Supreme God King

Chapter 2294: Six epochs

Emperor Chaos.

In the primordial universe, the first **** king born in the first era, opened up an absolute realm, shielded the source of the heavens, created reincarnation and chaos, and wrote his own luck, life and death.

Meng Fan bowed his head and pondered, and raised his head for a long time: "Even if I hold the meaning of space and cross an infinite distance, I still can't get close to you, because you have escaped the laws of the source of the heavens. If so, why would you die?"

"I think you can deduce this question." Xuying laughed.

Meng Fan was taken aback, pondered for a moment and said: "After he died, did he escape?"

"Wrong." Xuying smiled: "When I was alive, I had escaped from the law of everything and lived on another level. That was a matter of the fourth era."

"In that case." Meng Fan's mind became more solemn: "You have escaped from the control of the source of the heavens and will not die, so a certain moment, you voluntarily returned to the prehistoric universe. That was the last era. Time of extinction!"

Xu Ying smiled and said: "The first era is the beginning of all things and all things. The source of the heavens has undergone long-term transformation and infinite laws, spreading the cosmos, many creatures, among the stars and huge islands, Open your eyes and breathe out vitality in the world of the thousand worlds in the world of the thousand worlds, and that is the moment when all creatures are born.

Then, after many years, perhaps hundreds of millions of years, or billions of years, certain creatures opened up their wisdom, no longer purely abiding by the laws of heaven and earth, no longer willing to endure life and death, and set foot on their own path.

In that era of ignorance, human beings are extremely weak, and many creatures with strong innate blood, or ancient beasts, are powerful. I am the fourth **** king in the world and the first **** king Chaos Great. Although I have seen him, I can’t deduce what he is. It can be called the most mysterious character, but the second **** king is the great dragon, the third is the elephant master, these two **** kings, They are all creatures with strong innate bloodlines, and they are the undoubted gods of that era.

I was also born in that ignorant era, after the Great Chaos, the Great Dragon, and the Elephant Lord. After me, many gods appeared one after another. We asked the sky, looking for the direction of immortality, or looking for impunity. Although the methods of the laws of the heavens are bound by the gods, we have embarked on different paths. The wild Tailong and the elephant master found the source of the heavens, broke into it, and stole the two true meanings, the divine will. , And the meaning of origin.

This triggered the first tremor of the heavens, and also urged a brand new force. "

"God's will." Meng Fan said suddenly.

Xuying said: "Yes, God’s will. At the earliest moment when the **** king was born, the way of heaven flowed in the dark. Everything and everything just followed the law of the way of heaven, but never really saw the power of the way of heaven. Yuan was stolen from the Dao’s true meaning, and it began to awaken, but it was not a creature in the end, it was impossible to produce spirit and soul, only the will, this will, first created the natural punishment.

I said that I was the fourth **** king, and after me, many **** kings were born, but I didn’t say how many, not because I don’t know, but because there are too many to count, because in that ignorance In the era, there is no natural punishment. As long as a creature has reached that level of cultivation, and his martial arts have come to an end, he will naturally step into the realm of the **** king.

After the heavenly punishment, the **** king and the creatures under the **** king seem to be separated from each other forever, and fewer and fewer **** kings are born, but before the heavenly punishment, the **** kings fought back in the footsteps of the great dragons and elephant masters. Continue to try to challenge the source of the heavens and want to steal the true meaning of the Dao.


"Era Great Tribulation." Meng Fan said.

"Era Great Tribulation." Xuying sighed: "The first epoch, because it was the beginning of everything, the way of heaven did not give birth to the will, and all the creatures were groping for themselves in the dark. Therefore, the first epoch lasted for a hundred. It took more than a hundred million years before the Great Tribulation of the Era emerged."

Meng Fan constricted his eyebrows: "You said, you have lived for 11.5 billion years?"

"Four-fifths of this one and a half billion years have lived in the first era." Xuying said: "The great catastrophe of the first era happened suddenly, and no **** king had expected it, so After the first epoch, almost everything was destroyed, and only a handful of **** kings survived and preserved the fire of some living creatures.

The second epoch, which lasted only 1.2 billion years, broke out in the epoch catastrophe.

The third era, 200 million years.

The fourth era, nine million years.

The fifth era, two million years.

Now it is the sixth era. "

"The interval between the Great Tribulation of the Era is getting shorter and shorter." Meng Fan's heart became more and more disturbed: "What is the Great Tribulation of the Era?"

"The source of the heavens is evolving." Xuying said: "The powerful **** king steals the power of the source of the heavens, and the source of the heavens plunders the wisdom of the gods. Therefore, after every epoch, the source of the heavens Becoming stronger, so every time the Era Great Tribulation is different, but one rule has never changed."

The phantom was silent for a moment.

"The power of Era Great Tribulation is getting stronger and stronger.

The first epoch catastrophe was the five decays of heaven and man. The vitality and laws of all living creatures came from the heavens. These laws and vitality decayed rapidly in just a few years. A large number of living creatures perished, and the **** king began to age. In about tens of thousands of years, there were very few creatures left in the primordial universe, and the **** king died. In that catastrophe, mankind also perished. I only rescued seven people, three men and four women.

After each Era Great Tribulation, it will far surpass the first Era Great Tribulation. In each Era Great Tribulation, the source of the heavens will evolve a brand new power to destroy a powerful existence. "

Meng Fan flicked his fingers and calculated what the phantom said: "But the source of the heavens has no mind, only will, and the will operates according to the laws of the heavens and has a powerful law. Why does the first era continue? After tens of billions of years, the fifth epoch lasted only two million years. According to the memory of the gods of good fortune, this epoch is only more than one million years old, but there are faint signs in the heavens and the earth, indicating that the great catastrophe of the era is about to arrival?"

Xu Ying said: "Because of me, because of you, because of the Great Chaos, because of all the strong people you see with your eyes."

Meng Fan suddenly realized.

The operation of the will of Heaven and the Great Tribulation of the Era came because the forces that threatened the source of the heavens were born in the primordial universe, which triggered the Great Tribulation of the Era.

In the first epoch, everything is reborn and evolves slowly. Facing everything, it is unknown. It requires slow exploration and all kinds of coincidences. It took a long time before the birth of the first-level king of the gods could threaten the heavens. The existence of the source.

After the end of the first epoch, the world was reinvented, but it was not a real rebirth. The Great Chaos, the ancestor of humanity, and possibly some other powerful **** kings, all lived to the second epoch and preserved the fire of some creatures. These creatures inherited the wisdom of their predecessors, and in a shorter time, they reached the height of their predecessors.

The duration of each epoch is getting shorter and shorter.

It shows that in every epoch, stronger existences and more dignified characters were born.

Seeing Meng Fan’s expression, Xu Ying nodded and said: "You guessed it too. I have lived through six epochs and have witnessed countless people who cross the sky and the earth and are angry at the source of the heavens and must be killed. One is the Great Emperor of Chaos, and then there are the Primordial Tailong, Elephant Lord, and the Ancient Sage King, the Good Fortune Sage King, Tai Wuji, the Nine Great God Kings, and so on. In every epoch, there are heroes.

And in these six epochs, every time the epoch catastrophe, I will take action and keep the humane fire. Until the beginning of the last epoch, my life was gradually exhausted, and time was short, but I still failed to be like the Chaos Emperor. In general, it creates powers comparable to the true meaning of the source of the heavens, such as the meaning of reincarnation and the meaning of chaos, and has never been able to build a perfect shelter for humanity like the end of the gods, and shield all the laws of the source of the heavens. , So I jumped out of everything, wandering outside the law of the source of the heavens, without being restricted by time, space, and all laws, there is no life and death, just waiting, once again the era of catastrophe comes, I will take action , To continue to preserve a kind of fire for humanity, the only hope is to let humanity continue an additional era.

In the last epoch, I saw the rise of the nine gods and kings with my own eyes. I also saw the human race still prosperous without my protection. I thought that I could be at ease in addition to all things and everything, watching humanity continue forever, but nothing It was expected that the Great Chaos actually used reincarnation and chaos to create strange ghosts, monsters that even the king of gods feared, and he wanted to wipe out all living beings in the world before the Great Tribulation of the Era, while engulfing their flesh and blood to strengthen himself, one On the one hand, let all things die, so that the source of the heavens does not feel threatened, and there will be no eradication.

In order to prevent all of this, the eight **** kings among the nine **** kings of the fifth era led hundreds of millions of creatures to step into the end of the gods and fight against the chaos emperor. Although the eight gods did not snipe the chaos emperor, they died one by one. However, two things were accomplished. One was that he severely injured the Great Chaos, forcing him to hibernate in this era and slowly recover. The second was that during the war, the power of the Great Chaos and the eight gods penetrated the cosmos. , Created the path of divine hiding, dividing the complete world densely covered by the laws of the heavens into countless large, medium, and small worlds, and allowing many creatures to continue to multiply in these fragmented worlds.

But even so, the appearance of the path of the gods still greatly shook the source of the heavens. The Great Tribulation of the Era still came. In the killing game of the source of the heavens and the Chaos Great Emperor, all the fragmented worlds were affected, and I also You can only take a shot, and the fragments of the ancient ship blasted by the Chaos Great Emperor will form an Ark of Era, and many humans will be protected in these Ark.

Because of these era arks, the human races that were weak in every era can prosper in this era, and even a powerful humane empire like the Purple Light Empire has appeared, and you also have your ten thousand domains. In every epoch before this epoch, the human race was a marginal race. The previous epoch was the era of dragons, and the dragons ruled the world. Before that, it was the era of the sea. "

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