Supreme God King

Chapter 2335: Bereavement dog

The central emperor was expressionless and looked at the distant void somewhere.

There was silence everywhere, only the sneer from the ancient emperor who fell into the water like a dog.

"Falling water dog, bereaved dog, watchdog..." Gu Huang laughed very mockingly.

The central emperor looked back at the ancient emperor, without a word, the humane canopy above his head suddenly sprayed out purple gas, turning into a broad road, extending in all directions, I don't know how many exits there are.

But one of the exits is surprisingly Wanyu.

At this moment, in the ten thousand realms, the headquarters of the dark alliance is burning and turning to ashes. The fortresses are uprooted and burst in the air. On the earth, I don’t know how many corpses are lying on the ground. One law after another is in prison, and even more. Countless people in the dark alliance have all become prisoners.

Everywhere is the figure of the Purple Light God King, issuing governmental orders, rewriting the law, and reorganizing all parts of the Ten Thousand Regions with iron means. Many new buildings have risen from the ground, and the formations are formed in the blink of an eye.

Like a disc, the very vast and magnificent Ziguang Senate slowly fell on the ruins of the Dark League headquarters, and suddenly one by one, the dragon gods drilled out of the Senate, inserted into the ground, and connected to the origin of the earth.

The ancient emperor looked at the scenes, his eyes deep.

Wanyu has become a part of Ziguang Empire.

Even Wanyu has become the new capital of the Ziguang Empire, and even the core Senate of the Ziguang Empire has been moved into Wanyu!

The central emperor grabbed the ancient emperor with ease, just like a strong man grabbing a baby, and then stepped onto the broad road where the purple gas was transformed, and walked straight into the world.

As soon as he entered the Ten Thousand Territories, many eyes fell on the Central Emperor. The Purple Light Kings, whether they are the old Purple Light God Kings, or the new God Kings who have recently taken refuge in surrender, saw the Central Emperor, and The dying ancient emperor that he was holding casually in his hand was all in awe.

Among them, there are thirteen eyes, shooting from a corner, staring at the ancient emperor extremely gloomily.

Although the central emperor has white shirts and plain clothes, at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, he is the real emperor, unparalleled and majestic, in charge of the universe.


He spoke slowly, his voice without joy or sorrow, slow and heavy.

"As long as we are willing to join the purple light empire, any **** king of the heavens and myriad worlds, we will all open our minds and be full of all rivers, but the new **** king can only survive in the purple light world. The dark alliance **** king, there are fifty-one elders to escape, since Starting today, the Purple Light Empire has offered a full reward for them, whether it is captured alive, beheaded, life or death, if any **** king of the Purple Light Empire wants to step into the world, he must exchange it with the head of a dark alliance **** king! "

In the words, the central emperor suddenly stretched out his palm, palm up, among the lines of lines, ninety-nine eighty-one emerald green fragments flew out, and the cracks formed a thick big seal, the moment the big seal was formed , In the ten thousand realms, all **** kings felt a solemn, severe, and majestic sense of oppression.

Obviously this is an extremely powerful artifact!

Compared with this sacred artifact, the many artifacts of the **** king's enlightenment are extremely inferior, as ridiculous as a hen and Luanfeng contending.

When the big seal appeared, the words of the central emperor's previous words immediately evoked the vitality in the sky, condensed into characters, and became a white gold imperial scroll. He held the big seal and snapped it down. The imperial scroll immediately Ascend and hover.

In many places in the heavens and ten thousand realms, the central emperor's majestic voice suddenly sounded.

The voice is well known in the world, and it is no different in majesty. Like a saint teaching the Fa, everyone must bow down and listen!

The moment the sound fell, the law surging above the central emperor’s head, the heavens emerged, and some kind of catastrophe suddenly formed, apparently to punish him, but disappeared in an instant. This scene was seen by many gods. In the eyes.

The law was spoken casually, and all beings knew it, and it was obviously an extremely countervailing means, so the great calamity of the source of the heavens came and suddenly disappeared, as if he had acquiesced in his actions!

Who is not surprised?

In this decree, several extremely important information was revealed.

First, the terror of the Central Emperor.

Second, Wanyu has become the territory of the Purple Light Empire.

Third, Wanyu is the new capital of the Ziguang Empire and is already the core of the Ziguang Empire.

Fourth, at the moment when the tide of ghosts is surging, and the great catastrophe of the era, any king can take refuge in the Ziguang Empire. This move is tantamount to announcing to the heavens and the world that the Ziguang Empire will be number one in the world. , The leader of all beings!

Fifth, too many gods know that there is a part of the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms. To survive the Great Tribulation of the Era and the wave of strange ghosts, this part of the source of the heavens that will be opened is very important, and only one is killed. Only the characters of the dark alliance escaped from the **** king are qualified to step into the ten thousand realms, and it is possible to reach that part of the source of the heavens.

The last and last thing is that in recent years, it has risen like the sun in the sky, extremely glorious, and it is like a dark alliance of a huge force in the heavens and all realms. It only defeated the dark alliance of the Purple Light Empire not long ago. Now, it has been ruined and almost disappeared. .

The female emperor, Linglong Xinzun, the male hero, the white clothes, and many other famous figures in the past are all reduced to bereaved dogs at this moment, and their whereabouts are unknown.

And where is Meng Fan, who is in the ranks of the top **** kings in heaven and earth, is invincible?

At this moment, the burial site suddenly disappeared on the path of God's hidden, hiding, hiding in the twisting void.

In the burial ground, in the palace of White Shengxue, Princess Yingyue stood proudly and gracefully. Behind her are the five pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon Kings, Dragon Scale, Dragon Blood, Dragon Horn, Dragon Bone, and Dragon Heart.

On the side, there was an old man from Qixuan floating in the air unconsciously, with sores all over his body, extremely ulcerated, and he didn't know what trauma he had suffered.

"Invite Princess Moon." Dragon Blood Taibao said in a low voice, "We know that this request is too much, but the old Qixuan that we tried so hard to rescue has no time to take care of it, and we still have to live with you."

Princess Yingyue said coldly: "You five want a mantis arm as a car?"

Longlin Taibao excitedly said: "Hundreds of thousands of pure-blooded Tianlong are still in the Ten Thousand Territories, and become prisoners. It is not clear whether it is alive or dead. How can we ignore it!"

"Fart." Princess Yueyue said disdainfully: "In the current Wanyu, even if Meng Fan wants to step into it, it is more ill-fortuned. It is unknown whether you can survive or not. More than five of you will have more heads or more. The second child, so self-defeating? The general trend is already established. Everyone knows that Meng Fan and I have a burial place to hide, so as not to become a target. Do you have to rush to die?"

Longlin Taibao got up angrily, and immediately the whole palace shook violently. He shouted: "Then, are we—"

"Yes!" Princess Yueyue suddenly turned around, and the swaying palace suddenly remained motionless: "As long as the five of you are alive, even if hundreds of thousands of pure-blooded dragons have become materials for others to sacrifice, the pure-blooded dragons will not perish! I know that your dragons have a simple personality, but at least a little bit of treacherous thinking is good? At this moment, if you can't calmly abandon all kinds of things outside of your body, that **** Meng Fan is a lesson. Ten thousand realms have fallen, where is he!"

The five pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon Kings were startled, even if it was Dragon Scale Taibao, there was nothing to say, just clenched his fists.

Princess Yingyue said coldly: "Where is the empress?"

The dragon **** kings had no words, they didn't know.

The Ten Thousand Domains were breached and everything happened too quickly. Within a day or so, the Purple Light Empire was invading like fire. It was a prairie fire. What happened in the Ten Thousand Domains? Many people in the Dark Alliance are alive or dead. Whether he escaped or became a prisoner is all unknown.

During this process, the dark alliance more than fifty **** kings were scattered everywhere. At that time, they were separated. The five dragon **** kings visited some old acquaintances on the road to the gods and explored some of the secrets of the Ziguang Empire and the central emperor. For the information of other gods, they are not clear.

"Find the female emperor, find other dark alliance **** kings." Princess Yingyue was calm and cold. "The most important thing is to find that bastard."

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