Supreme God King

Chapter 2401: Big trap

On the white plain, one after another with powerful auras emerged, some of them were obviously the incarnations of the power of Heaven's Punishment or the pure law of vitality.

There is also the Ligue desolate god.

And many heavenly puppets!

The younger brother of the ancestor Xuanyuan was also among them.

It's hard to count continuously.

Finally, a young man in white, a brawny man in golden armor, and a handsome young man appeared.

The vitality of the gods, the punishment of the gods, the law of the gods!

The three gods are in place, but they are stronger than the last time they met.

The three gods cannot die forever. Meng Fan has already calculated that every time they are killed, they have completely disappeared. However, after all, they are not ordinary creatures, but the incarnation of the heavens, so when they disappear, the heavens are still They can be re-engraved, exactly the same, even the memory is exactly the same, and after each re-engraving, these three gods will become stronger, because they will continue to absorb wisdom and self-growth in battles and failures.

Meng Fan's eyes flashed lightly, and he whispered: "The stone gate is closed. Now, we are birds in cages."

He clearly felt that this trap created by Heavenly Dao had been closed, completely closed.

With his means, it was impossible to find an exit for a while.

Today, all the kings here are indeed caged birds. This cage was forged by Heaven. Here, the power of the **** king is greatly suppressed, and there is endless vitality in the ocean of vitality and the white plain. The law of harmony continuously flows into the bodies of those heavenly incarnations and puppets, supplementing their power.

This is a battlefield belonging to heaven.

The source of the heavens wants to obliterate the most powerful king of the heavens and the earth, and this huge game is laid down. It can be said that this is not the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains, or it can be said that this is the source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains. Source, Heaven used his own power to create this field. There is no difference between this place and the source of the heavens, except that there is no treasure that treasure hunters want to get. All are just endless murderous opportunities.

Suddenly, the punishment **** system raised his hand and pointed, and the whole void was filled with thunder.

The uncountable incarnation of Heavenly Punishment rose to the sky, shuttled through the thunder, and attacked all the gods present!

The sound of the sky was vast and reverberating, half of the purple kings wailed, their souls were in pain, and they could only cover their ears and struggle constantly.

As for the kings of the dark alliance, because they were protected by the power of creation in Meng Fan's body, they did not suffer any harm, but they knew that this duel was not something they could face. Once the kings of the dark alliance stepped on Out of the origin of the Great Thousand World, those characters who are not strong enough, have unstable foundations, or have just become gods, will immediately be washed away by Tianyin, and even directly turned into heavenly puppets!

Seeing the countless incarnations of Heaven Punishment approaching and killing, Meng Fan's snow-white eyes lightly turned, and there was a bang, and the incarnations of Heaven Punishment burst into pieces on their own.

"What a big handwriting, what a big trap!"

Meng Fan sighed for a while. After exploding thousands of incarnations of Heavenly Punishment, he immediately rose into the sky. The primary goal now is to find a way to escape this prison!

The Central Emperor looked at the flying Meng Fan from a distance, and squeezed his hands secretly.


Behind him, the kings of Ziguang kept wailing, and immediately there was a **** king. Suddenly, his eyes lost the spirit. In an instant, all emotions disappeared from his body, and he no longer wailed, but looked coldly. The king of gods beside him suddenly shot and launched an offensive.

Turned into a puppet of heaven!

Regarding these, the central emperor turned a blind eye, and just said coldly: "The leaders of the Eight Pavilions, all the purple light gods, follow me! I can step in here, I can leave here!" With a move, he went straight to Meng Fan!

The Ziguang kings quickly followed behind.

The central emperor counts a thousand things, but can't be counted as a way of heaven. Of course, he doesn't know that this is an absolute trap. A way of heaven took a lot of thoughts and a lot of time to lay out the traps. He can't calculate it, Meng Fan can't calculate it. Yuan Shen, Xumi God Buddha, and Impermanence Immortal King have not calculated!

There was originally only one purpose for him to step into this place, which was to spy on everything here, to see through the words of Heaven, and then, to plunder this place.

But at this moment, he found that a great opportunity was in front of him.

For the prison of this heaven, the kings of Ziguang were extremely frightened and wanted to escape immediately, and the one who opened this area was the Central Emperor, so in the eyes of the kings of Ziguang, the only one who was able to leave this area was the Central Emperor. .

In fact, opening up this area has consumed almost all the strength of the humanity canopy, and it will take a long time to recover. Now it is almost impossible to condense a broad road to the outside world.

But the Central Emperor doesn't care about these now.

As long as the Ziguang kings follow him closely because of fear.

We must join hands with him to kill Meng Fan!

In the First World War, the situation where the Central Emperor fell and no one prevented the dark alliance from leaving, it will never happen again!

"As long as I behead Meng Fan, I'll just pave the way on Broad Street and let everyone leave."

The central emperor's voice constantly echoed among the purple kings.

The existence of the first-level gods, how meticulous, of course, knows that this is the transaction of the central emperor, but at this moment, it is about life and death, they can no longer hesitate, the rolling power burst out, all attacking and killing Meng Fan !

"Meng Fan!" The Central Emperor roared.

More than 300 **** kings followed closely.

Shocking momentum!

"Want to kill me?" Meng Fan said coldly: "Central Great Emperor, you have never failed in your life. This is a myth. Then this myth will definitely end in my hands!"

In the words, his figure kept flickering. Even if the real meaning of Dao Dao was suppressed by Heaven's Dao here, the true meaning of Dao Dao could not exert its full power, but he could still do it when he shuttled through the endless space and constantly shattered the vacuum.

After a shuttle, it is invisible and invisible, and it is everywhere. Golden lights flicker endlessly. Meng Fan turns into a dark golden dragon body and directly inserts into the purple light kings, and the power explodes!

Immediately, it was a violent tide that drove many **** kings into flight.

The dragon claw grabbed and photographed, it was the head of a **** king, directly shattered!

The long river of Mingyi ran across, and several **** kings were directly swallowed.

Here, any **** king was suppressed and restrained.

The constant reverberation of heavenly sounds in his mind, as well as the prohibition of laws and vitality, are weakening their strength.

But only Meng Fan was not affected by these forces.

This is the realm created by the source of the heavens.

And Meng Fan is the "Little Heaven", the creator.

His power, the power of this void is of the same origin, of course it cannot be restrained!

Origin in the vast world.

The kings of the dark alliance, as well as all the creatures, stopped their movements at this moment, sat firmly on the spot, and the pure power of aspiration radiated from their bodies and merged into Meng Fan's body, providing him with a steady stream the power of.

They didn't dare to step out of the original world and fight against the kings of the purple light, but Meng Fan did not fight alone. These ambitions were help.

In this field, the Three Hundred Kings of Ziguang couldn't trap Meng Fan, but was constantly killed!

Suddenly, a brushstroke painted thousands of miles of mountains and mountains, like a dream. It was the landscape drawn by the central emperor holding the holy king's pen. It immediately fell from the sky and crashed down, smashing Meng Fan into the white plain.

Seeing this, the Ziguang Kings killed them all without saying anything.


The vitality is like a dragon and snake, transforming into thousands, shooting from bottom to top, shattering thousands of miles of illusion, and directly bounced many **** kings away. Meng Fan uttered a dragon chant with the dragon body, whistling and killing the central emperor. .

The Central Emperor frowned, and the Holy King Pen in his hand immediately fell.

"I don't mind, I will break you one more humane treasure!"

Meng Fan looked up to the sky and laughed, not dodge or dodge, and hit the holy king pen with the head of the dragon!

Bo Bo Bo Bo...

A slight ripple radiated from between Meng Fan and Shengwang Pen.

Then, the wind blows!

The purple kings, who were already severely weakened by this area, immediately swayed in the wind, and even the vitality that had just been gathered was blown into chaos, so the vastness of Tianyin took advantage of the vacancy, and some kings turned into puppets of heaven!

The confrontation between Shengwangbi and Meng Fan continued.

The wind and waves are still violent.

The Central Emperor's gaze was extremely shocked.

Meng Fan, who was banned by the holy king's pen, had already been able to collide with the holy king's pen in just tens of days at this moment!


Dragon Claw grabbed the holy king pen.

The storm ceased.

The Great Central Emperor was shocked and rushed to him immediately. He saw that Meng Fan was about to release the Ark of Universe and crushed another treasure of humanity!

With a blatant kick, the purple air filled, and he kicked Meng Fanlong halfway.


The other dragon claw firmly grasped the foot of the central emperor.

Afterwards, an extremely mysterious power filled the body of the Central Emperor.

Under this kind of power, the Central Emperor didn't feel any change in himself, but saw Meng Fan's movements suddenly become extremely fast, not only him, but the movements of the Purple Light Kings also became amazingly fast.

"This is... the meaning of time!" The Central Emperor was even more shocked. Unexpectedly, in just a few dozen days, Meng Fan not only fully comprehended the meditation, but also created a long river of meditation, but also grasped the meaning of time!

The dragon body Meng Fan flew far away holding the pen of the holy king.

The central emperor tried his best to urge the humanity purple energy to wash himself, dispel the meaning of time, and then rushed to chase after him.

However, he was still slow.

His eyes are splitting.

The Holy King Pen was directly crushed by the Ark of Universe released by Meng Fan!

One by one, the brush fell off.

The Central Emperor suddenly felt severe pain in his five internal organs.

The soul trembled.

The power of humanity has been weakened again!

His appearance was almost crazy.

All over the body, blood began to flow out.

"I recommend humanity with my blood!"

The drops of blood, constantly burning, turned into majestic and pure humanitarian forces, gathered in the hands of the Central Emperor.

The scorching sword edge appeared in the air.

A blood-red sword!

Meng Fan hovered and flew in the air, and kept going away, his eyes rested on this blood-red sword.

He suddenly understood.

The power of humanity is not so profound. This power exists in everyone’s blood, just like when Meng Fan was talking with the gods of good fortune, he awakened the ancient memory of the human race. All of this originated from the two. One word-inheritance!

The power of humanity has been continuously passed on from the oldest era through blood, memory, documents, etc.

At this moment, the central emperor burned the blood to sacrifice the sword, and formed this humane sharp blade. Its sharpness was so amazing that Meng Fan could feel that the central emperor's lifespan was passing by every moment.

This is a sword that burns life!

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