Supreme God King

Chapter 2360: Shouldn't

Hundreds of thousands of pure blood dragons soared into the sky, and under the leadership of five dragon **** kings including Dragon Blood Taibao and Longlin Taibao, they shuttled around the battlefield.

The four sages in the mixed world kept laughing and fighting. Among them, the boss of Lingming suddenly uttered a long roar, and his body continued to split, transforming into two, transforming into four, transforming into eight, transforming into a hundred, all over the world, all of them are monsters. .

The kings of the dark alliance, headed by the giants of the sky, are condensed into one piece and are in the center of the battlefield, resisting attacks from all directions.

Although the kings of the dark alliance are powerful, the four saints of the mixed world are undoubtedly unruly, and the hundreds of thousands of pure blood dragons are also shining with golden light, but they are still completely passive in the face of enemies several times their own.

The ancient emperor and Linglong Xinzun were protected by several gods, and a series of vitality penetrated into their bodies, healing them.

Being imprisoned in the dungeon for many days, the ancient emperor and Linglong Xinzun are now in a very weak state, especially some of the restrictions in the body, which need to be carefully removed gradually.

If it weren’t for Meng Fan’s ability to smash the void, he could suddenly bring dozens of **** kings to the execution platform, and the battle giants resisted the first punch of the central emperor. It would be difficult for the ancient emperor and others to be rescued, too many chains. , The prohibition is endless.

At this moment, the ancient emperor being healed kept his eyes on Yu Han, who was struggling to kill in the battlefield.

Not far away was Meng Niuniu, who was constantly wielding a sharp sword.

Just as the ancient emperor and Meng Fan have been rivals for many years, but faintly cherished by heroes, the ancient emperor’s daughter Yuhan and Meng Fan’s granddaughter Meng Niuniu are also two heroes. People in the world will always know both. Compare them together.

In terms of talent, foundation, and blood, Yuhan and Meng Niuniu are both inseparable. However, since Meng Niuniu's heroic arrogance and becoming a **** king, Yuhan has fallen into a disadvantage. She lives in Under the shadow of Meng Niuniu, for this reason, even if Yuhan is only one step away from the **** king and can step in at any time, the ancient emperor also deeply warned her not to take that step, because she will never be able to make peace with the **** king. Meng Niuniu, who broke out in the Great War and became the **** king, is on the same level and will always be behind Meng Niuniu.

At this moment, Yu Han had already walked out of her own way, and compared with Meng Niuniu, she was not inferior at all.

"Zhantian." Gu Huang suddenly shouted.

In the distance, the battle giant, who was single-handedly against more than a dozen Purple Light Kings, looked at him from the corner.

The ancient emperor said solemnly: "Stay here, just sit and wait!"

"We can go at any time!" Zhantian Giant said loudly: "But if Meng Fan is not there and the Central Emperor is undefeated, we will not go far!"

"The Ark of Universe." The Linglong Xinzun who was healed by the Emerald and Misty Immortal said softly: "The Ark of Universe can carry all of us, including hundreds of thousands of dragons, as well as many dark alliance elites in the cage, and, The Ark of Universe can cross the void without hindrance, but the giant of Zhan Tian is right. Without Meng Fan and the Central Emperor is undefeated, we will not go far."

The female emperor has five fingers, and a network of Heaven's Will burst out, directly binding a purple light **** king, deeply tightly bound, and said solemnly: "Meng Fan is trapped by the Central Emperor!"

Linglong Xinzun looked at his hands, his eyes flickered and said: "A terrifying method, even the soul has been suppressed. Meng Fan is actually... not the opponent of the Central Emperor, three treasures of humanity..."

The ancient emperor took a deep breath and said solemnly, "How long will it take to remove the restriction in my body?"

Hong Xi next to him said: "Hundreds of restrictions are at least half an hour shorter, and even if all of them are removed, you will be too weak. Your vitality is exhausted and you will need to recover some time."

"As soon as possible!" The ancient emperor shouted: "I am injured here, but Meng Fan is fighting against the central emperor. I am very humiliated, okay? Get rid of the restrictions as soon as possible. Don't be so careful. How can I be so fragile? Open the ban? Just tear it up!"

Hong Xi said solemnly: "Forced to open, your origin will be broken, these restrictions have long been deep into your bones!"

"Father!" Yu Han, who had been fighting in front of the ancient emperor for no more than a dozen feet, and didn't want to go far, shouted in the gap, "Don't be foolish."

The ancient emperor raised his head and looked at Yuhan. An unprecedented emotion suddenly appeared in his heart. It was... gratified.

Yes, comforted!

When did the ancient emperor have this emotion?

Who is the ancient emperor? The first overlord in the history of Wanyu, once led the entire ancient gods, and is a complete leader in Wanyu. No existence can shake the status of the ancient emperor, even the human race, even the living beings in the Wanyu race, the demons, the ghost race, the barbarian monster race , And so on, must surrender.

He was already completely cold-blooded and merciless.

In the heavens and the world, most of those who step into the gods and kings are so cold-blooded and have no concerns. They can move forward without any concern, and they can forget their emotions, and they can not move their hearts. Just as the ancient emperor once commented on Meng Fan, the greatest weakness , Is too much love.

As a ten thousand ancient giant like the ancient emperor, just like the thirteen hall masters, they are extremely cold, and will give up no matter what at the critical moment.

Meng Fan's dark alliance is to give protection to many people.

The thirteen hall masters established the restricted area to have infinite servants.

The ancient emperor established the ancient **** dynasty to be able to confront the dark alliance and pave the way for the various plans when the source of the heavens was opened.

Therefore, Yuhan was his own blood for the ancient emperor, but that didn't mean more.

But at this moment, seeing Yuhan's prosperous and heroic figure, the ancient emperor really felt... gratified.

at this time.

Yuhan shouted: "Father, be careful!"

The voice did not fall.

The three of the Heavenly Giant, the Empress, and Linglong Xinzun opened their eyes first and felt an astonishing murderous opportunity. Before the three of them could move, the air of black death had fallen from the sky.

Thirteen pillars emerged.

The lord of the thirteen halls looked at the ancient emperor coldly.

A heavy black death spear has fallen.

How long did the thirteen hall masters brew this blow?

After the Great War, the three-legged standing of Wanyu was broken, the restricted area was torn up, and the thirteen hall masters fled. Meng Fan became the undoubted overlord. Many people seem to have forgotten the former Wanyu, except for Meng Fan and the ancient emperor. In addition, there is the shadow hanging above everyone-the thirteen hall masters!

Although the Thirteen Palace Lords returned when the Purple Light Empire captured the Ten Thousand Territories, they returned together among hundreds of Divine Kings.

Because of the existence of the central emperor, and because of the gathering of many powerful people, it is difficult for people to fix their eyes on the thirteen hall masters. Therefore, the thirteen hall masters appear to be very low-key, whether it is intentional or unintentional.

And this brewing didn't know how long it took. The lore that began brewing when Meng Fan returned to the Ten Thousand Territories by smashing the vacuum, the Black Death Spear, was the high-profile announcement of his existence by the thirteen hall masters!

"Gu Huang, how can we allow you to have a chance?"

It was extremely cold, and the words that were even more bone-thinning than the ancient cold cave sounded in the air.

Yes, just as the person most hated by the ancient emperor is the thirteen hall master.

The replacement of the two generations of overlords, how many entanglements did the thirteen hall masters and the ancient emperor have in hundreds of thousands of years?

Seizing any opportunity, the ancient emperor would kill the thirteen hall masters without hesitation.

The thirteen hall masters are also, seeing that the ancient emperor will be executed, how can they allow the ancient emperor to have a ray of life!

They waited too long!

The billowing black death bullet flew over Hong Xi, and the black flame was burning.

Several black dead chains blocked the empress.

The Zhantian Giant is still far away, too late to kill him.

Everything happened too suddenly.

The spear fell.

Pierce the flesh and blood.

Yuhan splashed blood three feet.

Gu Huang's expression froze.

He looked at Yu Han's white face, which was only a few feet away from him, his pierced chest, the black flames that were burning blazingly, and the blood sputtered by Yu Han. For a moment, his mind was blank.

In the distance, Meng Niuniu's eyes were wide open, and tears welled up deep in her eye sockets.


Gu Huang's voice was a little hoarse, and he gently stretched out his hand.

Yuhan wanted to speak, her mouth opened and closed, but she couldn't tell. The black death air swept through her body at an astonishing speed, turning her vitality back into black, and then burning into black flames.

It can be seen that Yuhan is in pain, but it is not physical pain. It is Yuhan who wants to say something, but can't tell.

Her eyes were full of worship and looked at the ancient emperor.

She wants to talk.

She just wanted to talk.

She just wanted to say something that she could only conceal in her heart because of the blood of the ancient emperor, and she could not say something, something that belonged to her daughter to her father.

Is this a luxury?

Meng Niuniu has been spoiled with Meng Fan. I don't know how many.

Yuhan has never had this simple and most accustomed little happiness.

Becoming a **** king seems to be in the bottom of my heart, but I don't want my father to be disappointed.

But she couldn't say it!

"Get in the way!"

The thirteen hall master said angrily.

The black death spear turned around, and Yu Han's throat choked, his hands dropped, and his eyes closed.

At this moment, in Yu Gu Huang's mind, time seemed to stagnate.

"Gu Huang, let's help you get too unhappy!"

The lord of the thirteen halls violently drew out the spear and stabbed the ancient emperor again.

"Too forgotten..." Gu Huang murmured, his robe bulged, and his hair flying: "But people with white hair shouldn't send them to people with black hair..."

The bans deep into the bone marrow were shattered. This forcibly shattered the bans, causing the ancient emperor's body to fly all over his body, and endless cracks appeared in the origin.

Let the black death spear pierced his body.

The ancient emperor smashed the laws of the heavens and rushed to the thirteen hall masters.

"I want your lives!"

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