Supreme God King

Chapter 2349: The resurrection of the monkey

In Meng Fan's original world.

Building after building has become a giant dragon, faintly faint.

After all, how many **** kings have taken action, especially the battle giant and the female emperor, two top **** kings who master the true meaning of the great road, it is not difficult to completely reproduce the original dark alliance here.

But now, what they want to do is not to recreate, the dark alliance is standing in the ten thousand domains, the ten thousand domains have a long history, ups and downs, and various races, forces, and kings are constantly entangled with each other. The establishment of the dark alliance is a step by step. In the beginning, only Meng Fan was the **** king. At that time, the establishment of the dark alliance was not the most important thing, but under the pressure of the ten thousand domains, the dark alliance was built very slowly and step by step.

However, Meng Fan’s original world is as vast as the Ten Thousand Territories. It is a new world. The dark alliance **** kings can build as they please, determine feng shui, and build dragon veins. At every moment, there are towering mountains and rivers rising up. They are all located in magnificent palaces.

There is a vast world in the body, which is why Meng Fan has never been seen before and has caused catastrophes and catastrophes.

However, Meng Fan didn't have time to look at the various scenes in the original world in his body. He was sitting in the wide and bright mansion of Princess Yueyue. Next to him were Emperor Yu, Emperor Scale, Princess Yueyue, and the little monkey.

In front of him, there is a giant egg.

The giant egg that had just been spit out from the mouth of the King of Scales had a slight crack on it, and something agitated in it to burst out of its shell.

"Emperor Yu and I are both relics of the last era." Emperor Scale said, but his eyes were still fixed on the dome. "Emperor Qing is different. He is a powerful **** king of this era. He met us when he was young and later built Dao Sect of All Living Beings together. We have been arguing about his origin, which is also our big talk. Emperor Yu thinks he It is a natural god, because it was transformed by wood gas, but I think he is a demon clan, because he robbed a 140,000-year-old tree, and the Qing Emperor always laughed and said that he was wise and close to the demon, and he was also made for nature. Half and half."

Princess Yingyue stood not far away, staring at the giant egg carefully, and said in a deep voice, "Reincarnate in flesh and blood, and transfer flowers and trees? Sounds like a life against the sky."

"It is indeed against the sky." Although Emperor Scale did not turn his eyes and looked at the dome very attentively, he still answered carefully: "This method is no less than taking the heavens and the earth, so the risk is huge, and the energy consumption is amazing. , It may not be successful, and even if it succeeds, it may attract Tianzhu."


Suddenly, something broke from the dome.

It's a... branch.

Branches covered with emerald green leaves.

Not long after, a calf-sized tree that looked like a bamboo, a very weak wood spirit drilled out, a pair of black pearl-like eyes, looking left and right in confusion, gently blinking, stretched out a branch, like a hand Same, touched the scale emperor.

"Hmm..." Princess Yingyue accidentally lost her voice, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, but she still didn't hold back and said: "It's so cute..."

When this small wooden spirit was born, it was actually a sacred realm. Although it was weak and pitiful compared to the many gods present, in the eyes of Meng Fan, he could clearly see his foundation aptitude, which would thrive and eventually become God king, the road is smooth, without obstacles!

Because the Qingdi himself is an old **** king who has lived for a long time, although after his flesh and blood is reincarnated, it is equivalent to "reincarnation" once again, and Meng Fan can see that he has a mystery in the womb, and 90% of his memories are lost. It’s just that I instinctively feel that Emperor Scale and Emperor Feather are somewhat cordial, but after all, they are not practicing from scratch. They are completely re-walking the path of God King. So this process is not difficult, especially now that Emperor Feather and Emperor scale help and protect them. It is extremely simple.

The emperor Yu, who has always been solemn and solemn, smiled from ear to ear, and showed his true shape. The huge beak of a big bird trembles up and down, reaching out for the little Qing Emperor to climb onto it, and said with a smile: "My friend, you It's so tender."

Mu Ling ignorantly stretched out a branch and scratched Yuhuang's head.

"Fresh and flesh..." Meng Fan took a deep breath.

The little monkey beside him, with tears in his eyes, looked at Meng Fan and said, "Uncle...Can you..."

Emperor Scale and Emperor Yu looked at Meng Fan together.

With a move of Princess Yueyue's hand, she pushed a very unusual-looking stone closer.

"This is one of the three cornerstones of the Soul Town Tower in my burial site. It is considered one of the most important treasures in my burial site, but for Meng Fan, who has a great family, it should be nothing, and I can afford it." Princess Yue said coldly, and suddenly smiled: "Oh, I forgot, you are not the Lord of Ten Thousand Domains now."

"Those with **** are Tsundere." Meng Fan said casually, ignoring Princess Yueyue's murderous eyes, grabbing this foundation stone in his hand, huh! God's will emerges, and lines are drawn in it with vitality and laws, like the veins of people, increasing one by one.

Time gradually passed.

No one spoke.

No matter who it is, even if it is Princess Yueyue, he carefully looks at Meng Fan’s fingers. At this moment, he is like a craftsman, but he is not making tools or sculptures, but outlines the true meaning of the most supreme avenue between heaven and earth. Come out a perfect body.

How could Princess Yueyue not look carefully at the mystery in it?

Even Emperor Yu and Emperor Scale, although they did not understand the true meaning of the Dao, they held their breath. They could see too much mystery from Meng Fan's movements. In a flash, they had a deeper understanding of the structure of the world and everything. It also includes a deeper understanding of his own flesh and blood spirit.

This picture is too precious, and it has benefited a lot from the king.

A whole hour passed.

On the stone, there are 1.296 million veins, which are extremely detailed.

Then, Meng Fan stretched out his finger and hung it on the stone. A drop of dark golden blood oozes from the fingertip and drips onto the stone.


The stone vibrated violently.

How precious is this drop of blood? It is not only the blood of Meng Fan, but also the blood of the noblest Tianlong clan that contains the divine will, especially in it, there is a pure good fortune!

This drop of blood doesn't need to be dripped on anything, it just falls randomly on any place, no matter what kind of wind and frost damage, it is impossible to obliterate it, and it can instantly turn into a powerful creature when encountering vitality.

The stone shook violently.

Emperor Scale and Emperor Yu immediately took action, swelling vitality, all the mysterious methods were released, and the stone calmed down.

Little Qingdi looked curiously.

Emperor Lin said loudly: "The Great Emperor, it's now!"

Meng Fan opened his palm, and a strand of remnant soul poured directly into the stone.

The shape of the stone began to change.

Everyone held their breath and watched, not daring to distract themselves.

The vitality of the emperor Yu and the emperor scales was consumed rapidly, and sweat ran out of their foreheads not long after.

"It's not good... the burning of vitality is several times faster than when he reincarnated for the Azure Emperor's flesh and blood..."

Hearing this, Meng Fan immediately flicked his fingers, and another drop of blood containing the majestic vitality and the true meaning of good fortune melted into the stone, which slightly alleviated the weakness of the Emperor Yu and the Emperor Scale.

At this moment, a thundercloud suddenly appeared above the mansion, in which the thunder was rolling, the power of heaven's punishment was extremely strong, and the stone was firmly locked.

Emperor Scale exclaimed: "Tianzhu!"


Meng Fan didn't move, and he shouted angrily, and the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly drifted away, only vaguely howling ghosts, and some incomprehensible language, seemed to be cursing.


Cracks appeared on the stone, and pieces of stone skin fell off.

The little monkey trembled all over, tears running across his eyes.

A few lights and shadows flickered. It was the Empress, Meng Niuniu, and Yun Feiyang who sensed something, but couldn't believe it, jumping out of Meng Fan's original world.

The center of the mansion.

A monkey who looked no more than two or three months old with sparse hair all over scratched his chin, raised his head and looked at Meng Fan in front of him, frowned slightly, as if thinking.

"Hey, I see you familiar!"

The monkey screamed.

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