Supreme God King

Chapter 2346: The Three Great Orders

Pieces of lavender crystals are jagged, flaring with teeth and claws, intertwined into dense jungles, shining with awe-inspiring light.

In the middle of the crystal forest, the three **** kings, Zhantian Giant, Feather Emperor, and Scale Emperor, stood in the air, constantly spitting out, but found that the vitality they could absorb became less and less.

"The Forest of Punishment this day is a little smaller than yesterday."

As the Emperor Yu said, he visited for a week, and then said to Emperor Lin: "Until now, I have not found any gaps or loopholes, I'm afraid I can't rush out. Emperor Lin, it won't work. I will try desperately to at least vomit the people in the belly. Outside, some fire can continue."

Emperor Lin didn't answer, but was serious and contemplative.

This forest of punishment was born among the army of Heavenly Incarnations encountered by Infinite Realm eight days ago. To be precise, it was when the God of Punishment led thousands of punishment incarnations to fight with the God King of Jiyuan Pass, suddenly several thousand days. The avatars of punishment are merged together.

Over a hundred of the thousands of gods and kings gathered in the Era Conference of Infinite Realm were shrouded in the Forest of Retribution. In eight days, the Forest of Retribution was isolated from the inside and outside. The vitality was impassable, and the law did not flow. The next day It has shrunk a bit more than the day, making the space within it narrower and narrower, and the power of Heaven's Punishment has become stronger and stronger, and dozens of **** kings have been dismembered and killed.

In fact, in the early days of the formation of the Forest of Retribution, hundreds of gods could completely break the powerful repressive method of the source of the heavens, but the premise is to let go of any gaps and work together thoroughly. There are hundreds of gods. The kings are of different origins and races, and they have little or no understanding of each other. They actually let the Forest of Heaven's Punishment shrink by eight days, but they never joined forces!

This is the sorrow of God King.

Reaching the realm of the **** king and comprehending the laws of the heavens is already the pinnacle of all beings, all mavericks, most of whom are extremely self-interested, and it is too impossible to believe in others.

In the early days of the formation of the Forest of Punishment, the giant of the sky also made a move, but it was not effective. After that, the tall war **** asked the emperor Yu and the emperor scale to protect him, and he would start to sit and meditate. Eight days passed.

There are not a few **** kings in the Forest of Retribution. For at least two days, Emperor Feather Scale did not see the other **** kings, it seems that only three of them are left.

At the moment when the Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin were discussing how to find a chance to find a way out for the Dao Sect of the sentient beings in their abdomen, suddenly, the giant Zhan Tian opened his eyes.

On the eighth day, his eyes were finally opened.

As soon as he opened his eyes, the Zhantian Giant suddenly stood up, slowly raised one hand, and squeezed his five fingers into a fist. Then, his entire arm swelled more than ten times, his muscles and muscles bulged, outrageously like the Optimus Pillar. The vitality contained in Yu Huang and Lin Huang suddenly startled.

"Punish the gods? The Forest of Punishment? It is the power of the source of the heavens. By coincidence, my name is Zhantian!"

The punch strikes out.

The vitality screamed and gathered into a storm.

Countless lavender crystals shattered into residue.

The Forest of Heavenly Punishment was abruptly blasted into a crack of a hundred meters wide!

Zhan Tian giant retracted his fist front, and bursts of blue smoke appeared all over his body, but his momentum did not decay in the slightest. There was a hum of Hong Zhong Da Lu, his whole body quickly swelled, and even the joints made a crackling sound, which was obviously because of vitality. Filling, expanding rapidly.

His power seems to be infinitely increasing.


The Heavenly Battle Giant rushed out of the rift first, followed by Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin, and finally escaped from the Forest of Retribution in eight days.

The pre-entry goal was the Infinite Realm Era Pass, which was burned to death by the fire of Heavenly Punishment. He raised his head, and in the void, the discipline of the gods and hundreds of Heavenly Punishment incarnations gathered together, coldly looking at the battle giant.

"The meaning of the origin, this is the true meaning of the Great Dao that has disappeared for several epochs." The voice of the chastisement **** is like a heaven without any emotion. "It is the first era, at the beginning of all things, the power of the third **** king who was born between heaven and earth to plunder. It seems that on the list of the must kills of the heavens, your name must be predicated, the giant of the sky."

The battle giant smiled, the blue smoke all over his body became more intense, as if a soldering iron fell into the pool...No, it seemed like the scorching sun fell into the sea and evaporated the entire ocean! Yuhuang and Linhuang could feel the heat of the Zhantian Giant's body beside them, making them both a little hot and unbearable.

"I only know that I have some kind of tradition, but I don't know what kind of tradition, the first era? What era was that? Who is the third **** king born between heaven and earth? Why isn't it the first **** king? "

The discipline gods have a cold face, and suddenly, around it, two figures are born out of thin air.

The moment these two figures appeared, Zhan Tian Giant was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled even more.

One of the figures was a young man. It was a vitality **** system who had fought against the Zhan Tian giant and was killed by Meng Fan in a single blow!

"Sure enough, the incarnation of Heaven does not seem to have the concept of life and death."

When this voice fell, the Heavenly Giants, Feather Emperor, and Scale Emperor all turned their heads, and when they saw them, they couldn't help but smile.

Wearing a blue shirt, Meng Fan stood in the void and whispered, "The first **** king born in the oldest era of everything and everything is called Chaos Great Emperor, the second **** king is called Honghuang Tailong, and the third **** king is born in the oldest era. , Named Elephant Lord, it turned out that the Lord of Elephant plundered the origin. Everything has origin. There are limbs and the inheritance of incense. The **** king stands on the three foundations of heaven and earth, namely the soul, the pillar of martial art, and the origin. If the origin grows, the vitality will continue, the vitality will be constant, the strength will be endless, and the battle will really suit you."

Zhan Tian laughed strangely: "It's Lao Meng after all. It seems that the Central Emperor's conspiracy failed. You have to thank me!"

Meng Fan stretched out his hand to punish the gods: "So far I have not understood the law of the incarnation of the heavens. They seem to be immortal? But how can there be immortality between the heavens and the earth? Every battle, they are stronger and punish the gods. I’ve seen the Heyuanqi God System, but I didn’t expect to see the third God System, the Law God System again today! Zhantian, thank you, and wait until you get out of this predicament."

"Meng Fan." The punishment of the gods took a step forward, the pale gold armor screamed, and the gods descended to the earth: "The will of heaven, the void, the good fortune, the will of the gods, the true meaning of the ancient nine gods kings, you have nearly half, heaven Forbid you, the earth cannot tolerate you, in the will of heaven, you are already the second person to kill, just after the Great Chaos, the catastrophe brewing above your head will fall at any time, and we will do our best to chase you down, today Appear, do you still want to leave."

Meng Fan chuckles: "The three gods gather together, is it great? You stop me and try."

The battle giant laughed: "Sure enough, it's still the Meng Fan who suffered a thousand swords!" After saying that, he moved his hands and went to Meng Fan's side with Emperor Yu and Emperor Lin, looking at the three gods and Ji from a distance. The incarnation of Hundred Days Punishment.

"Jiyuanguan gathers thousands of gods and kings, going against the sky, delusional to prevent the rotation of the heavens. In the eyes of the heavens, all the gods under the sky can be killed, and you are no exception.

The Retribution God Commander said Lang Lang, like the emperor’s oracle, and at the same time, the whole body is as transparent as crystal, and the laws that can’t see the true appearance are suddenly dispersed out of thin air, and in the void, in the vast domain, all the laws appear. The mutation has turned into layers of invisible barriers, invisible to the naked eye, but this barrier is obviously extremely strong, enclosing everyone in it.

But the incarnations of Heavenly Punishment are shattered, becoming the purest power of Heavenly Punishment, and they have poured into the body of the discipline gods. His power has been raised repeatedly, the whole body is thundered, and there are clouds of smoke hovering, truly like the same god. Linfan.

"The power of the source of the heavens lies in the constant obliteration of all beings in the heavens and the earth, especially the kings of gods, and plundering their knowledge, experience, and wisdom." Meng Fan said: "Every time you fight, the gods are stronger. Punish the gods, you I have fought with me three times. How much have you learned from me?"

The words fall.

A brief silence.

Meng Fan, Retribution God Lineage, Battle Sky Giant, and Vitality God Lineage moved at the same time and collided!

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