Supreme God King

Chapter 2408: To one

I don’t know how many dead stars are already in the path of the gods.

Any world plundered by strange ghost tides will not have the slightest vitality left, dry and weak, and will fall apart at any time.

More ghosts are waking up one after another.

From the initial tens of thousands of strange ghosts, until now, I don't know how many.

In a dilapidated world.

A group of strange ghost masters with self-consciousness gathered together and frantically devoured a flesh body. This flesh body was obviously some kind of ancient wild beast, and its flesh and blood aura was very strong and majestic.

But there are three **** kings standing aside.

These **** kings had very strange physical features, and they did not belong to any creature in the world, but they were somewhat similar to the **** king who claimed to be the son of chaos that Meng Fan saw at that time.

The three of them are the children of Chaos!

Take the first one, holding a brocade, on which are many texts swimming around, as well as constantly changing portraits.

"Quack... the **** king on this list, swallowing one, can improve our cultivation base by a large amount, and can even counteract the true meaning of the Dao, and realize the true meaning of our own martial arts, especially... the emperor will have Reward! A hint of infinity!"

"Hehehe...I am really greedy. Their flesh and blood must be the most wonderful flesh and blood in the world... The Central Emperor, um, yes, the humane leader, the taste of human flesh is the best, the best! Since he is a humane leader , Let’s go and devour a few humanitarian worlds first, and then go out and provoke humanitarian leaders to not protect humanity, how?"

"Yes, yes, this devouring list is different from the heavenly killing list. It changes at any time and reflects at any time. It is the ranking of the strength of all the gods in the heart of the emperor. The first column is the top **** in the universe. King, there are the Central Emperor, the creator Meng Fan, Qin Taichuan, the impermanent fairy king, the Xumi **** Buddha, the sun god, the evolving soul, the war giant, you see, this creator was previously out of ten, but after jumping into ten , Keeps climbing, and now on this devouring list, he has surpassed the Central Emperor, Impermanence Immortal King, and Qin Taichuan, becoming the first! His essence is the most delicious."

"But I heard that there are a lot of people who are not on this list, like that Linglong Xinzun, tusk, is simply the best stunner, double repair or eat, it can't be better, but the emperor is not allowed to kill her. , I heard that there are still some powerful existences, the emperor is not allowed to kill, so they are not on the list."

"Maybe the creator, Meng Fan, is about to be expelled."

As soon as these words came out, the other two children of Chaos were all taken aback: "Why?"

"This creator, Meng Fan, was still a nameless man many years ago, and then he quickly emerged. Just a few years ago, he was just a little overlord of the great world. There are so many great worlds in the universe. Fart, but he keeps grasping the true meaning of Dao Dao. Now, among the top figures, it seems... the emperor has met him and admires him very much, so..."

"and so……"

The three children of Chaos exchanged glances at each other: "Could it be that the emperor wants this creator to be included in the Chaos Realm?"

"It is also possible that it is hoped that this creator will organize the alliance of this era and lead the various gods into the chaos realm to fight against the emperor. It is possible. In short, the boss himself said that the creator will be removed from the devouring list at any time. Delisted, although he is still there, we still don’t touch him."

"I didn't even think about touching him in the past. Although he ranked the highest, he was beaten back into reincarnation as soon as Old Ninety-Three passed through. This kind of method really didn't have to go to force. In the Temple of Reincarnation, the shell is not broken yet."

"Old Ninety Three is still an egg?"

"Yeah, it's still an egg!"


The three children of chaos laughed.

At this moment, in the last chapter of the Era, the Great Tribulation is ups and downs, and the waves of strange ghosts are swept across, everywhere is a seriousness. No matter who it is, they are shrinking and living in fear, but the Great Tribulation of the Era seems to have nothing to do with these chaos Relationship, for them, this is just a feast.

Just as the three sons of chaos were laughing, when many strange ghosts were devouring the ancient behemoth, suddenly, an ark arrived silently.

The expressions of the three children of Chaos changed immediately.

"Ark? Is it the creator!"

In today’s prehistoric universe, the symbol of the Creator is a huge ark, named Qiankun’s Ark. This is the most powerful treasure of the Creator Meng Fan, and the treasure of the entire dark alliance, especially now that people are exhausted. As we all know, this ark is actually a remodeling of the ancient ship without sea in the ancient era, with the ability to survive the sea!

However, the three sons of Chaos soon realized that this was not the Ark of Universe, because the Ark of Universe was a remodeled of an ancient ship without a sea after all. The breath of vicissitudes, the breath of many epochs, was very obvious, and this Ark, It's not.

However, it is also very huge, and there is endless space. Although it does not have the power of the world like the Ark of Universe, it is a big world, but it is also very scary.

On the ark, there was a person standing.

A man in his twenties, but his skin was a strange color, dark blue and blood red. He was obviously a certain creature demon clan and a **** king.

Behind this man, there is a huge Fangtian painted halberd, three heads higher than the man, carved with dragons and phoenix on it, it is very gorgeous, it seems some kind of sacred treasure.

Behind him, on the ark, there are still some gods and kings, all condescending, looking at this great world, there are many strange ghosts and three children of chaos.

"I am called the One."

The man with the painted halberd on the back of the sky spoke softly, but the sound was rumbling, not throwing the ground at all, but smashing the ground, as if thunder came!

The three children of Chaos became serious immediately, and the power of Chaos flourished. Many alien ghosts, as well as the host of alien ghosts, immediately stopped devouring flesh and blood, wandering like a school of fish, hovering together, forming a tidal current.

To be one.

This man is obviously very powerful.

However, it is not on the list of the Heavenly Dao's kills, nor on the swallowing roster.

"I'm here to ask you to bring a message to Chaos Great Emperor." Zhiwei said blankly. "I will step into the end of Shenyin and fight him."

Step into the end of Shenyin and fight against Emperor Chaos!

As soon as these words came out, the three children of chaos, as well as countless ghosts, all screamed "buzzing, buzzing", and the flesh and blood agitated like a river.

This is instinct.

Whether it is a strange ghost, the master of a strange ghost, or the son of chaos, in fact, they are all powerful creatures created by the great chaos.

Alien ghosts have no wisdom, only a single thought of devouring flesh and blood, and no concept of realm. They just have the power of reincarnation and the power of chaos in the flesh, so it is difficult to be killed, even the king of God, it is also difficult to kill Strange ghost.

The lord of alien ghosts is the alien ghost that constantly devours flesh and blood, and gradually evolved into a powerful alien ghost.

The Son of Chaos was created by Emperor Chaos with his own blood!

It is equivalent to the "blood rebirth" when Meng Fan and the evolving soul fight, and then advance step by step on the martial arts, constantly cultivate oneself, strengthen oneself, after the accumulation of time, just like Wu She and Yuan Longzi in that gambling game , To grow into a **** king, and have complete wisdom.

However, since they are all the creations of the Great Chaos, looking at Linglong Xinzun, you know that they must have the infinite means of the Great Chaos in their bodies. Hearing any words that threaten the Great Chaos makes them more angry than they threaten themselves. , Fierce!

I turned a blind eye to these.

He slowly took off the Fang Tian painted halberd behind him.

One waving.

Then separated the tide of strange ghosts!

Countless strange ghosts were crushed directly!

In the palace of time, the evolving soul raised his eyebrows and said softly: "The third ark has appeared."

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