Supreme God King

Chapter 2426: Catastrophe is coming

When Zhiweiyi stepped into the Temple of Time, he still looked like no one was stingy.

It seems that these heavens and worlds, the primordial universe, any existence in front of him, he is too lazy to take a look.

He doesn't care about the rules, rules, status, etiquette.

At the martial arts meeting, because of his appearance, the Four Sages even said that they wanted to "worship the handle" with him.

The four sages of the mixed world are straightforward. In their eyes, it is difficult to see a person. Once they see it, it is like worshipping a handle. Before, they asked Meng Fan to worship the handle several times.

"Five Emperors invite me to be a guest? This face is still to be given, but I am very short of time, and I have to squat with my idol and sit for a while. If I am bored, I just leave."

Before people entered the sanctuary, the voice came in first. The five emperors looked different, and the Lord of the Temple of Time showed a slight smile, as if he was very curious about this one.

A **** king, and still grasping the meaning of eternity, holding the ancient artifact Fangtian painted halberd, the **** king who once said himself that he would step into the end of the gods to challenge the chaos emperor, actually regarded another **** king as an idol ?

This is simply amazing.

What does idol mean?

This word, Yang Zun is the clearest.

Idols originate from the ancient beliefs of all living beings. Just like the human races in the very ancient era, they regarded the powerful ancestors of humanity as gods. There are many living beings. The pure-blooded Tianlong who was born as a holy king is regarded as gods and worshiped. With infinite pious desire to seek the blessing and blessing of the gods.

This kind of belief is universal among many creatures, just like Meng Fan, in his original world, except for the dark alliance, there are countless creatures, tens of thousands of humane empires, small empires, There are hundreds of thousands of people, and a large empire has hundreds of millions of people. These people, these creatures, all regard the powerful **** kings of the dark alliance as gods.

In the eyes of mortals, flying to escape the earth is of course a god.

And Meng Fan, the leader of the Dark Alliance, is even more regarded as the "Emperor of Heaven" by those creatures.

In this world of origin, there are endless and varied legends about the gods of the dark alliance and the "Emperor of Heaven", but one thing is certain, all beings know that they live in the belly of the "Emperor of Heaven."

These beings, according to their own imaginations, guessed the appearance of the gods and the "divine emperor", and created many "dolls" and "images", such as dolls, puppets, puppets, stone statues, earth statues, gold Like, etc., he often prayed for blessings and continuously provided Meng Fan with the power of desire.

This is the meaning of "dual" and "like".

It is the worship of God!

Although a word can be used in many ways, it can be very high or very low, but the first one said this sentence still shocked the **** king who heard it.

Not long after, Zhiweiyi walked into the church.

Surrounded by his eyes, he suddenly fell on Meng Fan, a little surprised. When he moved his palm, a picture scroll appeared in his hand. The appearance of Meng Fan at this moment is completely different from that of the previous contests. Although there is no canopy or treasure in his body, the breath of the Creator has not been concealed. The green shirt is flying, extremely handsome, and the appearance is the same as before. "Long Xiaoao" is too different.

On the scroll in Zhiweiyi's hand, there are patterns in action. Among them are the scenes of Meng Fan confronting the Central Emperor in the First World War.

At that time, the king of gods watching the battle, I don't know how many.

There are too many records of these scenes with vitality and laws.

After watching it for a while, I was so excited, even my hands trembled and a little cramped. I stood there, not knowing how to advance or retreat.

This look, and the arrogant and domineering words before, where is a person?

After a long while, Emperor Bei Cang shook his head slightly, stepped forward and said a few words softly with Zhi Weiyi, which was to explain the meeting today, and then led him to a seat.

"The leaders of the seven factions have all arrived, so it couldn't be better." Emperor Zhongxu said.

Each of the dozen or so gods present can represent many people. The five emperors can represent all the gods of the impermanent world, and Meng Fan can represent the dark alliance and nearly a hundred gods, and at most one can represent more than forty gods in the world Respect the **** king, etc.

The total number of **** kings represented by the leaders of these seven factions has exceeded the number of **** kings in the Third Era Conference!

It can be said that even if the **** kings from all walks of life are not convened, the people of these seven factions can convene the third era conference.

However, the follow-up is still extremely difficult.

The foundation of the Era Conference was to form an Era Alliance, to fight against the tide of ghosts and the source of the heavens. Then, how should this Era Alliance be established?

It is impossible for the central emperor to lay down infinite laws for all beings to obey.

However, the central emperor’s approach is the most effective. If all sentient beings follow behind one person and obey the orders of a strong one, then they can become an indestructible force. Otherwise, the kings of the gods will squeeze and oppose each other. All kinds of open and secret struggles to form the Epoch Alliance are simply a joke.

Therefore, it is too complicated to lay down rules for everyone to agree with, as well as various plans, adjust the relationship between the various gods, and arrange the members of the era alliance, etc., etc.

The discussion has officially started.

But soon, the Five Emperors realized that it was very difficult for the talks to continue.

Meng Fan just listened and never spoke.

He did not speak, so the five dragon kings, the four sages of the mixed world, and the Yang Zun were all silent. The four sages of the mixed world were obviously not interested in these troublesome things. Although Yang Zun occasionally said a few words, they all said nothing The words, in and out of the words, are obviously waiting for Meng Fan's meaning. As for the Five God Kings of the Dragon Clan, it is basically the attitude of listening to Meng Fan.

So why... I didn't say a word from start to finish, just peeked at Meng Fan from time to time.

The Five Emperors finally understood that this talk would not go on as long as the Creator did not speak.

Emperor Dongsheng cleared his throat and said, "Creator, please tell me."

In these words, there was some helplessness.

No way, Meng Fan’s right to speak is too great. Not only is there a lot of people, but if he really wants to fight against the tide of strange ghosts, and even finally step into the end of the gods, he will truly face the insurmountable mountain of Emperor Chaos. We need Meng Fan. We must know that everyone knows that Meng Fan has reshaped the ancient ship without sea!

"I want to ask, Dongsheng Emperor, Xiling Emperor, Beicang Emperor, Zhongxu Emperor, Nanhe Emperor, five of you, why do you want to establish Era Alliance?" Meng Fan flicked his finger and asked slowly.

Emperor Zhongxu looked indifferently: "Fighting against the Great Tribulation of the Era and the strange ghost tide, this answer, I think, can't be more obvious. Does the creator ask what is the meaning of this sentence?"

Meng Fan did not respond, but looked at the Hallmaster of Time.

The Lord Guangyin understood the meaning, and whispered in harmony: "I think there is one thing, the Creator should also be counted, the second heaven's punishment is coming."

Meng Fan nodded slightly.

That's right, he has calculated this matter, not only him, in fact, all **** kings know it.

The existence of the **** king at the first level is an existence that changes fate against the heavens, so when you become a **** king, you must experience the punishment of heaven.

And now, the second natural punishment is brewing.

This second heavenly punishment is the manifestation of the will of heaven. All who have experienced the first heavenly punishment and achieved the existence of the **** king, now have their own calamities and cataclysms. This power, I don’t know when it will come. The catastrophes and catastrophes swirling around Meng Fan's head have surfaced many times, but they have never come. Obviously, this is controlled by the will of the heavens. As long as the will of the heavens determines that he can be killed, this disaster will come.

It can be said that the second Heaven's Punishment is a sword that hangs over the heads of all the gods. Once it falls, it is a sword that will kill.

This is simply terrifying.

"Then the Creator should also know that whether it is the Great Tribulation of the Era or the Chaos Great Emperor’s wave of ghosts, the root is not to kill all living beings. Although all living beings will perish in the last chapter of the Era, it is the source of the heavens. Regardless of the ghost tide, what you really want is the lives of the most powerful **** kings. These powerful **** kings are the greatest threat to the way of heaven."

The Lord Guangyin said, suddenly stretched out his palm.

There was a striped road in his palm, which was extremely obvious.

Most people can't see what this thin line means.

Meng Fan knew.

From this striped road, you can see the life of life.

Meng Fan can display his lifespan in his palm as long as he wants, and a similar line will emerge. However, his line is extremely long, but it is very tortuous. It is impossible to see how much his lifespan is left.

But the one in the hands of the Lord of the Temple of Time was very straight and very long-term, but there was a break in it.

The catastrophe is coming!

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