Supreme God King

Chapter 2369: Man bow

Meng Fan only collided with the oldest antique he had seen in his life!

It was more than ten steps back each, no one really had the upper hand.

Meng Fan has seen many ancient existences, such as the gods of good fortune, the demon of Jiuquan, the Taiwuji, the sun, the feather emperor, and the scale emperor. These characters have experienced the catastrophe of the last era and have survived to this day, although Meng Fan also saw it. It has passed through the remnants of the ancestor of humanity, but the ancestor of humanity is in a plane that Meng Fan can't understand at all. He can't touch it at all. He himself said that he has died and disappeared. It is just a broken phantom, and it is not a real contact. Over.

Among all the creatures he really saw with his own eyes, the Immortal King was the most ancient existence.

Although it is impossible to see how long the Immortal King has lived, Meng Fan has already inferred that in a certain era, the Immortal King was called the Ancient Sage King. The body of the Ancient Sage King was the strongest Immortal King ever. A puppet is now the most powerful armor of the ancient emperor.

The impermanence immortal king has escaped from cause and effect, and it is difficult to deduce it with the will of heaven, but the slough-like body he left behind has not escaped.

In Meng Fan's deduction, this ancient saint king's body has experienced two great tribulations!

Therefore, the impermanent fairy king existed at least two epochs ago.

The body that has gone through two great tribulations without annihilation, although compared with the once complete body of the ancient saint king, it must be much more fragile after the weathering of time, but even so, even Meng Fan cannot easily take this body now. Breaking it down, you can see how powerful the ancient sage king was once, and how powerful the impermanence fairy king is today!

After a confrontation, Meng Fan stood in the air, looking at his fist, his eyes flashing.

The impermanent fairy king said: "You are spying on my secret."

Meng Fan nodded: "You are not in this world, but every time you touch something in this world, your existence will be more real and your face will be clearer. I am curious that you have passed through many epochs. , How many ancient secrets are hidden in the body?"

"Creator, you have to bring too many unimportant people to the next epoch. This kind of practice is unacceptable. No matter how many ancient secrets you have spied on, and how many auras you have mastered, you still can't do it."

"Really? According to your statement, can you surpass the Great Tribulation of the Era only if you give up everything?" Meng Fan narrowed his clear eyes: "In this case, you are not contaminated with cause and effect, and you do not belong to this world. The impact on you is minimal, so why are you reappearing? You cut all the cause and effect again and again to escape the epochal catastrophe, but you re-contaminate the cause and effect. Such actions are not superfluous?"

"Each era, the source of the heavens is growing." The voice of the Immortal King suddenly became a little ethereal, as if he recalled some stories from distant years. "In each epoch, the way of heaven has become stronger. In the past, we could find a way out from the laws of the way of heaven, but now, we may not be able to do it."

"Because of God's will." Meng Fan clenched his fists again and slowly moved his figure: "The source of the heavens is just an aggregation of laws and does not have its own thoughts, but after the growth of one era after another, Tiandao created an incarnation. Instead of thinking about Tiandao, I can feel the change of Tiandao's will. Tiandao wants to completely wipe out all the creatures in this world in this era. From now on, there will be no dawn forever, and the eternal night will be the long night! The reason for your reappearance is that Even if you escape from cause and effect, you can no longer hide your existence, because your name has already appeared on the list of the heavenly killings. Since there is no cause and effect, you can’t escape. You who are all in cumin are with me who is full of concerns. What is the difference between this last chapter of the era?"

After saying this, move the layers of the void, and kick at the Immortal King!

The second clash!

With a loud bang, the impermanence immortal king shook his body, but still blocked this foot, and said blankly: "If you don't add karma, you can be focused on Tao. This is me and you who are full of cumin. Really different."


The impermanence fairy king pointed out!

The moment this finger protruded, in Meng Fan’s eyes, it revealed a kind of true freedom and smoothness without any entanglement, restraint, or entanglement. It seemed that it was going to break all obstacles in the world, all the cause and effect. , All troubled memories must be broken!

In an instant, Meng Fan suddenly remembered that sentence.

"Heaven is immortal, cause and effect are invincible."

The so-called cause and effect is constant. Everything is connected by cause and effect. A butterfly flapping its wings may cause a gust of wind and waves in the distant horizon. There must be a cause and a cause must have an effect. often.

Causality represents permanence, just like meditation, which means that everything has an end, like good fortune means that all things are always evolving, and it is an absolutely unbreakable law among the heavens and all realms!

Compared with the true meanings of many great avenues, the power of cause and effect seems to be more terrifying. Everything in the world is organized into a large causal web, entangled with each other. Whether it is a **** king, an ant, or a stone, it is all in this web and it is impossible to jump Get out of the control of cause and effect, if you can truly see through cause and effect, and grasp cause and effect, you can vaguely affect everything in the world, and even completely change your fate. Therefore, the way of heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible!

And this finger of the impermanence immortal king broke out a power completely different from the heavenly way, that is-impermanence!

The connection between everything and everything is broken, everything is unrecognizable, and all beings are not controlled by the law, and they all swim outside the realm of heaven.

"That's it."

Meng Fan finally understood what kind of "one and only" impermanence fairy king was.

Meng Fan is the only creator throughout the ages. He is like an extremely miniature heaven. The Central Emperor is the only existence in the world who controls the humanity. The Chaos Emperor is the only existence that creates the true meaning of the Dao. They are all " "Unique", and the impermanence immortal king is called the only one, because he broke the most powerful net of cause and effect in the world, broke the principle that everything is absolutely "permanent", and stepped into an "impermanence" interface.

The horror of this finger, Meng Fan also frowned deeply, stretched out one hand, but the impermanence Immortal King immediately pierced his palm with a finger, and then hit Meng Fan's forehead.


The soul shrank for a while, his mind went blank,

Meng Fan's heart swayed violently, and his body fell backwards, as if he was about to fall into some kind of irreversible abyss.

However, this state only lasted for a very brief moment.

His soul was clear and bright, stood firm again, turned and kicked out the soles of his feet again, a Xu Mi, thirty-six feet, hit the waist of the impermanence immortal king, and kicked it directly out!

"If this finger was the first time you and I met and displayed it in the burial ground, I am afraid I will be completely defeated in your hands, because at that moment, your finger is the real impermanence. !"

Meng Fan's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

"Impermanence Immortal King, since this time, you can't escape from the great tribulation of the era even if you cut off the cause and effect, then why do you come to find the **** Xumi?"

The flying impermanence immortal king reluctantly held his body in the air and looked at Meng Fan solemnly. Even the 36 feet that belonged to the Creator just now felt severe pain and it was difficult for him to bear it.

"Back then, I stole the cause and effect of Zen from the source of the heavens, and then I continued to understand the Tao. One day I was blessed to the soul, and I realized a word.

Almost all the words in the world were created by the ancestors of humanity, but there is one word created by me, and only I can actually write this word, that is, Buddha. I don’t know what the word “Buddha” means. I don't understand why only I can write this word, so I have been thinking about it, and I don't know how many years I have been thinking about it.

Two epochs ago, in order to escape the great tribulation of the era, I cut off all cause and effect, and abandoned the body and Zen. So in the last era, the era of the dragon, my Zen and body were acquired by a young man, this The queen came from the old man called Dutuobudu.

When he took control of Zen causality, I was in a state of jumping out of the heavens and all realms, watching him silently, watching how the true meaning of cause and effect had changed in him, and finally, he stepped in with the ancient gods and kings. At the end of Shenyin, he asked the Great Emperor Chaos about his views on the word'Buddha'. The Great Chaos said something, and only the old man Toutuofutu heard this.

After that, among the many **** kings who stepped into the end of Shenyin, although the old man Toutuofutu was also seriously injured, he did not die immediately. Instead, he escaped from the end of Shenyin and sat on the road of Shenyin. His legacy It is divided into two parts and scattered between the heaven and the earth. The other part is the body of the ancient saint king. This is just the body. I don’t care. And the Zen insight engraved with the insights of the Great Chaos is what I really want, that Zen , Now on the pillar of martial art of the **** Xumi.

Why do you think I am looking for the **** Sumi?

In order to really write the word "Buddha". "

The Immortal King suddenly took the fishing rod and shook it suddenly. The purple bamboo fishing rod was slightly bent, and the hook was wrapped around the other end of the fishing rod.

In an instant, this fishing rod showed its true shape.

It turned out to be a bow!

The impermanence fairy king holds a bow in his right hand.

The buzzing sound of a giant clock struck from the world!

Meng Fan frowned slightly, he vaguely saw a word.

On the left is a herringbone, and on the right is a bow.

People bow.

It is so similar to "Buddha", only two strokes away!

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