Supreme God King

Chapter 2345: Creator

This mid-thousand world is only tens of thousands of miles square, but at this moment, it is expanding rapidly, and the space is constantly multiplying.

Several **** kings, including the Empress, the Jade Immortal, and Meng Niuniu, were all stunned.

This middle-thousand world is located in Meng Fan's body.

It can be said that any **** king can create a middle-thousand world, because it understands the law of space, but the process of creation is very long, some take several days, some take several years or even ten years.

But Meng Fan can create any Zhongqian world at will.

And at this moment, he who has fully understood the meaning of the void and reached the state of smashing the vacuum can not only create the middle-thousand world, but also continuously expand the middle-thousand world, while creating the land, mountains, rivers, forests, plains, and so on.

Just like after the **** of good fortune fell asleep, his power and his true meaning in the dark created the great world hidden in the imperial palace. What Meng Fan is doing right now is what the **** of good fortune did back then. In the hands of Meng Fan, who completely controlled the good fortune, the void, the will of heaven, and the will of God, this process was very short.

After just a few hours, an extremely mysterious power began to emerge in this Meng Fan’s original Middle Thousand World. That is the power of the world!

This Meng Fan’s origin, the Thousand Worlds, directly turned into the Great Thousand Worlds.

At the same time, the vitality in the original world gradually fills up, and some creatures are condensed, and the vitality flows, forming a cycle of its own.

A new world.

A source world of Meng Fan.

The old man Qixuan looked at everything happening around him in amazement, suddenly raised his hand, gathered the earth and wood, and built a small but very delicate palace.

Seeing this, Jian Tongtian immediately shot and built a sword forest.

The Empress and Meng Niuniu walked slowly in a new field, strolling gently, and the Empress reached out and caught a beautiful light blue bird. After a long gestation, she said with mixed feelings: "He finally did it, he finally... …Really able to carry the destiny of all of us."

Meng Niuniu took off her red armor, knelt on the field, gently picked up the fertile soil, sniffed it in front of her petite nose, waved again, and sprinkled the soil on the field.

"Grandpa really did it."

She chuckled, and suddenly, her body exuded a kind of power that she had never had before. It blended into the ground under her feet, and faintly blended into the entire world. It seemed that this power was lost by Meng Fan. Used.

"This is... the power of ambition." The Empress smiled.

That’s right, this great world was created by Meng Fan’s four great ways of true intentions, among which there are good fortune and divine will, which are also extremely natural, deriving the power of ambition.

This kind of power, Meng Fan has seen in the world of the gods of good fortune, is also the power derived from one of the nine true meanings of the nine great gods in ancient times-the meaning of desire.

In the distance, a rumbling hill rose and turned into mountains and rivers. Sitting on the top of the mountains and rivers, the Emerald Immortal Venerable summoned many new-born creatures. He stretched out his hand to transform them one by one, unlocking the mind and awakening the soul.

Seeing this scene, the female emperor closed her eyes and breathed in the fragrant air in this vast world, and slowly rose into the sky and said: "Niuniu, come and help me rebuild the dark alliance."

In the world, one building after another continues to rise, gradually becoming one piece.

On the way of God's hidden.

Meng Fan withdrew his gaze from the original world inside his body, his gaze became firmer and firmer, continuously shattering the vacuum and crossing the distance.

There is a place in the heavens and myriad worlds that is extremely secretive, a strange world that no one has set foot in for hundreds of thousands of years. This world is larger than any other world. A torrent of ferocious beasts traverses through it everywhere. There is no trace of living beings. It is cold and full of silver and gray, but there is a man who does not see the age. He seems very young and old. He sits by the torrent with one foot hanging in the air and three pots of old wine beside him. In his hand is a purple bamboo fishing rod, the fishing line goes deep into the torrent, obviously fishing.

While the man was fishing quietly, suddenly his brows jumped, and he turned his face, not knowing where he was looking, and muttered: "Someone has really become the creator, the central emperor, that is the one who makes you sleepy and sleepy the most. ."

In the words, the central emperor in white shirt and plain clothes showed his figure, with his hands behind his back, looking at the man in front of him, his hands behind his back clenched into fists, brewing strength, and he was obviously wary of the man in front of him.

"The Ancient Sage King, ah, that's not right, it should be called the Immortal King of Impermanence. You cut off all cause and effect. The Ancient Sage King is just an irrelevant name for you."

Central Emperor said blankly.

The man who was called the eternal saint king by the central emperor and changed his name to the impermanent immortal king smiled slightly: "I cut off all cause and effect, but my name is still on the list of Heavenly Dao must kill."

The central emperor said: "As long as you are alive, you will always be contaminated with the world's cause and effect. According to the ancestors of humanity, you cut off all cause and effect in the last era, abandoned everything, and completely disappeared into the heavens and the world, even the epoch It didn't have any effect on you." The corners of his mouth raised, with a meaningful smile: "Maybe you can cut it again and you can escape this era of catastrophe?"

The impermanence fairy king did not pay attention to the ridicule in the words of the central emperor, but suddenly stared at the fishing rod with full concentration, and then murmured: "A little fish. This bait is really bad." He drew the hook, but saw the fish. On the hook, what was hanging was not bait, but a dying crimson man.

Surprisingly a monster king!

The Central Emperor squinted his eyes.

"I have been fishing for ten thousand years, but I have never been able to catch the fish I want. The main reason is that the bait is not good." The Immortal King Throwing the Hook closer, with a wave of his palm, the Monster King turned into a rain of blood and spilled out. . "The ordinary **** king is really not good, you have to be a powerful **** king like you."


The bare silver-gray stone at the feet of the central emperor shattered, and the eternal emperor sneered: "Interestingly, the ancestor of humanity said that all the characters in the world came from his hands, and only one character was not made by him, but the character'Buddha'. It was made by you, and only you can write this word in the heavens and all realms, and you can qualify for this word, but why did you fail to become a Buddha, but became a fishing old man who is stuck here? Maybe these questions, Can there be a result today?"

While speaking, the Central Emperor was full of energy, and his white shirt instantly turned purple.

The Immortal King said calmly: "You originally came here for two things, one is that you want to create the fourth realm, and the other is that you want me to help you find signs of Meng Fan's cause and effect, and you want to fight with me? Great Emperor, I can't figure out which one is strong between you and me, but if you just provoke one more sentence, you definitely don't want to leave it all."

The central emperor narrowed his eyes.

"I can't answer both questions." The Immortal King said casually: "I didn't create the world of Impermanence, it's just the cause and effect that was contaminated when I cut the cause and effect."

"The cause and effect that was contaminated when the cause and effect were cut." The Central Emperor repeated with deep eyes.

"The second question is, I cannot find the young man named Meng Fan. In the last era, I gave up cause and effect. The Zen master now is the self-proclaimed God Xumi, so I can't calculate Meng Fan. All the signs of cause and effect, however, can give you an answer, and it does not count as a trip for nothing."

The Immortal King throws the fishing rod, this time without any bait, throws it into the water.

"You and him, in one life, one person will die, and the person who is born will also die, but one after the other, it will not be too long."

The central emperor's eyes suddenly opened, and his spirit burst!

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