Supreme God King

Chapter 2365: Heavenly Creation

Two figures stand among the ten thousand domains.

The humanity canopy on the central emperor’s head is visible from time to time. It is obviously consumed too intensely. The purple qi is like nothing. However, the emperor, who has not been defeated since entering the martial arts, has no scars on his body. His face was expressionless, but his whole body was misty.

It is a red mist.

Many **** kings frowned and saw the doorway. The red mist of the central emperor burst out and was quickly consumed. The body was overheated and sweat evaporated. The reason why the mist was red was because the central emperor evaporated. Not only sweat, but also blood!

This is the real burning blood!

From this it can be seen that the collision of just a quarter of an hour, the central emperor completely broke out with all his strength, without any remaining hands, even drops of the emperor's blood that surpassed the most treasured divine object were evaporated into mist.

And on the opposite side of the central emperor.

With his eyes closed, Meng Fan seemed to be asleep, standing still, motionless, only the tattered green shirt swaying slightly with the wind.

What was the result of this blow?

The kings waited with their breath held, spied, wanting to see some clues in the bodies of these two supreme figures.

Meng Fan slowly opened his eyes.

It was no longer the clear pupils, but pale.

There is no distinction between the benevolence of the eyes and the whites of the eyes, the eye sockets are just white.

Meng Fan tilted his head slightly and looked at the Great Central Emperor with his pale eyes. His soul, his heart, his origin, and his martial arts pillars were all peaceful and peaceful. At this moment, he Stepping into a certain realm where even he can't speak Daoming.

It seems to have seen through all the secrets of all beings in the world.

It seems to have insight into all the innate opportunities.


With a pair of pale eyes, Meng Fan finally couldn't help it. After returning to Wanyu, he spoke and said the first sentence.


He gently turned his head, his movements were a little weird, even a little stiff, and his speech was light, as if ghosts and gods were talking, and it was like the sound of all things, spreading all over the world, even a tiny ant crawling on the ground stopped. Because this ant can understand Meng Fan's voice.

Similarly, between heaven and earth, everything, the words and actions of sentient beings, Meng Fan seems to be able to perceive!

The entire universe, everything is fine, everything echoes in his heart.

"Curious..." Meng Fan smiled. No one knows where he is looking, because his head is turning wildly. Only Meng Fan knows that he is looking at the sentient beings in Ten Thousand Territories, and he is even 90 million miles away from him. Talk to a hexagonal giant deer in the outer Jinlin and a flying butterfly.

"Creator." Central Emperor said coldly.

Outside the ten thousand realms, in the infinite void, the hidden impermanence fairy king thoughtfully, as he had already determined long ago, Meng Fan became the creator, but at this moment, he truly became the "only" .

There are few heavens and all realms that can be called the "only". After the ancestor of humanity died and disappeared, the Central Emperor was the "only" in charge of humanity, and the Chaos Emperor was the "only" who created the power comparable to the true meaning of the Dao. Existence, the impermanent immortal king himself, is the "only" capable of cutting off cause and effect from ancient times to the present, jumping out of the past, present, future, and infinite time and space, and even out of the existence of the Great Tribulation of the Era.

The so-called uniqueness means that there is only this one among the heavens and all realms, and there is absolutely no second.

At this moment, Meng Fan, who holds the true meaning of the four great Dao, has completely surpassed any **** king who holds the true meaning of the Dao, and the Emperor Xuanhuang of the nine ancient gods who mastered the will of heaven, the **** of good fortune, and the leaf of the void. Mysterious, the oracle Dragon Emperor who mastered the divine intent, was not a realm at all, not a plane, Meng Fan jumped to another level.

This is the reason why the impermanence immortal king is thoughtful. Since ancient times, no one can be called the "only" **** king who has mastered the true meaning of the Great Dao!

The true meaning of the Dao, of course, is the most indestructible force in this world, and the most fundamental law of everything. Even the most terrifying force in the prehistoric universe-time, cannot obliterate the true meaning of the Dao, but the true meaning of the Dao comes from the source of the heavens. , Is the power of the Dao of Heaven, and any existence that grasps the true meaning of the Dao must also be restrained and spied by the entire universe, as well as under the influence and manipulation of the Dao of Heaven if there is nothing in it.

In any past era, what can be called the "only" in the world must rely on one's own power, not the true meaning of the Dao.

Just like the Central Emperor, even if he imprisoned the lord of the fairy elephant, Linglong Xinzun, and the ancient emperor, he never had the idea of ​​comprehending the original meaning, mind, and providence. The Central Emperor had only the interest in understanding these, and he was the only one to rely on. , Is the power of humanity!

Just as the Great Chaos Emperor had never mastered the true meaning of the Great Dao, the Great Chaos Great’s meaning of reincarnation, chaos, and perhaps other hidden terrifying powers were all forces he created against the Dao by imitating the true meaning of the Great Dao.

Meng Fan, as the only existence that will fully comprehend the true meaning of the four great Taoisms throughout the ages, after undergoing three transformations, at this moment, he has completely jumped to the level of Chaos Great Emperor and Central Great Emperor, becoming the "only".

He became the only creator in one era after another.

Few people in the world know the true meaning of the three words creator.

The Immortal King exhaled a long breath and muttered to himself: "In many epochs, we **** kings called Heavenly Dao, "the Creator."

The universe has gone through six epochs from the beginning to the present day with the Great Tribulation of the Era as the dividing line. Among the oldest epochs, those **** kings who have disappeared forever and even legends have been wiped out by time, such as Honghuangtai The dragon, the elephant master, the ancestor of humanity, the evolving soul, and of course, including his impermanent fairy king, have always called the way of heaven as the "creator"!

Of course, Meng Fan in front of him, compared with the real way of heaven, was like a frail and sickly infant who might die early at any time facing a **** who was strong enough to fly into the sky.

But other **** kings are like unconscious stones.

No matter how small a baby is, no matter how frail and sickly, as long as he can live strong, he will grow up to an adult one day, and it may be possible to step into the martial arts and become a **** who can fly into the sky, but the stone is absolutely impossible!

In other words, Meng Fan at this moment is an extremely diminished, weak, and incomplete-Heavenly Dao!

This is the true meaning of the three words creator!

The Central Emperor did not understand this.

Although he was born with humanity and luck, he knew many ancient secrets, and even possessed the strength to fight the old monster impermanence fairy king who had lived for several epochs, but he still couldn't understand what happened to Meng Fan at this moment. He felt a strong pressure on those pale eyes, so he was very angry!

The holy king pen in his hand suddenly blended into his palm.

Human Emperor Yuxi rose into the air and merged into his head.

The humanity canopy turned directly into purple energy, and condensed into a large purple gold imperial robe on him.

Step out.

The entire Wanyu shook violently.

Fist like a mountain!

Even the world of purple light is trembling, and even some humane worlds in many distant spaces have fluctuated!

The central emperor’s punch brought together the power of three treasures of humanity, and it evoked resonance among many humanitarian forces!

Suddenly, the chanting of the humane chapter revived, but it was many times greater than before, and even the voice of the ode to the lonely and arrogant heroic spirit was completely covered.

Come on!

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