Supreme God King

Chapter 2285: Text hell

The world of purple light has already expanded to the size of half a million domains, covered with lavender light everywhere, an extremely gorgeous color.

Outside, no one knows what happened in the world of purple light.

In the center of the purple light world, in the blazing purple sun, two kings of Jueping, sitting firmly on the throne of the emperor, with a humane canopy above their heads, their eyes are extremely gloomy, staring at the two figures, Meng Fan, the ancient emperor!

The power of the two Wanyu Supreme Giants has far exceeded his imagination.

The Ziguang Empire, spanning hundreds of thousands of years, is an absolute behemoth in the ten thousand domains. In the past, the Ziguang Empire has also encountered powerful existences, such as the hidden giants.

But I have never encountered an opponent like today!

Sixty **** kings, three thousand in a thousand worlds, hundreds of millions of sergeants, this scale surpasses any previous offensive of the Purple Light Empire, because Wanyu is the first large thousand world that the Purple Light Empire conquered, and here, there is still There is a part of the source of the heavens circling, called the greatest treasure house, that's why it is so regarded.

But such an overwhelming aura of the mountain could not deter two people.

Meng Fan, ancient emperor.

One of the nine **** kings was directly repelled by the pressure of the two, and the remaining eight were only left on Meng Fan’s body, leaving a series of fine wounds, and the flesh and blood were damaged. But then, in the blink of an eye, they were two Purple Light Empires. The king of God was knocked into the air, one of the souls was directly penetrated and completely fell, and the other, the flesh and blood fell apart, no matter what maintenance, it could not stop itself from breaking.

King Jueping's eyes flickered.

After Meng Fan and the ancient emperor used thunderous methods to break through the two **** kings, they just glanced at each other, and they rose suddenly!

The remaining six **** kings were directly shocked by the aura of the two.

The ancient emperor with a tyrannical posture, majestic flesh and blood power, madly tore through the laws of the layers of space in the purple light world, countless enchantments, countless purple light sergeants were affected by his power, immediately destroyed, when he was killed, He is constantly striding forward to the core of Ziguang world.

And Meng Fan, whose whole body was directly transformed into a long rainbow, turned a blind eye to all the spaces, formations, and barriers in the world of purple light. He used a meaning of emptiness that ordinary gods could not understand. Ziguang core is getting closer and closer!

"The true meaning of the Dao, the meaning of the emptiness..." The voice of King Jueping was cold: "There are actually five true meanings of the Dao..."

Although Meng Fan displayed the meaning of space, after all, in this purple light world, not only the laws of space and barriers, but also the barriers of the world, his speed was obviously slow after breaking through tens of thousands of layers. At this time, in the surrounding void, a series of **** king aura appeared, keeping pace with him, his eyes locked tightly, and various forces were brewing.

"Da Yin Xi Sheng!"

Suddenly, a clear roar came from the secret place, and then, the space around Meng Fan seemed to freeze.

Not only space, time, but also seemed to stagnate for a brief moment.

It was the means of the delicate and beautiful king.

Meng Fan was stagnant.

This short pause is the chain of more than ten laws, rolling from all directions, each chain is from a **** king of the Purple Empire, and it entangles Meng Fan's body like a snake in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, Hong Zhong Dalu's voice rose up, and in the law, the billowing vitality turned into an entity, with a force of tens of thousands to suppress Meng Fan.

The majestic vitality of more than a dozen gods is enough to crush everything in the blink of an eye!

However, after entangled Meng Fan, he just bent his body, and immediately after he wore a blue shirt, bursts of extraordinary power emerged in his body. The pitch black was like ink, making his blue shirt and his face look like ink. The whole body turned black.

This black turned into a layer of delicate armor.

And within the chains, the vitality that turned into entities was contaminated and backlashed by this black armor!

Those pure vitality turned black at an extremely fast speed.

The air of black death.


More than ten chains were suddenly torn apart.

Meng Fan's figure shook, ignoring all kinds of space barriers, and came to Shenxiu King.

The Shenxiu King was playing his enlightenment tool, which was a delicate, crystal-clear Xiao. Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and a black armored Meng Fan appeared. He was shocked and backed back again and again.

But no matter how fast he retreats under the blessing of strength in the world of purple light, Meng Fan is always pressing!

Huh! The black armor dissipated, revealing a blue shirt, a huge good luck fist that was brewing the power of heaven and earth, deriving its dominance and power to the extreme, and in a sudden, it smashed into the overly delicate face of the Shenxiu King.

Directly bombarded his body's laws and vitality!

Immediately, Meng Fan didn't stop for a while, shaking his body, turning into a Changhong again, walking in the void invisible to the eyes, and heading straight to the core of the world of purple light. There were waves of screams. There were four hidden gods. Meng Fan, who was walking in the void, collapsed and flew directly. Two of them were separated from flesh and blood, leaving only their souls intact. The remaining two gods were also in embarrassment.

The two kings of Jueping stared at him, slapped the throne of the emperor angrily, and said angrily: "Sixty gods, but can't stop him!"

"grown ups!"

The Dean of Hundred Saints who took off his white robe said solemnly: "Meng Fan, the Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Domains, is really a rare horror character in ancient times. The Great Central Emperor, who was extremely prosperous back then, was too inferior to him. The five true meanings, the providence, Divine will, the meaning of the void, the meaning of meditation, the meaning of good fortune, and the strange black vitality, as well as the power of the source of heaven and punishment that was displayed before, these characters can never be judged by common sense!

I have never seen the meaning of the void, but I have seen it in the ancient scrolls left by my Purple Light Empire. It crosses at will and is unstoppable. If the power of the world here is not controlled by us, he can completely ignore any distance and directly Get here! The pace is unpredictable and too difficult to capture. "

The two kings of Jueping looked gloomy: "Dean, do you really force me to integrate into Taishan? Taishan is the first mountain in the Purple Light Empire, where luck is elusive. It was previously speculated that if I merge into it, my mind may be assimilated into stubbornness. stone!"

"The closer you get to the core, the better it will be for us!" Dean Baisheng waved his hand fiercely, and a phantom appeared behind him immediately.

It's really a lot of colleges!

It is some kind of teleportation array that connects the Purple Light Empire, Hundred Saints Academy, and here.

In the academies, hundreds of thousands of young people opened books at the same time, some of them were very old bamboo slips or even oracle bones.

"The Tao of a Hundred Schools." Two King Jueping nodded: "Okay, just use this as a position to kill him!"

At this moment, a figure fell. It was an evil young man who judged the heavenly king, and said in a dark test: "I actually took away a trace of my humane judgment power. Meng Fan's method... can it go straight to the Great Chaos? Impossible, the universe How could there be such a character in the prehistoric times, in just ten thousand years, he would have won the world."

As he said, his figure shook abruptly, and his body was tens of millions of points, and all the powers of his soul, origin, vitality, law, etc., were changing.

During this change, a void passage opened up behind him. In the passage, there was a fortified hall. On the left and right sides of the hall were all ancient stone pillars on which were carved various laws.

In the center of the main hall, there are tens of thousands of young men and women wearing gilt black shirts and carrying sharp swords.

The Ziguang Empire, the Judgment Hall, the young men and women in it are known as the most elite fighters of the Ziguang Empire, each of them is a god, even a half-step divine judge!

With their appearance, the power of adjudication, punishment, and judgment was released from their bodies and merged into the judgment king.

The Judgment Hall of the Purple Light Empire, in charge of the law and laying the foundation of the empire, is the most cold-blooded and ruthless. Each of them is a powerful law enforcer who understands the Dao of Judgment. Although with their existence, it is absolutely impossible to control the power of the Dao of Judgment. They are more or less contaminated with the atmosphere of the Great Judgment Dao.

At this moment, they symbolize the Supreme Law, and even vaguely, they have a taste of contending with the punishment of heaven!

Under the baptism of this kind of breath, the Judgement Heavenly King changed faster and faster. In the end, all his power turned into a sword.

Still the sword of judgment.

But it was transformed by the Judgment King himself, and has the power of tens of thousands of judges!

Extremely sharp.

"Trap him here by the way of a hundred schools!" Suddenly there was a strong voice, and another figure fell aside. This man was dressed plainly, looks ordinary, and has a very moderate aura, but a discerning person can see him. The powerful background is the Lord of the Golden Palace of the Purple Light Empire!

This time the attack on Ten Thousand Territories, the Ziguang Empire can be said to be half the power. The leaders of the Ziguang Eight Pavilions came four people, the ruling hall judges the king, the dean of the Baisheng Academy, the undead king of the **** of war, the golden hall of the golden hall the Lord.

In addition, in the Senate, the extremely high status of Shenxiu King and Liang Jueping Kings.

Although these characters did not grasp the true meaning, they either had a certain amount of humane power or had many hidden secret methods. Compared with other **** kings in the Purple Light Empire, they were obviously much stronger.

At this moment, they no longer reserved, they wanted to use the most powerful means to kill Meng Fan with the fastest speed.

Because they knew that as long as there was no Meng Fan in the ten thousand realms, the ancient emperor would be one-armed, and other **** kings would not even be able to enter the world of purple light.

The victory or defeat lies with Meng Fan.

Electric light flint, white horse passed the gap, everything happened extremely fast.

Changhong, the incarnation of Meng Fan, has come to the core of the world of purple light, showing his figure, without opening his mouth, directly attacking the two kings of Jueping who are firmly seated in the army.

"Hundreds of studies!"

At this moment.

Dean of Baisheng, showed his most powerful trump card.

In the academy behind him, hundreds of thousands of the sons of the academy began to read the books, bamboo slips and oracle bones in their hands.

The sound is extremely messy.

Because the words they read are strange and varied.

With the sound of chanting, every word that was read quickly rose into the air. With the shuttle of the purple light world, it was summoned by the Dean of Hundred Saints and turned into a torrent of billions of words to swallow the spirit of heaven and earth. Meng Fan is involved!

Countless laws, countless thoughts, countless laws, and a hundred ways of learning swallowed Meng Fan.

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