Supreme God King

Chapter 2366: Unbeaten

This punch that carries the human spirit and luck, the "only" punch of the heavens and the worlds, it can even be said that the central emperor's most fierce punch so far, it is truly inexhaustible, the heavens and the worlds, In the prehistoric universe, it seems that no power can stop this punch!

In the blood-burning rush of the central emperor, Wanyu lost its color.

The minds of many gods only reverberated with the chanting of humane chapters, and it seemed that everything in the world had lost its voice.

Mountains and rivers are torn apart, and the power of the world is also divided.

The human force of law, rule, civilization, prosperity, etc. are all perfectly displayed in this punch, without reservation!

In an instant, he was within three feet of Meng Fan!

Suddenly, Meng Fancai awakened from the strange perception he had never seen before, and raised his hand, his five fingers like a hook, and his palm like the sea. At the last Sumi, he grasped the central emperor's fist!

His figure was pushed back by the power of the river and the sea, and his feet plowed two deep cracks on the ground. At this moment, the blood of his whole body burned and evaporated, and the pillar of martial arts trembled slightly, and even his soul was turning upside down. .

Meng Fan felt the terrifying power of this punch thoroughly.

The two figures moved horizontally three hundred and seventy miles!

It left a crack of three hundred and seventy miles on the ground, the crack penetrated into the core of the world, and countless magma earth dragons could be seen twisting and winding.

In the three hundred and seventy-first period, the two figures stopped.

The chanting of the humanitarian chapter stopped abruptly.

The central emperor's eyes widened with a **** mist all over his body.

Meng Fan, who held the central emperor's fist in one hand, panted.

His eyes returned to normal, and his eyes were clear and deep.

This really deserves to be the four words of "one to no front", the heavens and the universe of the universe seemed to have no force to stop the punch, and stopped.

This is a full punch from the Central Emperor.

The blood in Meng Fan's body was overwhelmed, and it seemed that he was about to tear his flesh and blood and burst out. His martial arts pillar hummed and it was difficult to calm down. In order to block this punch, he also exhausted all his strength and suffered a very heavy burden. Injury.

But no matter how much he paid, he stopped the punch.

At this moment, all the **** kings in the ten thousand realms feel the sea and the sky, and their hearts are at ease. That's because the central emperor and the creator Meng Fan, the two big mountains that press on everyone's heads, can spur one of them with one breath. The **** king of the undulating world, at this moment, exhausted his vitality and all his strength at the same time!

Two people, one still keeps the movement of punching, the other is the movement of clenching fists.

The Central Emperor's shocked expression was beyond words, and his face was even a little distorted. He couldn't believe that someone in the world could block his punch, and his soul felt a burst of emptiness.

At this moment, Meng Fan raised his other hand.

There is no vitality, no laws, and it is impossible to urge the true meaning of Dao Dao. This is a fist that is indistinguishable from a mortal in the world, without the power of any monk.

The Central Emperor looked at this fist raised in amazement, swiped it, and smashed it on his face. Then he shot out hundreds of feet like a fallen leaf in a violent wind, smashed into a cliff, and directly broke a mountain and river bombarded, and collapsed!

Even if there is no strength, no vitality, no laws, no true meaning of the great avenue, just a physical fist like a mortal, but this fist was slammed by Meng Fan, no matter how weak it is, it has the power to lift the mountain!


After a punch, Meng Fan staggered a few steps forward and fell into the soil. The sand poured into his mouth and nostrils. He was a little embarrassed. The broken shirt had turned into cloth scraps, flying around him, and he gently stretched out. Taking a hand and squeezing a little bit of sand, his mind suddenly became a little excited. This is the first time in many years that he really used his hands and his pure flesh to touch the creation of heaven and earth.

"The Creator...The Creator..."

There was a sneer from the broken rocks, crashing... The central emperor in dust swayed out, looking at Meng Fan lying on the ground from a distance, and did not wipe off the blood that flowed from his mouth and nose because of this punch. Nor did he tidy up the messy hair. The humanitarian leader approached Meng Fan step by step with a sneer on his face. He exhausted his vitality and laws and exhausted all his strength. He just walked on the soles of his flesh, shrinking to an inch. The spider's method of stepping on the water can only span more than ten feet in one step.

"I finally understood the meaning of these three words..." The Central Emperor got closer and his smile became clearer and clearer: "Just like the way of heaven cannot tolerate humanity, just like the way of heaven cannot tolerate reincarnation and chaos, the way of heaven will certainly not tolerate the second. There is a heaven, and I cannot tolerate failure."

Getting closer.

Supporting the ground with his hands, Meng Fan struggled to get up, looked at the central emperor who was already a short distance away, and threw a punch.

He also threw a punch.

At the same time, hitting each other's chest, the two top **** kings fell back together and fell into the mud. The same chest rises and falls, but it is difficult to stand up!

Meng Fan lay on the ground and looked at the sky of Ten Thousand Territories. Although the vigorous fluctuations of vitality made his vision a bit blurred, although the earth was falling apart, flying sand and rocks had not settled yet, he could still see the blue sky after all the filth and could hear it. The movement of some creatures.

He turned over and turned his head to look at the central emperor lying not far away, and this humanitarian leader was also looking at him.

"Meng Fan... I must kill you." Central Emperor said calmly: "I have never been defeated, let alone defeated by you."

Meng Fan blinked and slowly stretched out a hand into the air.

Suddenly a slender jade grabbed Meng Fan.

The palm is so slender and soft, and the touch is so smooth. A ribbon and a few long hairs are fluttering, not as coquettish and beautiful as Linglong Xinzun, but she is a majestic empress.

She pulled Meng Fan up, hugged it gently in her arms, and wiped off the blood from the corners of Meng Fan's mouth.

Meng Fan lay in the arms of the empress, smiling at the central emperor.

The female emperor raised her hand impressively, and between her five fingers, the will of heaven filled her, her palm aimed at the central emperor.

Meng Fan shook his head slightly: "You can't kill him."

The female emperor hesitated for a moment, put her palms away, and slowly vacated Meng Fan in her arms.

In the air, the huge Ark of Universe soars into the sky, heading out of the universe.

Many people from the dark alliance stood on the Ark of Universe and looked at the Central Emperor coldly.

The ancient emperor was still yelling in anger, bloodshot in his pupils, cursing the thirteen hall masters, not willing to leave, only the Heavenly Giants could hold him and suppress him in the Ark of Universe.

There are also the Four Sages, who also looked at the Central Emperor with a smile.

There are also the Golden Beard King, the Blue Horned Demon King, the White Horned Demon King, and other demon kings. Once they walked past, they also pulled up the Lord of the Elephant who had just escaped from the dungeon and was suppressed by the central emperor, and brought them onto the Ark of Universe. .

There are more than three hundred purple kings among the ten thousand domains, and no one has stepped forward to stop Qiankun's Ark from leaving.

They are a group of **** kings gathered together with various purposes and formed into factions. No one really wants to pay his life for the entire Purple Light Empire, so some hesitate, some look forward to it, but no one takes action.

Meng Fan leaned in the arms of the empress, getting closer and closer to Qiankun's Ark. With a smile on his face, he stretched out his blood-stained hand, gently swaying and waving in the air, bidding farewell to the central emperor.

The central emperor's eyes moved slowly on the Ark of Universe.

He saw the ancient emperor who was crazy.

Saw the battle giant who is in charge of the origin.

I saw the gentle but charming exquisite Xinzun.

There are also people such as Yuhuang, Linhuang, Meng Niuniu, Yun Feiyang, Gu Xin'er, Old Man Pan snake and so on.

Of course, there is also the loneliness and arrogance that is inextricably linked to the Ten Thousand Realms even though he leaves.

Finally, his gaze fell on Meng Fan.

"Stop them..."

The Central Emperor shouted, his voice was so hoarse and hysterical after exhausted, his expression was even more hideous and distorted.

"Stop them... can't let them go... kill them, kill everyone!"

The numerous Ziguang kings looked at Qiankun Ark and Central Emperor with complex expressions. Although some were about to move, no one took action.

In the first battle, the dark alliance of several **** kings was achieved, such a dark alliance of one heart and one heart, a dark alliance with earth-shaking momentum, in front of this force, a purple light **** king felt his insignificance.

Just as the war giant said at the beginning of the war, if they want to go, they can take the Ark of Universe to leave at any time, but as long as the Central Emperor is still there, the Ark of Universe will not go far.

At this moment, the central emperor, who had been exhausted and had difficulty even getting up, could only watch Meng Fan being carried on the Ark by the Empress, and watch Meng Fan smile and wave.

"Can't go..."

The central emperor’s voice was filled with incomparable loss and pain. He stretched out the palm of his hand with all his last strength, but instead of reaching out to the Ark of Universe, he pointed to the purple light kings of the universe, and shouted heartbreakingly: " These ants who can only be servants of the heavens for life!"

The sound was like howling.

Reverberating in Wanyu.

The people of the dark alliance looked at the central emperor coldly, and the Ark of Universe passed through the barriers of the world of ten thousand domains and entered the path of divine hiding. The power of the void within it burst out and disappeared.

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