Supreme God King

Chapter 2328: Drop three

"This is a lie!"

"Do you want to give up everything for the possibility of one in ten million?"

"If you die, Wanyu will be over!"

"Meng Niuniu is still missing!"

Suppressed by several gods and kings, the giant of the sky yelled again and again. This moment, I am afraid it is the clearest moment in his life.

When the head slammed, thirty-six thousand five hundred thoughts suddenly gathered, Meng Fan was awakened in an instant, and at this time, the beheading of more than a dozen divine kings also came close and fell on him.

"Supreme divine will."

In the light voice, dozens of cuts shot down Meng Fan's body.

But there was no trace of blood.

Pieces of dark golden dragon scales form a tough defense far beyond the heavenly spell, covering the whole body. At this moment, Meng Fan’s half of the slash is a dragon body, and the other is a human shape, like a dragon but not a dragon, in the void. Exhibiting extremely dazzling brilliance, all the kings onlookers took a breath.

"Pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon flesh?" The thirteen hall masters were surprised: "You actually shook more than a dozen **** kings without moving, Meng Fan, you really have to die, or we can never return to the world. , It is extremely difficult to set foot in the source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains when it is opened!"

Thirteen forbidden zone pillars broke through the void, and the billowing black death energy was condensed into dying threads, reversing Tianyuan, attacking and killing Meng Fan, the thirteen hall masters, and boldly shot!

In Jiyuanguan, the six sage gods in purple robe sitting firmly in the void saw this and stood up. He knew that the thirteen hall masters would take action. Now is the best chance to kill Meng Fan, and all his greedy goals can be achieved. Best chance.

Not only him, but one after another **** kings who were watching, were violent. In an instant, there were hundreds of **** kings one after another, whose breath and thoughts were all locked in Meng Fan!

I don’t know how many attacks, how many methods, and how many layers of space erupted, completely sealing off the sky above Epoch Pass, and even distorting the laws of heaven and earth in an instant!

At this moment of eruption, unlike the original battle between Wanyu and Ziguang Empire, it was the one hundred **** kings locked in one place. The power was highly condensed, and the laws of time and space were faintly penetrated by this highly condensed pressure, and the roads were looming. Suddenly, the tunnel took shape, which was a sign that the space was extremely torn apart.

"The Great Emperor of Ten Thousand Domains is going to fall here." The four completely different but awe-inspiring gazes exchanged with each other. "I thought I was a legend, but I really wanted to pay a visit. I never thought that the first time I met was to witness his demise."

The offensive of the Hundred God Kings arrives, the void trembles, the infinite space collapses, the laws of vitality all form a billowing turbulence, and the Epoch Guan shook violently, like an earth dragon rolling.

The Zhantian giant who forcibly shook several gods and kings opened his eyes wide, and muttered: "Lao can't just die like this..."

In the void, a hundred kings of gods stood on the spot, looking at the central area that was attacked by the crowd, frowning, looking for clues.

Only the thirteen hall masters did not stare at the time and space that was burst into dust, but were looking for other areas.

Quietly, a figure flashed in the void and suddenly disappeared.

At this flashing moment, hundreds of gods and kings in the void moved their eyes, and at the same time they were shocked.

Then, the figure appeared again.

Flash again!

All the **** kings have seen it, that figure, it is Meng Fan, using a method that they cannot understand, in an instant, created layer after layer of different world space, between steps, in this layer of Moving back and forth in the alien space, the spirits of the hundred gods couldn't lock Meng Fan at all. Just saw it, and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Is it the meaning of emptiness?" The thirteen hall master sneered: "We can't set foot in the space you created, but if we tear it through with brute force, there is still no problem!"

Stop talking! The thirteen hall masters suddenly shot, the billowing black death aura condensed in their palms, then exploded at once, and immediately burned and swallowed the void.

The other **** kings stand proudly one by one, using the same method, condensing vitality, bursting vitality, using brute force, tearing the space, and breaking the endless space into one.

In the successive explosions, the void above the Epoch Guan suddenly turned into a boundless space, with no existence to hide.

Meng Fan, moving quickly in this unbounded space, his eyes locked tightly, and said coldly: "Thirteenth Hall Master, where is Niuniu?"

"Your blood is not captured by our layout. We don't know where she is." The lord of the thirteen halls sat firmly on the pillars of the restricted area, blinking constantly, and approached Meng Fan: "All these are the layout of the Central Emperor. We It's just an ally of the central emperor, but so far, we have only communicated with his incarnation, the Golden Palace Master. We know very little about his layout. Our goal is to kill you!"

The last syllable fell, and the chains formed by the thirteen black death gases strangled like dragons and snakes. It was when Meng Fan stepped into the forbidden area, one of the two great methods used by the thirteen hall masters was to tie the immortals.

These chains are transformed into the Qi of Black Death, and the Qi of Black Death is produced by the reverse deduction of the vital energy. Once the chains are released, the vitality of the heavens will be assimilated and transformed into the Qi of Black Death, so the moment the 13 chains appeared, Meng Fan was around The vitality suddenly changed, becoming a dark and dying breath, directly binding him, and immediately restraining his figure.

"Thirteen Hall Master, this is not a restricted area."

Meng Fan said coldly.

"Moreover, I am not the Meng Fan who stepped into the restricted area."

Flesh agitated.

Open your mouth to absorb.

Such as giant whale drinking water.

The thirteen chains of black death air immediately broke apart, turning into the purest black death air, which was inhaled by Meng Fan!

The face of the thirteen hall masters was twisted and hideous, and suddenly an indescribable sense of powerlessness appeared in their hearts.

Their strongest method is the aura of black death. Among the world, only thirteen hall masters hold the aura of black death, which is enough to rebel against the heavenly origin and annihilate all things, comparable to the underworld, where the aura of black death is permeated. They are the lords.

But when Meng Fan stepped into the restricted area, he used the same method as the thirteen hall masters to absorb the air of black death in the entire restricted area, and then displayed the will of God. For several days, he reversed the black death and mastered this power. .

He is the fourteenth **** king of the heavens and the world who masters the aura of black death.

The strongest killer move of the thirteen hall masters would hardly have any effect on Meng Fan.

"Thirteen hall masters, I know that the 13 of you have cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years. It can be said that they are 13 in one. You are completely synchronized in terms of blood, origin, martial arts, etc., and you can merge into a **** king. This is your best Strong means, Wanliu return to the sea, I have not seen it so far, now I want to fight with me, if you don’t use this means, it’s impossible!"

Between words, dark golden dragon scales grew on Meng Fan's flesh, while the pillars of martial arts were spinning, and the true meaning of various avenues erupted at the same time, crossing the void. In an instant, there were screams one after another. Instantly crush the bodies of the seven gods!

"I, Meng Fan, want to leave because you, a hundred **** kings who do not grasp the true meaning of the great road, want to keep me?"

The blood mist filled, and the six sages roared, his right arm was forcibly amputated, and the black meditation penetrated inward from the wound of the severed arm, corroding his flesh and blood, no matter how he used his methods, he could not resist this. The erosion of the mind.

"Emperor Wanyu!"

Suddenly, someone shouted.

Among the shattered tower remains, a soul is working hard to reshape the flesh and blood, but it is only barely condensing a weak and broken body, it is the Shenxiu King, and at this moment, Shenxiu King’s palm appears Picture.

In the picture, a stout man sits steadily on a plain full of flowers and plants. This person, Meng Fan is very familiar with, is the two kings of Jueping.

In front of King Liang Jueping, there was a girl, but she was fourteen or five-year-old immature, quietly approaching a butterfly, pounced on it, grabbed the butterfly in her hand, and turned her head and showed it to Liang Jue as if asking for credit. King of Ping.

"Do you recognize this girl?" Shenxiu Wang said weakly.

Meng Fan stood in the air suddenly, and for an instant, he was completely lost.

The method used by the Shenxiu King to display the mirage phantom is quite powerful.

But this is powerful, and it's only compared to other gods, Meng Fan even the phantom of Linglong Xinzun has been seen through, not to mention the gods.

This picture that appeared in the palm of King Shenxiu, no matter how you look at it, is true.

And the immature girl in the picture...

Beyond the boundary, a person appeared in a very secret void.

This is a middle-aged man with a very handsome appearance. He is dressed in a white shirt and is extremely simple. He can raise hands and feet, and the posture of holding the mountains and rivers is not to be underestimated. It seems that no matter where he is, as long as he does something, Everything must be obedient to him.

This person looked at Wujie indifferently, and said softly: "I have already made three moves in this game."

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