Supreme God King

Chapter 2407: Meng Fan's Road

The site of the dark alliance.

After several battles, the headquarters of the dark alliance has long been deserted and dilapidated, and it is impossible to recognize the glory of the newly built dark alliance palace.

Standing in this ruin, Meng Fan was the last miss, because the sentient beings of the entire Ten Thousand Realms were already on the Ark of Universe and would leave at any time.

After not standing for a long time, his mind moved, and when he turned his head, he saw Yang Zun appearing behind him.

"Long time no see." Yang Zun said softly.

Meng Fan also bowed his head slightly.

Yang Zun, the top ten characters on the list of Heavenly Dao must kill, the boss of the previous era, but compared with other top ten characters on the list, he is very infamous. The impermanence fairy king cut through the cause and effect, and Tai Wuji once stepped into the heavens. The origin, the central emperor established humanity, Meng Fan is the creator, and other figures, all of whom are famous, extremely domineering and powerful. Only this Yang Zun, from the first meeting with Meng Fan to today, has not shown anything unusual. .

He is a powerful **** king, there is no doubt about it.

As a natural **** turned into a scorching sun, his vitality is majestic, and the laws in his body are condensed. He is completely a strong man made in heaven, but if it is just like this, he will not be valued by Meng Fan.

But anyone knows that the top ten characters on the list of Heavenly Dao's slaying are not as simple as the surface.

Therefore, both the Central Emperor and Meng Fan paid much attention to Yang Zun and often guessed about his methods and strength.

"It turned out to be the meaning of ambition."

Meng Fan suddenly spoke.

Yang Zun was startled: "You can see it."

"I am the creator. I can grasp the true meaning of Xiaotian Dao, and I can see through it. I couldn't see it before, but now it is impossible to hide it from me." Meng Fan smiled and said, "The meaning of the ancient smoke spirit race. , Actually in your hands."

"At the end of the epoch, the wild ancient visions frequently appeared. In a vast world full of natural gods, many smoke spirit tribes awakened, and the ancient tombs of the ancient thousand mobile travelers appeared in the world. I have inherited it and become a ambition. The controller of Zhiyi is also the leader of the Smoke Spirit Race today."

Yang Zun elaborated.

The Smoke Spirit Race is one of many natural gods, and it can be said that it is the most powerful natural **** race.

Most natural gods have no concept of race.

The fire spirits transformed from the magma spring, the river gods bred in the long river, and the mountain gods in the mountains are all natural gods, but no natural **** has its own name. Except for the smoke spirits.

All of this is because of the ancient era, one of the nine great gods, is a natural **** formed by the void cloud group, known as the traveler of a thousand opportunities, because of his existence, left a natural **** bloodline, this bloodline is called For the smoke spirit family.

However, the natural gods are powerful, but because they are not real creatures after all, the road of cultivation is very bumpy, and it is almost impossible to make any achievements in martial arts unless there is an expert's guidance. Therefore, when the ancient era is over, the travellers of a thousand opportunities pass away, and the smoke spirits It also disappeared, becoming the third most mysterious race in the world after the pure-blooded dragon tribe and annihilated tribe.

Unexpectedly, this Sun Venerable, the natural deity turned into by the scorching sun, found the location of the Smoke Spirit Clan, and also got the inheritance of the Thousand Opportunities Walker and mastered the meaning of ambition.

"Creator, will you feel powerless in front of this huge momentum?" Yang Zun said suddenly.

Meng Fan frowned slightly.

Yang Zun continued: "Compared with this ubiquitous, majestic heavenly path, and compared with existences like the Chaos Great Emperor, even the mighty **** king would feel powerless. The first era conference, I thought about it. Do something that I can do, call on the kings, open the channel, and escape, but failed. After that, I came to the Ziguang Empire and participated in the Second Era Conference of the Central Emperor, hoping to see the kings discuss one As a result, a result that can resist the Great Tribulation of the Era and the Great Chaos, but it also failed. After all, it will not escape the ambition and desire."

When Meng Fan heard this, he picked up a tile in the ruins.

"Gu Xinao once said that this ten thousand realm is buried with pride and infinite ambition. Throughout the ages, too many heroes have been buried here for dreams, martial arts, or love, and they have done their best."

Throw away the tiles.

Meng Fan turned and walked out.

When he took a few steps, he suddenly stopped, turned his head, and said to Yang Zun: "It's not that I haven't thought about it. Everything I do is nothing. Maybe nothing can be saved in the end, but I will still go forward, fail, and fear. , Panic, despair, I have experienced all of these, in fact, it’s really no big deal. Oh, by the way, I should be attacking the ghost tide soon, maybe...I will step into the end of the gods."

This word comes out!

Yang Zun suddenly turned around and looked at Meng Fan, somewhat unable to believe what he said.

But he couldn't see any look in Meng Fan's eyes.

Very quiet and peaceful.

Did not regard death as home.

There is no arrogance Lingyun.

It's just calm, as he said, it's an extraordinary thing, and it's something that must be done.

Yang Zun took a deep breath.

"I want to take all the Smoke Spirit Races and join the Dark Alliance."


This day.

The Ark of Universe, carrying the endless beings of all realms, slowly vacated into the sky and left this great world.

Standing at the forefront of the Ark, Meng Fan looked at the farther and farther Wanyu. He didn’t know whether this time he left, or whether he left forever, but in the hearts of many dark alliance people, this parting was a permanent parting. .


Meng Fan thought of Wuzhen.

Think of the Meng family.

Thinking of those ancient emperors.

I remembered the experience of meeting people like Guxinao, Yunfeiyang, Zhan Wuji, Ling Daiyou, etc.

It is the first time to know the existence of the restricted area and the thirteen hall masters.

Knowing the existence of the ancient emperor for the first time.

People who have a tacit understanding or don't share the same spirit.

On the day when the three legs stand and become the three major overlords of the Ten Thousand Domains, Meng Fan's name will be spread out, and anyone in the Ten Thousand Domains will be afraid to hear it.

At that time, Meng Fan, even though he had lived for many years, was still a teenager. At that time, there was only one obsession in his heart. Anything he did was truly invincible and invincible.

At that time, he didn't know the existence of the way of divine hidden, thinking that the ten thousand realms were the heavens and the ten thousand realms, and there was nothing outside the ten thousand realms.

I don’t know Zen Hall, Underworld, God Store.

Never been to the burial site.

I don't know the nine ancient gods.

I have never seen the name of the ancestor of humanity or the Great Emperor of Chaos that spans several epochs in any literature.

At that time, he was certainly strong, but in fact, at that time, his strength and means were not as good as the female emperor today.

When the vision expands, when everything is in front of him, when he becomes the creator, when he sees the "Emperor Chaos".

All the fate he carried made him from that pure Wuzhen boy to the current Meng Fan.

When he stood on the bow of the Qiankun Ark, he took all the people of the dark alliance and left the domain.

At this moment, he suddenly found out.

Before I knew it, I had already gone so far.

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