Supreme God King

Chapter 2361: Creation hit

The jade seal of the emperor of the emperor drifted down slowly, but this small seal was thicker and infinitely thicker than Taishan.

At this moment, Yu Xi paused slowly.

The Central Emperor looked into the distance, the center of the war, the direction of the execution platform.

Meng Fan, who is bound by many words, has a heavy look.

"Daughter is dead." The Central Emperor smiled: "Meng Fan, I really don't understand you people in ten thousand domains, and the Lord of the Thirteenth Hall looks like a divine king, a real hero, except for the Thirteenth Hall. Lord, how can one count as one? It's all so emotional, just because of the death of a daughter, you are so crazy, not hesitating to break the prohibition, and destroy your own flesh? The emperor's family of the secular dynasty does not have flesh and blood affection, father and son suspicion each other, All kinds of precautions, let alone the existence of the first-level **** king?"

Meng Fan looked at the central emperor without saying a word.

"You are the highest-level **** king of the heavens." The central emperor smiled even more. "At any rate, he is the overlord of the ten thousand domains. At any rate, he is a person who has turned things around with his own power. , Is also my approved opponent, but since you stepped into the Ten Thousand Realms, you have fought with me until now, you have never said a word, now you die, and you still don’t speak? You are like this, I will feel sorry, even a last word I didn't stay. In the future, I will establish the Fourth Realm. If you want to write a huge chapter, you must be included in the biography of Yingjie, but you can only write "No word before death"?

Say something to make your story more exciting. Since you are about to die, you will become a legend and write a rich stroke. I will personally write the preface for you, using a holy king pen. "

The smile of the central emperor made people shudder more and more. This emperor always wore white shirts and plain clothes. He was always calm and calm. The emperor seemed a little crazy at this moment. This is his true side. In fact, he was very excited about beheading Meng Fan.

As he said, for many years, he hasn't encountered an opponent who really moved him.

Since he stepped into the martial arts, he has not been defeated, his luck is prosperous, and he is a true inheritor of humanity. Therefore, he has not left a legend in the world.

Only the few people who have worked with him, such as King Shenxiu, can understand his horror.

Because of the undefeated, the clouds are light and the wind is light, so I stay still, so there is always calmness in the event. But the existence of Meng Fan made him very excited.

Just ten thousand years before and after standing at the apex of the heavens and ten thousand realms, how rare is this kind of **** king, what a legend?

Searching everywhere, there are similar existences, only Princess Yueyue, Meng Niuniu, and of course, there are some other **** kings, such as the woman of the annihilated tribe, all because of the approach of the end of the era, the appearance of wild ancient visions, and various traditions. It is only when inheritance appears.

However, even Princess Yingyue can compare to the existence of the Shenyin giant back then, and it is really much worse than Meng Fan.

Meng Fan, the central emperor, can be said to be the top existence in the world.

As long as the Great Chaos is not born, they will always be the top existence.

He is the true meaning of the four major Dao, pure blood of the Heavenly Dragon, and more importantly, Meng Fan has condensed the human purple energy in the ten thousand realms. It can be said that this is the reason why the central emperor must kill Meng Fan!

But Meng Fan still did not speak.

He just looked at the Central Emperor silently.

A pair of eyes are extremely clear.

What can I say?

Starting from the Era Pass, Meng Fan had only one thought for the Central Emperor, that is, kill!

That's it, what can I say!

"It's boring." The Central Emperor sighed, and the Emperor Yuxi suddenly expanded thousands of times, falling like a mountain!


The astonishing strength was suppressed, but Meng Fan's body suddenly moved at this moment, his arms stretched out, and he carried Renhuang Yuxi!

The Central Emperor was shocked, and he suddenly felt that an extremely majestic power erupted from Meng Fan's body, which was... a power that resembled a great world.

And Meng Fan's whole body, one after another, the word brand, gradually merged into his flesh and blood, and disappeared.

Tai Yi, Yang Zun, and many other **** kings who were always on the sidelines in the Era Conference Hall were stunned, and many of them stood up in surprise.

Even though there are many veteran gods and well-informed figures here, they still can't explain the scene before him.

Not only them, even the central emperor who knew many pre-Era secrets because of talking with the humane ancestor Remnant, couldn't explain the changes that occurred in Meng Fan at this moment.

An extremely terrifying force is erupting in Meng Fan's body, as if a great world is spawning, as if a round of scorching sun shining on all living beings is rising and falling, as if day and night are alternating.

It is a force that has never been seen before.

It is like the source of the heavens, like the end of the gods, like humanity, and it seems to cut off cause and effect and impermanence. It is unique in the world.

No one has seen this kind of power.

The young man Tai Yi looked in shock, and suddenly three words appeared in his mind. It seemed that only these three words could describe the power that Meng Fan exploded at this moment.

That is-the creator!

Not only was too one person, but many of the gods and kings had these three words in their minds.

At this moment, Meng Fan's body is rapidly regenerating, and it seems that the endless power will gradually wear away the seals of those holy king pens. At the same time, it provides Meng Fan with a steady stream of vitality and various laws of vitality.

Beyond the ten thousand realms, in the path of divine hermit.

The man who once used the **** king as a bait to fish in the mysterious river, and found Meng Fan who was completely hidden and fought with him, was called the existence of the impermanence fairy king by the central emperor, silently watching all this happen.

He has been watching since the opening of the Third Era Conference.

"The Creator is like the humanity, like the end of the gods, like the impermanent world and the common people, is the most intolerable existence of the heavens, seizing the four great truths of the truth, creating a great world in the body, the creation of life and death, the first person in ancient times. ."

As early as when Meng Fan created the original world, the Immortal King of Impermanence said this.

The main reason for his coming at this moment was that he wanted to witness what he said with his own eyes.

With his arms, Meng Fan resisted the third treasure of humanity, the Jade Seal of the Human Emperor, and then the whole person quietly disappeared, and the Jade Seal of the Human Emperor fell to the ground.

Smash the vacuum!

Once again, Dragon Claw killed, not towards the Great Central Emperor, but towards the top of his head, the most humane treasure, the Ziqi Canopy created by the Great Central Emperor himself.

In this catch, the power contained has reached the extreme that Meng Fan can inspire. With the full power of the origin of the Great Thousand World, the four great real meanings have been inspired, and the sounds of dragons, ghosts, and howlings permeate. world!

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