Supreme God King

Chapter 2371: Child of Chaos

Next to the Long River of Underworld, Meng Fan and the Zhantian Giant sat side by side, watching dozens of gods and kings fighting side by side in the tide of strange ghosts, both of them tensed and prepared to take action immediately if there was an accident.

"The word creator is after I thought about it for a long time before I understood what it meant." Zhantian Giant's eyes were locked with the ghost tide, and he buzzed and said: "The true meaning of the great avenue can be grasped. The old monster Jiuquan Mozun is so close to you. Shoot? Kill him, wouldn't you be able to have more of the true meaning?

It is not unusual to say such words to the Heavenly War Giant who has always been upright thinking, Meng Fan did not respond, and continued to stare at the tide of strange ghosts.

Mainly those powerful ghost masters.

The power of these strange ghost masters is completely comparable to that of a powerful **** king at the first level, and should not be underestimated.

"How many true meanings are there in this world?" Seeing Meng Fan ignore him, the giant Zhan Tian began to mutter to himself. "The nine great real meanings of the ancient nine great gods, plus the original meaning I have mastered, these are already ten eternal and immortal powers, are there more?"

"If you have a thorough understanding of the true meaning of any kind of Great Dao, you will have the qualifications to survive in the tides of strange ghosts and the Great Tribulation of the Era, but I have surveyed the heavens and all realms with the will of God, and after removing these ten true meanings of the Great Dao, I have never found it again. There are clues to the true meaning of other avenues, but there are more than ten unbreakable laws brewing over such a long period of time when the way of heaven has been operating."

Meng Fan said carefully, and suddenly a move of his palm created a spatial fault in the tide of strange ghosts, and removed Yun Feiyang, who was almost attacked by a master of strange ghosts.

"The true meaning of Dao Dao, Humanity, Great Primal Chaos, and the source of the heavens to be opened by the Ten Thousand Realms. Oh, my brain is very messy." The giant of the sky shook his head: "It's easier to do one. I want to move my bones. !"

After saying that, the Zhantian Giant rushed directly into the tide of alien ghosts, and it was like a tiger entering a wolf pack, and immediately overturned many alien ghosts, and then he stared at a lord of alien ghosts and entangled with him.

The power of alien ghosts may not be comparable to that of **** kings, but what is really terrifying about alien ghosts lies in the power of reincarnation and chaos in the body. The flesh and blood are ever-changing and the recovery is extremely fast. The kings of the dark alliance fought back and forth several times, only the female emperor. The two strange ghosts were actually wiped out with his own hands. Even the Great Sage of Lingming was just breaking one end after another, without actually killing them.

"The ghost has no soul, no origin, no pillar of martial arts." Meng Fan's voice spread out loudly, clearly reaching everyone's ears. "They only have greed for flesh and blood. This greed is completely integrated with their flesh, and every piece of flesh has this greed, so even if it is shattered into dregs, every piece of flesh is still immortal and can gather together."

"That's it!" The Great Sage Jiaoqi giggled, and kicked an alien ghost with all his strength. Then the nine half-step dragons of the realm of the **** king around him swarmed up and swallowed part of the ghost's flesh and blood.

Jian Tongtian slashed for thousands of times, and finally cut an alien ghost into two halves. The Emperor Yu immediately arrived and suppressed half of his body with great strength.


In the roar, a strange ghost master brought a few strange ghosts crazy to kill Meng Fan. He had already seen that among the many gods that appeared suddenly, Meng Fan was the leader.

"Sure enough, there is wisdom!" Meng Fan said coldly, squeezing the lord of the alien ghost who rushed to the front, the meaning of void exploded, and the space broke instantly, tearing the lord of the alien ghost into hundreds of pieces.

These hundreds of flesh and blood gathered together desperately, and Meng Fan's heart moved, and the space shattered several times in succession, forming tens of thousands of layers of cracked space, that is, tens of thousands of pieces of broken flesh, and then they were moved horizontally. , Sent to all distant places.

It would take a few months for the tens of thousands of flesh and blood to cross these distant places and gather together. Meng Fan was also very curious. Can these flesh and blood be separated for a few months and still live separately?

The strange ghost is undoubtedly one of the few things that Meng Fan wants to find out the most in today's universe. From these creations of the Chaos Great Emperor, we may be able to see some of the mysteries of the Chaos Great Emperor.

So far, Emperor Chaos is the most secret existence in the heavens and all realms. It is also a sharp blade hung on the heads of sentient beings in the last chapter of the epoch. There are many hidden secrets in it, including what the Central Emperor has always wanted to find. Relics of the ancient humane Hundred Sages.

While Meng Fan was thinking about it, the Void suddenly changed.

That abnormal movement is not in the tide of strange ghosts. Even if the thousands of strange ghosts are mixed with some strange ghost masters who have grown up by devouring flesh and blood over a long period of time, it is still difficult to threaten the kings of the dark alliance. The abnormal movement comes from another one. direction.

Meng Fan slowly turned half of his body and looked at the location of the change.

A creature.

That's right, in Meng Fan's mind, the only words that could describe what he saw were creatures.

Even if he looks at the past and the present, even if he has devoured half of the classics of the Hundred Saints Academy of the Purple Light Empire, knowledge is like vast stars, even if he holds the will of heaven and can infer many things, he still cannot see what the existence in front of him is. There is a record of this creature, and it cannot be deduced by God's will.

This is a very human-like shape, but much taller than humans. Its skin is gray, with strange-shaped scales on it, and under the arms and underarms, there are many iron-like feathers. What is really peculiar is its head. .

A mouth full of fangs, three eyes, a vertical eye between the eyebrows, there are no pupils, it is gray.

In Meng Fan’s endless calculations in an instant, it was impossible to figure out what bloodline and what kind of existence the creature he saw in front of him was. It seems that heaven, earth, people, ghosts and gods, winning scales and feathers, do not cover this creature. A creature that does not belong to the heavens and all realms.

It is also the realm of God King.

In the body, there is also a certain kind of power of the great meaning brewing and turning over, but Meng Fan can't detect what power it is.

Can only feel the power of this creature!

This creature silently glanced at Mingyi Longhe, and then its eyes fell on Meng Fan.

"The Creator Meng Fan."

The mouth full of rows of fangs made a sound like howling.

Meng Fan completely turned around, looked at this strange creature, and said calmly: "An existence that can't be calculated by God's will. Winning the scales of feathers and feathers has the signs of various creatures. Then just guess intuitively, you are from Shenyin The end."

The creature giggled and laughed extremely harshly: "The end of the gods, in the eyes of you **** kings of the heavens and all realms, must be very mysterious, because except for the few creatures who have lived from the last era to the present, no one knows What is the end of Shenyin? At the end of Shenyin, is there only the Great Chaos and the infinite ghosts? Or is there also a world with many powerful gods? Are you thinking about this, Creator, you can spy on heaven, what? Everything can be deduced to some results, even the impermanence immortal king can be firmly established as an entity, but you don't know anything about any existence that comes out of the end of the gods.

However, at the end of the gods, we know the kings of the heavens and all realms very well. The way of heaven has a must-kill list, and we also have a list of devourers. At first, your name was only ranked outside a hundred, but after these years, you have grown to this point. , Now, there are already within ten, of course I want to visit you.

I will simply say that I am also the creation of Emperor Chaos, but unlike those strange ghosts, I am the son of Emperor Chaos. "

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