Supreme God King

Chapter 2419: Giants duel

In the fourth fight, the winner was divided.

As long as the first line of sky is shot, it is a sword, and the winner will be determined. In this sword, one goes forward, rather than bends. The brilliance above the sword makes Meng Fan slightly admire, and even makes the swords of the original world and Meng Niuniu pass the sky. Waiting for the sword **** king to admire very much, and even gave birth to infinite fighting spirit, wanting to confront this line of heaven once.

But these, Meng Fan put aside for the time being.

What he was really curious about was how this Xiantiantian accurately found Fairy Bai Xue's deity from the seventy-four physical bodies.

Even Meng Fan can't see it unless he opens the eye of creation.

After thinking about it a little, he couldn't help but smile.

In his mind, he simulated this sword thousands of times, and got two results. First, he can also swing a similar sword. The strength of this sword is not the blade, but the heart. .

The second result is what made him laugh.

In thousands of deductions, it is impossible to find the deity of Fairy Bai Xue.

Then there is only one result.

One-line sky is "guess".

It’s not wrong, it’s a guess. Of course, this kind of guessing, if in the King’s body, is a random guess for no reason, but countless confrontations, the precipitation of many years of experience, the vastness of the soul, and intuition, the most important thing. It was the indomitable moment when the sword came out, and these combined together, let him pierce this sword.

But among them, there is still a large part of "Qiyun".

There is even a gambler-style madness.

But this kind of madness, placed on a sword-bearer, could not be more reasonable. Swordsmen, after the sword is released, either die or kill, rather than bending, there is no other result. This approach is truly decisive, and requires a kind of killing. Belief is naturally a gambler and a madman.

"Niu Niu, you must remember this sword in your heart and ponder it day and night." Meng Fan's voice echoed in the original world.

Meng Niuniu nodded gently, her expression solemnly.

Fairy Bai Xue was slightly lost, but quickly recovered and walked out of the martial arts stand very indifferently.

At this point, the Four Gods of the Wuchang Realm Judicial Club have been born.

The last duel began an hour later.

The remaining twenty-odd **** kings were silent. It can be seen that they are very solemn and solemn. After all, the first four fights were very exciting, and it also showed the martial arts competition. The strength of the participants.

Of course Meng Fan would not be so dignified. It has nothing to do with confidence. This is his martial arts. He has obsessions and stays unmoved, so he walks around casually. Some previous fights.

These duels and battles are also very valuable insights for him.

The eternal meaning of oneness, the power of division.

The heavens and stars of the Tianxingcang.

The five faculties of the five emperors.

The meaning of flesh and blood of Fairy Bai Xue.

The sword of the sky.

These are all worthy of careful consideration.

At this moment, he suddenly felt some kind of fluctuation behind him, and slowly turned his head, what he saw was the One.

Meng Fan sighed and said, "The look in his eyes is good. You caught it in an instant."

The Oneness at this moment is trembling all over.

Both hands clenched into fists.

It can be seen that his mind is very turbulent, which is very inappropriate for a powerful **** king, but the most arrogant behavior and behavior, and there is no sense of stability, it seems to be quite arbitrary, this kind of performance , Also considered reasonable.

After a long time, Zhi Weiyi suddenly said, "Senior Meng Fan!"

After four words, he was so excited that he couldn't say the following words.


Muttered for a while.

Meng Fan stretched out a hand: "The fifth fight is about to begin, and I have to take it seriously."

"Yes..." Zhiwei nodded hastily, and said nothing.

Meng Fan’s eyes turned white, and the eyes of good fortune swept across Zhiweiyi's body, and immediately, Zhiweiyi became completely transparent, his flesh, the pillar of martial arts, the laws of his body, and even the winding eternal one. The meaning is seen clearly.

Meng Fan was full of vigilance for this man who was on the martial arts stage, all eyes in full and loudly declared that he would follow him and become his right-hand man.

After all, he knew nothing about the most.

In addition, the eternal meaning of the oneness comes from the end of Shenyin, and its true appearance is confusing and confusing.

Killing a child of chaos does not explain much.

The bell rang.

The fifth fight begins.

As a result, the five gods will be selected for this unprecedented battle with the king of gods, and the ultimate winner, who can achieve the meaning of disaster, is also born among these five gods.

Meng Fan walked into the martial arts stand.

However, he did not like other **** kings, but like Tianxingcang, along the paved road, walked into the martial arts platform.

Once he came, he settled down and participated in the judging martial arts meeting, so the face of the Five Emperors still had to be given.

There is nothing wrong with walking along the road paved by the Five Emperors.

All the gods, enter the venue one after another.

In this last game, Taikoo was undoubtedly the dominant family, and many people were looking forward to it. After all, this Taikoo was a powerful existence that competed with the Five Emperors in the ancient era!

Although he was defeated, he was not driven out of the world of impermanence, and he still has a place here.

Therefore, many **** kings are communicating between gods and souls, believing that no matter what the purpose of the five emperors is, it is considered a success. In the five fights, three of the five **** kings finally decided are people of the impermanence world. , This face is enough.

Just when many **** kings thought the result was clear.

The five emperors had some changes in their expressions.

Emperor Dongsheng thoughtfully.

Emperor Zhongxu leaned forward.

Emperor Bei Cang's eyes flashed.

The beast-like Nanhe Emperor gently rubbed his chin and said, "Although Taikoo has been in obscurity for an era, after all, he is too old and his cultivation is not as good as before, but he still cannot be underestimated. The result seems clear, but this... …Why the **** king who claims to be "Long Xiaoao" has a chaotic breath after another on his body?"

The emperor Xiling, who always gave people a jealous feeling, raised the corners of his mouth: "Oh, it seems to have attracted another incredible role? Which rookie is it?"

The bell rang again.

The fifth game begins.

Immediately, Tai Koo's flesh and blood swelled, his clothes shattered, and his whole person, in a short moment, suddenly grew several times taller, his whole body was like a dragon and snake, and his muscles and flesh were intertwined, full of explosive power, and even the entire void, all at the moment his power was inflated, The weird sound of "creak".

One shot, it is coercing four!

The other **** kings looked awkward, and they were a little guilty in the face of Taikoo, who was as tall as the **** of war.

"The bloodline of the ancient gods is powerful. It is worthy of being one of the six bloodlines of heaven and earth." In the original world, the female emperor said softly: "The pure blood Celestial dragon clan ranks first among the six boundary bloodlines, and the ancient **** clan is third."

After Taikoo's swelling, he immediately took a step, as if the mountains and rivers moved horizontally, the entire martial arts platform was constantly shaking.

But he did not launch an offensive.

But ignoring everyone, his heavy gaze fell on Meng Fan.

Compared with the taller Taikoo, Meng Fan is as small as a baby.

But this "baby" just looked at Taikoo Duke silently, without any response.

"In this fight, the victory or defeat is only between you and me. I tried you many times, but I didn't see your true identity, so I don't want to talk nonsense, let's do it." Taikoo Gong Langlang said.

Originally hiding among the kings, Meng Fan, who was very inconspicuous, became a target of public criticism for a time, and all eyes fell on him.


Two word response.

Meng Fan closed his eyes.

Then, flesh and blood evolved.

His figure, just like Grand Duke Tai Koo, also began to swell crazy!

This scene caused Fairy Bai Xue, who had returned to the back of the Jue Wu platform, to jump sharply. She could see that the Taikoo's physical body changed, not by any means, but he urged the blood of the ancient gods in his body, but this self-proclaimed "Dragon" The flesh and blood of the "Swordsman" has evolved, but it is forcibly changed. This method is similar to the meaning of blood origin, but it is very different.

The meaning of blood source reveals a wild arrogance.

But this "long smiles proud" means reveals a kind of profoundness.

In an instant, Fairy Bai Xue suddenly widened her eyes and lost her voice: "The Creator!"

No one heard this, because all the attention of the **** king was on the martial arts stage.

Only Zhi Weiyi glanced at Fairy Bai Xue, and then looked at the Jue Wutai with hot eyes.

Meng Fan's figure swelled to the same height as Taikoo Duke, but after he swelled with Taikoo Duke, he was completely transformed into a person, his muscles and muscles were like dragons and snakes, and his sense of strength was different. Meng Fan's appearance had not changed in any way, he was his deity. , But much taller.

"When you click, how about three punches?" Meng Fan asked.

Taikoo justice: "Okay!" It means stepping under the foot, like stepping on the Beidou, and it will be a blow to destroy the world!

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