Supreme God King

Chapter 2295: Successor

"Because of the Great Tribulation of the last era, most of the races were wiped out, and the powerful dragon races are still very few, left in some corners, as are other creatures.

The Ark of Era that I have built protects the humane fire, and I returned to the law of the heavens. The remaining hundreds of thousands of years of life have also disappeared quickly. At that moment, I felt that the hundreds of thousands of years were I don’t feel the fear. I fear that when humanity faces catastrophe again, I can only watch outside of everything, life and death. I fear that the fire of humanity will gradually decline until it disappears completely. No one can awaken humanity and inherit it.

So when everything revived, I sent the Ark of the Era one after another to spread the fire, I began to leave some means. In hundreds of millions of years, I have only met the Great Emperor Chaos once and fought it once. I got a hint of reincarnation from his hands. I placed this hint of reincarnation in the universe, and used my vitality and a drop of essence. The blood derives a avatar, creating the yin and yang in the universe of the universe, conducting various experiments, hoping to understand the true meaning of the meaning of reincarnation, but I failed. "

Speaking of this, Meng Fan was completely shocked and stunned. It turned out that in the universe of the universe, the Dao of Yan Luo, used to strengthen billions of dead souls, was created by a clone of the ancestor of humanity to deduct the meaning of reincarnation!

"In addition, in other big worlds, I have left some things, and I am eager for these things to find descendants, continue to grow the humanity, the Promise Master of the Universe World, born with the right place and luck, is a humane heir, but unfortunate , Has died and died, the Promise Sect Master, really looks like me back then.

Xu Ying smiled, seeming to recall many experiences in the tens of billions of years.

"However, many arrangements and many methods have no effect. An incarnation of my essence and vitality has gradually withered, and my lifespan has finally come to an end. As my lifespan is exhausted, it has followed me for tens of billions. The illusory purple spirit of humanity gradually dissipated in the year, and I did one thing, something I had never done before."

The phantom shook.

"I only believe in the power of humanity. It is the power of humanity. It allows me to escape from all things and all things like the Great Emperor of Chaos, without being affected by the law of the source of the heavens. Therefore, in tens of billions of years, I have never grasped the true meaning of the Great Dao. , And I have never stepped into the source of the heavens to plunder the power of the source of the heavens. When I realized that the human power I had was not enough to protect everyone, for the first and last time in my life, I set foot on the The source of heaven divides the source of the heavens."

Split a part of the source of the heavens!

Throughout the ages, how many **** kings, even the most powerful **** kings, just plundered the power of the source of the heavens, and this phantom, the ancestor of humanity, has never made a move to plunder the power of the source of the heavens. Part of the source of the heavens!

It can be imagined how terrifying this move was.

However, at that time, this era was just reborn, and there was no powerful existence, I am afraid there were not a few **** kings, so naturally no one could perceive this scene.

"This part of the source of the heavens I divided was taken away by me. My original purpose was to bring it to the most powerful humane world at that time. Oh, this humane world is now called the Ziguang Empire.

Although I have never mastered all the true meanings of the Great Dao of the Source of the Heavens, I have seen it. Among the many true meanings of the great Dao, there is only one true meaning, which I really care about, and that is the will of God. I want to understand the will of the Dao of Heaven. I also want human beings to understand the will of Heaven, and use the mind of Heaven to spy on the whole world, but this action is obviously excessive. "

The phantom chuckled for a while, it seemed that the earth-shattering behavior at that time was just as casual as a ignorant kid stole a few apples from the next door.

"The source of the heavens sent down a powerful thunder penalty to chase me down, and used a cage made of time and space to suppress me. In the end, I was trapped near the ten thousand realms, so I ran out of the only remaining humanitarian power. A part of the source of the heavens is sealed in the ten thousand domains.

Ten Thousand Domains were originally the Great Thousand Worlds that I gave up. None of the original Ark of Era was sent to Ten Thousand Domains. When I sealed that part of the source of the heavens, there were only a few humans in Ten Thousand Domains. The kingdom is very small and humble. A group of natural brute force, a race that devours humans for a living is at the top of the ten thousand realms, ah, yes, that race is called the ancient **** by you, and the current ancient emperor was not born at that time. , His grandfather is still very young. "

Meng Fan blinked and murmured: "It seems to have heard an incredible story."

Xu Ying smiled and said: "The vicissitudes of life are all like this. I am tired of seeing it. After sealing that part of the source of the heavens, I died and died, and in the years that followed, as I expected, the world of purple light My focus is on the great world that has left many humane marks. Humanity continues to prosper, some **** kings have risen, and the Ziguang Empire has been created. Finally, in the Ziguang Empire, many of the humane marks I have left behind have been successively destroyed. Wake up, after hundreds of thousands of years of my death, the humane purple energy has once again risen in the primordial universe."

Meng Fan condensed his eyebrows and said: "You said that this is the second time you talked with people after you died and disappeared. Then the first time, obviously, was the moment when the humanity aura in the Purple Light Empire emerged. Then the person you were talking to was... …The Central Emperor."

"Yes." Xuying said: "He is a man born with humanity."

"Born by virtue of humanity." Meng Fan's eyes flashed with dignity!

"Just as the Promise Sect Master was born in accordance with the aura of the Universe World, and the world leader of the Universe World, the young man who was called the Central Emperor, was born with the aura of the whole humanity. The way of martial arts has not been defeated, and he keeps changing his fate against the sky, and seeks the purple light empire with the power of humanity. No one is invincible, and the purple air is hovering between his brows. Descendants of!

When he became the ruling emperor of the Purple Light Empire and stepped into the Purple Qi for the first time, I awoke from another plane and talked with him for seven days and seven nights. He experienced the mystery of humanity at an astonishing speed! "

After speaking, the phantom fell silent.

Meng Fan also fell silent.

For a long time, Xu Ying said: "All the changes in humanity are in my eyes, with one exception, you.

You were born in Wanyu, a world that was originally weak in humanity. You have risen among many powerful people. You have your own martial arts, constantly questioning your heart. At the same time, you will not refuse anyone. Any power, whether it is the power of other races or You try to master the power of the source of the heavens, even the power of reincarnation and the power of chaos of the Great Chaos. In the end, you defeated the Purple Light Empire and unified the ten thousand realms. Sixty-three gods and kings next to you followed and treated you. The mountain looked up to the end, and at the moment when the era was about to break and the catastrophe was about to come, humanity was born in the ten thousand realms, and met me.

You are definitely not born upholding humanity, nor is it the purple air hovering between the central emperor’s eyebrows. There is no anger and luck is not defeated. You have not received any humane mark, and you have not grasped any humane power. You are not my heir, but Humanity has been derived from Ten Thousand Realms. This is a coincidence, and it is also... good luck. "

Good luck... Meng Fan narrowed his eyes and pondered these two words lightly.

"Now, I have told everything you should know. Although the Purple Light Empire was defeated in this battle, the Central Emperor, who is still in retreat, still holds the pillar of humanity. Since he is my heir, he affects the entire humanity. Luck, as for you, Meng Fan, I really can’t see through it, because your body has a humane aura and various auras. Just like I said, your martial arts are never rejected by anyone, no power They are all incorporated into the body, unlike the gods and hidden giants, who have only realized the true meaning of the great path in their life, unlike the central emperor, who never wandered away from the humanity in his life, your strength is too majestic and too complex. Especially, what you are carrying There are too many things."

The phantom gradually faded and seemed to be going away.

"All of this will only lead to one thing, that is, you are contaminated with infinite cause and effect, incalculable cause and effect. This should be the last time you and I meet, remember my words-'The way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible'. "

The phantom disappeared.

In the thick purple air, only Meng Fan was still sitting.

He met the ancestor of humanity.

Discovered some secrets from the beginning of everything to the present era.

He also understood what happened during the transition between the previous era and this era.

In particular, it is known that the Central Emperor is the successor of the ancestor of humanity who was born in the spirit of humanity.

The most important thing is the last sentence said by the ancestor of humanity.

"Heaven is immortal, cause and effect are invincible."

This sentence was seen when all Meng Fan's power was reshaped by the will of heaven, and he spied the entire universe with his eyes!

That is the three giants of the Zen temple. They found one of the nine ancient gods, the place of sitting and transformation of the old man of Dutuo Buddha. This sentence was written by the old man of Dutuobudu before sitting down.

In the dark, cause and effect.

Meng Fan slowly got up, facing the depths of Ziyun, whispered.

"Everything and everything can be used by me. I will never refuse to come. Everyone who appears in my life will bear it as long as they are connected to me. I am not afraid of being contaminated with cause and effect. The fate of bearing too many people is of course heavy, but I put it down, but it is even heavier, the ancestor of humanity, it is a pity that you are dead, otherwise I really want to meet you and see how powerful a person who has lived for tens of billions of years is."

In the depths of the purple cloud, there were faint bursts of laughter, a hearty laughter, gradually disappearing, and finally disappeared completely.

Meng Fan turned and walked to the summit.

When he walked out, he suddenly felt the passage of time. The previous conversation with the phantom of the ancestor of humanity seemed to be only a short period of time, but when he came out, he realized that a few days had passed.

In the Ten Thousand Realms, the traces of war have long been erased. Under the handwriting of the sixty-three gods, various formations have been repaired and become stronger. Many dark alliance strongholds and fortresses also took just a few days reconstruction.

In the distance, Taishan, which is so tall that it almost breaks through the ten thousand domains, is also lush and lush. It seems that it has not just been moved here for a few days, but has been standing here since ancient times.

Behind Meng Fan's hands, Ren Qingshan was fluttered up by the wind, his gaze penetrated the universe, and he spied various rules and signs.

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