Supreme God King

Chapter 2350: Ruling palace lord

"The so-called three kinds of attainments, one is the mastery of thoughts, and the second is the training of the bones, and the three dragons are as high as the three, and the hearts and minds merge into one. This is the basis of martial arts."

The little monkey spoke carefully, and was a little cautious.

The sparsely-haired, stone-skinned monkey next to him looked at the little monkey, frowned slightly, and didn’t do what the little monkey wanted, but said with an old-fashioned look: "Big brother, you said my name is What? God Monkey Sky Star? What do you mean?"

Hearing the word "Big Brother", the little monkey suddenly sweated and said nervously: "This...that...I..."

It is embarrassing for him to want to come, how to answer this question? When the elder brother called, he felt the thunder on top of his head.

"...You really don't remember anything?" the little monkey asked cautiously.

However, the two-foot-tall **** monkey Tianxing scratched the fluff on his forehead: "I just see that person is familiar. I really can't remember it. It's a god, but what does it mean to be a god... And what you just said? Three sentences, what Sanda, inexplicable, said that I don’t understand, but I don’t understand...Oh, I’m so annoying, I want to sleep!"

Saying "God Monkey Tianxing", he raised his head and fell into the fragrant flower field: "What a good place..."

"Don't sleep!" The little monkey roared angrily, and suddenly the "God Monkey Sky Star" sat up in terror, and his hair stood upside down.

"What are you... shouting, you..."

"If you don't comprehend Sanda, you can't sleep!" The little monkey whispered and panted: "How did you teach me back then, I didn't eat for seven days and nights, just because you can't understand Sanda, you will study hard for me!"

"What year..." The **** monkey Tianxing said depressed, but helplessly chanted three times in his heart, and then stretched out a finger.

At the fingertips, the vitality gathered to one point, turning from white to red, generously radiant, and burning, like a scorching sun that had shrunk ten million times and jumped to the horizon.

The little monkey was dumbfounded: "How did did you do it so easily?"

"Can you sleep?"

"! There are also sixteen martial arts scriptures, one hundred thousand words of the emperor's history book, this general theory of vitality must be learned, and I must follow me up the mountain, carrying 20 catties of stones to climb the mountain, 30 tomorrow, the day after tomorrow Forty, eight hundred the day after tomorrow!"

"Your account is wrong!"

"I am a teacher, I have the final say."

"Who asked you to be my teacher, do I agree!"

"Agree or disagree is not up to you."

The **** monkey Tianxing was said to have been stunned, and then said for a long time: "Too overbearing."

Not far away, Meng Niuniu, who was arranging the sword forest with Jian Tongtian and Yun Feiyang, smiled and said, "The little monkey has revenge."

"This is a public revenge." Yun Feiyang smiled.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent fluctuation, and the **** kings in the original world were shocked. They were too familiar with this kind of fluctuation. It was the fluctuation when the **** king achieved the penalty!

So, all the **** kings looked out, their eyes through the original world, and saw the outside.

In the void of the funeral, Meng Fan stood alone in front of him, but three feet away, Lin Tang and Bai Shui'er were undergoing the baptism of God's punishment.

They are becoming the king of gods!

Using Meng Fan’s means to boost them to bring them one step closer to the King of Gods, and even attract the punishment of heaven, it is not difficult, but this day of punishment falls, with Meng Fan’s blessing, they are not only unscathed, but also punished by heaven. Refining himself for the furnace, at the same time, he also received the baptism of Meng Fan's pure vitality and the four great truths.

After a wave of heavenly punishment, the thunder gradually dissipated, Meng Fan's eyes moved slightly, his hands outrageously swung out, vigorously cutting the heaven and the earth, suddenly attracted more turbulent heaven and earth punishment, and constantly poured on Lin Tang and Bai Shui'er.

This Heaven Punishment that caused many Tianzong people to fall is completely Meng Fan's palm at this moment, and with his heart surging, it becomes the power to strengthen Lin Tang and Bai Shui'er.

This scene lasted for several hours.

The Heavenly Punishment Thunder finally dissipated.

Lin Tang and Bai Shui'er sat firmly in the void, thunder gleaming all over, they opened their eyes, dazzling, and they were already in the realm of a god!

Meng Fan grabbed the palm of his hand, grasped all the power of Heaven's Punishment that remained on the two of them, incorporated them into the palms, and sucked into the original world in the body. The little monkey and others in the dark alliance who have reached the half-step **** king realm, this is enough to pass the direct obliteration power below the **** king through his tempering, turning into tenderness like water, without any violent aura, and immediately destroying everyone The power has been upgraded to another level.

At the same time, the power of Heaven's Punishment, which had fought and plundered several times with the discipline of the gods, also fell into the original world, and turned into a huge thunder pool in the newly built dark alliance headquarters. Outside the thunder pool, there are only gods or half-step gods. The king can approach, temper himself, or feel the punishment in advance.

"Forcibly seizing the heavens and the earth, what is the strength of the leader?" Hong Xi asked softly, unable to suppress the shock in his heart.

The female emperor said leisurely: "No matter what level he reaches, it is not enough for him, far from enough. It will not be enough until one day when he can resurrect the person who is completely dead."

"That is the obsession of the leader." said the emerald fairy: "the leader is thinking about how to rescue the dark alliance people who are still imprisoned in the ten thousand realm. The sister is also there..."

Meng Fan smiled and examined Lin Tang's and Bai Shui'er's pillars of martial arts and the origin of vitality, and said softly: "Go into the heavens and punish them to sit still for a few days to consolidate yourself."

When the words fell, the two moved into Meng Fan's original world, and directly sat in the thunder pond of Heaven's Punishment.

At this moment, Meng Fan suddenly felt a slight strangeness. He looked far away, his eyes penetrated the burial ground hidden in the void, he saw a certain part of the path of Shenyin, and he saw the Heavenly Devil God King!

On the left and right, there are more than a dozen dark alliance **** kings, all of which have joined the dark alliance in the former universe. At this moment, they are moving fast, each with serious injuries, and behind them are twenty **** kings and Hundreds and a half steps of the **** king, the leader is a man with a jade face.

This scene took place very far away, and the distance from the burial site, the ordinary **** king could not walk for a few days, Meng Fan only saw it through the eyes of the sky, and first sent a divine thought to the princess Yueyue, let her urge the burial site Move a little distance, just in case, the coordinates of the burial site will be exposed, and then the whole person has already stepped away.

"Damn it, I was caught in a trap. The Purple Light Empire is so insidious!" The Heavenly Remnant God King rushed all the way, and said angrily: "Anyway, I simulated the traces of the leader of Meng and let us break into the trap by ourselves. Fortunately, I and the leader of Meng have been there for many years I found out that it’s not right when I stepped into the friendship, otherwise, I’m afraid we will all be buried there!"

"Tianchou God King, that person is chasing after him, who is it from the Purple Light Empire?" A Dark Alliance God King asked.

"The structure of the Ziguang Empire is complicated. It's just that the ingredients in the eight pavilions are diverse, and I really don't recognize who he is. However, the methods are extraordinary and should not be underestimated. Move quickly and rush to the burial site immediately."

"But if people from the Purple Light Empire are brought to the burial ground, wouldn't it be..."

"This..." The Heavenly Remnant God King was taken aback and stopped abruptly.

When he stopped, the surrounding dark alliance **** kings also stopped. At the same time, the twenty **** kings and hundreds of half-step **** kings who were chasing and killed also stopped abruptly and stood in the path of **** hidden.

"You can never lead your own troubles to others." The Tianchou God King smiled freely and suddenly turned around to face the pursuer and said loudly, "In this case, the first battle is!"

More than a dozen dark alliance **** kings also showed smiles. After all, they all existed at the first level of the **** king, and their spirits were extraordinary. Although they were injured in varying degrees because they broke into the trap by mistake, their momentum was unabated at this moment.

"Intention to fight?" The jade-faced leader nodded slightly: "Yes, not bad."

The Tianchou God King said coldly: "Report who you are first."

"The ruling palace lord of the Purple Empire." The man said softly, his slender fingers stretched out: "The Heavenly Remnant God King, I am instructed by the Human Emperor to simulate Meng Fan's breath, and create this huge trap for the dark alliance waiting for exile. If you kill more than a dozen dark alliance **** kings in one fell swoop, it is unimaginable, how can you escape? Is there any last word!"

The voice fell.

All the people present, to be precise, were more than thirty **** kings, suddenly stared in a direction.

There, a man appeared out of thin air.

The appearance of this person surprised all **** kings.

Meng Fan pinched hundreds of fingers in an instant, then dropped to his side, and whispered: "The ruling hall master, the leader of the eight pavilions, but a pawn, fortunately there is no one of my dark alliance before the Heavenly Devil King. Your layout, otherwise, you will die without a burial place, and your soul will be tortured by me for thousands of years. Now, just die."

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