Supreme God King

Chapter 2406: Goodbye Wanyu

God King Shouyuan is very old.

Often hundreds of years have passed the gap.

The same was true for Meng Fan back then, a hundred years, but it passed in the blink of an eye.

But now, he is sitting on a mountain in the Ten Thousand Territory, and he only feels that time is becoming more and more pressing.

Race against time.

He could feel that the calamity and cataclysm above his head were getting stronger and stronger.

You can also feel the vitality of Linglongxin.

The tide of strange ghosts is getting closer and more strange ghosts are waking up.

The world is full of variables.

Every moment, it becomes very important.

Lost in thought for a long time.

Suddenly someone was talking in the ear, and turning around, it was the Empress, Gu Xin'er, Bai Shui'er, and Ling Daiyou.

After two shocks, these four beauties were already in the realm of the king of gods. They completely stepped into the ranks of the supreme between heaven and earth, and were finally able to share their worries for Meng Fan. However, after they stepped into the king of gods, they all understood one The truth is that there is still a huge gap between the **** king and the **** king, even if they have achieved the **** king, many things, it is impossible to really help Meng Fan.

At this point, the female emperor still has some right to speak, grasping the will of heaven, the first female Tianjiao of the ten thousand domains, at least has the qualifications to shoot against the central emperor.

The other three women did not even have this qualification.

"Still thinking?" The Empress asked softly.

Meng Fan nodded.

"If the respect is here, maybe it can solve your sorrow, we can only add to the chaos." Bai Shui'er said with a slight mockery, and also said with a three-point smile, obviously wanting Meng Fan to stretch his brows.

"But what I'm thinking about now is how to save Xinzun." The empress sighed and sat directly on the ground next to Meng Fan. There was no such thing as a peerless Tianjiao, she was a little woman who accompanied Meng Fan and looked into the distance. .

Wanyu has been recaptured by the Dark Alliance.

However, the Dark Alliance did not rebuild the Ten Thousand Territories, but destroyed all the strongholds of the Purple Light Empire.

Now the catastrophe is imminent. Although this ten thousand domain is the home of everyone, as long as it is the realm of the **** king, you can clearly feel that the ten thousand domain is declining.

There is nothing wrong, decline and fall.

The five decay of heaven and man, Wanyu also started.

In this great world, perhaps its birthday is approaching, it may be ten thousand years, it may be a hundred years, it may be tomorrow.

Originally, Wanyu, as an extremely majestic one among the many great worlds, was far away from Wuhai and was not affected by foreign ghosts. This kind of decline should be very slow, and it can even survive this era. The successive wars had a huge impact on Wanyu. When Meng Fan, Qin Taichuan, and the Great Central Emperor met in the Divine Capital Realm, they smoothed out a great world. At the beginning, Meng Fan smashed the vacuum and directly cut the great world. In the eyes of God Kings of their level, the great world is Fragile.

The vitality has gradually dried up.

Here, it will not exist for long.

"After escaping the layout of the Heavenly Dao, before the ancient emperor left, he made some calculations. He has never found any clues about the source of the heavens. He said...maybe before the decline of the ten thousand domains, that part of the heavens The source will not turn on." Gu Xiner said.

Meng Fan nodded softly: "I also calculated that since Heaven can imitate that part of the source of the heavens and set up dead traps, then it can be imagined that that part of the source of the heavens will either be closed forever, or it will be Taken back."

This deduction, not only the ancient emperor but also Meng Fan, the female emperor grasped the will of heaven, but also calculated some clues.

The source of the heavens of the ten thousand domains seems to be closed forever and cannot be found.

This also disrupted Meng Fan's plan. His goal was to swallow this part of the source of the heavens!

Although this plan sounds crazy to many people at the **** king level, it is even ridiculous, but Meng Fan, as the creator and Xiaotiandao, is not impossible.

Back then, the ancestors of humanity directly divided a part of the source of the heavens, which can be called the great handwriting, but if Meng Fan can swallow this part of the source of the heavens, he would "swallow the heavens."

If he could swallow this part of the source of the heavens, Meng Fan would admit that he would have the qualifications to step into the end of the divine hidden and face the Great Chaos.

Because he couldn't do it, what he is thinking about now is to save and not to save.

After all, he is the overlord of Wannian.

It’s impossible for a top-notch character between the world and the earth to be really hot, and to enter the end of the gods regardless of recklessness and put his life in danger, that is, he is irresponsible to all the people in the dark alliance. This is not a man’s behavior. It is the emotional behavior of a little girl.

The evolving soul once said that Linglong Xinzun will not die. Chaos Great Emperor just created the true meaning of the Dao to imitate his will. Linglong Xinzun will only be placed under house arrest.

However, even so, the pain that Xin Zun endured is conceivable. The sadness she carried on her body was the sadness of the Demon Race for an era, and the weight was heavy, others did not understand, but Meng Fan felt the same. After all, he and Linglong Xin Zun are in harmony with mind and spirit. , Linglong Xinzun's thought, he could feel some of it.

"Here, you don't need to stay for a long time." Meng Fan stood up, waved his hand, and the huge Ark of Universe slowly floated into the sky.

When the beauties saw this, they had no words. They all understood what Meng Fan meant. Wanyu, the home of all people, the world with a magnificent history, is about to decline, not too long, and that part here The source of the heavens is either taken back by the way of heaven, or closed forever, impossible to find, in that case, it is unnecessary to stay here.

The Era Great Tribulation is still going on.

The real catastrophe has not happened yet.

The tide of strange ghosts is getting closer and closer.

Meng Fan couldn't stop.

The dark alliance cannot stop.

Must keep going.

"All beings in Ten Thousand Territories, no matter who they are, if they are a **** king who are willing to join the dark alliance and leave with us, they can all get on the boat. Others, even an ant, should be taken away as much as possible to keep alive and load into the Ark. After that, I will enter the world of my origin."

Meng Fan's voice spread out, and all beings in the entire ten thousand realms heard clearly.

The final plan of the Dark Alliance in Wanyu began to be implemented.

Give sentient beings a way out, a ray of life.

Meng Fan's original world and Qiankun's Ark are actually two great worlds, and the space is magnificent, not inferior to Wanyu.

Not to mention the need to carry the sentient beings of the entire ten thousand realms.

The decree came out and all beings knew that although the Dark Alliance had left the Ten Thousand Domains for some time, after all, the years as the overlord of the Ten Thousand Domains were not short. Immediately, this plan to take away all living beings began to be carried out in an orderly manner.

Many dark alliance fighters, including the dark alliance **** king who personally took action, went everywhere, constantly bringing the gathered creatures to the Ark of Universe.

Some **** kings simply lifted up the cities, pulled out the ground veins, and brought them into the Ark of Universe.

The giant of the sky is the most overbearing. With brute force, he carried an empire with hundreds of millions of people, and directly took this country into the Ark of Universe.

Meng Fan sat on a mountain a few hundred miles away from Qiankun's Ark, silently watching everything proceed.

His eyes suddenly passed through many people and fell on the lonely and proud body.

At this moment, only Gu Xin proud did not make a move to take the sentient beings, but wandered everywhere as the **** king, as the lord of the world.

Guxinao is a person recognized by Wanyu, just like the Promise Sect Master recognized by Qiankun Great World.

Leaving this ten thousand domain, for him, is tantamount to leaving a close relative.

Whenever he went somewhere, he used his vitality as his pen to write the next paragraph of text and content, mostly to pay tribute to the hero who once created a paragraph of legends in this ten thousand realm.

This time I left, not because of fighting and fighting, it was Meng Fan's choice, and it was also the choice of everyone in the dark alliance.

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