Supreme God King

Chapter 2368: Cause and effect

The long river of dark as ink traversed things, swallowing up how many layers of space and how far away.

The gods of Xumi, the gods of root burial, and the gods of Xianjie were moved far away from the sky above the ten thousand realms by the long river of meditation, and they did not know where they were.

The entire body of Jiuquan Demon Venerable has changed in ever-changing ways, blending into the long river of Mingyi, and the killing intent is permeating, vowing to cut down the three old monks.

"Causality, Hongchen, Jiuquan Demon Venerable, you are a giant that spans the epoch, but you can never get out of these constraints!" God Buddha Xumi shouted loudly, continuously punching palm prints and calming his body. The three old monks could not Determine the location of Jiuquan Demon Sovereign in the dark river. Similarly, Jiuquan Demon Sovereign could not tear their golden body for a while, and the scene was completely deadlocked.

But not far away, a few eyes were watching silently.

It is too one person.

The three incarnations look like electricity, and are always looking for suitable opportunities.

But at this moment!

In the void, an ink ripple spreads out, and a white shadow penetrates through it, like a dragon like light, at an extremely fast speed.

"Princess Yueyue?" Too was suddenly startled, and it was Princess Yueyue who came here.

This stunning junior, who had teamed up with Meng Fan to deal with Taiyi, unexpectedly arrived here, and his cultivation skills can faintly compare with Taiyi. Not only that, but the momentum is even more fierce. As soon as he appears, he doesn’t say a word. Insert into the long river of underworld and get directly involved in the core of the battle!

This is a battle for the commanding heights of Mingyi.

Too's eyes sank, and suddenly gritted his teeth, strode out, and marched towards the long river of Mingyi.

But at this moment!

A cold light flickered, and the middle-aged incarnation of the same person suddenly stopped, being pulled by a huge and unstoppable force, and dragged to a certain place!

This power is so terrifying that it cannot be resisted. Too one person was shocked, and the other two incarnations rushed to the rescue. When they saw the cold light, too one person could not help but be stunned.

Fish hook.

One looked ordinary, like a fish hook made of iron, and a slender fishing line, and at the other end was a purple bamboo fishing rod, held in the hands of a man who couldn't see his age.

The existence of this man is extremely erratic. It does not mean that he is hiding in a mirage. He is standing there. He can be seen clearly, but he does not seem to belong to the heavens and worlds. It does not seem to be contaminated with any cause and effect. There is a feeling that this man does not seem to exist, does not exist in the past, does not exist in the present, does not exist in the future.

The man is winding up.

The avatar of the prime of life flew towards the man's hand at a speed far surpassing that of a single person, no matter how he broke free, he could not escape from the hook.

"Young man, I want to have a few words with my successors, and hope that no one will bother you. If I break your body, you can leave with peace of mind!"

Taiyiren’s expression became heavier when he heard the words, he continued to explode his vitality, and pursued fiercely. His three avatars became one body, and there was no real subject or deity. If any avatar was lost, he lost a third of his power and spirit. Meaning, this loss is too great!

"Who are you!" Taiichi shouted.

The man said blankly: "The name is just a code name. In many ages, I have different names."

The avatar of the prime of life is only ten feet away from the man.

The man has stretched out a finger, the power is gathered, and he points to the incarnation.

Too freaking out, but knowing that it is too late!

But at this moment, the man suddenly stopped taking up the line, moved three steps inexplicably, and raised an arm to block it.

The next Sumi, the space where he was standing before suddenly exploded, and a fist hit him, hitting the man's raised arm.

Too slightly surprised.

After Meng Fan fisted and killed him, he stopped his fist.

"Impermanent fairy king."

The four words were read from Meng Fan's mouth, and within a short time, the figure of a man that didn't exist, suddenly became firmer.

The man whispered: "The creator Meng Fan... sure enough, as long as I appear in the heavens and the world, I will continue to be contaminated with cause and effect."

Meng Fan stood in the void and spoke indifferently: "The last time you met, you just returned to the world, and you haven't got too many silk threads and red dust. You can't infer your secret even with God's will, but with so many shots, the cause and effect of your contamination is increasing. The more you have, the clearer your eyebrows become, but I only know your name, but I still don't know who you are."

"I'm just a creature that keeps escaping from death, just like all creatures in this world, nothing special." Immortal King Impermanence said casually. "Weak and pitiful."

Meng Fan frowned lightly: "Weak and pitiful? I am the most humble **** king I have ever seen in my life."

"Because I have seen the Great Emperor Chaos." The Immortal King said: "Mo Dao Jun walks early, and even early travellers. Since you have been through the sea, you know your own weakness, just like you have become the Creator in less than ten thousand years and fight the Central Emperor. Exhausted, but it only took a day to return to full prosperity. The younger generations have such heroes. Of course, humility and prudence."

"That's it." Meng Fan nodded. "You are the first generation of Zen masters."

The existence of the impermanence fairy king is more real.

He seemed to be separated from the heavens and all realms, from all time and space, but at this moment he gradually merged into this world.

The Immortal King's eyes gradually became deeper, and when he looked at Meng Fan, he seemed a little concerned.

"The Nine Springs Demon Venerable pursues and kills God Buddha Xumi. The so-called is to grasp the cause and effect, see the cause and effect, and then cut off the cause and effect. You cut off all the threads and escaped from the heavens and all realms. Therefore, you must be the once master of Zen. One thing, you can get the answer without deduction of God’s will.” Meng Fan said casually: “If you can cut off the connection with all the heavens and the universe, you will naturally not be entangled by everything, and even the epoch can escape. For this, when you cut off cause and effect, you must also abandon Zen, because Zen is the power of the source of the heavens and the true meaning of the immortal great path. ."

Following Meng Fan's words, the impermanence fairy king has infinitely approached the heavens and the realms.

"Since the Dao’s true meaning is abandoned, of course the body must also be abandoned. In the same way, the name, power, and so on must be abandoned. Compared with the many cumin kings who seek the Tao, you are truly abandoning everything, cumin. One body, then what was your previous name?" Meng Fan stretched out his fist, pointed out a finger, God's will revolved, and endless factors intertwined in it.

The eyes of the impermanent fairy king gradually became heavy.

"The Ancient Sage King."

Four-word export.

The impermanence immortal king is full of nothingness, and is stabilized again, completely integrated into the world, time and space!

Meng Fan chuckles: "Compared with the elders of the ancient era, such as Jiuquan Mozun, Tai Wuji, and Yang Zun, you are the real survivor. I don’t know how many epochs have been lived? Is every epoch, Rely on cutting all cause and effect to escape from the great tribulation of the era? In this era, do you have to repeat the same tricks to regain Zen and escape again?"

The impermanence immortal king closed his eyes and opened them again, regaining peace in his eyes: "Maybe, maybe not, Creator, the only thing between you and me is that I saw you in this world, but I don’t know why you appeared. Here, why do you want to break me one after another."

"Unlike you, I am not cumin alone. I have too many causes and effects, and I have promises." Meng Fan looked at one person: "I once said that one day you will kill Jiuquan Demon Lord, I am sure I can't intervene, but I can guarantee that no one will interfere with you. What I say is the law! Too together, you, Jiuquan Demon Venerable, and Princess Yueyue, who is the ultimate master of Mingyi?"

Too one person smiled evilly, the adult incarnation broke free from the hook, and the three incarnations rushed towards the long river of Mingyi.

Meng Fan's gaze returned to the Immortal King: "In fact, there are some grievances between you and me. At the burial site, you come as you say you want, and if you say it, you do it. Have I agreed?"

The impermanence fairy king was silent.

Meng Fan stepped out in one step, as if the king stepped out of the Asura Hall, as if golden scales jumped out of the lake, the originally peaceful void, for a time the ghosts and gods howled, and the Creator arrived in the blink of an eye!

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