Supreme God King

Chapter 2330: Fourth son

A pair of eyes stared at Meng Fan.

"He has broken himself now. It is the weakest moment. He should act as soon as possible!"

Hundreds of gods and kings in the void communicate with each other in spirit and soul, secretly urging the energy, and want to join hands to directly obliterate Meng Fan, the weakest at this moment.

But at this moment.

Jiyuanguan, no, it should be said that a kind of energy suddenly appeared in the entire Uninterrupted Realm.

With this aura, Era Pass, whether it was the God King who appeared or was hidden, and the thousands of God Kings, were suddenly surprised and felt extremely familiar.

It's God's punishment.

The power of the law of heaven is fluctuating violently!

Yang Zunyuan, who was always watching the battlefield, opened his eyes: "Not good..."

The eyes of the four pairs of awe-inspiring eyes also changed slightly: "Each **** king has experienced the punishment of heaven and violated the existence of heaven. Thousands of **** kings gathered in the Era Pass. No one had touched the law of heaven and earth, and it would be peaceful. Nothing."

While speaking, these four pairs of eyes appeared one after another, revealing four figures. It was one of the leaders of the three factions of this era conference, the four sages of the mixed world.

One wears a chain of gold armor and a brilliant red robe, with flags fluttering behind him, and holds the enlightenment diamond stick in his hand. I don't know how heavy, it seems to be able to calm the shaking world.

The second body is silver-grey, dressed in black armor, a long river billowing at its feet, and nine half-step god-king dragons wrapped around its body.

Its three unkempt buckle faces, the body is broad, especially the arms are as strong as Optimus Prime, a body of vitality, comparable to the feather emperor scale emperor.

Its four bodies are naked, and only the lower body is a treasure of Taoism made of ancient wild animal fur. The skull chain is wrapped around its neck. When it appears, it faintly distorts the laws of heaven and earth, and seems to be born in accordance with the laws of heaven and earth feng shui, without a pair of eyes. The pupils, completely pale, seem to be able to see through the movement of heaven.

The four sages of the mixed world, all hairs, are demon monkeys.

"Great Sage Listening, what do you hear?"

"The entire Unbroken Realm has been deadlocked, and Infinite Heaven's Punishment is gathering, hehe, there seems to be the aura of Heavenly Dao puppets and Heavenly Dao incarnations?" said the demon monkey **** king who was naked in the fur of wild beasts and wearing a skeleton chain. .

A demon monkey in a golden armor and red robe puts the vajra stick on his shoulders, grinning slyly: "Hey ha! I have never been incarnate, let me play a trick today, you three protect yourself, I can manage No, you, I don’t know how many gods and kings are going to die today in this era? Humph."

Wearing a black armor, the demon monkey with nine half-step divine king Jiaolong around his waist is slowly fluttering with black hair: "Originally, the Era Conference was to discuss how to deal with the tide of ghosts, and then it was to discuss how to deal with the Era Catastrophe. It is also a trick for Wan Yu to snoop into the secrets of the source of the heavens, but unfortunately, there is really no result to be negotiated, and it is really boring."

When the kings in the Era Pass looked different.

Suddenly in the sky above Jiyuanguan, a tall, majestic, white-gold figure, it seems that a creature is not a creature, not a **** king, but the aura is surging but surpasses the existence of the **** king, and suddenly descends.

Around him, the rolling power of Heavenly Punishment was surging, and even condensed into Heavenly Punishment dragons, tumbling in the air, and many more, thousands of Heavenly Punishment incarnations came out of thin air.

Punish the gods!

This deity takes the will of heaven as the heart, and the power of punishment as flesh and blood. The moment the majestic and powerful incarnation of the heavens came, it formed an instinctive coercion on all the gods. After sweeping the epoch, he slowly opened his mouth and exhaled one grand after another. Syllables.

"You, claim to be the king of gods.

You, pride yourself.

Your naive and ridiculous means used the dust of the heavens to build a towering tower to the top, showing off beyond your means.

But you will find that you are just ants.

You can challenge the Dao of Heaven at the top of the Tongtian Tower, but you can never defeat the Dao of Heaven!

I am the incarnation of heaven, and I am your god! "

The voice of incomparable majesty blasted in every corner, including the heart of a **** king. At this moment, no matter what the mind of each **** king, no matter whether it is strong or not, there is always a trace of fear in the heart, rising, circling, Ups and downs in my mind.

This is the shadow buried deep in the hearts of all **** kings. The moment they stepped into the **** king, they felt the power of the source of the heavens and felt the wrath of the heavens for the first time. That is the punishment of the gods, and the punishment of the gods, It is a punishment in itself.

A **** of punishment, the incarnation of punishment for thousands of days.

Among them, there are also some faintly visible desolate gods.

The absolute army of heaven.

The punishment **** system slowly raised his huge palm, facing the Era Pass, and the violent power of Heaven's Punishment hovered in his hands.

"I am your god..."


Many **** kings, including Yang Zun and the four sages of the mixed world with a demon-inspired spirit, were all taken aback. Seeing that the raised arms of the discipline gods shattered into a trace of thunder, the whole body shook.

And Meng Fan, who broke the unified arm of the God of Punishment with one blow, did not stop, ignoring the absolute blockade arranged by the incarnation of punishment for thousands of days, and urged the meaning of the void with the fastest speed and the most powerful force, breaking through unbroken. The world disappeared in the prehistoric universe.

The Zhantian Giant squinted his eyes, looked at the direction of Meng Fan's disappearance, and took a long breath: "Lao Meng, don't do anything you regret. As long as you choose the right one, do your best."


The plain middle-aged man in a white shirt looked at everything that happened in Unbroken, his figure shook, he passed through the crack in the space behind him, and came to another void.

In front of him, the billowing black death air slowly dissipated, revealing thirteen pillars and the thirteen hall master sitting on the pillar.

"The central emperor, can we start?" The Thirteenth Hall master said.

The central emperor was silent for a moment, as if thinking, and then said: "The first son is to capture the blood of Meng Fan alive, the second son is to reshape the woman buried in his heart, and the third son is to lead him to the Epoch Pass. Achieved, this fourth son, I can fall anytime."

The lord of the thirteen halls said coldly: "We have seen your methods, the humanity is long, and we have also spied a little secret, but I don't know how many moves you have? Are we also your pawns?"

The Central Emperor said indifferently: "What is the difference between yes and no? As long as you win, both the holder and the **** are the winners. For you, am I not my help to achieve your goal? As for how many steps are left, In the world, even the ancient sage king of the year, or the source of the heavens, can't calculate the result of everything, and I don't know how many steps I have to take. It is better to take a step and look at it."

The thirteenth hall master said: "In this case, the fourth son can fall. Let us also see if your methods can be more ruthless."

The Central Emperor blinked his eyes slightly: "I have trapped a big dragon in this game of chess, but don't forget that there is another big dragon. I still hope that the Thirteenth Hall can block it. It won't take too long. it is good."

The thirteen hall masters looked at each other: "You mean ancient emperor?"

The central emperor nodded: "Yes."

"When you dropped the fourth son and captured the most important market, we were fighting with the ancient emperor outside to make you profit?" The thirteen hall master sneered: "Central Emperor, your calculation may be able to deal with some young gods Wang, we have seen your methods. From the top to the bottom of the Ziguang Empire, from the Senate to the two kings of Jueping who were tried to be wiped out by the Senate, you are controlled by you. Once you leave the customs, you will be the man who turned the tide, in the Senate. The most influential Shenxiu King in China was even more murdered by you."

"That's it." The central emperor shrugged his shoulders, full of aura. This action immediately caused the black death surging behind the thirteen hall masters. "If this is the case, then I will trap the ancient emperor, and the thirteenth hall master will go to the fourth son?"

The Central Emperor said, walking out with his hands behind his back, and directly exposed his back in front of the thirteen hall masters, showing extremely strong self-confidence.

Even the scheming is as deep as the thirteen hall masters. At this moment, looking at the back of the central emperor who seems to be slowly but quickly going away, he feels that he can't see through it at all. It is like a sea, making them uncomfortable, and even in their hearts, there is murderous intent. .

However, they didn't do anything until the Great Emperor Wanyu left.

Instead, he urged a coordinate left when he escaped from the Ten Thousand Domain, and one step came to the sky over the Ten Thousand Domain.

At this moment.

In the ten thousand domains.

Has become the Shura battlefield.

The original war between Wanyu and Ziguang Empire was relaunched. Only this time, the entire Senate of Ziguang Empire has reached Wanyu. Pieces of land separated from Ziguang Great Thousand Worlds are rapidly reconciling them. Domain blending.

Only this time, more than fifty of the sixty-eight **** kings of the Dark Alliance were not in Wanyu.

Only this time, the ancient emperor had just received the news and was still on his way back to Wanyu.

Only this time, Meng Fan had no intention of worrying about others, and was rushing towards a remote corner of the heavens and the world.

This is the fourth son of the Central Emperor.

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