Supreme God King

Chapter 2400: Battling

Three old monks stepped into Shimen.

However, after a short while, another figure fell down. It was a man in white clothes who couldn't see his age. The whole body of this man was vague, unable to see clearly. It didn't seem to exist in the heavens, but another. The existence of an interface is ordinary, it is the impermanence fairy king!

He glanced at Yang Zun, and then stepped into Shimen.

It is the pursuit of the **** Xumi.

Queen of impermanence.

The Senate exploded.

Among the flying sand and walking stones, a man in a green shirt stood in the middle of the Senate.

He slowly turned his head, looked at Xiang Yangzun, and whispered, "Long time no see."

Yang Zun was finally shocked at this moment.

The central emperor wanted to open the source of the heavens in advance, but this abacus was completely mistyped. For some reason, the creator, Meng Fan, knew the news and arrived immediately!

Meng Fan's gaze fell on the stone gate again.

In the body, in the Great Thousand World of Origin, the ancient emperor's body was trembling constantly. I don't know whether it was because of excitement or excitement. However, after so many years, he finally saw the opening day of the source of the heavens!

The inference of the evolving soul is correct.

Meng Fan crossed the Shimen in one step.

Truly, stepping into the source of the heavens!

As soon as he stood still, the eyes were extremely dazzling white light. In this light, Meng Fan’s vision was no longer valid. He blinked his eyes lightly, his pupils disappeared, and the eye sockets were also a white color-Creator The eye.

As a result, all the scenes were clearly seen by him, without any omission.

This is a plain.

I don't know how wide it is, at least with Meng Fan's eyes, I can't see the plain at the end.

The land of the plain is a piece of white, that is the purest law and vitality, fragmented to the extreme, like dust, the plain formed after countless years of precipitation.

Here, even Meng Fan felt the pressure, which is the pressure that all **** kings will feel, because all the laws, vitality, and most of the power of the heavens and the world come from the heavens, and here , Is a part of heaven.

All the power of the **** king can find some clues to the source here.

However, Meng Fan urged the power of the Creator in his body to eliminate this pressure, and even vaguely, he and the source of the heavens formed a kind of "antagonism", and he could feel the darkness here. There are many forces in the underworld who want to obliterate or reject him, but they are powerless.

Because he is the "Little Heaven".

"If the king is here, he will become a mortal." Meng Fan said softly.

In the vast world in the body, the ancient emperor also nodded: "If the foundation of the **** king is not enough, or the **** king with ordinary strength, here will be restricted by the heavens, the laws and vitality in the body cannot be fully activated, even flying. It is very difficult, but it will become a mortal. Only some powerful **** kings, or **** kings with infinite means, can contend with the laws here."

Meng Fan walked towards it step by step, and suddenly his brow moved, and he saw a figure about a hundred and eighty steps away.

That is a **** king.

Obviously, he had just stepped into this place not long ago, but he was lying on the ground, motionless, his aura was still there, and he seemed to be dead, but in Meng Fan's eyes, he was already dead, because... his spirit was gone!

There is only one flesh left, because it is the flesh of the **** king, so it is still breathing. Maybe this flesh can survive for thousands or even tens of thousands of years without moving, but it doesn't make any sense.

"The means to extract the soul?" Meng Fan took a deep breath. He knew that in the last chapter of the epoch, the source of the heavens coveted all the wisdom, memory, thinking, and so on of all the gods, and used it to continuously expand the providence, but Since the Great Tribulation of the Era, he has never really seen the heaven plundering the soul.

But at this moment, that physical body was obviously the soul was taken away.

The battle of the souls at the first level is not impossible, but it is too difficult. Even the confrontation between Meng Fan and the central emperor did not reach the stage of the battle of the souls. The biggest manifestation of the collision of the souls is the collision of will.

It can be seen that the way of heaven is still powerful after all, mysterious and incomprehensible, no matter how powerful the Great Chaos, he created a wave of ghosts, but it only swallows tangible flesh and blood, while the way of heaven is the soul!

At this moment, in Meng Fan's calculation, the body of the God King that could exist for thousands of years, suddenly began to rot!

The rate of decay is very fast, falling apart in a blink of an eye, and breaking into powder in a blink of an eye, and finally, it turns into the purest law and vitality, and merges into this white plain.

Seeing this scene, the ancient emperor was a little stunned: "I first stepped into the source of the heavens, but I have never seen such a scene. There is no means to attack the gods and souls. This plain is not so powerful and can melt. The flesh and blood of the king."

Hearing the words of the ancient emperor, Meng Fan immediately tightened his mind and felt something unusual.

His pace has slowed down a lot.

The source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains was opened. Of course, the danger is self-evident. Of course, the younger brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan stepped into the source of the heavens in the ten thousand domains, but he was washed away from his soul and became a puppet. Only the ancient emperor and the thirteen hall masters were the only ones who walked out safely.

What's more, nowadays, Meng Fan and the Dark Alliance, Central Emperor and Ziguang Kings are not the only ones here!

When he walked out of 90,000 steps, although Meng Fan did not smash the vacuum, at his speed, he still crossed a very long distance, and finally no longer an endless white plain in front of him, but a sea.

Although, it is still a white sea.

Still radiating dazzling white light.

What is flowing in the sea is all majestic vitality.

However, it is no longer empty.

In the sea, there are towering pillars, such as the Dinghai Shenzhen needle, which firmly suppresses this vast ocean without making any waves.

The moment he saw the pillar, the ancient emperor was obviously more surprised, his eyes full of hesitation.

"When I came here back then, I also saw these pillars. Each pillar originally contained a trace of the true meaning of the avenue, most of which are God’s will, and there are some other true meanings of the avenue, but I can’t see through it, but now... "

"It's just a pillar." Meng Fan said solemnly: "Since stepping into this place, except for a divine king whose soul has been taken away, I haven't seen any means of heaven, and the pillars that should have contained the true meaning of the Dao are just There are heavy pillars, so if someone has not already robbed the power of the source of the heavens by great means, then it is the source of the heavens, not the source of the heavens at all."

The ancient emperor was startled: "What do you mean?"

"In the inference of the evolving soul, this is the source of the heavens, and the central emperor also thinks this is the source of the heavens. You and I have not seen any difference. Then, who can imitate the source of the heavens in the ten thousand realms? Set an absolute trap?"

There is no need for Gu Huang to answer.

In the Great Thousand World of Origin, all **** kings are horrified in their hearts.

Only God can do it!

Meng Fan slowly moved his eyes.

In the depths of the ocean of vitality in front of them, there are figures after another. They are the purple light **** kings standing in the air, and in front of them is the Central Emperor.

On the other side, there are three old monks Xumi.

The last direction is the Immortal King.

When Meng Fan saw them, these characters also saw Meng Fan.

The top figures of the heavens and ten thousand realms have arrived.

However, these characters also came up with answers similar to Meng Fan.

This is not the source of the heavens at all!

At this moment, the white plain paved by vitality and law rippled.

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