Supreme God King

Chapter 2425: Longitudinal and horizontal

Guangyin Palace, Guangyin Palace, is a huge sect with great heritage.

Meng Fan walked into the Palace of Time with the Five Emperors and the Lord of Guangyin Hall. Along the way, the stone pillars on the left and right sides clearly recorded the history of Guangyin Hall.

The Lord of Guangyin Hall, like the Five Emperors, is a powerful king of the ancient era. He was once in the world of impermanence and had a high reputation. Together with the ancient **** kings such as the five emperors and Taigu Gong, he avoided the last catastrophe of the era in the world of impermanence. At the beginning of this epoch, he left the world of impermanence and stepped into the worlds of the heavens. It was also at that moment that he established the Temple of Time.

Therefore, Guangyin Temple has a history of millions of years.

The Temple of Time, always drifting on the edge of the heavens and worlds, rarely appeared in the sight of the kings. From the stone pillars, Meng Fan could clearly feel the vastness of the Temple of Time. This is a martial arts sage. The hall, the heroes of the past dynasties, have branded their own souls on these stone pillars, forming tens of millions of murals, and each mural is a secret martial arts.

Along the way, you can also see many elders and disciples of the Temple of Time, all of whom are tempering their bodies in the most primitive ways, using simple boxing techniques.

The higher the realm, the more attention is paid to returning to the basics and looking for the great road, so between these fists, Meng Fan can also see many shadows of the great road to the simple.

"My Time Hall Master has a history of 1.0533,000 years, and I have 700 million disciples, and I am considered to be an aging me. There are 16 people in total, and these 16 people are all my disciples." The Lord said, very humble appearance.

Under his leadership, they soon came to a church full of silver.

In the sanctuary, there are many luxurious fragrant wood utensils, as well as the ground paved with the fur of ancient wild beasts, and many half-step gods, respectful, walking silently, taking care of those in the sanctuary who don’t know how many years they have grown up. Ancient tree.

Meng Fan, the Five Emperors, and the Lord of the Temple of Time, the three sat down in this temple.

After sitting down, there will always be some greetings. The Five Emperors and the Lord of the Temple of Time are real old acquaintances. People who were in the world of impermanence together millions of years ago, so there is a lot of nostalgia in the words.

Meng Fan turned a blind eye and turned a deaf ear.

He didn't bother to watch this little trick about discussing old feelings between the Five Emperors and the Guangyin Hall Master.

If today's talks can really lead to the Third Era Conference, then the seven people in this temple will undoubtedly be the leaders of the Third Era Conference.

The Era Alliance is about the entire heavens and all realms, and the great luck of the entire universe. I don’t know how many things and calculations there are. Becoming a leader means unlimited burdens and responsibilities, but at the same time, there are also infinite benefits.

Therefore, the current move of the Five Emperors is nothing more than to draw the camp, intentionally or unintentionally, let them stand together with the Lord of Time, so that the right to speak is much greater.

This talk was the time for a stick of incense. Meng Fan kept watching his nose and his heart. When Emperor Bei Cang saw this, he hesitated for a while and said: "This time, please come to the Creator. The Third Era Conference will be held. Hopeful."

Meng Fan finally raised his eyelids and whispered, "Suppress the tide of ghosts, step into the end of the gods, and even fight the epoch catastrophe. The danger in this is unimaginable. If you can't abandon those other thoughts, I see the Era Conference, Still don’t have to convene to avoid wasting time."

In a word, it was what the Five Emperors had done just now. They were silent, but the Lord of Time, with a smile, was nothing embarrassing.

"My representative, the five emperors represent the world of impermanence, and the master of the temple of time represents the temple of time, leader-level figures. There are three people present today, and it is indeed possible to discuss the issues of the third era conference, but if you want to really promote the third era conference It’s not enough to rely on the leaders of the three forces."

As Meng Fan said, the Origin and Great World immediately unfolded, one after another, one after another.

Five pure-blooded Heavenly Dragon Kings including Dragon Blood Taibao and Longlin Taibao.

Yang Zun.

Four Saints in the mixed world.

The Five Emperors and Guangyin Hall Master were both startled.

There are three more leaders, here it is!

Of course they knew that the leader of the pure-blooded dragon had already joined the dark alliance, and they also knew that Yang Zun and the Four Sages seemed to be close to Meng Fan, but no one would have thought that these figures were actually around Meng Fan. .

Although the existence of God Kings at the first level understands the law of space, they can open up some void in the flesh and even hair, allowing other creatures to survive in it, but several great God King figures emerged from Meng Fan’s original world. Still surprised them.

And the moment they unfolded the Origin World, the terrifying breath of the Creator exuded by Meng Fan made their hearts tremble even more.

That is the breath of heaven.

In an instant, in the temple of the Temple of Time, the God King, who was the leader of the universe, reached the sixth faction.

These six people can represent the dark alliance, the world of impermanence, the temple of time, the dragon race, the monster race, and the natural **** race.

The true leaders gather.

"In addition, I remember that Emperor Bei Cang once said that among the leaders of the various factions, is there another one? Is it a leader called Fengshen Realm?" Meng Fan asked.

Emperor Bei Cang nodded gently.

The expression is a little unnatural.

Yes, Zhiweiyi is also a leader-level **** king.

Although he became famous for a short time, even a martial arts journey, only a thousand years, but his talent and luck are amazing, he actually got the eternal meaning flowing from the end of Shenyin, and he held it even more. Fang Tian's painting halberd, which cuts all things, is a blockbuster as soon as it emerges. The Conferred God Realm he is in is a bit like Ten Thousand Realms, with many sects and complex, and the Conferred God Realm is several times larger than Ten Thousand Realms, and has more influence. However, it is in these thousand years that the Conferred God Realm has been fought for years It ended because of the emergence of the One.

Even though he was originally a powerful disciple of a huge sect in the Conferred God Realm, after his blockbuster, he eradicated a large number of enemies and conquered several sects in just a few decades. Finally, he built a seal in the Conferred God Realm. When the Ark of God sailed into the heavens and worlds, he became the leader of that huge sect and the helm of the Ark of Conferred Gods. In the Ark of God, almost all the elites of the Ark of Conferred Gods gathered.

It is said that there are fifty or sixty **** kings in the Fengshen Ark.

Although the emergence of the Supreme One was too sudden, it can be said that the appearance of any rookie selected is very sudden. After all, it is born up to the luck and has a certain inheritance in the era of the catastrophe and the infinite ancient vision. . Therefore, whether it is Meng Fan, the Five Emperors, or the Lord of the Temple of Time, it can be said that they know nothing about the One.

Coupled with the mastery of the true meaning of the Great Dao flowing from the end of Shenyin, he is even more mysterious, not only Meng Fan, but also the Five Emperors.

However, at this moment, when Meng Fan said this, he was clearly expressing his attitude. Since the leaders of the six factions have all arrived, what else can't be reached for the One?

If it's the first time...

The expressions of the Five Emperors are very subtle.

Temple Master Time, but at this time learned Meng Fan, watching his nose and his heart without any reaction.

Originally, the Five Emperors still had some thoughts. If the Third Era Conference were to be held, they would have the greatest right to speak, but at this moment, their right to speak was obviously diluted, but Meng Fan’s status was incomparable. height of.

The Yang Zun, the Four Sages of the Hunshi, and the Five Dragons Taibao obviously stood at the side of Meng Fan.

Although the four sages of the mixed world appeared, they were still uninhibited as always. They just found a place in the church to lie down or sit down, raising their legs. It is hard to imagine who they would believe and who would follow, but they did have a relationship with Meng. Those who fought side by side are indeed walking together now.

As for the five dragon **** kings, the appearance of each and every move is completely just Meng Fan's head.

If this moment is the only one, then this third era conference will undoubtedly be Meng Fan's final say, and even he wants to become the leader of the era alliance, because the supreme one is in full view and personally stated that he is right The worship of Meng Fan and his "ambition" to become Meng Fan's right-handed man.

Meng Fan's eyes were calm, but stared at the Five Emperors without a blink.

The meaning is clear.

Hurry up and call Zhiwei. Since you want to win relationships, want the right to speak, and want to use these methods, I will play with you.

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