Supreme God King

Chapter 2334: Block

The ancient emperor was lifted by the central emperor, such as lifting a baby without any backhand force.

Billowing purple air, condensed in the left hand of the central emperor, hanging in front of the ancient emperor only three inches.

"Actually, I'm thinking about whether to save your life."

The central emperor's tone was as indifferent as ever, as if he had been tired of seeing everything in the world, nothing could make waves in his heart.

"Keeping you is a dark move against the thirteen hall masters. I have long heard of your grievances. Although the thirteen hall masters seem to pose no threat to me now, I have never been dripping in my work. It's good, but I changed my mind. Why do you think you threaten me more than the thirteenth hall master?"

Speaking of this, the Central Emperor suddenly smiled. His smile was strange, as if he was amused by himself. He shook his head and said solemnly: "The first person killed after leaving the customs was the famous ancient emperor. It could not be better."

Purple Qi rolled.

But did not fall.

The Central Emperor's expression changed slightly.

He keenly felt that something was happening, but he couldn't see where it was happening, indicating that he was very far away, but he could sense what happened so far away, indicating that the laws of the heavens had been triggered. thing.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The **** ancient emperor sneered again and again.

This is happening, only a handful of people in the world can feel it, that is, the top **** kings who have reached the level of the ancient emperor and the central emperor have a deep understanding of heaven.

There is a power that has never been seen before, traversing the void at a speed that is so terrifying that it cannot be measured in any way.

The central emperor lowered his head slightly, his eyes were torch, and he whispered, "What is it."

"Haha..." Gu Huang was very weak, but smiled happily. "Have you caught his blood and set up a game that he absolutely can't break? Haha...hahahaha...Central Emperor, we are all a fish in this long river, we are all drifting with the flow, just in At a certain moment, we jumped out of the river and saw the blue sky. We admired the flying birds and the running beasts. You are no different from us, but we thought that you jumped higher than the other fish, and you really went against the current. It’s not you feel it? The river is rolling, binding everything, forcing the fish to swim in the same direction, a fish and all the fish pass by, constantly upward, constantly upward..."

"It's not him." The central emperor said flatly: "He is just a trapped beast driven to a desperate situation. It can't be him. Even if he is, he will never break my situation."


The ancient emperor's joy is beyond support.

The laughter grew louder.

He almost burst into tears.

The central emperor violently threw the ancient emperor who was laughing crazy with his hand aside, and said to himself: "Kill!"

In the flower field shrouded by night and in the Judgement Sword Intent Cage, the two closed eyes of Jueping King and Judgement Heavenly King opened their eyes at the same time!

Two King Jueping smiled lightly and got up and walked towards the village holding the lantern, towards Yiyi who was sleeping.

The King of Judgment stood up blankly, holding the Great Sword of Judgment behind him in his palm.

Meng Niuniu raised her lowered head, her eyes flashing like electricity, and stared at the Judgement King who was slowly taking a step.

"I don't know why." The King of Judge said softly: "The central emperor said that before the last moment, he must not do anything. To make the emperor Wanyu always feel your vitality, there is always a glimmer of hope. Wait until the hope is shattered. At that time, I was the most desperate, but the Central Emperor changed his mind. You deserve to die."

Meng Niuniu's lips trembled slightly.

The pupils expanded rapidly.

The Judgment King is getting closer and closer: "You can shout, no matter who it is, an ant or a **** king, they will all face the same fear of death. This is the deep-rooted cowardice in the hearts of living things.

Meng Niuniu was about to call out those two words.

But she just bit her lip.

The bite shed blood.

The sword of judgment was raised high.

Suddenly fall!

There is a certain force moving, and when it moves, a long vacuum channel is penetrated.

Even the naked eye of the **** king can never see how this vacuum channel appeared out of thin air and how it was lasing and prolonged. To understand the process of deriving from this channel, time needs to be continuously divided. One blink is sixty instants. , There are sixty sumi in an instant, and every vacuum channel is born between one sumi in nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

When the Great Sword of Judgment fell, the end of the vacuum channel was still beyond the nine great worlds, a distance that any **** king would take several days to reach.

At this moment, for the creator of the vacuum channel, for this person who keeps breaking the vacuum, there is only one thought in his mind.

Bridge the barriers.

Everything between heaven and earth is a barrier.

The mind is a barrier.

Life and death are barriers.

Time is blocking.

I have never been born, but I am always obstructed.

How many heroes from ancient and modern times are laughing and talking at this moment, which is a barrier.

Two people meet but don't know each other, acquaintance cannot know each other, knowing each other is difficult to stay together, staying together cannot be permanent, it is a barrier.

The person who smashed the vacuum and penetrated everything between heaven and earth, at this moment only wants to bridge the barrier, and the barrier before him is so simple and pure, but the most cruel and ruthless.


When the white-clothed boy disappeared, he got the first hint of emptiness.

The stone sword turned into the monument is the second meaning of the void.

The remains scattered by Ye Xuanji are the third meaning of the void.

When he gave up any idea and only made one wish, that was the moment when he crossed this remote barrier, just like what Ye Xuanji did for his obsession in the ancient era, so he mastered the meaning of emptiness.

Therefore, when the Great Sword of Judgment fell and it was only two feet away from Meng Niuniu, the person who shattered the vacuum was outside the nine great worlds.

When the Judgment Great Sword was one foot away from Meng Niuniu, the vacuum crusher stood between the Judgment King and Meng Niuniu.

The judgment sword pierced into his body without reservation.

Because everything happened only in one of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine hundred and ninety-nine thousandths of the world, the king of judgment did not react to what happened, but was stunned for a moment. The fear of the man in his heart spewed out like a flood, his mind was trembling, and his martial arts pillars were cracked by the sudden appearance of the fright, and his heart almost dissipated in a moment.

And when Meng Niuniu, who could no longer bear the hot tears in her eyes, shouted "Grandpa", the King of Judgment directly released the Judgment Sword in his hand, staggered back several steps, and almost fell to the ground.

Meng Fan stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the big judgment sword in his chest, and slowly pulled it out of his body. In his chest, the power of judgment that was enough to leave unhealable wounds on most **** kings immediately turned into nothingness, and the true meaning of good fortune was short. The wound was mended in just two breaths.

"I don't want to die..."

The king of judgment said in a trembling voice, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

Meng Fan looked a little lonely at the judgment sword in his hand. He made a choice. Among the two, only one could live. This was his choice.

The pain in my heart is so strong that it can't be eliminated.

He discarded the Great Sword of Judgment and allowed it to dissipate. Then, with heavy footsteps, he walked towards the King of Judgment little by little, and Meng Fan, who shattered the void and traversed the heavens, was so slow.

But even so, the King of Judgment did not escape. He knew that he could not escape. His life and death are now only between Meng Fan's thoughts, one thought of life, one thought of death, just as he said, he suddenly found himself so sad and pitiful. , Don't talk about the world, you can't even control your own life and death.

it is ridiculous.

Because it is tragic and ridiculous, the heart of Judge King rises with unprecedented anger, and his mind is extremely distorted, like a rabbit imprisoned and anxious, and like a frightened bird, did not run away, but rushed towards Meng Fan, the body of the **** Blew!

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