Supreme God King

Chapter 2440: Age of Doom

The fighting in the Hundred Flowers Realm has become more and more intense.

The battle that erupted between tens of thousands of ghosts and nearly two hundred **** kings, if painted, would be another masterpiece that can be passed on to future generations.

In this masterpiece, Meng Fan, who is constantly besieged but still standing in the center of many strange ghosts, is obviously the finishing touch.

Crowds of strange ghosts who had no other emotions except greed and flesh and blood attacked wildly, and Meng Fan, who was covered in golden scales, was wrapped in layers of void meaning, no matter how he was attacked, it was impossible to get close to his physical identity.

The six major truths add to the body, and ghosts cannot invade.

In the secret void, there were sneaky eyes staring at Meng Fan.

Those are the children of chaos.

They have wisdom, so naturally it is impossible for them to act brazenly and head-on. They have self-knowledge and know that it is impossible to break through such defenses.

They are waiting.

In the vortex of strange ghosts, Meng Fan's breath repeatedly lifted up, and the pillars of reincarnation behind him were also spinning frantically, like a set of huge grinding discs, absorbing and crushing the flesh and blood of strange ghosts, leaving them completely dead and impossible to be reborn.

But his brows were frowned tightly.

He heard a voice, which came from the Ark of Impermanence.

Someone sneaked into the Ark of Impermanence and suddenly made a move, seriously injuring Emperor Bei Cang and the Lord of the Temple of Time, and then the news broke. I don't know what happened in the Ark of Impermanence, but it must be a major event.

At this moment, he can leave and rush to the Ark of Impermanence as quickly as possible, but he can’t do that. A large part of the strange ghost tide in the Hundred Flowers Realm surrounds him and is controlled by him. Once he leaves , It is equivalent to releasing these strange ghosts, then the pressure on hundreds of **** kings will increase infinitely. After all, the one who can deal with strange ghosts is the true meaning of the Dao. Meng Fan, who is also the six major true meanings of the Dao, can instantly kill hundreds of thousands. The other ghosts and the rest of the gods cannot do it.

Only relying on the giants of war and the female emperor, a tree is hard to support!

This is the reason why Meng Fan asked the Ark of Universe to move slowly from the beginning to keep pace with the Ark of Impermanence and the Ark of Conferred Gods. He had long expected that neither the source of the heavens nor the end of the gods would allow heaven and earth. The emergence of such a powerful force as Era Alliance will not allow this force to continue to grow.

Wanting to directly attack Qiankun's Ark is really a joke. With the supreme artifact that crushes the vacuum, even if it loses to 30,000 ghosts, it will definitely not be swallowed. Leave at any time and no one can stop it.

Therefore, the source of the heavens or the goal of the end of the gods are naturally the Ark of Impermanence and the Ark of Conferred Gods.

It can be said that Meng Fan had anticipated this situation a long time ago.

In the ghost vortex, he closed his eyes, and his golden light was even more dazzling.

Far away, inside the Ark of Impermanence.

A divine king whose body was wrapped in white light, holding a curved silver blade, stood silently.

Emperor Bei Cang clutched his chest, but still couldn't stop the spring of blood.

Her face was pale, she looked at the sharp blade in the hands of the **** king, gritted her teeth and said, "This is..."

Aside, Emperor Zhongxu, Emperor Dongsheng, Emperor Xiling, and Emperor Nanhe all tightened their minds.

"One of the thirty-three heavenly artifacts, gouge the **** hook."

Emperor Zhongxu said coldly, then looked at the divine king who was wrapped in white light: "There is nothingness in the aura, but it is not a puppet of the heavens, not the desolate **** of law armor, let alone the incarnation of the heavens, who are you?"

The **** king in the white light said with a distant voice: "The name given to me by the source of the heavens is the **** king of the end."

"The end?"

When the Five Emperors heard these two words, they felt cold all over.

Not only the five of them, but also the Temple Master of Time, who sat on the ground not far away, constantly adjusted his breath and repaired his injuries, also showed a different face.

These two words are too familiar.

In the last chapter of the last epoch, when the tide of ghosts was stopped by the nine kings of gods, and when the path of the gods was opened, many heavenly disasters occurred in the heavens and all realms, the most terrifying of which was divided into three period.

The age of five declines of heaven and man, catastrophe of **** king, and end of law.

In this era, the five decays of heaven and man have occurred, and many worlds have decayed and shattered, and the divine king’s catastrophe is also brewing. Many divine kings have felt their own catastrophe, hovering over their heads, and live everyday. In the fear that disaster will fall.

However, in the Dharma era, only the **** king who has experienced the last era knows.

It was an incredibly dark era, the main roads were withered, the vitality was exhausted, the laws dissipated, the heaven and the earth were invisible, sentient beings were invisible, and everything was lost.

Therefore, when the **** king shrouded in white light uttered the four words "the last **** king", these veteran **** kings who had lived for an era, the fear on their faces was beyond words.

At this moment, a fierce fight broke out in the Ark of Impermanence.

Dozens of white-robed gods appeared from nowhere, with the words "Determined Heaven", at this moment when the "Last Dharma God King" severely inflicted Bei Cang Emperor and Guangyin Hall Master and caused chaos. The king entered the Ark of Impermanence.

The Ark of Impermanence is not the Ark of Universe, but just a big ship carrying sentient beings, but it is not a Taoist artifact, and it has no power to stop it from suddenly entering outsiders.

Moreover, more than half of the three hundred **** kings of the Era Alliance are in the Ark of Universe. There are only dozens of them in the Ark of Conferred Gods and Ark of Impermanence. They are evenly matched with the fanatical kings of white robe gods who have never been half hesitant. Extremely intense.

"Is it the puppet of the source of the heavens, the **** of the source of the heavens?" The Temple Master of Time said with a weak aura: "The heads of these white-robed **** kings do not have the slightest sign of the disaster of heaven."

"That's right." The God King of Dofa said lightly, without any emotion. "Shun the sky will prosper, and we will perish against the sky. When we take refuge in the heavenly way, we are eliminated by the heavenly way, and the calamity and all kinds of variables on our body are erased. We have no side in our hearts and serve the great way, so we are always disadvantaged, so we are invincible. War, we are determined to destroy the ark of impermanence, and we are all buried here, and the way of heaven will protect us from rebirth and guarantee our immortality.

The Five Emperors and the Lord of Guangyin Hall gritted their teeth. They knew that this battle was inevitable. Inside the Ark of Impermanence, those fanatical white-robed **** kings were infinitely murderous, and the kings of the era were completely suppressed.

But the King of Last Dharma in front of him was unable to see through. He was full of power and did not send out. He didn't know what the details were, especially when he entered the Ark of Impermanence quietly, and immediately used the silver machete to "snap the **** hook" twice. This leader God King is really terrifying.

"If the heavenly puppets are invincible, no kings will change their lives against the heavens."

Suddenly, a voice rang in the Ark of Impermanence.

"If the way of heaven allows people to be reborn, there will be no meditation to end all things. Instead, there should be the meaning of reincarnation, so that all beings are trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves, controlled by the source of the heavens, and forever enslaved."

The voice became clearer.

One person walked out of the Ark of Impermanence.

The Five Emperors and Guangyin Hall Master were all taken aback.

The person here is not someone else, but Meng Fan!

Wearing a green shirt, very eye-catching.

The God King of the Last Dharma did not seem to be emotional, but after seeing Meng Fan, he was a little incomprehensible, and said: "You shouldn't be here, you should be trapped in the Hundred Flowers World."

"If heaven can calculate everything, it should be counted as one thing." Meng Fan sneered and stretched out a finger toward the sky. "Heaven can create an avatar, so can I."

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