Supreme God King

Chapter 2303: Dapeng Yuhuang

Endless for eight days!

Meng Fan was surging into the void, and he was getting closer and closer to Wuhai.

At this moment, without the edge of the sea, many hidden mysteries are revealed one by one on the path of the gods.

The road to the gods is equivalent to a road of killing and killing. There are no rules here. The only law is the law of darkness. No matter what person it is, even if it is a **** king, he must try his best to hide his existence, but when the tide of strange ghosts appears, Their crazily greed for all flesh and blood, leaving no place for any character to hide.

Meng Fan even saw with his own eyes that a group of divine and hidden ghosts and insects that devour the flesh and blood of living beings were the kind of insects that Meng Fan encountered when he first stepped on the path of divine seclusion. The strange ghost hunts and eats.

If all living beings have a swallowing pyramid, cows and sheep eat grass, tiger wolves eat cows and sheep, and continue to deduced and sort upward, strange ghosts, creatures created by the Great Chaos Emperor himself, would stand completely on top of this pyramid.

"There are still two days left."

Meng Fan calculated in his heart that it would be at most two days before the edge of the sea. Up to now, he has seen only two or three hundred teams of strange ghosts. The real tide of strange ghosts has not yet been encountered. He also never made a move, let alone the scattered strange ghosts.

Suddenly, his eyes condensed, and he saw the void in the distance, burning and shattering continuously. It was caused by the battle. He suddenly saw a group of monks, only four or five hundred, but there were two of them. The **** king is trying his best to arrange the barrier to block thousands of ghosts around him.

These monks, human races, and some monster races, and even among them, some dragon races are not pure blood, very messy, but in the eyes of Meng Fan, they can clearly see the veins in their bodies, bursts of vitality, very It’s similar. Obviously, all those who are cultivating are close methods, and you can immediately conclude that this is a certain sect. Goodbye to the broken fragments in the surrounding space. Obviously they were riding in some kind of divine object, similar to an ark, but already broken. .

Alien ghosts, each of them are very powerful, capable of fighting with the king of gods. Alien ghosts do not know any way of fighting, nor do they master the laws and vitality, nor can they display the true meaning of Meng Fan’s mysterious Dao, but the flesh and blood of alien ghosts. , But it is as hard as the **** king, even surpassing some **** kings.

When Meng Fan saw strange ghosts for the first time, hundreds of them did not have any ability to fight, and he almost ran out of lifespan before escaping. For the second time, he had to fight with strangers, even if he had mastered the true meaning of good fortune and absorbed the vitality of the universe. It was still a narrow victory, and at this moment, these four or five hundred monks resisted thousands of ghosts under the leadership of two gods. It was very difficult, but they were not broken.

There are two **** kings, one is of human blood, and the other is the demon. However, this demon king is not completely transformed into a human form, and still retains a large part of its original appearance. Meng Fan can see that he is definitely not The ordinary monster race, but a kind of ancient fierce beast, is inherently powerful and can resist thousands of strange ghosts, mainly relying on his power.

Although this ancient beast king is inferior to Meng Fan in all aspects, its majestic vitality actually surpasses Meng Fan, and even ranks with the ancient emperor!

Of all the gods that Meng Fan has seen in his life, the most powerful, there are two people, one is the ancient emperor, the other is the **** of good fortune. Although the past Meng Fan was powerful, after all, he enlightened too late, and his foundation was not strong enough. It is fierce, but not vast enough. It was not until he obtained the Taoism of the **** of good fortune that his vitality surpassed the ordinary **** king by more than ten times, but compared with the **** of good fortune himself and the ancient emperor who had lived for two epochs, it still had to Weak, the ancient emperor is not only a long-lived, strong foundation, especially he is an ancient god.

And the vitality of this fierce beast is already comparable to the ancient emperor and the gods of good fortune, and even vaguely surpasses it!

"Emperor Yu, stick to a stick of incense at most."

The Human Race God King gritted his teeth and said, sweating constantly from his forehead.

The voice of the ancient fierce beast king known as Yuhuang rumblingly said: "Is the Dao Sect of all beings going to perish here!"


The hundreds of monks around are all in the realm of the gods, and there are more than a dozen half-step gods, shouting one after another: "We are desperate to blew ourselves up to fight for you. You leave quickly and continue the fire for all beings. , Revenge and hate!"

"No, let's go, let's be together!" Yu Huang opened his mouth fiercely, and saw that there was infinite space in his mouth, extremely majestic, inclusive, swallowing everyone into his stomach in one mouthful.

"Ancestor, strange ghosts are greedy for flesh and blood, you can escape by leaving us behind!"

The human **** king tried hard not to be swallowed, and shouted heartbreakingly.

"Stop talking nonsense, beg you to clean the Daozong Animal Park!"

The Emperor Yu shouted domineeringly and swallowed the human **** king in one bite. Before the human **** king was swallowed into his stomach, he shouted: "Where is the animal garden!"

After swallowing all the doormen, the ancient beast king suddenly moved his whole body, and his smooth flesh grew out of feathers that were tough beyond gold and stone. Soon, it turned into a big bird measuring more than ten feet long with gray and black hair. It's not beautiful, but it gives people a feeling of swallowing mountains and rivers, suddenly fluttering high!

Meng Fan said in surprise: "Dapeng Bird!"

The big bird was in the air for an instant, and many strange ghosts around were shaken and swayed. It was difficult to kill for a while, and the Yuhuang bird took the opportunity to shuttle out, but it was too late.

A few strange ghosts grabbed the wings of the Yuhuang Bird, slaughtered them, and bite them!

With one bite, he pierced the armor of vitality and law, and directly pierced the flesh and blood. When the blood was filled, the surrounding ghosts became excited, faster and more crazy, and kept slaughtering them.

"The Great Chaos!"

Yuhuang Big Bird shouted violently, extremely angry.

"Guardians, let us die with them!"

In the sad voice, the Yuhuang Bird opened its mouth and swallowed heads of strange ghosts, but even if it was a powerful ancient beast, it would be meaningless to swallow strange ghosts. There was chaos in his abdomen. At the beginning, Meng Fan didn’t use many methods to refine an alien ghost. The body of these alien ghosts is comparable to the **** king. The power of reincarnation and chaos in his body is even more terrifying, and not only can he turn flesh and blood continuously. , And it also shields the forces of various sources of heaven from crushing.

But after Yuhuang Bird swallowed more than a dozen strange ghosts in a row, the laws and vitality in his body changed. Meng Fan could see at a glance that he was going to swallow as many strange ghosts as possible, and then blew himself!


Meng Fan urged the meaning of the void, and in the blink of an eye, he approached Yuhuang Bird.

This ancient fierce beast was taken aback for a moment, and without waiting for a reaction, Meng Fan had already taken action, and suddenly the sky full of Beidou sword intent swept and cut, and the tide of vitality forced hundreds of strange ghosts back a few steps, leaving them on their bodies. There are dense scars.

"Who are you? Why come and die!" Yuhuang Big Bird roared: "Your power..."

Before the words fell, the voice of Yuhuang Bird stopped abruptly, and the ugly silver-gray head of a strange ghost suddenly flew away, and the remaining body swayed in the air, and then fell apart at an extremely fast speed. Masses of flesh and blood squirmed in the air, leaving only the flying head, still opening and closing, constantly biting.

"The true meaning of the avenue..." Emperor Yu was stunned.

That's right, after Meng Fan swept the Big Dipper Sword Intent, between raising his hands, he cut off a strange ghost directly!

However, even if it is the meditation that ends all things, cutting off the alien ghost, but not killing it, the head is still flying around, the horror of the alien ghost is evident! If it were Jiuquan Mozun, the master of the mind, he would surely be able to kill.

After the slash, Meng Fan was expressionless and did not talk nonsense. He encountered strange ghosts twice, and he once caught a strange ghost with his own hands. He carefully studied it. Although there are thousands of them here, he is certain.

What's more, if there are thousands of strange ghosts, he can't resist him, urging the meaning of the void, who can keep him?

Thus, the emperor good luck fist!

Immediately, an alien ghost was directly bombarded into hundreds of flesh and blood and a head, and the force penetrated, and even separated the bodies of the following alien ghosts.

"I can't resist thousands of ghosts for long. Fellow Daoist is hesitating, let's go!"

Meng Fan said that even though he pushed back the strange ghosts, no strange ghosts were actually killed by him. If he wanted to defeat these thousands of strange ghosts, even Meng Fan was unlikely, but just resisted.

Yuhuang Daniao raised his brows: "How can I do this? If I go, what will you do?"

"I want to leave, who can keep me?" Meng Fan chuckled.

Upon seeing Meng Fan’s expression, Yuhuang Bird is also a powerful ancient beast king. There is no nonsense. It **** its wings and flies outwards. Although it cannot be compared with the meaning of the void, its speed is amazing. At the same time , Among the wings, a golden bead suddenly sprang out and fell directly in front of Meng Fan.

"This is my original golden bead, which contains 50% of my cultivation base, which can be crushed directly, enough to blow up some strange ghosts!"

After saying this, Yuhuang Big Bird has already left far away.

Meng Fan glanced at Jin Zhu. The vitality and law in it were truly amazing. Even if it was only half of the cultivation base of Yuhuang Bird, the vastness of the power in it had surpassed the many powerful gods that Meng Fan had seen. Stay and put away, while flying with both hands, good luck emperor fist, constant bombardment!

The strange ghosts approaching one after another were continuously beaten into scattered flesh and blood, like worms wriggling everywhere, but none of them were really killed by Meng Fan.

However, this is already the effect of the true meaning of the Dao. If it is a **** king who does not grasp the true meaning of the Dao, the law of vitality and various martial arts that it releases will cause minimal damage to the strange ghost.

If an ordinary **** king encounters a strange ghost, even if it is just a strange ghost, the best countermeasure is to run!


Meng Fan put away the emperor good luck fist, dropped a palm, and slapped it directly on the head of an alien ghost whose body was broken.


The void within millions of miles shook slightly.

The head of the strange ghost turned white, and there was no movement.


A palm of Providence.

Seeing an alien ghost killed by himself, the corners of Meng Fan's mouth were raised, and then he sneered wickedly. Then, his gaze swept over the alien ghost who was still rushing towards him madly without any consciousness. Exit a few steps and disappear out of thin air.

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