Supreme God King

Chapter 2359: Holy King Pen

Meng Fan retreated sharply by smashing the vacuum. He felt the monstrous killing intent of this palm, which was an endless hatred for the Central Emperor.

This is the lord of the fairy elephant.

Eighth on the list of the killer of heaven.

When Meng Fan talked with the afterimage of the ancestor of humanity, he learned some of the oldest secrets in the world.

When time began to flow, at the source of time, in the first era of the universe, everything was barren, and the creatures were ignorant. After a long period of time, some wisdom gradually opened up.

After a long history, he first began to seize the vitality of heaven and earth, stepping into the martial arts, and groping in confusion.

Finally, someone has stepped onto the top of all beings, has the qualifications to challenge the heavens, and can change their lives against the sky.

The first **** king between heaven and earth was named Emperor Chaos.

The second **** king is named Honghuang Tailong.

The third deity king is called Elephant Lord.

Back then, the Great Dragon was the first to step into the source of the heavens and seized the divine will, thus angering the heavens and awakening the will of the heavens and many disasters.

The second one stepping into the source of the heavens is the Lord, who has captured the meaning of the source.

Divine Will created the blood of the pure-blooded Tianlong Inborn Saint King.

The original meaning makes the elephant master possess the most surging power in the world.

The power of the dragon and elephant is synonymous with the most powerful force.

In Meng Fan’s deduction of God’s will, it can be clearly seen that the lord of the fairy elephant is a demon. It is an ancient elephant illusion, vaguely, and the elephant lord of the first era mentioned in the afterimage of the human ancestor, there are thousands of silks Wanlv's connection!

Kill with a palm.

The twelve layers of armor formed by the central emperor's humanity purple energy were shattered layer by layer!

The torrential plains within a radius were also undergoing earth-shaking changes in an instant.

Until the last layer of purple armor was also shattered, the palm of the Lord of the Elephant fell on the chest of the Central Emperor. Amid the loud bang, the Central Emperor's mouth sprayed thick blood.

Time seems to stand still for an instant.

Standing in the alien space, Meng Fan silently looked at the Lord of the Fairy Elephant and the Central Emperor in the middle of the overturned plain.

After a long silence, there was a cold laugh.

The Central Emperor sneered: "One hundred thousand years ago, before I retreat, I wanted to spy on some ancient secrets, pursue you, and fight all the way, the lord of the fairy elephant, but you thought I was going to rob you of your origin. That power gives up hiding, but you are too stupid. I am an emperor and a humanitarian leader. Although I am quite curious about the true meaning of various avenues, I never want to grasp the true meaning of the avenues. Linglong Xin is in my hands, and I don’t want to spy Mind.

If you were still in charge of the original meaning at the time, although you were still not my opponent, you would not be imprisoned by me for 100,000 years. After 100,000 years, you seem to have not grown much, and you are still so stupid. After this palm, what shall you do? ? "


There was a wave of ripples, and the huge body of the lord of the fairy elephant was shaken back hundreds of steps, and blood was repeatedly vomited from his mouth.

The Central Emperor turned around and looked at Meng Fan in the void.

"Emperor Wanyu, if I say that the person I most want to kill in this world, Emperor Chaos is the first, and you are the second. I must admit that you are a great man. I always think that since the ancient era, humanity After Hundred Saints were buried at the end of Shenyin, there will always be only me in the world, but I did not expect that there will be people besides me who can awaken humanity and condense purple energy, but you have practiced too much, martial arts are mixed, and you have the true meaning of the four major ways. It’s impossible to control humanity anymore. I am the only one who upholds humanity and luck. I am the only one in the heavens and all realms. I must kill you, and I will definitely do it."

As the central emperor spoke, the humanity canopy on his head spun frantically, and purple air poured into his body like a river.

"Humanitarianism has its own inheritance. Every era has a humanitarian leader. Each leader has created his own humanitarian treasure. It is me who created this humanitarian canopy."

He spread his right hand, and in an instant, the sky was filled with magnificent and magnificent light. Although it was fleeting, Meng Fan still felt a taste of sacredness. It seemed that everything has become thorough and can be understood. .

But in this sage, there are fierce murderous intent, which is hidden and difficult to detect. This murderous intent is sharper than any sword intent in the world, but it diffuses out and feels that there is a kind of being blocked. The illusion of the throat!

It's a brush.

"In the last era, the Hundred Saints of Humanity created this holy king pen."

The central emperor has a humane canopy on his head, a noble purple robe, and a holy king pen in his right hand. In the dark, powerful power is brewing.

At this moment, the central emperor seemed to be able to rewrite the laws of heaven and earth and change the operation of heaven and earth!

Although, it's just an illusion.

But the horror brought about by this illusion is real.

At this time, the central emperor lifted the holy king pen and wrote gently in the air.

"Sage inside and king outside."

Four characters emerge.

Suddenly, in the void, the cold light loomed everywhere, swords and swords shadows, killing infinitely, Meng Fan's whole body was continuously cut into strips of cracks, this cold light ignored any barriers, even the space could be crossed at will, killing people invisible.

In Meng Fan's heart, the four words kept flashing.

Words and pens!

The most terrifying knife in the world is not any magic weapon.

It's a pen.

Meng Fan immediately rolled his blood and transformed into a dragon shape again, and brilliant sparks burst out continuously on the dark golden scales. It was the pen front strangling his flesh, leaving pale marks on the dragon scales.

Seeing this situation, Meng Fan didn't dare to stay, constantly crossing the void and dodge back and forth, but no matter where he moved, the sharp and cold light would always hover around him, cutting wildly!

If he hadn't reshaped his flesh three times, the first time he was reborn by good fortune, the second time he was transformed by the baptism of God's will, and the third time he took the dragon's blood by moving flowers and trees, and his flesh body was extremely strong, at this moment, I am afraid that it has been divided by these cold lights!

No matter how horizontally he moved, he couldn't dodge. With a fierce movement of Meng Fan's figure, the space was directly compressed to the extreme. A million li was included in the square inch, close to the central emperor, and the dragon claws fiercely grasped and photographed.


Saint King's pen is on Meng Fan's dragon claw. In an instant, a little bit of ink flew away, writing small words on Meng Fan's dragon claw arm.


A single seal has the powerful meaning of suppressing all things, banning everything, and locking souls. In an instant, Meng Fan was shocked to feel that the vitality of the entire arm was not flowing smoothly, and the blood seemed to be frozen by the extreme cold!

The central emperor pens the dragon and snake.

In a very short time, using his own vitality as ink, he wrote a huge word, lock!

After that, it is ban!




One word after another was written to form the most powerful sealing method between heaven and earth. Compared with any formation or chain, it was much stronger. It was another level of existence. These words were imprinted on Meng Fan's body.

Meng Fan tried his best to retreat, but his whole body was extremely heavy and his movements were so slow that he couldn't even crush the vacuum!

The central emperor's face was solemn, and the holy king's pen was held up high, with a cold sharp edge, drawing a huge vertical line from top to bottom.


The entire Wanyu was eclipsed.

An extremely terrifying sense of tearing spread from Meng Fan's body, from the inside out, and all his body and mind felt like being divided into two!

The figure was even more tranced and erratic several times.

He gritted his teeth and looked at the Central Emperor who was not far away with a sneer, trying to suppress his restless flesh.

"The Four Great Dao's true intentions are in the body, condensed on the pillar of martial art, and it is really impossible to cut you off."

The Central Emperor said indifferently.

That's right, if you change to another **** king, any **** king, I'm afraid that before the central emperor's continuous holy king pen, it will be torn apart, and it will be directly divided into two halves by a straight stroke!

But the most indestructible force between heaven and earth is the true meaning of the Dao. Even if it loses its sustenance and is scattered among the heavens and worlds, no matter how many thousands of years pass, the true meaning of the Dao will not dissipate. It will only turn into an immortal monument and continue to wander until it is found. Passing on, or being searched by heaven and then taken back.

Meng Fan’s body is condensed from the four-fold fully understood Dao’s true meaning. It can be said to be one of the strongest existences between heaven and earth. Even if it is the Central Emperor, holding the humanity treasure holy pen, using vitality as the ink, it displays it. With all his strength, Meng Fan could not be completely cut through.

But with the imprint of words, "blocking, banning, stopping, delaying, quiet" and so on, Meng Fan is extremely difficult to move at this moment. The last stroke hurts his origin. The fight with the Central Emperor is completely , Thoroughly, at a disadvantage!

The central emperor slowly approached and wrote a word "broken" on his back, and directly shook the lord of the immortal elephant who was struggling to get up and kill.

"I didn't expect that in order to kill you, two treasures of humanity are not enough."

The Central Emperor said, opening his palm.

Another thing emerged.

One big seal.

It was the seal used by the central emperor to issue the killing order to the heavens and the world, and it was also the seal he used to create the code.

Emperor Yuxi!

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