Supreme God King

Chapter 2343: Always find you

The vast world covered by the white desert has completely withered, and now there is no vitality.

At this moment, in the desert that stretches across tens of millions of miles, several figures are standing.

The leader is a woman. Although Meng Fan's appearance is far less than the most beautiful exquisite Xinzun ever seen by Meng Fan, she has a long skirt, standing proudly in the local area, and she is the first female emperor of Tianjiao.

Behind her are the three gods of Qixuan, Jian Tongtian, and Hong Xi.

Except for the Empress, all of them were scarred and wounded. They were healing their wounds. Only the Empress looked at the sky and wandered, not knowing what she was looking for.

"It's the pursuing and killing order of the Purple Light Empire." The old man of Qixuan gritted his teeth and said: "Kill any dark alliance **** king, you can get the qualifications to step into the ten thousand realms to spy on the mystery of the source of the heavens. The Central Emperor's hand is really tough. "

"I don't know what happened in Wanyu." Hong Xiweng said: "Since we searched for Meng Niuniu's whereabouts on the path of the hidden gods, we suddenly learned that Wanyu has changed. We wanted to drive back but we were met by a dozen gods. The king has been chasing and killing, and has been fleeing until today, eight days..."

Having said that, the three gods immediately silenced.

Ten thousand domains fell, including Gu Xin'er, Bai Shui'er, Xiaohei, etc. old dark alliance people are all in Wanyu, there are also Renxiong, Bai Xingyi, etc., all of whom are unclear, although the female emperor never spoke, but The three gods know how resentful and self-blaming the empress is.

The fifty-one **** king of the dark alliance left and looked for Meng Niuniu. This was a major cause of the fall of Ten Thousand Territories, and it was the Empress who issued the order. Of course she would blame herself.

When Meng Fan left, the dark alliance was in the hands of the female emperor. Every order she made was equivalent to directly coming from Meng Fan's mouth, with absolute authority. Therefore, the female emperor naturally believed that she had to bear it.

However, no dark alliance **** king will blame the female emperor, no matter who it is, when Meng Niuniu suddenly disappears and her whereabouts are unknown, she will devote all her energy to search for it.

"Meng Fan is still there, I can feel it," said the empress.

The complexion of the three gods changed slightly. This was the first word the Empress said in the eight days since Wanyu was breached.

For eight days, the four **** kings were madly chased and killed, fighting all the way and fleeing, the empress never spoke.

"I can feel his existence. This is neither intuition nor guesswork. You have not really understood the power of the great meaning of the Great Dao. Eight days ago, someone completely understood the meaning of the void, tore the sky, and shattered the vacuum. It's him."

Jian Tongtian abruptly stood up and said bluntly: "With the disposition of the leader, I am afraid that he will return to Wanyu!"

"No, he's looking for us, he's looking for all the dark ally people who are living outside." The empress still looked at the distance, not knowing what she was looking at, and she said softly. When she spoke, the corners of her mouth moved slightly, revealing a rare person. Seeing it, only belonged to Meng Fan's tender smile: "But now, our top priority is to live until the moment he finds us."

The voice did not fall.

In the distance, among the rolling white sand, a woman walked out.

There is no treasure decoration on his body, a light tulle dress and a tulle skirt, revealing two extremely slender white legs and a pair of crystal bare feet, slowly walking in the sand.

The three **** kings Jian Tongtian, Hong Xi, and Qixuan Old Man immediately violently said, "There are still chasing soldiers?"

The female emperor lightly frowned, staring at the woman carefully, while constantly pinching her palms in her sleeves, using God’s will to calculate the signs of the woman in front of her, but her brows became deeper and deeper. The woman’s face was very vague in God’s will, but her whole body was up and down. , But exuded an aura that made the empress faintly fearful, that was... the aura of collapse, destruction, and disaster!

"You are from the Dark Alliance, why are you here."

The woman spoke first.

The female emperor stopped counting the will of heaven, and said solemnly: "This great world is destroyed by your hands?"

The woman nodded: "Nine hundred seven billion creatures, four gods and kings, are all destroyed by my hands."

Hong Xi's complexion changed drastically.

Although in their eyes, the true meaning of the Dao Dao is still a hazy power, which has never been touched and cannot be understood, but they can clearly feel the terrifying aura that the woman uttered when she said this sentence.

Extreme coldness, extreme cold-bloodedness, attitude of seeing everything as nothing, and the courage to destroy everything from time to time.

The female emperor said coldly: "Who are you?"

"I don't know." The woman shook her head, her black hair swaying like waterfalls behind her head, and strange and disturbing sounds came out in the wind and sand: "I only know that to destroy everything I see. "

The female emperor raised her eyebrows lightly, her hands suddenly released a force of overwhelming sentient beings, God's will! Then there is no more nonsense, one step out, and the first shot, killing the woman who speaks clean but terrifying in front of the water!

The woman also stretched out a palm.

Two soft palms touched each other.

Thousands of miles of sand and dust in the white desert are rolling like clouds, and they are constantly being pushed away. The entire world is shaking violently, as if overwhelmed!

"God." The woman said calmly.

"Meaning of collapse!" The empress shouted loudly. At the junction of her palms, she felt an indescribable sense of tearing. The whole person had the illusion that she was about to collapse, and she quickly separated and retreated backwards.

The woman still stood on the spot, motionless, showing great strength. When the empress retreated, she spread her palms flat in front of her, opened her mouth and blew gently, and suddenly a black wind hovered and expanded rapidly, covering the empress, Amidst the black wind, Hong Xi, the blue thunder, the scorching sun, and the flames surging crazily, as if the end is coming, everything will be swallowed and destroyed!

A storm blew across the entire world, as if the world was howling.

"Three Plagues!" The female emperor hurriedly propped up her hands, and God's Will changed the rule structure of a hundred li radius, forming a powerful prohibition, resisting the invasion of black wind, thunder, and flames, but the Heavenly Will barrier just took a short breath before it appeared. Too many cracks.

The old man Qixuan had a heavy face: "One of the nine ancient **** kings mentioned by the leader, the means of Emperor Qingshui, the meaning of collapse, three disasters and six disasters!"

The female emperor supported her, but blood still shed from the corner of her mouth.

"I'm going to kill her!" Jian Tongtian spread his hands, and the ancient sword of enlightenment emerged, getting bigger and bigger, and it stopped at three feet, exuding a fierce killing aura.

"No!" The female emperor gritted her teeth: "If I expand this enchantment, I'm afraid that there will be more and less fortune!"

"But you won't be able to hold it for long." The old man Qixuan said solemnly, "Wait for this. It's better to start the enchantment now and rush out. The four of us, can't we obliterate a **** king who holds the true meaning of the Dao?"

"Just allow my ancient sword to be within ten feet of hers!" Jian Tongtian constantly urged the ancient sword of his life, the sword's edge rotated and flashed, and the essence of blood was continuously sprayed from between his eyebrows and injected into the ancient sword to make it Hanmang became more and more fierce, and Hanmang became more and more dazzling: "I will do my best to burn my essence and blood. I can only make a sword. I must succeed!"

The female emperor's eyebrows jumped: "It depends on this blow."


The barrier created by the will of heaven shattered, and Hong Xi and the old man Qixuan rushed into the black wind, killing the figure of the woman.

As soon as they entered the black wind, their flesh and blood continued to rupture, and the three plagues quickly left marks on them, destroying their bodies and blocking their progress.

But the old man Qixuan and Hong Xi are also old-style **** kings. Although the pain of these injuries deepens into the bone marrow, they are expressionless, constantly releasing the tide of vitality, tearing open the barriers of black wind, thunder, and flames, opening a channel.

After the black wind, the figure of the woman was exposed.


The Hanmang sword shadow was like a dragon, hitting the woman's eyebrows directly along this passage, and it was within ten feet in an instant!

From the break of the Heaven’s Will barrier, Hong Xi and the old man Qixuan, to Jian Tongtian releasing his natal ancient sword, everything happened in the blink of an eye, and the woman obviously did not expect it. She looked at that Jianfeng to her eyebrows in a daze. .


The natal ancient sword suddenly stopped an inch before the woman's eyebrows.

Both Hong Xi and Qixuan were taken aback.

The female emperor turned her head, her whole body was cold for a moment, and she saw Jian Tongtian half of her body stepped into the ground in horror, and the person who stepped on Jian Tongtian was enveloped in a pair of armor with black meditation, and the breath of the end of the phantom was wrapped around.

"Nine Springs Demon Lord!"

Several people were shocked.

"Retract your sword, or die." Jiuquan Demon Venerable Sword Tongtiandao, who was glaring at him at his feet.

"Raise your foot or you will die."

A cold voice sounded, and Jiuquan Demon Lord curled his eyebrows and turned his head.

One man, two women.

The Empress covered her mouth.

A ray of providence emerged from Meng Fan's palm, transforming into the appearance of a female emperor.

The divine will that the female emperor comprehend was a strand of Meng Fan's own divine will.

He smiled softly to the empress, "I can always find you."

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