Supreme God King

Chapter 2329: True heart

There are only a few people who know the meaning of the scene in the palm of the Shenxiu King.

Zhan Tian giant and thirteen hall masters.

Even King Shenxiu himself didn’t know what the picture in his palm meant. This was a secret order from the Purple Light Empire. It was conveyed in the form of a Senate decree, and it fell into his hands. The secret order was a thought. The moment Shenxiu King unfolded his thoughts, there was a familiar feeling. After opening it, he was shocked to see the two Kings of Jueping.

Two Kings of Jueping are now the No. 1 wanted criminal in the Purple Light Empire, and the Senate even exchanges the vacant Golden Palace Master for his head. Therefore, the scene at this moment has surprised King Shenxiu.

But when this picture appeared, Meng Fan was lost in the void in an instant. Although King Shenxiu did not know why, he had already guessed that this was the layout of the Central Emperor!

In an instant, the thoughts of the Shenxiu King turned a thousand times, the Golden Palace Lord committed a serious crime, released two King Jueping, and the central emperor left the customs. The three things were linked together, and he was blessed to the heart and suddenly opened up.

"Two Kings of Jueping, the Lord of the Golden Palace, and even the entire Senate are chess pieces of the Central Emperor..."

At the moment when King Shenxiu was in awe, in his arms, the senator's government token flashed again, indicating that another government order was issued, and he immediately started it.

At this time, his right hand is the splendid flower field.

The left-handed decree is a prison.

The prison is formed by a series of fierce and majestic sword intents. In this sword intent, the strong judgment aura is very terrifying. In the prison, there is a woman in scarlet armor, with 30,000 green threads scattered and red. Armor is also full of cracks, bloodstained all over, his hands and feet are tightly bound by the chains of the four laws, and he cannot move.

The appearance of the woman was somewhat similar to Meng Fan, even if she was trapped in a cage and was at the mercy of others, but her cold and domineering eyes were the same as Meng Fan.

In front of the woman, there was also a person sitting firmly.

This situation and scene are very similar to the picture of King Shenxiu's right hand, and the person who sits steadily is an evil and enchanted man, behind him a mouthful of more than two feet of epee that is full of punishment and shines.

It is the judgment king!

Meng Fan's lips were shaking.

In the void, the law of heaven and earth was contaminated by Meng Fan's emotions and fluctuated wildly. Anyone, even if they couldn't see through Meng Fan's mind, could feel that his soul was reaching its limit and was about to collapse!

The lord of the thirteen halls had a cold face and said softly, "Is this the layout of the Central Emperor? It is really vicious."

King Shenxiu was holding two scenes with both hands, and lines of text appeared in the decree that was unfolded at the same time, printed in his mind. He hesitated for a moment, licked his lips, and said solemnly: "The Great Emperor Meng Fan, you only have one day. Time, after twelve hours have passed, these two women will die. You may be able to infer where they are when you hold the will of heaven and understand good fortune? But even if you push the show, you can cross the infinite void. The two are separate Being locked in two faraway worlds, even you may not be able to arrive in one day. Therefore, it is very difficult for you to save either of them. It is completely wishful thinking to save two people. You have to choose, no matter what How do you choose, there is always one to die."

There was a little brilliance in Meng Fan's clear eyes.

His heart felt like he was about to be torn apart. He was going to be split in half, and his head was aching, and the pain became more intense every moment, and finally it was so painful that Meng, who could withstand two reshaping of his body, was so painful. Fan, felt my mind buzzing and couldn't think.


Meng Fan tried his best to cover his head, he felt that he was about to be shattered in half, and his body was constantly cracked!

At this moment, whether it is the physical body, the origin, or the pillar of martial art, there are signs of rupture, and even the five major realities in the body are divided!

King Shenxiu was right. He just took a look, and he immediately figured out where the two women were, and they were located in two distant worlds.

But even if he grasped the meaning of the void, he could cross the infinite space, and to reach any of these two places, even if he had no scruples and rushed with all his strength, it would take more than ten hours.

He couldn't weigh and left and right was not a choice, so the pain, all his powers, even the spirits, would split into two parts and rush to two places.

All the gods present showed different colors, looking at the constantly splitting Meng Fan, no one understood what happened.

But even Meng Fan, who was breaking himself, burst out with unprecedented strength and an unprecedented sense of oppression. King Shenxiu felt dry and dry. His hands trembled, and he whispered: "The Central Emperor... Am I reduced to you? chess……"

The voice did not fall.

King Shenxiu crashed!

The souls are scattered, invisible, and completely annihilated.

At the location where he was just now, the space, vitality, and laws were all distorted and collapsed, forming an impression of a huge palm.

Meng Fan held the head that was about to split with one hand and hovered in the air with the other. Even if he shattered King Shenxiu with one palm, his anger still couldn't be extinguished. He slowly turned his head and looked at the thirteen hall masters and said, "It's you... …It’s you and Central Emperor joining hands..."

The thirteen hall masters looked at each other, and then the billowing black death air enveloped and hidden them, and they retreated back, disappearing little by little.

"Meng Fan, we just gave what the central emperor needed."

The face of the thirteen hall masters was gradually hidden in the black air.

"We and the ancient emperor both understand that if we can't abandon everything except ourselves, we must always become puppets of causal destiny."

"This situation may be broken by any **** king in the world, but you can't break it. This was already known when we used the Battle Sky Giant as the bait."

"Now you count on every second, and we are also curious, how do you choose? Unfortunately, we don't have time to see the results."

"Meng Niuniu is your blood, although in your heart, the love is extremely heavy, for anyone who is connected with your destiny, you can go through fire and water, and even step into the restricted area."

"But when you have to face a choice?"

"Maybe the second person is compared with Meng Niuniu, such as the empress, such as Gu Xin'er, such as Bai Shui'er, even if you will be extremely painful, you should be able to make a decision and save your blood? There is no equality in the world. The existence of everything has high and low points."

"Only this woman, with Meng Niuniu, you can't weigh."

"Meng Fan, our battle, no matter how many times we win or lose, as long as our lives are still there, our life is not over, and our Dao heart is not dead, it will not end."

"Today, should one end?"

The thirteen hall masters disappeared.


From top to bottom, Meng Fan's physical body split directly into two halves, completely tied together by law.


The pain that he had never had before washed through his mind, his soul was blank, he couldn't think or choose.

"Meng Fan!"

The Zhantian Giant suddenly yelled: "I don’t know much about it, but... Go save Meng Niuniu! If Meng Niuniu dies, you won’t forgive yourself, and your Dao heart will die, you will Mad, will collapse!"

"I..." Meng Fan tried his best to endure the heart-piercing pain, "I can't do it...I can't choose...I can't choose..."

"Asshole." The Zhantian giant gritted his teeth, his figure suddenly moved, the vitality wave rolled, and all the kings were frightened away. He rushed to Meng Fan, punched Meng Fan directly into the vast land of Era Pass, and immediately set off a wind In the torrential rain, the battle giant stood up in the air, and said viciously: "Anyone can be a coward, how can you be a coward! You are a guy who even fears me, how can you be a coward!"

Above the shattered earth, Meng Fan, covered in blood, fell on his back, with a broken face and a drop of tears in his eyes.

"I can't...I can't..."

The Zhantian giant squeezed his fists angrily: "Go save Meng Niuniu! You gave her life, and let her be born in this chaotic and hateful universe without her permission. She is your blood and blood, and this is your responsibility. what!"

Meng Fan was taken aback.

I remembered that lovely but naughty girl playing on a book of ancient books of Famen, and also wet the precious ancient books.

Then Meng Fan walked in.

The little girl whispered nervously: "Grandpa..."

In my memory, there was a woman who shouldn't exist.

The seductive Linglong Xinzun stood beside the naughty and cute little girl, and whispered: "Heaven, earth and creatures are nothing more than seven emotions and six desires..."

"If Meng Niuniu is dead, you will abandon yourself without a catastrophe!"

The roar of the battle giant resounded through Ji Yuanguan.

The five great truths of the Dao turned into silk threads, slowly connecting the flesh and blood that had been split into two halves, and gradually consolidated and merged.

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