criticize. , As a result, being beaten by Meng Fan like a dog, he shattered his body by shaking his hands!

The horror of the Undead King is that she possesses many incarnations and is the Nine Life God Kings, but this is just that, many God Kings, even the Judgment King, the Two Jueping Kings, these top figures in the Purple Light Empire, are unwilling to fight The undead king entangled.

But facing absolute strength and quantity, it often loses meaning.

Seeing the expressions of the nine gods, Meng Fan sneered: "It's too big, the Ziguang Empire is very uneven. What can a group of exquisite egoists do together?"

"Meng Fan, you are getting old too."

Suddenly a burst of heroic laughter came, and the nine gods were taken aback, and they quickly peeked around, and they saw a person standing behind him.

His body is broad and sturdy, dressed in a long yellow robe, he is unparalleled in majesty, and the whole person, no matter his appearance, body shape, voice, or breath, all reveals the taste of ancient times.

Gu Huang!

"You are old, and you like to preach to latecomers."

Gu Huang mocked.

Meng Fan smiled and patted his head: "It's true, but I'm not old. There are six **** kings who have been cultivated for more than 100,000 years."

The ancient emperor took a step forward and laughed loudly: "I once said that to reach the realm of you and me, living longer is nothing, living longer than you but not as good as you can only explain the failure of living!"

Meng Fan also took a step forward: "Ancient emperor, there is always a contest between you and me, but it was agreed that before the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains is opened, you and I will not violate the river."

Gu Huang took another step: "So what?"

"Since you can't fight, there is always a way to see who is stronger!"

The scene, turned upside down for an instant!

The god-show king standing in the void, his eyes were completely solemn, and even felt inexplicable. Obviously, at this moment, dozens of god-kings of the Purple Light Empire, carrying the power of humanity, and hundreds of millions of sergeants descended, arranged their own masters in Wanyu. The battlefield is devouring Ten Thousand Domains all the time. How to look at them, the people of Ten Thousand Domains are all in a crisis of extinction.

And Meng Fan and Gu Huang stepped into the purple world they created, completely losing their home court advantage.

No matter how you look at it, Meng Fan, Gu Huang, and Wanyu are in the most critical moment.

But the two are so defiant!

The two kept approaching each other, and the nine **** kings of the Purple Light Empire, sandwiched between the two giants of Wanyu, were constantly oppressed by the aura of the two giants, and they felt that their vitality could not be moved!

Shenxiu King said solemnly: "They know the situation at this moment of course of course, but... in the face of thousands of dangers, they don’t change their colors and their nature is unchanged, just like the previous **** king called the Promise Sect Master, and Among the ten thousand domains, those **** kings who gave up their defense to attack with all their strength, are these the people of ten thousand domains..."

"Meng Fan!"

"Gu Huang!"

Two loud shouts.

Suddenly sandwiched between the two of the nine **** kings, the young **** king with the thinnest foundation, wow, vomiting blood, broken vitality, pale for a time, shaking his figure quickly, relying on the geographical advantage of the purple light world , Dancing away.

The remaining eight **** kings are also red and white. At this moment, let alone attacking the two, even their own vitality is not working smoothly. How to attack?

The strength of these gods, speaking of it, is not much different from the first few gods that Meng Fan stepped into the restricted area to face, almost the same.

At that time, Meng Fan could fight against several great kings in the restricted area by himself. Now, he has mastered the power of black death, the power of heavenly punishment, and the power of chaos, and he has fully realized the will of heaven. The pillars have been baptized by God's will, and what are the few **** kings who are still groping in their martial arts?

There is a huge difference between God King and God King!

If all the gods in the primordial universe have a ranking.

Meng Fan must have stood at the top ranks.

At this moment, even if it is the Taoist Taoist in the heyday, with the body of an ancient ship, facing Meng Fan, he may not be an opponent. Meng Fan's victory is bigger.

The ancient emperor is also one of the top ranks. Although he is not like Meng Fan, he has the five true meanings and fully comprehend the true meaning of good fortune and the will of heaven, but he has been in countless years, in the most turbulent and volatile places like Wanyu. Dominating the roost for so many years, the hidden means are more than 11 million? Especially the years of precipitation, the surging vitality, and the surpassing Meng Fan.

Among these two characters, the nine **** kings are like nine weak scholars standing among two mobs who have killed countless. These two mobs are constantly releasing their power and trying to oppress each other, just like two The thugs kept releasing arrows and throwing weapons.

How can the nine weak scholars who "have no power to bind the chicken" can bear?

One person was directly oppressed to flee.

The other eight people are constantly drawing vitality from the surrounding void, relying on the home court advantage of the purple world to maintain them.


One **** king uttered a big shout, and eight **** kings suddenly jumped up, instead of dispersing the attack, they swarmed up and rushed straight to Meng Fan.

"There are fifty-seven **** kings remaining in this purple light world."

When the eight gods violently rose, Meng Fan made a sound, extremely fast, the voice of Xumi.

"Just see who kills more!"

The ancient emperor yelled.

Meng Fan smiled: "Not necessarily. With such a huge force in the world of purple light, the world is overwhelming. Whoever kills more may not tell the winner. Perhaps, you and I will compare, whoever lives longer, and whoever lives first You die here!"

The ancient emperor laughed loudly: "It suits my liking!"

Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo Bo...

Waves of vitality rippled.

Eight **** kings, majestic vitality, hit Meng Fan's body.

Immediately, his blue shirt shattered, and the exposed skin was all densely wounded, but he did not step back even an inch!

Then, a finger pointed out quietly.

Immediately, a little sesame-sized blood appeared on the eyebrows of a **** king, leaning backwards, vitality, passing by at an astonishing speed!

Contains the godly meaning of God!


The other **** king suddenly flew up, flying by, while his body was fragmented.

But it was not Meng Fan, but the ancient emperor strode closer, with the power of the tyrant, in a short moment, fiercely kicked a hundred and eight feet, directly kicking the body of a **** king to pieces!

The two giants of Wanyu killed the gods when they shot.

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