Supreme God King

Chapter 2304: domino

With a move, Meng Fan landed in a suspended mid-thousand world.

In this mid-thousand world, the ancient beast king, known as Yuhuang, sits steadily, surrounded by hundreds of people. Although he is wounded, his breath is still strong. These wounds are just skin injuries, even if they are ghosts. It will be difficult to recover for a while, but it is not a serious problem.

After Meng Fan fell, Emperor Yu glanced at him and said solemnly: "The God King under Heaven, I don't know thousands, maybe tens of thousands, but there are definitely not many who can stand like fellow Daoists. I dare to ask for names."

He slapped the green shirt to disperse the blood beads that were still squirming behind those strange ghosts. Meng Fan said casually, "Meng Fan, the man of Ten Thousand Domains."

There is nothing to hide, and the dark law in the path of divine hiding is meaningless to Meng Fan.

Emperor Yu was taken aback: "I've heard of you. You are ranked fourth in the list of heavenly killings."

Meng Fan smiled, didn't want to respond, waved at will, and the injuries of hundreds of people recovered seven or eight.

"Thank you, senior!" The human **** king stepped forward and respectfully handed over: "He Yiming, the elder of the Dao Sect, if it weren't for the predecessors, I'm afraid that our Dao Sect will be destroyed."

This remark is quite sad.

"The tide of strange ghosts has awakened, and there are seven to eighty thousand. I think not only me, but also many people will take action to stop the strange ghosts." Meng Fan said sincerely: "The strange ghosts of the Great Primordial Chaos have no sage. It's just the will to devour all flesh and blood."

"Alien ghosts have been around for many years." He Yiming sighed: "However, the alien ghosts that have appeared in the past hundred years are all scattered and scattered. At most, they can be called a catastrophe and they are indeed destroyed. Some great worlds have forced some sects to flee and enter the path of divine hiding, looking for new blessed places, but Dao Sect of our sentient beings is slow."

Meng Fan asked, "What is the Taoist School of All Living Beings?"

"Leader of the world of sentient beings." Yu Huang said quietly, but even if his tone was calm, his voice was rumbling, like a giant hammer hitting the earth, because his breath was too strong, and every spit in it moved the whole body. The vitality of the Thousand Worlds fluctuates, and the syllables are thick: "The world guarded by me, the Emperor Lin, and the Qing Emperor is very close to Wuhai."

Meng Fan took a step forward and looked at the feather emperor who was several feet high even though he was sitting on the ground in a human form. His eyes flickered and said, "Dapeng bird, I have only seen it in some documents. It seems to be a creature from the ancient era. There are also rumors that there is a Dapeng clan in this era, but I have never seen it."

"Fellow Daoist is right. According to the people of this era, I am an ancient creature." Emperor Yu's face was serious: "I am a creature of the ancient era."

When these words came out, even Meng Fan was shocked!

Ancient creatures.

Although since knowing the ancient era, Meng Fan has also learned a lot about the previous era, even from the shadows of the ancestors of humanity, he has learned of the more ancient era, and that the universe has experienced a total of six eras. However, the ancient creatures of the ancient era, Meng Fan has lived for so long, traveling the world, in fact, he has only seen two of them!

A **** of good fortune, a demon of Jiuquan.

As for the ancestor of humanity, there were only phantoms, Meng Fan couldn't even get close, and Chaos Great, that distorted face, Meng Fan also concluded that it was not the true deity of Chaos Great.

The gods of good fortune and the demon of Jiuquan, although they are all powerful gods in the ancient era, the cost of living in this era is huge. The gods of good fortune have been sleeping for more than one million years, if not by Meng Fan Waking up, you can't see the scene of this era at all, and may fall asleep forever and sink completely, but Jiuquan Demon Venerable has achieved his own resurrection with the death of two divine hidden giants through the layout.

At this moment, Meng Fan saw the creatures of the ancient era again!

The Emperor Yu obviously saw Meng Fan’s surprise and knew that he had many problems, so he simply said: "I am an ancient creature, but for the ancient era, I have no memory, only some vague dreams and phantoms, not only me. Like me, Emperor Scale is a creature of the ancient era. I am a Dapeng bird. He is a giant kun. However, he has no memory because we have all experienced the mystery in the fetus.

Mystery in the womb!

This word is no stranger to Meng Fan.

Any creature has a lifespan, and lifespan is two concepts, namely lifespan and life. Lifespan is the lifespan of the soul, and life is the life of the flesh.

At any moment of the birth of a creature, lifespan is the same as life. Lifespan has a hundred years, so life has a hundred years, but for various reasons, either the physical body or the soul will age, and eventually die. Generally speaking, a wise creature His spirit and spirit are very powerful, and the reason for death is the end of his physical life.

There are many creatures whose bodies are aging, but their souls are still there. These creatures step into the path of cultivation and reach a certain level. If their bodies decay and die, they can be reborn and reborn. There was Yama Dao in the great universe of the year, which was a drop of the ancestor of humanity. Created by the incarnation of essence and blood, the dead soul is placed in the extremely gloomy place, so the soul has hundreds or even thousands of years of life, can continue to survive, and find the opportunity to seize the house.

It also includes the ancestors of humanity, the first human race to be reborn. In the most distant years, when human beings were just led by the ancestors of humanity to civilization from the barbaric era, the body of the ancestors of humanity was aging, and their souls escaped, but they saw the world. State, all laws and vitality, so he got into the body of a fetus who had just spawned blood and flesh and had no will. Because the spirits are fragile, it is very difficult to directly seize a strong body and obliterate the spirits in the body. , And the fetus itself does not have the mind, it is easy.

However, this will experience the mystery in the fetus.

When the phantom of the ancestor of humanity talked with Meng Fan, there was also a sentence in the words that he had experienced the mystery in the womb.

Because the fetus has just had flesh and blood, it is not healthy, and does not have any wisdom. At this time, the souls are parasitic. On the one hand, they will be rejected by the flesh and blood. On the other hand, even if they are successfully integrated, many of the powers and memories of the souls will be parasitic. The flesh and blood is not strong enough to lose, this is the mystery in the fetus.

Meng Fan blinked his eyes and asked solemnly: "Fellow Yuhuang Daoist, with all due respect, with your cultivation base, it seems to me that you shouldn't have passed through the tribulation of the era. After experiencing the mystery in the womb, you will definitely lose it. How can many cultivation bases and strengths survive this era?"

This sentence is quite rude, and the Dao Sect people around the sentient beings are grateful to Meng Fan for saving their lives, but at this moment they are also a bit angry.

But Emperor Yu didn’t mind: “Of course I can’t survive the Great Tribulation of the Era. Neither Emperor Scale nor I survived the Great Tribulation of the Era on our own. Although ninety-nine percent of our memories are missing, we can be sure. One thing is that someone helped us reincarnate from flesh and blood, and this person also allowed us to survive the Era Tribulation. In the memories of the Emperor Scale and I, we were not affected by the Era Tribulation."

Someone helped them reincarnate from flesh and blood, so they had the mystery in the fetus, and because of this, they lived to this era?

However, they were not affected by the Great Tribulation of the Era?

Meng Fan frowned slightly, a little unclear, so he couldn't completely believe Yu Huang's words, after all, he had lost too much memory.

In Meng Fan's view, at the end of the Era, the Era Great Tribulation of the Source of the Heavens and a wave of strange ghosts came to the world at the same time, destroying everything, but speaking, the Era Great Tribulation was the real horror!

Because the tide of ghosts devours everything, but it is impossible to truly devour everything, there will always be a variety of creatures, and many gods and kings are completely hidden, so that the ghosts cannot be found.

But the Great Tribulation of the Era occurred in the entire universe, no matter how you hide yourself, you are still in the heavens and the world, so it is impossible not to be affected by the Great Tribulation of the Era!

So Meng Fan only heard what the Emperor Yu said, but didn't fully believe it.

However, the person who helped the Dapeng Bird and Giant Kun survive the Great Tribulation of the Era...

"Friends of Daoism, Emperor Scale and I were reincarnated from flesh and blood, and were reborn after this era. With a little memory left, we have been looking for the one who helped us through the tribulation of the era." Yuhuang said, of course he knew. , The secret of passing through the Great Tribulation of the Era, what a shocking secret it is at this moment, it must be Meng Fan's care. "But there is no clue. Between us and that person, all cause and effect have been cut off, and there is no connection."

Cut off all cause and effect.

cause and effect.

Meng Fan took a deep breath, turned and left. He came here to fight against ghosts, explore the secrets of the Great Primordial Chaos and the heavens and worlds, and save the Dao Sect of all living beings. The real purpose is to see. Now that he can kill alien ghosts, since he has already talked about it, he doesn't need to stay anymore.

"Friend of Daoist." Yuhuang said suddenly: "I know you are going to set foot on a strange ghost tide. Although it is too much, there are two things to ask for!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people around Dao Sect were stunned. Looking at Emperor Yu, Meng Fan immediately understood the sight. Obviously, Emperor Yu was extremely domineering and had never asked others before. He also stopped directly. Turning back: "But it doesn't hurt to say."

"The world of sentient beings was destroyed by a strange ghost three days ago. I, Emperor Lin, and Emperor Qing, in order to protect the doormen from being separated, before the separation, Emperor Qing was severely injured. I suspect that his life will be soon soon.” The Emperor Yu said with a calm tone. "If Emperor Lin and Qingdi are still alive and fellow Taoists happen to see them, please tell him for me. I will wait for him at the Era Conference."

Era Conference? Meng Fan heard these four words for the first time and nodded: "It's not a problem, what about the second thing?"

"Friends, please participate in the Era Conference!" Emperor Yu shook his palm, and immediately a feather entwined with thought flew over and was caught by Meng Fan. "Here is the coordinates of the Era Conference. The tide of ghosts has come to the world. The entire universe, the heavens and the world, has become a huge domino. I don't know how many fights and wars will occur. Many gods will call the kings In the Era Conference, I hope to avoid all kinds of battles that will happen!"

Meng Fan squeezed the feathers in his hand, pondering slightly.

That's right, the entire heavens and myriad realms have become a huge domino because of the arrival of the ghost tide.

With Wuhai as the center, the worlds around Wuhai were attacked and slaughtered by strange ghosts in just a few days. In the past years, strange ghosts only appeared occasionally, forcing some people from the great world, such as the great world of Qiankun, to flee. This impact was not great, but now, this impact has spread to the entire universe, many people. Will flee, they will also build an ark to carry their doorman.

And these arks carrying many monks, especially all kinds of **** kings, will continue to flee outward, and will also flood into other great worlds.

When many monks, various hidden giants, and a god-king who have never met before, the consequences can be imagined!

Wars, fights, and fights for the various worlds will never end.

"The general trend of the world, so much soup, what can an epoch convention solve?"

Meng Fan put away the feathers, and at the same time threw back the golden pearl that contained the feather emperor's 50% cultivation base: "If you pass by, I will participate, but please let the emperor friend pass me a sentence and tell everyone in the era conference God King, Ten Thousand Territories is a forbidden land, who dares to set foot and punish the nine races.

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