Supreme God King

Chapter 2367: Live and escape

One day passed in a hurry.

On the other corner of the path of the gods, the Ark of Universe, which had shrunk into a palm, turned into a small spot, floating in the air.

In the Ark of Universe, the ancient emperor had a disheveled hair, his eyes were complicated, and he watched the dark and empty path of the gods, without saying a word for a long time.

In front of him was a transparent crystal sarcophagus, Yuhan lying peacefully in it, already breathless.

The ancient emperor held a strand of silky thread in his hands, faint silver, very mysterious appearance.

Meng Fan walked into this vast cabin like an imperial palace, with his hands behind him, walked to the side of the ancient emperor step by step, and lightly patted the ancient emperor on the shoulder.

"It's a great misfortune to be my bloodline." The ancient emperor said hoarsely: "When Yuhan grew up a little bit, she knew that her father was the number one overlord of Wanyu, the coldest and most ruthless person in Wanyu, a The name is enough to frighten the existence of many **** kings, so Yuhan can only step forward with all his strength. In order to live up to the blood of the ancient emperor and the bloodless family, Yuhan has never enjoyed any kind of being. The happiness of my daughter."

Meng Fan looked at the coffin as if Yuhan was sleeping peacefully, and said softly: "I still remember the first time I saw your daughter, the girl was so ignorant that she called my uncle, but wanted to use her immature stealth tricks. Come to blur my mind, she is growing up just like Niuniu. This ups and downs finally made her a strong **** king."

"Yes, very immature..." Gu Huang smiled lightly, but there was indescribable sadness in this smile. "Compared with us, the children are very immature and weak... just like that."

"The entire ancient dynasty has joined the dark alliance, so now Yuhan has two choices. One is to stay in the Hall of Heroes." Meng Fan turned around and faced the ancient emperor. "Second, resurrection."

The ancient emperor was taken aback.

He looked at Meng Fan blankly, frowning and unfurling several times, as if he could not understand the meaning of the word "resurrection" at all.


A dexterous figure suddenly flew into the cabin and landed on the crystal sarcophagus, but it was a monkey with sparse hair and beast fur. Looking at Yuhan's corpse curiously, he said in surprise: "Oh, what a beautiful girl, Why are you so dead? What a pity, what a pity... it's white and pure."

The ancient emperor's gaze was attracted by the monkey for a while, and for a moment he felt a little lost. He only felt that the monkey seemed familiar, but he couldn't think of where he had seen it.

", Tianxing, you are running around again!" With a helpless cry, the little monkey rushed into the cabin and was taken aback to see the ancient emperor and Meng Fan, the two former overlords of ten thousand domains. Gathering together, anyone who once lived in Ten Thousand Realms will feel three-point oppression, but after all, the little monkey has already stepped into the ranks of God Kings, and soon recovered, respectfully saying: "Uncle Meng, Lord Ancient Emperor."

Meng Fan smiled and said, "Little Monkey, you are already the Earth-Star Uranus of my dark alliance, don't always be so restrained."

"Sky Star..." The ancient emperor slapped and looked at the sparsely-haired monkey. Unbelievable rays flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly shouted, "God Monkey Sky Star!"

The monkey squatted on the coffin, stretched out his hand and scratched his chin, and said with a weird look: "Old man, there is still a domineering look when you look at your disheveled hair. You seem to be very powerful, what? You know me too? God monkey Tianxing. The name was given by them. I don't like it. I am so handsome. I want to be called the Monkey King."

The ancient emperor simply ignored the small Sky Star, staring at Meng Fan with straight eyes: "You have been able to reverse life and death!"

Hearing these words, Meng Fan felt a trace of loneliness in his heart. He couldn't help but think of the little girl who was forcibly reproduced by the central emperor, just like her sister, and gently shook her head: "The way of heaven may not reverse life and death, of course I can't Arrived, but as long as there is a silver lining, I can live and die."

Gu Huang instantaneously reacted and looked down at the silver thread on his fingertips.

When the spear condensed from black death pierced Yuhan's delicate body, her vitality was corroded, her physical body was also dying, and the soul was quickly torn apart, disappearing in the world.

But there was one person who gathered all the dissipated spirits at the most critical moment.

It is the exquisite Xinzun who holds the mind and mind.

"The divine spirit of the monkey is so severely broken that only a small part of it remains, and it has also been resurrected. However, Yuhan's divine spirit is almost intact. Ninety-nine percent of them are present. He holds the palm of his mind, penetrates the spirit, and exquisite soul. It's amazing." As Meng Fan spoke, his eyes fell on the spirit in the hands of the ancient emperor. "Let her die completely, live in the Hall of Valor, or resurrect, it is up to you to choose, I know, this is a very difficult choice, I will not rush you."

After that, Meng Fan grabbed the little Tianxing and carried it around his neck, and walked out of the cabin.

To resurrect, or to let the beloved die completely, this was an easy choice for Meng Fan.

But for the ancient emperor, it was undoubtedly too difficult choice.

Meng Fan walked away step by step.

The ancient emperor spoke.

"The **** is a burden, Meng Fan, you have countless bondages and have become your fatal weakness. Therefore, you have lost the ten thousand domains, so many dark alliance heroes died. In the past, Yuhan may never be mine. Tie and burden, but after she died once, she is the person I can never ignore, the flesh and blood of my dearest relatives."

Meng Fan stopped, did not turn his head, turned his back to the ancient emperor said: "Yes, but I have not regretted it. If Yuhan is completely dead, the ancient emperor will still be the ancient emperor who runs through the universe, ancient and modern. , The ancient emperor without any weakness, if Yuhan is resurrected, she will treat you like Niuniu to me. You have never experienced this life and death parting before. Now that you have experienced it, you can’t easily give up. If one day, you face If you make the same choice as me, you will lose Wanyu too."

The ancient emperor gently squeezed the soul in his hand, and tears suddenly flowed in his eyes.

"White-haired people shouldn't give black-haired people..."

"With care, it is contaminated with cause and effect." Meng Fan turned around: "Gu Huang, you have to think about it."

The ancient emperor raised his head, looked at the coffin, his eyes were suddenly clear, and said, "Meng Fan, although I can't understand, I know that you have stepped into a realm completely different from ours. Maybe you have seen too much in the world. The mystery of, I want to know why this cosmic primordial primordial primordial birth gave birth to us gods who are overbearing for thousands of years, arrogant and unabated, because they do everything they can to escape from the realm of heaven, even if they abandon their love. Still defend themselves. What you have and cherish, and then live forever under this heaven?"

Meng Fan thought for a while, but found that he could not find the answer to the question, and said calmly: "This question, when the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms opens, and you and I step into the source of the heavens together, find the answer by yourself. Right."

Gu Huang squinted his eyes: "One break into the Ten Thousand Territories almost wiped out the entire Dark Alliance. Now that you have rescued all the Dark Alliance people, do you still want to, still dare to set foot in the Ten Thousand Territories?"

"Just like Yun Feiyang said, why don't you dare?" Meng Fan smiled and said: "There is a dark alliance, and there is not only one Meng Fan who is bold."

"The dark alliance..." The ancient emperor looked at Meng Fan's back, tremblingly stretched out his hand, and raised the soul into the air: "Meng Fan, I don't want to live alone to the next era."

Meng Fan stretched out his hand to lift up the tail dangling in front of Xiao Tianxing, and reached out to take Yuhan's spirit.

Is it to protect and cherish everything that you own is to survive, or to survive forever alone?

Gu Huang silently watched Meng Fan walk towards the coffin, his expression was so complicated.

This Dao-hearted and courageous first-generation overlord of Wanyu suddenly fell into contemplation and began to suspect that he had inherited the Dao for hundreds of thousands of years.

But at this moment, he looked at Meng Fan, but he was no longer the same as before, unable to understand why such a top **** king was willing to bear so much bondage, he wanted to understand.

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