Supreme God King

Chapter 2286: Ancient Flesh

The word is the spirit of all things.

Written words, ghosts cry and howl, because heaven and earth qi machine is no longer mysterious, it can be passed down and enlightened.

The power of words is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Meng Fan was involved in it, even if it was him, it was difficult to stand still. He could only bombard the torrent of writing with violent force, but to no avail, billions of characters were hard to be destroyed.

Even the meaning of emptiness has been suppressed!

This kind of terrifying power is enough to suppress the true meaning of Dao Dao. It is really amazing. Even though Meng Fan only fully comprehends and masters the true meaning of heaven and good fortune, he is still shocked by only a few thin threads of the meaning of the void.

In the blink of an eye, there was a torrent of words, not just besieging Meng Fan, but began to attack and hit!

Even if Meng Fan's vitality was surging, and he was torn apart by such a huge impact, after that, billions of characters began to impact his physical body, leaving traces.

Meng Fan's physical body was reshaped by good fortune and God's will.

At this moment, there were many marks on his body.

It's all text imprints!

Dao can be said, very Dao...The birth and death of all things...The cycle of life and death... and so on, the words, either red and hot, or cold as frost, were carved on his physical skin, and it seemed that they could never be erased.

With these imprints, his body began to become slow and dull, his vitality was torn apart, the law was blocked, and his body became more and more rigid.

"Text Hell."

The Lord of the Golden Palace looked at Meng Fan and whispered, "A powerful method."

At this moment, the Dean of Baisheng was constantly urging the torrent of words, but blood was constantly flowing out of his mouth and nose.

At this moment, his vitality, essence and blood were burning crazily, urging his original martial art pillar.

Even with the blessing of hundreds of thousands of students, his loss is amazing!

Full time for a stick of incense!

Billions of characters disappeared.

But it was not broken, but after being destroyed by Meng Fan half, the rest was all branded on his body!

At this moment, I can’t see any of Meng Fan’s skin or body. It is completely covered by various words. Even his eyes are imprinted with words. Those words are extremely dense and insignificant than the head of an ant. , Turned Meng Fan into a "knowledge monument."

Dean Hundred Saints loosened his body, and took a long breath: "All the classics of Hundred Saints Academy...Hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation... are gone..."

His voice was trembling.

The Hundred Saints Academy, one of the eight pavilions of the Purple Light Empire, is the highest institution. The books of the world must be copied and stored in the Hundred Saints Academy. How can the accumulated classics for hundreds of thousands of years be counted in only 100 million? And how amazing is the humane and cultural power that countless students are reciting in it?

But at this moment, in order to trap Meng Fan, the Dean of Hundred Saints used the most powerful literary prison. Half of Hundred Saints Academy's classics were crushed by Meng Fan, and the remaining half were branded on his body and locked him firmly.

"Words are the essence of humanity, but it's nothing. As long as the Ziguang Empire continues to prosper and annex the world of humanity, Baisheng Academy will have words that surpass any era!" Liang Jueping Wang Lang said, at this moment, he, There was a light of excitement in his eyes.

Because of Meng Fan, he was completely locked up! not moving at all.

The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Regions, a figure who was frightened by the Purple Light Empire army who did not dare to act rashly, was finally subdued.

"That's good...that's good..."

Dean Baisheng sat in the void, closed his eyes, motionless, breathing extremely lightly.

"The Dean of Hundred Saints is exhausted." King Liang Jueping said: "Send him back to the Purple Light Empire!"

Promoting such a horrible torrent of texts, Dean Baisheng also exhausted all his strength. At the same time, many hundreds of thousands of students in that academy coughed up blood and even fainted.

With a wave of the palm of the Lord of the Golden Palace, the Dean of Hundred Saints entered the passage leading to the Hundred Saints Academy, and then the passage was closed.

Two kings of Jueping took a look at them, and they have become the king of judgment with the sword of judgment.

Needless to say, at this moment, he is the Judgment King with a powerful sword. He rose in the air and pierced Meng Fan's eyebrows with the most powerful force!


One hand grabbed the sword's edge.

The two kings of Jueping and the master of the golden palace were all surprised.

Meng Fan, who was already branded with countless words on his body, actually moved!

Although this time, his movement was just raising his left arm and holding the blade. After holding it, the flesh and blood of his left arm began to break apart, and the words imprinted on the flesh and skin were broken. Disperse, go deep again, branding into his meridians and bones.

However, under the blockade of the torrent of texts in Hundred Saints College, it is still possible to move the arm. Why is this situation not surprised?

A pair of eyes, which are also covered with various characters, gently turned to look at the two kings of Jueping.

"Kill him!"

Two King Jueping said coldly.

Judging the heavenly king, continue to exert force, the sword's edge constantly sweeps, inch by inch, minute by minute, dividing Meng Fan's flesh and blood, from the palm, to the arm, to the shoulder, to the chest, to the neck, to the head.

Every inch of flesh and blood is shattering.

And when it was broken, the infinite words were also deepening and deep into the bones, blocking all his powers.


With a loud noise, in the world of purple light, two figures abruptly collided. It was the ancient emperor and an extremely tall woman!

The two Kings of Jueping and the Lord of the Golden Palace cast their eyes.

Before, the ancient emperor was also rushing towards the core of the world of purple light, but he did not have Meng Fan's void means, and completely broke through layers of space and formation with the power of tyrants. At this moment, he has reached very close to the core of the world of purple light. The distance and the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen gods could not stop him.

However, a tall woman stopped him.

This woman, with a matte face, wearing a pink robe, was obviously very lovely and charming, but the monstrous anger in her eyes, her hideous face, and the breath released from her body made people afraid to look directly.

It is the undead king!

The undead king who had been crushed by Meng Fan's foot before, and the undead king who had beaten like a dog, was completely changed at this moment.

When the two kings of Juping saw it, they coldly snorted: "Seeing that the victory has been divided, has finally released the final trump card, the body of the ancient sage king? Or, the ancient emperor is the same high as Meng Fan. If he rushes over and kills Meng Fan, he will be thwarted!"

After speaking, finally released the most powerful trump card, the undead king of the ancient saint king's flesh, and the ancient emperor have already fought a thousand times!

Obviously, it can be seen that even if it releases the biggest trump card, the undead king is still not the opponent of the ancient emperor in various powers, and is suppressed, but at this moment, the undead king, no matter how attacked by the ancient emperor, is physically There were no scars, even if there were some small scars, they would recover in the blink of an eye.

The ancient emperor said coldly: "The method of puppets, your other flesh bodies are all ordinary **** king flesh bodies, but only this one, so terrifying, what kind of character's flesh body is this? So unbreakable?"

"How can you know the root of the body of the Ancient Sage King?" The Undead King's voice was colder, and it was full of incomparable anger. It was a great shame that Meng Fan had been defeated continuously before: "Meng Fan has been killed by the old man. The word prison is bound, and the trial kid has become a great sword of trial, and he will undoubtedly die. In that case, the two greatest giants in Wanyu, I will win you through the ages!"

While roaring, the Undead King rushed forward, slapped the ancient emperor abruptly, and backed away.

The ancient emperor snorted coldly: "This flesh body is so powerful that he must have been a terrifying **** king before his death. If he is still alive, he is qualified to fight against me, but you are just a guy who steals the flesh, and a poor one. Hermit crabs are no different. They are weak and can only rely on the shell of other creatures to protect themselves, and they want to haunt me?"

These words made the Undead King face scarlet, and he was extremely angry.

The ancient emperor was the oldest overlord among the ten thousand realms. Regardless of his strength or his mentality, he was absolutely tricky. He immediately angered the undead king who was already extremely popular, and made her attack frantically regardless of his power.

Although an undead king could not completely entangle the ancient emperor, it delayed his footsteps, and the other **** kings approached.

"Suppress the ancient emperor!" Liang Jueping roared.

At this time, most of Meng Fan's flesh and blood was stripped away.

The big sword of trial is cutting deeper and deeper.

The ancient emperor looked up and saw that he wanted to make a move. But in front of him was the undead king who had turned the biggest card and the many **** kings who kept coming, he couldn't help but roared: "Meng Fan! If you want to die, you should die in my hands!"

But he yelled without any response.

Meng Fan, completely turned into a monument of knowledge, can simply move the palm of his hand without any flesh and bones, and grasp the sharp edge of the Judgment Sword, nothing can be done.

But at this moment!

The imprint of the billion trillion words suddenly faded.

This lightly faded, but the two kings of Jueping and the golden palace master clearly saw it, and couldn't help being taken aback.

The Lord of the Golden Palace immediately took a step forward, spreading his palms, and immediately there was an extremely tiny golden tower emerging from his palm.

It is a tower shaped like a "gold" character, with regular shape, perfect proportions, and extremely smooth. Even if you look at it with the most detailed eyes of the king, you can't see any unevenness.

With a flick of his palm, the "gold"-shaped tower suddenly swelled and became as huge as a mountain.

One of the eight pavilions, the Golden Palace Lord, will also use his most powerful means to assist in the trial of the heavenly king and kill Meng Fan together!


The entire Ten Thousand Regions suddenly oscillated.

This shock can be called an absolute shake of the earth and mountains, and I can feel it everywhere in Wanyu.

Everyone split out a divine soul in an instant, slightly divided their minds, and looked in the direction of the shaking.

A huge ark descended from the sky.

On the ark.

Standing Qixuan old man.

There are forty **** kings.

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