Supreme God King

Chapter 2344: The Long River of Underworld

Jiuquan Mozun frowned: "You actually..."

"Don't raise your foot yet?" Meng Fan said coldly.

Jiuquan Demon Sovereign is an ancient demon. Hearing Meng Fan’s words at this moment, he couldn’t help but sneered at the corners of his mouth: "See through the four true meanings, Meng Fan, you can be regarded as—"

Without waiting for him to finish.

Good luck emperor fist out.

Jiuquan Mozun hurriedly left Jiantongtian and moved a few steps horizontally. A dark armor poured into the palm of his right hand, colliding with the emperor's fist.

Good luck is vitality.

Meditation is the end.

The collision of life and death divided the void into yin and yang. Infinite lights and shadows appeared in the fist of the emperor of good fortune, and many vitality creatures were rushed and killed. Although they were swallowed by the black mind of the sky, they continued to rise. Ripples, tearing Mingyi.

This collision is not only a horror of power, but also infinite mystery. The side where Jiuquan Demon Venerable is standing is a dead silence, the earth is dark, the ghosts and gods are crying, but Meng Fan’s side is full of vitality, and the white desert has directly grown out. Lots of flowers and trees, like a fairyland on earth.

But the scenes on both sides only existed for a short moment.

The black earth disappeared.

Infinite vitality is also quickly dying.

Meng Fan and Jiuquan Mozun backed away, their eyes facing each other.

"Heh..." Jiuquan Demon Lord raised the corner of his left mouth, and said with a dark smile: "I thought that Ten Thousand Territories had fallen and the dark alliance was broken, where did you hide and cry."

Meng Fan smiled and said: "You can't be obsessed with Qingshui Emperor in the ancient era. In this era, you have seen the **** king of the annihilation. It seems that you have been searching for a long time. Do you want to deceive yourself and continue to write about the front?"

Jiuquan Mozun's complexion suddenly changed, and his whole body rolled frantically, like a black dragon.

"Meng Fan, you are looking for death!"

"The master of the mind blurted out that life and death deserved it." Meng Fan suddenly took a step forward, and the ground suddenly cracked. "But I will live and die? Jiuquan Demon Venerable, you think so high!"

"Heaven’s will, the meaning of the void, the true meaning of good fortune, and the will of God, although I don’t understand how you have the opportunity to penetrate and control the four true meanings, and incorporate nearly half of the ancient nine gods into your own body, how can one of the four true meanings be captured by yourself? The source of the heavens is the source of painstaking practice and comprehension? It’s all about adhering to the Taoism. Although your vitality is vigorous, it is not enough to stimulate the four real meanings at the same time. Although your martial art is heavy, it cannot carry the four real meanings. Ten thousand realms can't hold the four true meanings alone!"

"I have a ambition, and I must realize it. For this great ambition, there is a long way to go. All useful forces in the world can be used by me, and they are included in my body. What is the real meaning of the four true meanings? Mastering but not being able to comprehend it is Mingyi. I promised to be too one person to leave your life to him, but I don't mind killing you now and completely seizing the true meaning of Mingyi!"

"Is that so?" Jiuquan Mozun sneered.

Meng Fan squinted and nodded: "That's it."

There was a loud bang, a touch of cyan and a touch of black collided, and suddenly this was deserted. In the great world where the power and vitality of the world were completely depleted, there were countless cracks in the whole world. Life and death continued to be in the whole world. There are alternate rotations everywhere, and the horrible breath circulates wildly.

The Empress, Hong Xi, Jian Tongtian, the Seven Profound Old Man, Jade Immortal Venerable, and Meng Niuniu hurriedly retreated, and jointly arranged a barrier to block the hurricane caused by the collision of these two top figures.

Only an annihilated woman stood in the hurricane. No matter how Yu Wei passed by, she looked at the two figures intertwined in the void, still a little ignorant. She knew nothing about everything in the world like a baby, and only destroyed in her heart. All the thoughts, so when I looked at Ten Thousand Realms from a distance, she didn’t understand why someone tried to put together a grand plan when the heavens and Ten Thousand Realms were fragmented, but when the Ten Thousand Realms fell, she felt that it was a natural result. But from the bottom of my heart, I was full of curiosity about Meng Fan.

This curious thought is...If this man can be destroyed, will I be able to find the meaning of my birth?

In the sky, the infinite aura is intertwined into a continuous thick sea of ​​clouds. The figures of Meng Fan and Jiuquan Demon Venerable appear occasionally in them. Occasionally, a black dragon of dark intentions shuttles out. Occasionally, the void is torn and dislocated. Countless layers.

"Engulf it!"

Jiuquan Mozun made a fierce move, and the overwhelming meditation turned the entire sky into black, and instantly swallowed and buried Meng Fan.

At the moment of swallowing, the black hair of Jiuquan Demon Sovereign was fluttering, his face was twisted, and his whole body muscles bulged. From a handsome young man, he turned into a thick and strong man. His arms and muscles were coiled like horned dragons, his palms suddenly folded, his mouth was uttering, and he was rumbling like a hammer. Drum: "Eighteen layers of the earth, eight yin and eight cold are called, yin and yang are forever separated, life and death are mine!"

The deep river of dark as ink suddenly rolled more fiercely, continuously compressed and constricted inward, the exhausted power, even the female emperor and others who were hiding in the distance felt the breath of death, as if it was really a cloudy world. In the heavens and all realms.

"Grandpa..." Meng Niuniu panicked.


A golden palm suddenly stretched out from the long river of meditation that engulfed everything, red-gold scales continuously condensed on the palm, and the five fingers quickly became slender as a hook.

Jiuquan Demon Sovereign frowned, and even a few drops of blood leaked from his eyebrows. This was because his vitality was consumed too violently, and he couldn't help it, and he started to burn his blood.

Standing on the long river of Mingyi, he kept spitting out incomprehensible weird syllables, making the long river of Mingyi flow more and more rapidly, in order to truly obliterate Meng Fan!

But no matter how condensed, he still couldn't bury that dragon claw.

Boom! A pure-blooded heavenly dragon that is no more than one person, but full of red gold, is extremely dazzling, and resembles the noblest creature in the world, breaking through the long river of Mingyi, sending out a continuous dragon chant, and culling it.

Upon seeing this, Jiuquan Demon Sovereign flashed back and crossed seven times in an instant, swallowing the space to create a void passage. His figure was erratic, and the Empress and others could not see his wandering trajectory.


No matter how many times Jiuquan Demon Sovereign crossed, how many layers of space he penetrated, there was always a red golden dragon claw hanging above his head.

"Smash the vacuum!"

Jiuquan Demon Sovereign could not hide, and angrily slapped upwards and collided with the dragon claw!


The arm of Jiuquan Demon Sovereign was abruptly interrupted, and then the **** king who had spanned two epochs fell into the earth, setting off a large area.

And Meng Fan swooped down in the shape of a dragon, his stature stretched hundreds of feet in an instant, a truly majestic pure-blooded heavenly dragon, crashing into the place where Jiuquan Demon Sovereign fell with the speed of smashing the vacuum.

At this moment, the whole world is truly falling apart, turning into floating continents, spreading out in all directions!

A black flash appeared, it was Jiuquan Demon Venerable, standing in the air, panting and dripping with blood.

Standing on a broken ground, Meng Fan gradually dissipated his scales and turned into a human form. He raised his head and looked at Jiuquan Demon Venerable. His eyes were facing each other. There were also black marks on his body. As his body shakes, all these meditations disappear.

The result of this battle is already clear.

Jiuquan Mozun, a powerful figure spanning two epochs, felt defeat for the first time after his resurrection.

Although Meng Fan’s vitality cannot be compared with the Heavenly Giants, and is much inferior to Feather Emperor, Scale Emperor, and Ancient Emperor, he is the master of the true meaning of good fortune after all. His vitality lasts and his vitality is endless. With the passage of time, his vitality has become more and more vast, and after moving the flowers and trees to obtain the full power of the Oracle Dragon Emperor, he also obtained the vitality source of the Oracle Dragon Emperor, his vitality is magnificent, more than ten times more than Jiuquan Demon Venerable.

As Jiuquan Demon Sovereign said, the vitality required to activate the Dao’s true meaning is amazing, but even so, Meng Fan was in the fight and did not display the meditative intentions. The true meaning, one after another urged, beat Jiuquan Demon Venerable to the blood, his vitality was almost exhausted, but Meng Fan was still surging!

But this is not a complete victory.

As one of the nine ancient **** kings, Jiuquan Demon Lord does not know how many hidden means, especially as the master of the mind, can really fix life and death. At this moment, although his vitality is exhausted, his flesh and blood are broken, but for the **** king In short, these injuries are not fatal.

"Your life is to be taken by Tai. This is an agreement between me and him."

As Meng Fan said, he moved to the side of the Empress and the others, raised his hand to incorporate them into the mid-thousand world created by his palm, flashed again, and left directly.

There is no real grudge between him and Jiuquan Demon Venerable, but for some reason, the two will always meet by chance.

With a move of his palm, a group of meditation, struggling to escape, appeared in his hand.

This is the meditation that he suppressed with divine will and providence when fighting.

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