Supreme God King

Chapter 2395: The sorrow of beings

The rebirth of the evolving soul and Meng Fan's blood is the one who lives long.

After the two created this Middle Thousand World, they can no longer interfere with everything in it, and can only let it develop on its own. The only thing they can do is to stimulate time.

Therefore, it is unknown whether two children born from a drop of blood can meet. In the vast crowd, the possibility of meeting is very small. Therefore, I want to count on them to become enemies, and then fight against each other to be born and die. It is even more impossible, just see. Whoever lives long, this is the thinking mode of the first-class figures of the **** king, whoever lives long is the winner, no matter what method is used to live, whether it is transcendence or immorality.

The evolving soul was reborn from the blood, and was named "Yuan Longzi". He became a disciple in a powerful sect. Because he grew up a little, he showed extraordinary aptitude, and immediately one of the best teachers became teachers. He was only a teenager. , Became the disciple of the inner sect, became the object of admiration or admiration for many disciples, completely resembling a talented elite, with prosperous luck.

And Meng Fan's blood rebirth was called "Wu She" by the old man in that village, because the old man's surname was Wu, and this blood rebirth was an orphan and had no home, so he took the homophonic "Wu She".

Compared with "Yuan Longzi", "Wu She"'s life seemed very turbulent from the beginning. The village can only maintain food and clothing. One more child means one more mouth. If it is blood and flesh, it will be fine, but an orphan will immediately Rejected, some people even suggested-eat this baby.

Only the old man Wu kept guarding the baby. The reason is simple. The old man Wu lost his wife at the age of 30 and only left one son, but within a few years, this son was taken away by the sect and died. I don't know that Old Man Wu was a little bit crazy, because he helped many people in the village when he was young, so after going crazy, the village lost his old love and gave him some food, which made him live to his 50s.

Therefore, when he saw "Wu She", the old man Wu muttered to himself "My son", no matter what the people in the village did, he would not let go of this child, and raised it so hard, even in the first year, the village There was a young man who sneaked over the wall and entered Old Man Wu’s house and beat Old Man Wu. Then he wanted to take the children and give them to the sect for alchemy in exchange for some benefits. In the end, Old Man Wu wept bitterly, and the people in the village became softened. I didn't let those young people do this.

As time passed, Wu She also grew up in his teens, while Old Man Wu was in his sixties, but I don’t know if it’s because he had a "son" that he was sane, and he was a strong young man with a good foundation. , Actually the body is still very tough, the father and the two are dependent on each other, Wu old man gives people physical strength, Wu She goes out to chop wood, although life is shabby, but at least he is still alive.

By this time, Wu She hadn't really started to "lose up" and was still just an ordinary person.

And because he was too poor, it’s common to be hungry for a few days. Wu She grew skinny, brown hair, and panting. One day it rained heavily and became seriously ill. The three souls and seven souls scared by Old Man Wu ran halfway and found the village. The only barefoot doctor who knows a little bit of medical skills here, the result is "fate is not long."

When he got here, the evolving soul looked at Meng Fan, his eyes became more solemn.

Meng Fan was still expressionless.

He felt unable to see through.

It is the habit of evolving the primordial spirit to observe everything in the sense of time, but after Meng Fan became the creator, he can still see his past, but he can't see the slightest in the present and the future, and even calculations are difficult.

The existence of the heavens and ten thousand realms is simply too little for the evolving soul.

Even the central emperor, or Qin Taichuan, he can also calculate.

But there are only a few powerful gods he knows, and he can't figure it out. One is the well-known Emperor Chaos, the other is the impermanence immortal king who escapes cause and effect, and the third is Meng Fan.

But there is one thing that the evolving soul can see.

That is the mood of Meng Fan at this moment.

Although his face was expressionless, his heart was already in sync with the "Wu She" in that world.

Evolving Yuanshen was shocked to discover that this top **** king of the heavens and all realms was completely the "Wu She" at this moment, re-experiencing the sorrow and pain of the common people!

God, man.

These two words involuntarily came to the mind of the evolving soul.

What is Meng Fan?

Of course who he is, as a "little heaven", he must be a god.

But his emotions and emotions are no different from people.

God is man, man is God, in essence, there is no difference.

Seeing this answer from Meng Fan's body, the evolving soul became more and more complicated, and continued to look at the Middle Thousand World.

After Wu She became seriously ill, Old Man Wu fell.

This old man with better and better spirits, on the contrary, because he was worried about Wu She, anxious, and in order to make medicine for him, he entered the Zongmen Mountain Forest where mortals were not allowed to enter, and was chased by wild animals, fell down the mountain, and fell. .

Lying on the bed, dying.

In the end, it was Wu She, who was severely ill and asthmatic, ignoring his own body, and without telling Old Man Wu, went to the mountains and forests alone to get herbs.

The adopted son was seriously ill, but the father went to get the medicine and ended up lying on the bed. The adopted son walked on exactly the same path as the father with his seriously ill body. This scene is really sad.

Wu She entered the forest.

Unlike Old Man Wu’s experience, Wu She did not encounter any wolves and beasts, so he got the herbal medicine. However, when he happily ran down the mountain, he was discovered by the people of the sect. It is a must for mortals to step into the forbidden forest. They were drunk, but those medicinal herbs that could save lives were not rare at all by the disciples of a few sects. They just saw Wu She, who had a bony, brown hair and malnutrition, and they were playing tricks, and then they seemed to have caught a mouse. Like a cat, he kept letting go of Wu She, pretending to meet by chance, whipping, then letting go, and then pretending to meet by chance.

So repeatedly.

The young Wu She didn’t know that these monks’ gaze covered the entire forest. He just thought he could really run out, so every time he was beaten, he would guard the herbs. When the people of the sect left, he He got up again and continued to run wildly, no matter how many somersaults or blood shed, he kept on running.

When he ran, he suddenly stopped panting.

When he was whipped, he vaguely felt the vitality fluctuations in those monks.

When he was about to run down the mountain and had already seen the village with a smile on his face, suddenly a sect monk descended in front of the little Wu She, looked up and down, and said, "There are still people in this broken village who can eat? , Just be a handyman for me." So he grabbed Wu She and flew towards the sect.

Wu She kept crying, crying, and begging for mercy, saying that his father was still in the village, waiting for his herbs.

But the monk turned a deaf ear.

In the eyes of the monks of this sect, mortals are no different from wild beasts.

What is life and death?

Wu She was taken to the Zongmen. As soon as he landed, he directly knelt down and kowtowed his head heavily, begging to let himself go back.

The monk was furious and scolded him as a beast from the shabby village. He didn't understand, had no ethics, and entered the sect, but he went to heaven, and he knelt down to let him go? I don't know if a man has gold under his knees, how can he kneel to others at will! It's a pity to be able to feel the vitality, the waist is so soft, it will definitely not be promising.

Then he threw him directly into the handyman hall.

Changed new clothes and got something to eat.

But Wu She thinks about returning to the village every day and saving Old Man Wu.

Time passed day by day.

One month passed.

Every time Wu She escaped, he was directly captured and beaten.

He knelt thirty times.

Knocked more than six hundred heads.

The evolving soul has been stunned.

He looked at Meng Fan.

This one is extremely domineering, and even the Dao of Heaven does not dare to easily descend the existence of omnipotence and obliteration. The Central Emperor, Qin Taichuan, regards him as a powerful opponent.

Among the ten thousand domains, he who followed the Ark of Universe, smiled at the purple kings, shook his palm to bid farewell, and Shi Shiran left.

The powerhouses such as Jiuquan Demon Venerable, Xumi God Buddha, and so on, were all watched by him.

There have been endless twists and turns in his life, but he has never been cowardly.

A drop of blood of this character turned into a creature, and he could actually bow down to this point!

For what?


The evolving soul does not understand.

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