Supreme God King

Chapter 2396: For whom

One year later, when Yuan Longzi was in his sect and his status was getting higher and higher, Wu She was still just a handyman who could feel the existence of vitality.

Still trying to escape constantly.

Kneeling is also increasing.

Knocking his head and bleeding.

At this time, Wu She's life seemed to have a little sunshine.

A girl who was also a handyman walked into his life.

This girl, very pretty, clean, from another village, was taken to the Zongmen as a handyman because she could sense her vitality.

Every time Wu She escaped and was brought back, he was whipped, and the girl healed him and advised him not to leave.

But Wu She's heart has never changed.

Until one day, the girl said, "Your dad...maybe already dead."

Wu She did not respond and did not stop fleeing.

The only change is that Wu She has become more and more "resistance".

Every time the ten whips ran away, the scars left on him became lighter and lighter, and he recovered faster and faster.

One day later, the girl was spotted by a certain cultivator disciple and gave an elixir to break through directly, demonstrating her extraordinary talent, and she became a disciple immediately, and she immediately became a student.

But girls always come to visit Wu She.

And Wu She is still at large.

But time gradually passed, and the girl gradually became a new star because of her pretty looks and talents. She and Wu She went further and further.

Until one time, she saw Wu She who had escaped from a distance and was caught and beaten back. She just watched from a distance without saying anything, and never came to see Wu She again.

Wu She knew that they were strangers ever since.

He doesn't care.

He just wanted to see Old Man Wu.

Two years have passed.

The monk who had captured Wu She finally couldn't bear Wu She's constant escape behavior. But after all, after two years as a handyman, Wu She did everything except escape in order to be able to leave. The monk finally showed compassion and let Wu She go.

Wu She hurried back to the village with the herbs he had saved for two years.

He was very worried. He knew that Old Man Wu should have left long ago. After all, a man in his sixties has a long life in this desolate world, let alone a serious illness. I want to come, Wu She’s departure, to Wu The old man was a huge blow.

He hurried back to the village, but at the head of the village, he saw the old and familiar figure.

Embarrassed and very dirty.

Wu She cried forward and shouted.

Old man Wu was indifferent.

He was completely crazy.

I don’t know anything, I don’t know anything, I just keep chanting "Little Wu She, dinner... Little Wu She, dinner..."

Wu She took care of Old Man Wu.

It was not until a few months later that Old Man Wu finally left.

Wu She locked herself in the room and cried for days and nights without eating or drinking. Eventually, she cried and went blind.

But after he became blind, he suddenly saw everything!

Saw the vitality.

Saw the law.

He stood up, directly cursed in the thunder and rain.

Call the world unfair.

It's sad to scold this world.

Scold the world for being unkind and regard everything as a dog!

His shouting and cursing shocked the whole village, and many people looked at it.

Seeing Wu She who was blind, screamed angrily.

The next day, Wu She disappeared.

He returned to the sect.

Kneel down again to the monk who had taken him away.

He wanted to step into the martial art and devour his vitality.

The monk said coldly that he couldn't, because his waist was too soft, and it was impossible to move forward.

Wu She said that this will be the last time he kneels. From now on, he will not kneel to the sky or the earth.

The monk asked why.

Wu She said, because of this place, he wants to open it, because this day, he wants to break through!

The eyes of the Evolving Primordial God kept flashing. Looking at Wu She, who was growing taller but still thin, there was a hint of shock in his heart. He raised his head and looked at Meng Fan at the other end of Zhongqian World, and suddenly felt that the present This Wu She is so like the creator Meng Fan!

Yuan Longzi became a disciple of the inner sect and the leader of Yishan.

Wu She is still a handyman.

But he began to practice martial arts with great concentration.

It's a thousand miles!

Turn the top ten disciples list as a handyman and directly promote to an elite disciple!

Step into the desert battlefield to rescue the same door and behead the strongest of the two demons and ghosts!

The first disciple was suppressed by the first disciple due to the faction dispute in the sect. He used means to force Wu She to kneel, but he had straight knees and never kneeled, and even shouted out that the head of the first disciple would be taken within ten years, shocking the whole sect!

Another major practice of evil spirits and magic, the daughter of the sect master, who is mainly engaged in double cultivation, led a delegation to visit. Seeing Wu Sheying's upright posture at the competition meeting, she sincerely promised that she would not marry.

Ten years later!

Yuan Longzi became the youngest elder in his sect.

Wu She stepped into the martial arts stage and challenged the first disciple.

The first disciple did not dare to challenge.

Since then, Wu She has become the first disciple.

The prestige stuns the entire wild star.

Many sects started Wu She's idea, or secretly gave many benefits, wanted to win over, or wanted to kill him, etc.

Only the daughter of the master of the evil demon sect still loves to wear Wu She, but at this time, Wu She is already ruthless.

His love disappeared with Old Man Wu.

So the woman could only follow him, laughing and cursing constantly, hiding her feelings.

Finally one day, Wu She stepped into the Tianyuan realm.

From then on, he is the most powerful figure in the world.

At this time, the entire Zhongqian world had also developed to its peak, and the stars began to know each other, but it was inevitable that war broke out.

Killing, war, long time together must be divided, divided long time must be together, this will always be the avenue of all beings from heaven and earth.

During the Star Wars, Wu She made countless friends, and undertook too many enemies. His reputation gradually spread everywhere.

At the same time, another character appeared.

It is Yuan Longzi.

At this time, Yuan Longzi was already the status of the suzerain, and he was extremely talented, and was the leader of several stars.

In contrast, Wu She is still just a monk, but because of his powerful strength, his prestige is also very high, and he can respond to everything.

Two people belong to two camps.

Fighting and fighting are inevitable.

But the two never really met.

Yuan Longzi always wanted to win over Wu She.

But Wu She didn't want to be restricted by anything, let alone join a certain force.

He still lives freely, and it seems that he is unrestrained.

In fact, it is lawless.

There is always an obsession in his heart.

Overturn this earth and penetrate this heaven!

Finally one day, he faced a game, this game, he is not allowed to be unrestrained and lawless.

Two women, he can only save one.

One of them was the girl who healed his injuries when he was a handyman, and later became a stranger to him, but now she can only sigh at Wu She and never get close.

The other is the demonic woman who has been following Wu She and silently loving him.

Seeing this, the evolving soul was already astonished to the extreme.

This scene is exactly the same as the game set by the Central Emperor for Meng Fan!

The evolving soul finally saw that in his endless calculations, the only thing that was not counted.

That is the word "love".

The king is ruthless, so the evolving soul naturally did not count this word.

Meng Fan's infinite creation left a foreshadowing, that is, he created a monk after the Central Emperor!

But at the very beginning, that monk was still very immature.

But in Meng Fan's foreshadowing, this monk quickly emerged and became one of the strongest in this world.

Wu She finally chose to save the demonic woman.

But the enemy played another trick to tell Wu She where the two women were.

So the demon girl died.

After the death of Old Man Wu, Wu She cursed God for the second time.

Killed that enemy.

In the difficult fight, Wu She broke through and stepped into a realm that no one has ever stepped into in this mid-thousand world.

Time passed quickly.

With Wu She on his head, Yuan Longzi gave up his position as the sovereign and tried to reach a higher level, but he failed in the end and died.

Wu She has become a legend and disappeared from people’s eyes. However, he is not truly disappeared. That overturned the earth and penetrated the sky, so that all beings no longer mourn, and even the obsession of resurrecting the old man and the evil woman still supports He keeps moving forward.

But in the end, this Zhongqian world declined.

All sentient beings also declined, including Wu She.

He did not find a "way out" until he died.

4,600 years of life, but it is a legend, but no one will remember.

The game is over.

The evolving soul was completely shocked. He knew that he had lost, not only the fragments of the ancient ship, but also the meaning of time.

But Meng Fan did not speak.

Two tears flowed from his eyes.

For Wu She.

For Yuan Longzi.

For the old man Wu.

For the demon woman.

For the sentient beings in this mid-thousand world.

Their tragedy is just a game.

Under heaven, common people are so sad.

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