Supreme God King

Chapter 2405: Second ship

Common people.

After the "battle of catastrophe"-this is the name given by the imperial court in the common world, referring to the battle that wiped out the entire imperial capital after Meng Fan stepped into the **** capital, and treated the sentient beings in the common world, which wiped out the imperial capital Of course, the blame for Meng Fan was placed on Meng Fan, and no one knew that this was Qin Taichuan's method.

At this time, the thirty-six Great Thousand Worlds had been completely merged together, forming an extremely huge Great Thousand World. The completion of this feat was almost a year ahead of Qin Taichuan's instructions.

However, when everyone is cheering for this creation method.

In the imperial palace of the God Capital Realm, Qin Taichuan sat on the throne with a sneer. In the palace, there were hundreds of young people, some of whom were in the realm of God King, while others were only in the realm of Tianyuan. Their strengths were uneven and completely wrong. Wait.

But these were selected by Qin Taichuan from his innumerable flesh and blood.

Headed by the eternal father Qin Ciyu.

Now that the position of the prince of the common world has been passed to him, the former prince was smashed to pieces by Meng Fan, and Qin Taichuan simply abandoned him without any nostalgia.

The emperors of the duny dynasty have no family affection, let alone the Lord of the common people?

As for Qin Ciyu, when dealing with Qin Taichuan now, he completely lost the thought of trying to force the palace before, and some were just infinite fear.

Because he finally realized that there is a huge gap between the **** king and the **** king.

Raising your hand will smooth out a great world!

Only a handful of people saw the fighting between Meng Fan, the Central Emperor, and Qin Taichuan and were not killed by Qin Taichuan. Qin Ciyu was one, he already knew that he was insignificant.

At the same time, he did not have any greed for the throne of the common world that he had dreamed of, and even avoided it. He already knew Qin Taichuan's purpose and his methods. The title of the prince was just a necessary decoration. No matter, he was in this position, dancing on the tip of the knife, and tumbling in the oil pan, like a light on his back.

"Since it's all here, let's start."

Qin Taichuan sneered.

When his voice fell.

The thirty-six great worlds that have been completely merged, every corner of the world is beginning to burn.


This flame, even if it is some realm master, the existence of the **** king level, is dumbfounded, and feels horrible. The vitality and law in the body, of course, including the flesh and bones, have signs of melting!

Many **** kings immediately rose into the sky, looking around, wanting to know what happened, only to find that every place was this scene. There were too many creatures, and there was no time to react, so they immediately became the most refined. Pure blood and vitality.

The Lord Liu of the South River Realm and Supervisor Pei were both dumbfounded. The two looked at each other and said in horror: "What happened?"

However, the voice has not yet fallen.

Dozens of shadows came quietly, and immediately dismembered the Master Liu!

Everything happened in an instant.

These dozens of figures are all top assaulters, Qin Taichuan's henchmen, six of them are in the realm of the **** king.

There are very few survivors selected by Qin Taichuan himself. Except for a part of his flesh and blood, these are the dead men and killers who survive in secret and never appear before the eyes of the world. In addition to these two kinds of people, even his tens of thousands of concubines, and Those brothers who founded the common world with him since the last era are all on the list of beheading!

Similar scenes are happening everywhere.

Below the realm of the **** king, in the raging world, it will soon become bloody, and those who can struggle will not struggle for too long.

The existence above the **** king was killed one by one.

Here, after all, it is the world created by Qin Taichuan himself. A world created by extreme laws. There are no creatures that can escape his control. Even a **** king, unless he reaches the realm of Meng Fan and the Central Emperor, he will definitely die. !

The billowing essence formed a vast ocean, frantically converging towards the palace and flowing into the hall.

Thousands of imperial physicians appeared, used the great formation, and integrated these essences into Qin Taichuan's body.

His old face gradually changed. The wrinkled skin stretched out and smoothed again, and his dim eyes gradually became clear. He was panting heavily, his blood spurting, and he was quite excited. He opened his mouth and exhaled, extremely hot.

In the hall, his blood, the Qin family, saw this scene, they were all cold.

After the merger of the thirty-six great worlds, using the infinite array and the many gravitational forces, it has become a melting pot.

This is a furnace that Qin Taichuan began to set up at the beginning of the era.

All beings recuperate, multiply, and prosper for this day.

How many creatures are there in the 36 great worlds?

I'm afraid to use billions of trillions to calculate.

At this moment, whether it is an ant or a **** king, it is inevitable to be swallowed.

A little bit of time passed.

Half an hour.

An hour.

The screams gradually subsided, and the whole world was completely silent.

All beings are already perished.

It just takes a long time to inject these essence into Qin Taichuan's body.

This means of devouring sentient beings and huge "appetite", even if Meng Fan was here, he would still be amazed, even if it was him, as the creator, he would not dare to swallow so many creatures and such majestic power.

If the **** Xumi or the impermanent immortal king is here, he will shake his head even more. This kind of practice does not know how much karma and cause and effect are contaminated.

However, Qin Taichuan didn't care.

His strength is rising steadily, and the vitality in his body is constantly swelling, and soon surpasses the battle giant.

At this moment, if the Zhantian Giant was here, he would be ashamed. In terms of his vitality, he would not even be one-tenth of Qin Taichuan's! Moreover, this is far from over.

Qin Taichuan's appearance is already in his twenties.

Then fifteen or six years old.

After that, he was eleven or twelve years old.

Eight or nine years old.

Five or six years old.

In the end, it was exactly a three-year-old child!

It's just that the face and eyes of this three-year-old child are filled with terrifying light, and there is an evil smile of excitement.

"My life is long, but my life is still very few. Next, it's time to devour my soul!"

Qin Taichuan's voice made everyone in the hall tremble and sweat.

In his mind, one after another thoughts of divine and soul flew out of the sky. This is his lifespan and the life span of his divine soul.

At the same time, many broken souls flew from everywhere, fell into the hands of these imperial physicians, and immediately put them in huge pill furnaces for refining, continuously tempering them, and becoming a spiritual power.

Qin Taichuan's spirit thoughts, each one, was flying, opening his big mouth, like a beast, constantly devouring these spiritual powers and filling himself.

"This process takes a long time." Qin Taichuan said softly. "What are you looking at? Go ahead, according to what I said, transform this already integrated common people world into an ark that can enter the source of the heavens."

When his voice heard, the Qin family flew out one by one with pale faces, and many dead men he had cultivated began to move.

Stimulate the big array and change the flow of vitality.

This unprecedented huge world is being transformed.

Qin Taichuan wanted to build an ark.

An ark that can step into the source of the heavens and the end of the gods.

In every epoch, the way of heaven is evolving, not becoming stronger. The way of heaven is always the most powerful existence, and it can't get stronger and stronger. The way of heaven is evolving because it has a consciousness similar to beings.

Because of this evolution, Qin Taichuan could no longer hide in a realm.

The coming of the power of heaven is only a matter of time.

In this case, he decided not to wait for the heavens to come, but to find the heavens himself, or to reach the end of the gods, to gain more power. He is different from the central emperor, the impermanent immortal king, and others. He doesn't care about having more power, how many karma he has, and he doesn't care about capturing the true meaning of the Great Dao.

As long as he can live, he doesn't care about anything.

Immortality is his dream.

On the road of God's hidden, in the extremely secret time palace.

The evolving soul just hung up a clock, suddenly frowned, and muttered to himself: "After the Qiankun Ark, the second Ark has appeared."

He once calculated that there were four great calamities in Meng Fan's body, which were related to each other. These four great calamities ended in death. In his calculations, Meng Fan will undoubtedly die.

One of the catastrophes was five ships.

At this moment, the second ship appeared.

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