Supreme God King

Chapter 2418: One-line sky

Seventy-four fairy Baixue, no deity.

Every body is a real fairy Baixue. In other words, if this is not a decisive battle, but a real fight, then unless all the bodies are beheaded, otherwise, as long as one body escapes, Bai Fairy Xue is immortal.

It is equal to seventy-four lives.

I don't know how much stronger than the Undead King.

However, even if all the seventy-four flesh bodies were really beheaded, it would be meaningless. The powerful God King could see that the blood and flesh of Fairy Bai Xue had become extremely terrifying, as long as a drop of her blood was left behind. Everyone will be reborn with blood dripping. If it is slow for tens of thousands of years, if it is fast, it may be hundreds of years, and another fairy Baixue will reappear in the heavens and the world!

In every drop of flesh and blood, there is spirit, consciousness, and soul.

Fairy Bai Xue can even see the evolution of creatures.

Nowadays, among all living beings, the existence of the first-level **** king is eliminated. Among the creatures below the **** king, the most powerful in Meng Fan’s eyes is not a pure-blooded dragon or an ancient god, but a very tiny creature. It seems that insects are ten million times smaller than ants. The flesh and blood structure is extremely simple and extremely fragile. However, these creatures, ten million times smaller than ants, are endless. There are billions in a mortal body. One.

Isn't this kind of creature the most powerful creature below the realm of God King?

All beings originate from chaos, gradually evolve and become stronger.

Just like in the early days, the dragon clan was only a very ordinary group of sentient beings. It was because the great dragons plundered the divine will and changed the bloodline of the dragon clan, and created the pure-blooded Tianlong clan of the innate holy king.

In the oldest era, the human race had no rituals and laws and was extremely barbaric. It was the ancestor of humanity who created the system of rituals, writing, weights and measures, and humanity. It was the human race that developed to this day and became the most powerful existence in this era.

This is the evolution of sentient beings.

But beings in their initial state, in Meng Fan's deduction, are creatures that are ten million times smaller than ants and have extremely simple body structures.

This kind of creatures, not to mention the body structure, don't even have "qi" and can't even breathe in, but they are huge in number, extremely tenacious, and parasitic in the bodies of all creatures.

And the reason why there are so many such creatures is that they keep splitting, and then splitting again, every moment, they can split thousands of times.

The meaning of flesh and blood that Fairy Bai Xue grasps is the basis of all beings, and the most primitive power of beings!

Seeing these seventy-four flesh bodies, Meng Fan suddenly discovered that there was a huge missing link on the "road of life and death" that he mastered, that is, the avenue of good fortune and meditation, that was the meaning of flesh and blood!

Only by grasping the true meaning of this great avenue, Meng Fan can be regarded as a thorough completion of "the great avenue of life and death."

His eyes became more serious, carefully watching the wind direction on the martial arts stage.

Seventy-four physical bodies are immortal. There seems to be no suspense in this fight, but Meng Fan knows that Fairy Bai Xue is not truly invincible.

Yes, the seventy-four physical bodies are all deities. As long as there is one immortal, Fairy Baixue is undefeated. However, there are differences between deities and deities.

The flesh and blood of the **** king can be divided, but the pillar of martial art cannot!

The foundation of the **** king has three parts, one is the soul, the second is the origin, and the third is the pillar of martial art.

Among the souls are memories, thoughts, knowledge, and vast spirits.

In the source, there is vitality and strength. The Heavenly Giant has mastered the meaning of the origin, and his origin is extremely powerful, so his vitality is the most majestic and immense that Meng Fan has ever seen in his life, even in the body of the Heavenly Giant, the second origin has gradually been developed.

The pillar of martial arts is the foundation of martial arts for a **** king, and the laws of the great way.

Spiritual thoughts can be divided, and the origin can also be divided, but the pillars of martial arts cannot be divided into seventy-four parts so simply. For example, one person has three incarnations, and each incarnation has its own pillar of martial arts, but Each of these incarnations is rebirth from a drop of blood. As a mortal, it took many years to cultivate and step into the realm of the **** king. In fact, every incarnation of the Taiyi person can be understood as an independent **** king.

And this Fairy Baixue, although he has the meaning of flesh and blood, can only separate flesh and blood. If he wants to refining a true incarnation, having his own incarnation of the pillar of martial arts, it will take many years.

Then, Fairy Bai Xue, the physical body with the pillar of martial arts, can be called "the deity."

As long as this physical body is crushed, even if there are seventy-three physical bodies still in existence, Fairy Bai Xue will still be immortal, but these seventy-three physical bodies are no longer in the realm of the **** king, and it is even impossible to re-integrate. .

The question is, can the **** king in the field find the pillar of martial arts?

Fairy Bai Xue would not give these **** kings any time to find them.

Seventy-four physical bodies directly attacked all the **** kings in the field and launched an attack!

Although the power of every physical body is not strong, it is just an ordinary God King's method.

But the seventy-four gods and kings shot together, with one heart and one mind, and their strengths cooperated, and it was still stormy!

Several **** kings were immediately crushed by this force, sputtered with flesh and blood, and were directly shot out of the martial arts platform!

Light and shadow flicker.

Seventy-four Fairies Baixue fluttered everywhere, constantly moving, extremely fast.

After the Jue Wutai stage, Meng Fan, Taigu Gong, Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang, Little Five Emperors, and some other **** kings, their eyes were turning crazily. At every moment, they turned thousands of times. Fairy Xue stayed for a while, looking for the shadow of the pillar of martial arts.

But Meng Fan never saw which one was the "deity of the deity".

"Lao Meng, open the eye of creation." In the original world, the giant Zhan Tian said: "I am dizzy with this little girl, please open it."

"Zhan Tian, ​​if Meng Fan opened the eye of creation, his identity would be exposed." said the empress.

He blinked a little uncomfortably, rubbed the corners of his eyes again, and cursed in a low voice, "Grandma's."

Even if they were both talented rookies, the mighty One, Tian Xing Cang, it was impossible to see which of the seventy-four physical bodies was the deity with the pillar of martial art.

But the **** king on the martial arts stage is rapidly declining.

Or be blasted out of the jukebox.

Or be crushed to pieces directly, and the soul flees.

This is completely a "popular tactic", crushed by numbers, Fairy Bai Xue is the God King Army!

"I heard that Fairy Bai Xue'Moguo' not long ago moved the extremely prosperous monk empire in a great world with one person. I am always thinking about how she did it. That's how it is." There was a **** not far away. Wang softly admired.

After the Jue Wutai stage, powerful figures such as Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang, Taikoo, and Xiaowudi, as bystanders, could not see which of the seventy-four physical bodies was the deity with the pillar of martial arts, so they were in the vortex of the battlefield. God kings of all walks of life are tired of coping, and naturally they can't do it.

In the fierce fight, there was a **** king who was always defensive. Suddenly he released his restraint, erected, and pointed at one of the seventy-four fairy Baixue.

What happened in this scene was extremely abrupt.

It was as if a ray of sunlight suddenly appeared in the continuous storm, tearing the rain curtain.

Meng Fan's left eye also turned white at this moment.

Although it was only a moment, he clearly saw that the flesh body pointed by the sword-holding King Jianfeng was the real deity of Fairy Bai Xue!

It was also this moment.

Zhiweiyi suddenly looked at Meng Fan with stunned eyes.

Obviously, Meng Fan was exposed.

But at this moment, what he really cared about was not revealing himself, but the King of Swordsman who didn't even pay attention to him.

Who is this person?

Actually, in the seventy-four physical bodies, he accurately found the deity of Fairy Bai Xue.

Fairy Baixue's expression changed drastically when she saw Jian Feng's cold light already close at hand.

Jian Feng arrived.

At the center of her eyebrows, a little bit of flesh was broken.

But it stopped abruptly, without going deep.

The violent storm on the martial arts stage suddenly stopped.

The God King Swordsman stood in the air and whispered softly: "You lose, I don't want to kill you. Such a beautiful woman shouldn't be lost."

This god-king swordsman has no name, only one title, which is "One-line Sky".

It is the **** king of the impermanence world. The origin of the name is that the moment he became the **** king tens of thousands of years ago, the punishment of heaven came and the vastness was annihilated. He raised his hand and waved his sword to cut the punishment of heaven and split the void.

Many people are shocked by the sword's edge in that line of void.

Hence the name Yixiantian.

No wonder Meng Fan didn't pay much attention to this **** king, because the power of this **** king was not that powerful compared to many powerful people. His true horror was above that sword.

Without the sword out of the sheath, he is an ordinary **** king.

Sword out, divide the sky.


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