Supreme God King

Chapter 2372: See you in the next life

Child of Chaos.

Meng Fan looked at the creatures in front of him, still as motionless as a mountain, already reaching his level of existence, and nothing could truly shock him.

The Child of Chaos is still giggling: "The flesh and blood of all beings in the world are too delicious, but the top delicacy is still the king of gods, and you who are also among the best among the kings of gods make me want to stop..." He gently licked his lips, and even scarlet saliva flowed out: "Swallowing the creator Meng Fan, what kind of state will I reach? It's really greedy for me."

The corners of Meng Fan's mouth turned up, and he couldn't help but smile, and he didn't speak. The meaning of emptiness bloomed and disappeared suddenly.

The Son of Chaos was taken aback and looked around blankly.


Severe pain swept through his mind, and a fist-sized flesh and blood on his chest was forcibly torn off. He quickly retreated a few hundred steps away and looked at Meng Fan, who was half of his body covered with dragon scales in horror, and the flesh and blood in his palm.

"I take you as a prey, you actually want to eat me?" Meng Fan sneered, and directly smashed this piece of flesh and blood, but even so, the broken flesh was still squirming, and the greedy thoughts in it still remained, this scene Falling in Meng Fan's eyes, he sneered even more: "What is the son of the Great Chaos Emperor, but it is also a product of the power of Chaos, which is more advanced than the ghost."

After saying this, his body trembled again, moving horizontally in the space one after another, the child of Chaos turned frantically, but still dazzled, unable to determine the location of Meng Fan, a little panic in his heart, and finally knew what Meng Fan was like. The existence of the level suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a stream of blood.

Meng Fan, who shuttled and approached in the infinite space, immediately frowned, and he could clearly feel that there was an extremely strong power in the blood that was gradually permeating, just like...the true meaning of the Dao!

It means chaos.

That’s right, the most fundamental difference between this son of chaos and the strange ghost is not only that he possesses true wisdom, but also that he actually possesses the meaning of chaos, a power comparable to the true meaning of the Dao!

The blood qi filled the void, and immediately began to corrode the laws of the heavens, and even eroded layers of space, turning all power, including vitality, into the most primitive and messy state, and in an instant, a chaotic barrier was formed around him!

"Well, it's not bad, your strength can be comparable to Princess Yueyue."

Meng Fan's cold voice came out, ignoring the chaotic barrier that corrodes everything, and directly jumped out of the space. The whole body turned into a dragon in an instant, and the dragon howled and inserted into the barrier!

The power of chaos made a burst of fire like oil, but it was difficult to leave any traces on Meng Fan.

Divine will, sacred and inviolable. This is the reason why the body of the Oracle Dragon Emperor is so tough.

Tearing the barrier, arriving in an instant, the dragon claws grabbed the shot, and took the throat of this self-proclaimed son of Chaos!

"All living beings originate from chaos, and they will return to chaos!" The son of chaos's hoarse voice, like a command, the power of chaos in the void barrier keeps flowing backwards, and the momentum is even more vast. It will actually kill Meng Fan, who is ready to kill with one blow. Obsessed!

The dragon claw was only two feet away from the throat of the son of chaos, but stopped.

"In the early days, all beings from heaven and earth came out of the same chaos." The son of chaos said with a weird smile: "What kind of race, what kind of innate bloodline of the saint king, does not exist, but in the process of continuous evolution, each has deviated from its origin. It is chaos, and it will return to chaos. From chaos to redistribute the future of all things, this is reincarnation. Creator Meng Fan, you are powerful, and you are the true meaning of the four great realms. Of course, you are powerful, but what you are facing now is that you can’t. The power of understanding depends on how I corrupt you into the most primitive essence, and then slowly enjoy you!"

"All living beings will return to chaos, and then reincarnate again? Sure enough, the Great Emperor Chaos is the number one person against the sky in the primordial universe. Heaven wants order, he wants chaos, heaven wants all things to end, and he wants reincarnation." Meng Fan said softly, and saw The power of Chaos was gnawing at his scales, but he was indifferent. The soul turned around and thought about the words of the Son of Chaos.

"Swallow the top ten of the roster, the most delicious flesh and blood of the heavens and myriad worlds, come on, belong to my chaos!" The son of chaos shouted excitedly, his mouth almost flowing into a river, revealing infinite greed, suddenly, his His eyes were dull.

The power of chaos gradually dispersed.

"If you really are the master of the meaning of chaos, you may still have the power to fight with me, but unfortunately, you and Taiyi and Princess Yueyue are the same, but you have a trace of chaos." Meng Fan was cold. Said, the power of chaos was completely wiped out by his creator realm, order replaced chaos, and then the dragon claw extended two feet forward!

A distance of two feet is enough.

The throat of the Child of Chaos was cut directly, his head separated from his body, flying around, constantly twisting and struggling, and there were bursts of unpleasant wailing.

Meng Fan shrugged his shoulders, dispelled the scales of the dragon, and strolled in the courtyard. He was the lord in charge of a space, blocking all the way out, and said calmly: "All beings must return to chaos and step into reincarnation. So in essence, all beings do not Extinction, right? You, as the son of chaos, don't know if I have obliterated you now, will you be able to reincarnate in the future and stand before me again?

The head looked at Meng Fan with a stern face, and his mouth was dumbfounded. The rows of fangs kept colliding, making a clanging metal sound: "The creator Meng Fan, it turns out that the top **** king of the heavens and the world is like this... , Very good, you can kill me, but as the ninety-third son of Chaos, I will inevitably reincarnate. See you in the future and I must have eaten you!"

"Okay, let's see you in the next life." With a move of Meng Fan's palm, God's will suddenly bloomed, and the eyes of the head disappeared.

Heaven and earth return to peace again, and the corroded laws are repairing themselves again.

Meng Fan suddenly turned his head and looked at the long river of Mingyi, but he clearly felt that the balance of victory and defeat was tilting. This fight between the three old monks, Jiuquan Demon Venerable, Taiyiren, and Princess Yueyue seemed to happen. The result!

This fight is of great importance.

Between victory and defeat, the master of Mingyi will be determined.

And what Meng Fan really cares about is the Zen in the hands of God Xumi!

Heaven is immortal, and cause and effect are invincible.

The impermanent arrow of the impermanent fairy king.

The weight of Zen is so heavy that even Meng Fan can't underestimate it.

Now, he is already the creator, an extremely diminished and broken path of heaven, and because of this, he knows the path he will walk on, that is, a little bit of the true meaning of the various paths into himself!

Of all the true meanings of the great avenues, what Meng Fan wants most is cause and effect. If the source of the heavens is a tree and the true meaning of many great avenues are apples on this tree, then the most delicious one is of course Zen. cause and effect.

Watching the long river of underworld fade away, Meng Fan opened his palm, and a very delicate and small ship appeared in his palm. I don’t know how many layers of space there are in this ship, and there are many living creatures in it. Fan is also the most powerful treasure of the entire dark alliance, the Ark of Universe.

This Ark of Universe is built with the only fragment of an ancient ship in the world that can survive no sea. It is made by Meng Fan’s meaning of emptiness and the forty gods and kings of the Universe World. After a battle and a long period of warming up, the power of this treasure has become more and more astonishing, especially since the most important meaning of void in it comes from Meng Fan, which is equivalent to his natal treasure.

With a trembling of the palm, the small ark shot out and immediately sank into thousands of alien ghosts. In the continuous shuttle, dozens of alien ghosts and a host of alien ghosts pierced the head on the spot. Then there was a loud noise and the space was twisted. The Ark of Universe has expanded ten million times, overturning thousands of strange ghosts.

The kings of the dark alliance stepped into the ark and released their vitality together, urging the ark to crush the void, and the strange ghosts broke into pieces into dust.

For these, Meng Fan did not pay attention, drove away the impermanence fairy king, and dispelled the strange ghosts. He wandered along the river of meditation that was gradually no longer surging.

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