Supreme God King

Chapter 2287: Eternal night dream

The ark that came out of thin air is huge, although it is not comparable to half of the world of purple light, covering the void, but when this ark appears, it can be clearly seen no matter where it is in the world!

Especially, in the Ark, the infinite space cannot be counted at all. It is almost impossible for these vast and overlapping spaces to accumulate together, and they will inevitably collapse. Only the ten thousand domains or the suspended purple light world can do it. Because they all have the power of the world and can maintain the normal operation of all laws.

But the law maintains such a majestic space, no matter which **** king is present, it is impossible to see the mystery!

The moment the ark descended, in the ten thousand realms, whether it was the **** king of the dark alliance, other **** kings, or the **** king of the Purple Light Empire, they were all suddenly shocked. Forty **** kings suddenly appeared, and they were driving such a huge boat. , Anyone will have endless questions-whoever comes!

However, no one answered.

This huge boat carrying forty gods, countless creatures, and ordinary human monks in the vast ocean, just arrived, silently, and crashed into the world of purple light!

The power of the rolling world was immediately detonated, rushing through the Ark crazily, but only a few shallow traces were left, and it was impossible to stop the invasion of the Ark.

Two powerful figures in the world of Ziguang, such as the two kings of Jueping, the Lord of the Golden Palace, the undead king, and the ancient emperor, were shocked. Seeing the characters on the ark broke into the world of purple light without a word, and went straight to the core of the world. , They were all dumbfounded, but all the **** kings felt an astonishingly condensed will on the **** kings in this ark. They had no distractions, only one destination, that was the core of the world of purple light!

"not good!"

At the moment when the two kings of Juping were stunned, they suddenly felt a strong hostility, immediately retracted their minds, searched the heavens, and could not help but dilated his pupils. In his eyes, he saw Meng Fan, who was being stripped by the Judgment King, appeared beside him. A beautiful red shadow was a young and lovely girl in red armor, with a delicate appearance, but the breath between her brows was very similar to Meng Fan.

The moment the girl appeared, the two kings of Jueping shook their hands and grabbed it with a palm.

"Little sheep, dare to **** food from the tiger's mouth!"

With a loud shout, his palm grabbed the girl's delicate face in the blink of an eye.


The palms of King Jueping stopped in midair.

A hand covered with text imprints grabbed the hands of King Jueping!

Seeing that this animal had no flesh and blood, only bones, and the palms of the torrent of words sealed on it, for some reason, King Liang Jueping was shocked.

No other reason!

This is Meng Fan's palm!

At this moment, Meng Fan is holding the judgment sword in one palm.

The other palm held the hands of King Jueping.

He has run out of mountains and rivers, all his strength has been sealed by the torrent of words, and he has to endure thousands of beheads with each breath of the Great Sword of Judgment. At this moment, not only his arms, but most of his body have no flesh and blood, and he is completely a dead body. Looks like!

But in this case, he split up and grabbed two hands of King Jueping!

Meng Fan, who was stiff as a monument of knowledge, stared straight at the two kings of Jueping with a pair of eyes.

Then his lips quivered slightly.

Make a few syllables that are difficult to identify.

"Dare to touch my flesh and blood?"

Two King Jueping's cheeks trembled, and he shouted angrily: "Dead!"

"Death is a very simple thing."

At this time, a cold voice sounded close at hand.

King Liang Jueping felt cold all over, suddenly turned around, and saw a woman dressed in black plum blossoms on a white background, as cold as an iceberg and snow sea, looking at King Liang Jueping indifferently.

Then, wave a palm.

Entangling the mind!

The two kings of Jueping immediately turned around, vigorously, the waves rolled, and they hit back with a palm, the palms collided, and there was a stalemate. The purple light flashed, and the human emperor throne circled for several times, coming behind the cold woman, and hitting her back.

The ruthless woman invited Princess Yue to steep and withdraw instead of trying hard.

But this time, it gave Meng Niuniu a chance.

A biting sword intent burst out between her hands, exhausting the greatest strength in her life, and slashing on the sharp sword transformed into the King of Judgment!


In Meng Niuniu's nose, mouth, ears and eyes, the seven orifices bleed, and the power of the Great Sword of Judgment shook her back and hurt her severely.

But this moment, the Judgement Sword deviated by half an inch.

Regardless of her own injuries, she grabbed Meng Fan, who had turned into a "skeleton", and turned and retreated!

The two kings of Jueping were already furious: "Keep him!"

Keep him!

Almost hysterical, heart-piercing voices echoed in the entire purple light world.

Many Purple Light God Kings who were hiding everywhere jumped up and rushed towards Meng Niuniu!

Meng Niuniu, not Meng Fan, did not have the means to change the world, and was severely injured by the Great Sword of Judgment. At this moment, she was running all the way, leaving blood and water, and her speed was getting slower and slower. Behind her, the breath of a godly king was Get closer!

Suddenly, a space split, and a god-king palm appeared less than a foot away from Meng Niuniu's right eye.

In her eyes, the shadow of the palm of the **** king was reflected!


With a soft drink, the **** king who was tearing through the space to kill Meng Niuniu suddenly retracted his arm, and then his entire figure was revealed, with a huge palm print on his chest. This **** king, with clean brows and beautiful eyes, is exactly the **** king.

In front of him, there was a beautiful woman.


Meng Niuniu just glanced at it, and without stopping, she continued to rush outward at full speed.

"Keep him!"

In the heart of the world of purple light, the two kings of Jueping shouted heartbreakingly, suddenly urging the throne of the emperor, and wanted to take action personally to leave Meng Niuniu and the "skeleton" Meng Fan in her hands, but just took a step, it was a one The palms entwining the mind came, and in a short moment, the two kings of Jueping and the palms of the mind fought thousands of times, even if there were some imperial thrones and human emperor Huagai, he and this cold woman who displayed the palms of the mind, invited the moon princess, unexpectedly It's just evenly divided!

The long gown with black plum blossoms on a white background lay in front of the two kings of Juping, not allowing him to chase for half a step.

Inviting the moon princess, mastering the mind and strength, has reached the level of the giant of the earth when Meng Fan just stepped on the path of the gods and seclusion several years ago!

Meng Niuniu was getting closer and closer to the edge of the world of purple light.

Divine kings from all walks of life are also gathering.

Suddenly, one by one, the gods, directly tore through all the barriers, revealing their figure, descending from the sky, from all directions and angles, attacking Meng Niuniu!

Some **** kings are already close at hand, showing a sneer, and can even see their teeth.

It's a dead end!

At this moment, repeated explosions!

The same majestic breath of the **** king came from the other direction, strangling with the purple light world **** kings who came, and for a moment, the sky was radiant and dazzling.

The Forty Kings of Qiankun Ark arrived.

After the Ark of Universe tore through the world power shell of the purple light world, the **** kings in the ten thousand domains also stepped in!

Headed by the four great kings of Renxiong, Zhongtian, Tiancan, and Baixingyi, join the array of the forty kings of the universe, set foot in the world of purple light, start a frantic fight, without any means of reservation, all the cards, all cards are opened, countless The means to deter the fluctuations of the world.

In the Ten Thousand Realms, too many spectators were stunned and swayed, and even many people, especially those dark alliance fighters in the torrent of war, were contaminated by the breath of the majestic king. Baptism, and learned many things from it, there are actually many dark alliance fighters who have directly broken through the realm!

At this moment.

It happened in front of them.

It was a battle of more than a hundred gods and kings!

"A Thousand Autumn Dreams."

In an instant, in the various strongholds of the Dark Alliance, the Dark Alliance soldiers and Sergeant Ziguang who were fighting each other while marveling at the world of Purple Light, heard this voice in their minds.

Great dreams.

Immediately, the tens of millions of Violet Sergeants in each stronghold showed sluggish expressions, swaying, and stopped moving.

Many dark alliance fighters don't know what happened, but the enemy stopped their movements and killed them!

Therefore, because of the mysterious sound of Xuanming, the battles in various strongholds showed an astonishing change in an instant, which was a complete massacre.

After a while.

When many Ziguang sergeants fell to the ground.

In their corpses, strands of gray, if there is a seemingly non-existent spirit, flying out, it is actually...a broken soul!

And these spirits, seemingly controlled by someone, did not immediately dissipate between the heavens and the earth, but quickly gathered, tens of thousands of spirits, gathered together, and turned into a weird looking head, a weird shape, no legs, only two claws The fierce beast.

Tens of millions of Violet Sergeants have evolved hundreds of these strange beasts in various strongholds.

Many dark alliance fighters were taken aback, not knowing why, they just stepped back slowly, watching these beasts vigilantly, and these beasts, which seemed to have no physical body, did not violently attack, and their stature suddenly shook and plunged into the world of purple light. .

Inside the dark league headquarters.

Linglongxin respects fragrance and sweat, and is too **** and coquettish.

Her eyes looked at the world of purple light.

Whispered in the mouth:

"What a gorgeous purple light, what a pity... Qianqiu Big Dream, Eternal Night Demon!"

After the one yuan sword formation, the second largest formation of the dark alliance emerged, grafting the magic of the thousand and autumn dreams!


Meng Niuniu fell on the land of Wanyu.

Putting the "skeleton" Meng Fan beside her, ignoring the bleeding of her seven orifices, she quickly released her vitality, urging the law, and wanted to dismantle the billion-trillion-trillion text seal of Meng Fan's bones. However, her vitality just touched these. The seal will dissipate immediately!

"How come..." Meng Niuniu was stunned: "These text seals have been completely deepened, and they have been branded into the origin of Grandpa's martial arts..."

Two beautiful shadows, falling in the sky, standing aside, it is the Jade Immortal Venerable and the Misty Immortal Venerable. When the two monsters saw it, they did not say a word. They immediately joined forces to get rid of the seal of words. They are the same as in Meng Niuniu's situation. The seal was deeply imprinted in Meng Fan's martial arts and origins, and it was impossible to get rid of it. There seemed to be only one possibility if you wanted to break the text seal.

Meng Fan died.

Just at the moment when the three dark alliance **** kings looked solemn.


The land of Ten Thousand Domains, an astonishingly towering mountain peak that had reached the apex of Ten Thousand Domains, began to shake violently.

This mountain is dozens of times taller than the highest mountain in Ten Thousand Regions, majestic and majestic.


In the purple world.

The flesh and blood of the two kings of Jueping were changing.

He said grimly: "The origin of the earth, melted in the Taishan Mountains, towering and vast, the highest peak!"

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